37 research outputs found

    Clay minerals in lake sediments along the eastern Adriatic coast as proxies of environmental changes during late pleistocene and holocene

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    Jezerski sedimenti rezultat su donosa materijala iz sliva i jezerske produktivnosti. Promjene u sedimentaciji mogu biti uzrokovane naglim preokretima u klimatskim uvjetima, kao i ljudskom aktivnoŔću. Jezerski sedimenti, jednom zakopani na dnu jezera, idealan su medij za očuvanje takvih promjena. PaleolimnoloÅ”ka istraživanja na jezerskim sedimentima istočno jadranske obale (Vransko jezero na Cresu, Bokanjačko blato, Vransko jezero kod Biograda i Baćinska jezera-CrniÅ”evo) omogućila su praćenje paleookoliÅ”nih uvjeta od kasnog pleistocena do danas. Uzorkovanje jezgri sedimenata rezolucijom od 1 cm, duljine 440, 780, 1101 i 840 cm, te precizno datiranje pomoću AMS 14C pružilo je uvid u procese taloženja, izvor materijala, uvjeta u jezerskoj vodi i produktivnosti jezera, na temelju provedenih mineraloÅ”kih, geokemijskih, granulometrijskih, palinoloÅ”kih analiza te analiza magnetskog susceptibiliteta i spektralne analize boje. Analizirana jezera su karbonatna jezera, potopljena krÅ”ka polja, u kojima prevladava karbonatna sedimentacija, isprekidana sa siliciklastičnim donosom materijala iz sliva. Mineralni sastav jezerskih sedimenata uglavnom je reguliran tim procesima te ovisi o mineralnom sastavu slivnog područja i klimatskim faktorima, koji utječu na vrstu troÅ”enja. Minerali glina rijetko su primarni indikatori klimatskih promjena, te je bilo nužno koristiti multidisciplinaran pristup gdje su minerali glina uspoređeni s rezultatima geokemijskih, granulometrijskih i palinoloÅ”kih analiza. Rekonstrukcije paleookoliÅ”nih uvjeta kroz kasni pleistocen i holocen napravljene su za svako jezero te su se utvrdile promjene povezane s klimatskom dinamikom mediteranskog područja i promjenama razine Jadranskog mora.Lake sediments are the result of the input material from the catchment and lake productivity. Changes in sedimentation can be caused by abrupt climate changes, as well as human activity. Lacustrine sediments, once buried on the bottom of the lake, are an ideal medium for the preservation of such changes. Paleolimnological recearch on lake sediments on the eastern Adriatic coast (Lake Vrana on the Island Cres, Bokanjačko blato, Lake Vrana near Biograd and Lake BaćinaCrniÅ”evo) enabled tracking paleoenvironmental conditions from the late Pleistocene until present. High sediment sampling resolution (1 cm) of the cores 440, 780, 1101 and 840 cm in length, respectively, and precise dating using AMS 14C has provided us insight into the depositional processes, sediment source, water column conditions and lake productivity, based on mineralogical, geochemical, grain size, playnological, magnetic susceptibility and color reflectance analysis. Lakes represent typical karst lakes, polje filled with water, and are dominated by carbonate sedimentation, with periodic siliciclastic input. Mineral composition is mainly determined by these processes and depends on the mineral composition of the catchment and the climatic factors, i.e. physical or chemical weathering. Clay minerals alone rarely provide primary evidence of climate change and the best approach is the multidisciplinary one where evidence from clays is compared with that from the palynological and geochemical data. The dissertation presents four lacustrine palaeoenvironmental reconstructions that show evidence for Holocene climate changes associated with Mediterraenan climayte dynamics and Adriatic Sea level changes

    A mineralogical-petrographical study of evaporites from Mali Kukor, Vranjkovići and Slane Stine quarry (Upper Permian evaporites from Dalmatia, Croatia)

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    The evaporite deposits examined in this study are located in the central part of middle Dalmatia, Croatia. In this region, Upper Permian evaporite sediments were deposited under favourable conditions onto the Variscan basement around the northern margins of Gondwana. These sediments can be subdivided into three members, a lower evaporite unit (an anhydrite member), a middle evaporite unit (a gypsum member), and an upper unit (a clastic member), and are mainly comprised of secondary gypsum that formed via the hydration of precursor anhydrite rocks. The middle evaporite unit comprises beds of gypsum as well as early diagenetic dolomites that contain gypsum sequences, extending up to 60 m maximum thickness, and overlying clastic sequences that themselves are up to 20 m thick. These Upper Permian evaporite sediments contain horizontal, irregular, gypsum lithofacies that exhibit pronounced enterolithic and boudinage structures. The characteristics of these sediments are indicative of deposition in supratidal and sabkha settings (i.e., early diagenetic dolomites and evaporites) within a shallow epicontinental marine environment with highly varied coastlines, bays, and lagoons. The secondary gypsum seen within this Upper Permian middle evaporite unit displays alabastrine and porphyroblastic secondary textures and includes corroded anhydrite relics; associated minerals include muscovite, chlorite, potassium (K)-feldspar, quartz, and amphibole. The Upper Permian evaporite sediments discussed in this study are composed of irregular, locally brecciated secondary gypsum that probably formed as a result of multiple synsedimentary collapse of pre-existing soluble mineralsand/or synsedimentary and post-sedimentary tectonics.</p

    First palynological results from the archaeological site Sopot, Croatia

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    This paper presents first results of research drilling and pollen analysis at the eponymous site of Sopot. Drilling was conducted in 2010 to give an overview of the spatial relationship of the ā€œtellā€ with the immediate surroundings and preliminary data on geological and cultural layering of Sopot. Among other things, the goal of the research was finding suitable organic sediments, in order to take test for palynological analysis, to try to reconstruct the vegetation cover, agricultural development and land use

    Metal deposition in deep sediments from the Central and South Adriatic Sea

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    Geochemical analysis and trace element distribution were performed on the marine sediments from short cores (30 to 50 cm) from the Middle (Jabuka and Palagruža pits, depth 230 m and 170 m respectively) and South Adriatic Sea (depth 1030 m) and the Albanian offshore (50 m depth). The distribution and mineralogy of trace elements (As, Co, Cd, Cu Cr, Ni, Zn, Hg, and Pb) and major elements (Al, Ca and Mn) in the sediments is presented. Sediments are highly heterogeneous and consist of carbonate and detrital aluminosilicates. The main mineral phase is calcite, followed by quartz, feldspars, micas and clay minerals (smectite, chlorite, illite and kaolinite). The cores were dated using 137Cs. The cores from the South Adriatic Pit and Palagruža Sill gave estimated sedimentation rates of 1.8 mm y-1 and 3.1 mm y-1 in Jabuka Pit. Distributions of Ni and Cr showed that they can be used as tracers of sediment provenance along the southern part of the Eastern Adriatic Current. Calculated enrichment factors for Pb, Cd and Hg are highest in the top 2 cm of the cores. Mercury shows the highest degree of enrichment in 0-2 cm sediment intervals (the highest in the Albania core). Generally the estimated surface enrichment follows the order: Hg>Pb>Cd. No enrichment was found for Zn, Ni and Cr.Ā </p

    Environmental history in Central Croatia for the last two millennia ā€“ vegetation, fire and hydrological changes under climate and human impact

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    U ovome radu predstavljena je paleookoliÅ”na rekonstrukcija creta u blizini sela BlatuÅ”e, s naglaskom na promjene u strukturi i sastavu vegetacije, hidroloÅ”koga režima i povijesti požara na području Banovine/Korduna tijekom posljednja dva tsućljeća. U svrhu paleookoliÅ”ne interpretacije, napravljena je analiza akumuliranoga peluda, nepeludnih palinomorfa i pougljenjenih čestica. Upotrebom CONISS statističkoga modela mogu se razlučiti tri različite (pod)zone akumulacije: vegetacija ā€žjoha-bukva/hrastoviā€œ dominanira razdobljem od 2. stoljeća do sredine 7. stoljeća, nakon čega slijedi dominacija vegetacije ā€žtrave-bukva/hrastoviā€œ do kraja 13. stoljeća, te naposlijetku vegetacije ā€žtrave-grab/hrastoviā€œ u razdoblju od 14. do početka 20. stoljeća. Obilje spora maha tresetara (Sphagnum) u razdoblju od 11. do kraja 14. stoljeća vjerojatno je utjecano povećanom količinom oborina i učestalijim padalinama tijekom srednjovjekovne klimatske anomalije. Prijelaz iz ombrotrofije u minerotrofiju same cretne povrÅ”ine, tijekom maloga ledenog doba, uzrokovan je promjenom zasićenosti supstrata vodom, s neÅ”to vlažnijim razdobljem do sredine 17. stoljeća i djelomično suÅ”nijim do početka 20. stoljeća. Iako se pelud žitarica ne pojavljuje do kraja 14. stoljeća i udjeli sekundarnih antropogenih indikatora su niski tijekom cijeloga razdoblja srednjeg vijeka, veliki broj pougljenjenih čestica ukazuje na jaču antropogenu aktivnost no Å”to se to može iŔčitati iz promjenama u biljnome pokrovu. Ipak, snažan porast udjela peluda nedrvenastih vrsta tijekom Seobe naroda viÅ”e je rezultat procesa sukcesije na povrÅ”ini samoga creta nego nepobitan dokaz avarsko-slavenskoga utjecaja na sastav i strukturu vegetacije. Izravni antropogeni pritisak, koji se očituje učestalom pojavom peluda korovnih vrsta i žitarica, može se pratiti tek od razdoblja kasnoga srednjeg vijeka nadalje.This paper presents the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a mire sequence near the village BlatuÅ”a, with a focus on changes in vegetation composition, hydrological regime and fire history of the Banovina/Kordun area during the last two millennia. For this purpose, pollen, non-pollen and charcoal analysis were done. By the application of CONISS statistical analysis three different pollen assemblage (sub)zones could have been distinguished: a dominance of alder-beech/oaks from the 2nd to the middle of the 7th century, followed by a prevalence of grasses-beech/oaks till the end of the 13th century. Finally, an assemblage of grasses-hornbeam/oaks populated the area from the 14th to the beginning of the 20th century. The high abundance of peat mosses (Sphagnum) from the 11th to the end of the 14th century must indicate increased precipitation and higher frequencies of rainfall during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Transition from an ombrotrophic to minerotrophic phase of mire evolution during the Little Ice Age is caused by changing in moisture level, with somewhat wetter period prevailing till the middle of the 17th century followed by drier conditions till the beginning of the 20th century. Although cereal pollen grains first appear from the layers dated to the late 14th century and the proportion of secondary anthropogenic indicators were low during the entire Middle Ages, a large number of charcoal particles suggests stronger anthropogenic activity than indicated by observed changes in vegetation composition. Still, a sharp rise of non-arboreal pollen during the Migration period most likely reflect a general natural succession process on mire surface than persuable proof of Avaric-Slavic impact on vegetation. Direct anthropogenic pressure indicated by weeds and cereal pollen can be tracked from the Late Middle Ages onwards

    Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic ā€“ towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā€™ identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research

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    Članak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja srednjopaleolitičkih nalaziÅ”ta u Dalmaciji te geoloÅ”kih istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena buÅ”enja potencijalnih nalaziÅ”ta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treće godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu ā€“ temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najvećim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalaziÅ”ta KaÅ”tel Å tafilić ā€“ Resnik. Provedeno je također probno istraživanje jednog nalaziÅ”ta u zaleđu KaÅ”tela (Giljanovići/KaranuÅ”ići) i geoloÅ”ka buÅ”enja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic ā€“ towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā€™ identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika pećina in Kličevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of KaÅ”tel Å tafilić ā€“ Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of KaÅ”tela (Giljanovići/KaranuÅ”ići) and geological drillings

    Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic ā€“ towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā€™ identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research

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    Članak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja srednjopaleolitičkih nalaziÅ”ta u Dalmaciji te geoloÅ”kih istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena buÅ”enja potencijalnih nalaziÅ”ta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treće godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu ā€“ temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najvećim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalaziÅ”ta KaÅ”tel Å tafilić ā€“ Resnik. Provedeno je također probno istraživanje jednog nalaziÅ”ta u zaleđu KaÅ”tela (Giljanovići/KaranuÅ”ići) i geoloÅ”ka buÅ”enja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic ā€“ towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā€™ identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika pećina in Kličevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of KaÅ”tel Å tafilić ā€“ Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of KaÅ”tela (Giljanovići/KaranuÅ”ići) and geological drillings

    Geochemistry and organic carbon data of sediment cores from Veliko jezero, Mljet, Croatia

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    To investigate the sediments deposited in the lake that was flooded due to Holocene sea level rise, two cores were sampled. Length of the cores is 459 cm (M1-A) and 407 cm (M2). Semi-quantitative geochemistry of the cores was determined by XRF core scanner in 1 cm resolution for both cores and 2 mm resolution, in the interval from 114-242 cm, for M1-A core. Additionally, total organic carbon and nitrogen were analyzed in 1 cm resolution in M1-A core in interval from 114-237 cm, while Ī“13C was determined in 10 cm resolution from 5 - 459 cm. Furthermore, semi-quantitative X-ray diffraction was done in 3 cm interval from 114-239 cm in M1-A core. Research was done on the eastern Adriatic coast on the Island of Mljet, Croatia, in marine lake Veliko jezero. Veliko Jezero is a submerged doline