115 research outputs found
A taxonomic analysis proposal for research in diplomatic interpreting
This paper focuses on Diplomatic Interpreting (DI), a speciality often included either in the conference or dialogue interpreting branch, depending on geographic and modal variables. Historically, diplomatic interpreters resorted to bilateral interpreting or mediation, but in the modern day, they oscillate between short and full consecutive, and on occasion simultaneous (presidential press conferences). This diffuse affiliation and the relatively small job market niche – hence its absence from degree syllabi – might be two of the motives why DI has not captured more attention from scholars. One interesting avenue for researchers might be the identification and classification of those aspects DI has in common with other types of interpreting, and what makes it different. In my discussion, I recapitulate DI specificities, encompassing requirements, expectations and devices, among which optimisation (as a strategy to overcome barriers and ensure full communication) is pivotal. As an illustration, I analyse an example of optimisation in the case of Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă’s political blunder on her first visit to Montenegro. Finally, I advocate the recognition of the specificity of DI and I call for focussed research in this area
Rebel with a Cause: Domnica Radulescu’s Theater Translated into Spanish
This paper focuses on Domnica Radulescu’s creative solutions when deconstructing myths, stereotypes, and prejudices and on the translator’s responses. In Domnica Radulescu’s plays, Exile is My Home and The Virgins of Seville (compiled, in their Spanish versions, in Dos Obras Dramáticas/Two Plays), the translator’s knowledge of both the author’s background and the target readership’s duality (Spanish host society and Romanian migrants) plays an important role in her decisions. Acknowledging that theater as a genre directly exposes hybridity of the author, translator, actors, and audience, this paper discusses the cultural context underpinning the original texts and translational options. At the same time, the reception of the translation into Spanish is partially confirmed through a small survey of Romanian diaspora and Spanish readers
El poder de la lengua, la lengua del poder: emixiliados ecuatoguineanos ante la lingua franca
In 1968 Equatorial Guinea became independent from Spain but inherited its cultural architecture. Current identity claims made by Equatoguinean emixiles (Ugarte’s term, 2010) are rooted in the social and territorial exclusion suffered by ethnic groups during their colonial past. In this paper I will explore the role that the Spanish language played in the identity construction of six Equatoguinean emixiles living in the city of Alicante (Spain). My interviewees’ life-stories reveal valuable information on vernacular languages, but also on the lingua franca, a tool of liberation (granting access) but also of repression. By comparing their recollections of themselves (either as Guinean or ethnic citizens) back in Guinea, to their perceptions of themselves in Spain, I intend to delve into the mutual gaze between transnational identities (Vertovec) here and there, now and then. Given Bhabha’s concept of “third space” I argue, using specific samples from my corpus, that the synchronic analysis of emixiles’ discourses within a perverse diasporic perimeter (the land of the former colonisers), needs to be completed with the diachronic view of the patterns of power which influenced postcolonial (re)construction of national/ethnic identity.En 1968 Guinea Ecuatorial se independizó de España, aunque heredó su arquitectura cultural. Las actuales reivindicaciones identitarias de los emixiliados ecuatoguineanos (término acuñado por Ugarte, 2010), tienen sus raíces en la exclusión territorial y social sufrida por los grupos étnicos a lo largo de su pasado colonial. En este trabajo se explora el papel desempeñado por la lengua española en la construcción identitaria de seis emixiliados ecuatoguineanos que viven en Alicante (España). Las historias de vida de estos informantes revelan datos valiosos sobre las lenguas vernáculas y la lingua franca, que era, a la vez, instrumento de liberación y de represión. Comparando sus memorias del tiempo vivido en el país de origen (en tanto que guineanos y miembros de las respectivas etnias) con las percepciones de sí mismos en España, este artículo indagará en la mirada refractada de las identidades transnacionales (Vertovec) del aquí y del allí, del ahora y del entonces. Esta mirada es posible dentro de lo que Bhabha llama “tercer espacio”. Partiendo de este concepto y analizando los datos del corpus, este artículo avanza la idea de que el análisis sincrónico del discurso de los emixiliados (basado en testimonios extraídos del corpus de entrevistas) en un perímetro diaspórico perverso (la antigua metrópoli), ha de completarse con el escrutinio diacrónico de los patrones de poder que influyeron en la (re)construcción postcolonial de la identidad nacional/étnica
Thème translation as means of propaganda. The case of Romanian Review
In this paper I will try to draw a comparison between two different stages which can be clearly identified throughout the evolution of a rather unusual product of translation. I am referring to a journal issued in Romania under the name of Romanian Review and made up entirely of thème translations. One can identify two distinct periods in the history of Romanian Review – before and after the fall of communism. The former reveals interesting cases of manipulation (either con- or inter-textual), applied by a highly efficient system that dismissed anything that appeared likely to become subversive; a system operating at all social levels, known as “censorship” or “political visé” in totalitarian Romania. Romanian Review was intended for distribution exclusively outside the country’s borders, as a propaganda instrument. This paper will try to answer the following research questions: are the mechanisms through which censorship intervened in the shaping of this cultural product (by means either of omission, attenuation, extirpation or selection of authors, titles and translators) still visible after the fall of the dictatorship? Are there any radical changes in the form or content of this publication after the demise of the system? The Translation Studies descriptive framework may provide one possible approach (among many others) to these issues while the methodological tools for its observation might be borrowed from the field of pragmalinguistics
Propaganda and Cultural Diplomacy through Translation in Communist Romania. A Case in Point: Romanian Review
Some authors understand paradiplomacy, classified by Kuznetsov (2015) into eleven major domains, as the participation of non-central governments in International Relations through networking (permanent, or ad-hoc) with public or private entities to promote socioeconomic or cultural development (Cornago Prieto, 2000). Cultural diplomacy has been, and still is, an essential tool not only in its international dimension, but also as a decisive device in domestic projection (labelled by some scholars “intermestic affairs”). In this paper I will bring into discussion a cultural product based entirely on translations and intended as a propaganda tool during the communist era in twentieth century Romania
Mihai Eminescu in Spanish. Preliminaries to a comparative translational study
Este trabajo se propone abordar la figura del poeta rumano más universal desde la proyección que ha tenido en el ámbito hispano, a través de sus exégetas y sus traductores, tanto españoles como latinoamericanos. Una vez fijadas brevemente las coordenadas de su lugar en la literatura rumana, así como en las letras universales, identificaremos algunos condicionantes que intervienen en el nivel preliminar de decisión (según el modelo Lambert-Van Gorp) del proyecto traductor, susceptibles de tener un nivel de incidencia significativo en la prevalencia de uno de los dos polos en binomios traductológicos básicos como pueden ser: aceptabilidad-adecuación; traducción filológica-traducción poética; o rasgos prosódicos-complejidad semántica. A continuación, propondremos una clasificación de estos condicionantes extraídos de la observación de cuatro versiones en lengua española de la poesía de Eminescu y analizaremos su posible influencia en el nivel preliminar de estas traducciones.This paper approaches the most universal Romanian poet from the viewpoint of his projection within the Hispanic context through his exegetes and translators, both in Spain and in Latin America. Once I have outlined his position within Romanian and universal literature, I will identify some of the determinants which intervene on the preliminary decision level of the translational project (according to the model introduced by Lambert and Van Gorp in modern translatology) and which are likely to intervene significantly when one of the poles prevails in such binomials, as: acceptability vs adequacy; philological vs poetic translation or prosodic features vs semantic complexity. I will also propose a classification of these determinants drawn from the observation of four Spanish versions of Eminescu’s poetry and I will analyse their influence on the preliminary level of these translations.Este trabalho se propõe abordar a figura do poeta romeno mais universal desde a projeção que teve no âmbito hispânico, através dos seus exegetas e tradutores, tanto espanhóis como latino-americanos. Uma vez fixadas brevemente as coordenadas do seu lugar na literatura romena e universal, identificaremos alguns condicionantes que intervêm no nível preliminar de decisão (segundo o modelo Lambert-Van Gorp) do projeto tradutor, susceptíveis de ter um nível de incidência significativo na prevalência de um dos dois polos em binômios tradutológicos básicos como por exemplo: aceitabilidade-adequação; tradução filológica-tradução poética; ou características prosódicas-complexidade semântica. Seguidamente, proporemos uma classificação destes condicionantes extraídos da observação de quatro versões em língua espanhola da poesia de Eminescu e analisaremos a sua possível influência no nível preliminar destas traduções
The interpreter hears voices... Academic and Professional Perspectives X-rayed and interpreted
Este trabajo pretende ofrecer una radiografía de la evolución de los Estudios de Interpretación, desde el interés inicial en la interpretación de conferencias hasta el auge actual de la interpretación social, sin olvidar la constante de la investigación en didáctica. Para ello nos detendremos en las tendencias detectadas en los últimos años (entre ellas, un giro historicista), así como en las preocupaciones “tradicionales” en el campo de la interpretación social, como son el proceso de traslación discursiva, la especificidad de la situación comunicativa y los condicionantes contextuales (últimas décadas del siglo XX) o el desplazamiento (siglo XXI) hacia cuestiones menos consensuadas o dilucidadas, como la separación necesaria entre los conceptos de mediación e interpretación, la calidad en la interpretación social, el rol del intérprete, los códigos deontológicos y los dilemas éticos, incluido el del uso de intérpretes ad hoc. Con ello aspiramos a contextualizar las distintas contribuciones que se enmarcan en este número especial y que son reflejo de los intereses actuales de la investigación en esta disciplina.This paper aims to offer an X-ray of the evolution in Interpreting Studies, from the initial focus on Conference Interpreting to the current boom of Community Interpreting, without neglecting interpreter training, a constant theme in the discipline. Special attention will be paid to the tendencies detected in recent years (among which, a shift towards the history of the field) as well as to those “traditional” insights in Community Interpreting, such as discourse transfer processes, communicative situation specificities, contextual constraints (late 20th century) or the shift towards less agreed upon or elucidated issues (early 21st century), such as the necessary division between mediating and interpreting, quality, the interpreter’s role, codes of ethics and dilemmas, including the one on the employment of ad hoc interpreters. Through this paper we aim to contextualize the diverse contributions that make up this volume as an expression of current interests in this discipline
Arguments for a Translanguaging Approach to the Case of Romanian Diaspora in Spain
Cultural diplomacy actions carried out by state institutions, NGOs or diaspora personalities help linguistic diversity to be preserved and homeland cultural values to be safeguarded and conveyed to second generation migrants. The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, a short discussion on how phenomena such as globalisation or migration affect the process of integration of Romanian migrating populations in a (recent) host country like Spain will be presented. On the other hand, several arguments will be put forward advocating a translanguaging approach to the relationship second generations establish with their mother tongue (relegated to the family context) and with their own languages (Spanish and Valencian) used by their teachers, by their media idols and by themselves in almost all aspects of everyday life. A translanguaging approach might help experts understand better this relationship and might help teachers find pedagogical tools to maintain and develop these students’ linguistic and cultural experience and make them regard it as an asset rather than a hindrance
Equatorial Guinean Migrants in Spain. An Analysis of implicit Discourse
Rather than making a theoretical point, this paper intends to provide support for an analysis model of implicitness in non-fictional, non-professional discourse. By applying it to self-narrations of life-stories, I hope to demonstrate not only its methodological viability for this type of discourse (almost monological, highly emotional and requiring a special trust with the interviewer) and in this particular case of Equatoguinean emixiles in Spain, but also its efficacy as a tool for Postcolonial Studies which researchers might apply to the discourse of migrants from former colonies who settled after independence in the metropolis. Such may be the case of Indians and Pakistanis in UK, or Algerians in France, who manage invisibility or empowerment issues. This methodological tool might help researchers better to understand non-verbalized problems that migrants face between their present and their past.This research was conducted within the HAR2011-22752 project, entitled “The Handling of Cultural Diversity and the Socio-political Influence of Transnational Migration in Two Former Spanish Colonies: Equatorial Guinea and Morocco”
Humor, ironía y actualidad en la dramaturgia de Susan Glaspell
Critical review of Nieves Alberola Crespo, Susan Glaspell y los Provincetown Players. Laboratorio de emociones (1915-1917), ISBN: 9788491340829, Valencia, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia, 2017, 180 pp.Reseña crítica de Nieves Alberola Crespo, Susan Glaspell y los Provincetown Players. Laboratorio de emociones (1915-1917), ISBN: 9788491340829, Valencia, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia, 2017, 180 pp
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