29 research outputs found


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    The target of this scientific paper is the etymological analysis of some Ukrainian toponyms. Their belonging to the archaic Slavic toponymic is doubtful, and just the opposite – genesis of these lexems is persuasively explained with taking into account of the morphological and fonetic features of the Iranian word evolution. Reviewed Iranian lexical relicts form two toponymic areals along the Dnieper and the Bug. Thus suggested preliminary results of the etymology analysis can clarify well-known point of view about absent here Iranian hydronymy stratum.Статья ставит цель этимологического анализа группы топонимов на территории Украины. Их принадлежность к архаичному славянскому топонимикону сомнительна, и, напротив, генезис этих лексем удовлетворительно толкуется в рамках словаря иранских языков с учетом деталей истории фонетики и морфологии иранского слова. Рассмотренные иранские лексические реликты образуют два топонимических ареала, смежных с течением Днепра и Буга, и таким образом корректируют существующий в науке вывод об отсутствии здесь иранской гидронимии

    Miscellanea etymologica: Slavica

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    The paper deals with the etymological interpretation of Slavonic dialectal words, which earlier did not become visible to other researchers or were not satisfactorily explained in special literature. Observation about the structure of mentioned words has enabled the author to make several conclusions. 1. Some of mentioned Slavic words show archaic features, which reveal Proto-Slavonic age of these lexemes (відь, вíра, вíритися, масéса, чукíрни(й), чумак, чупірдáти, чутíти). 2. Meaning of a few dialectal words keeps relicts of older system of semantic relations, existed in the epoch of Slavic-Iranian language contacts (Transcarp., Boyk. бог, dial. of the Dnieper закон). 3. Ways and prototypes of borrowings from the non-Slavic languages may be and should be clarified by usage new dialectal lexemes in scientific circulation (East Slavic казнá). 4. One of viewed examples shows an interesting peculiarity of Slavic languages lexical-semantic system, to wit, deonymisation of Christians (calendar) names. In so doing semantic range of newly formed apellatives is limited with scope of characteristic of external appearance of a person and its intellectual features (сапетóн).Key words: etymology, word formation, derivative, semantics, Slavic.В статье предложена этимологическая интерпретация группы славянских диалектных слов, которые ранее либо не попадали в поле зрения исследователей, либо не получили удовлетворительного истолкования в профильной литературе. Наблюдение за структурой указанных лексем позволило автору прийти к нескольким выводам. 1. Некоторые из упомянутых славянских слов обнаруживают архаичные особенности, выдающие в них единицы праславянского возраста (відь, вíра, вíритися, масéса, чукíрни(й), чумак, чупірдáти, чутíти). 2. Семантика нескольких диалектных слов сохраняет реликты старой системы смысловых отношений периода славяно-иранских языковых контактов (закарп., бойк. бог, поднепр. закон). 3. Пути, прототипы заимствований из неславянских языков могут уточняться при введении в практику этимологии новых фактов (вост.-слав. казнá). 4. Один из примеров показывает интересную особенность лексико-семантической системы славянских языков – деонимизацию крёстных антропонимов, причем семантический диапазон новообразованных имен нарицательных оказывается ограниченным характеристикой внешних признаков человека или его интеллектуальных свойств (сапетóн).Ключевые слова: этимология, словообразование, дериват, семантика, славянский


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    The paper deals with the etymological interpretation of slavonic dialectal lexical group, denoting clan, family, and some its derivatives. The author tries to determine the origin of terminological semantics of these lexemes and characterize their relations to other related non-Slavic forms. Preliminary results of the analysis of mentioned social terms are the reasons to substantiate their genesis within the etymological cluster with Indo-European *(s)ker- ʻcutʼ and figure out the closest terminological and etymological concordance in the Celtic archaic vocabulary. The formation of a common terminological semantics of genetically identical Slavonic and Celtic words took place in the epoch of cultural contacts of these ethnoses on the territory of Czechia, Moravia and Pannonia. Ultimately the author makes the precise conclusion about reflexes of the mentioned etymon, which indicate the semantic shift towards ʻto cutʼ > ʻto separateʼ > ʻto grow, thriveʼ, ʻto take rootʼ. Meanings ʻto be bornʼ, ʻliveʼ in Slavonic words evolved from ʻto grow, thriveʼ as a particular case of semantic history within system of derivatives from the stem *(s)ker-. Consequently social terms *kъrdъ/*kъrtъ ʻclan, familyʼ were derived from these verbs.Key words: etymology, Proto-Slavonic, word formation, semantics, term.доктор филологических наук, Илиади А. И. Праславянский общественный термин *kъrdъ/*kъrtъ ʻрод, семьяʼ: генезис и ареал / Центральноукраинский государственный педагогический университет имени Владимира Винниченко, Украина, Кропивницкий.В статье предлагается этимологическая интерпретация группы славянских диалектных названий рода, семьи и некоторых их производных, делается попытка определить истоки их терминологической семантики, установить ее связи в кругу родственных неславянских форм. Предварительные результаты анализа указанных терминов общественного строя дают основания сориентировать их генезис на славянское этимологическое гнездо с и.-е. основой *(s)ker- ʻрезатьʼ и выделить ближайшее терминологическое и этимологическое соответствие в кельтской архаичной лексике. Формирование общей терминологической семантики у генетически тождественных славянских и кельтских лексем имело место в эпоху культурных контактов этих этносов на территории Чехии, Моравии и Паннонии. В итоге автор делает чёткий вывод относительно рефлексов упомянутого этимона, которые указывают на семантический сдвиг в направлении ʻрезатьʼ > ʻотделятьʼ > ʻрасти, разрастатьсяʼ > ʻпускать корниʼ. Значения ʻрождатьсяʼ, ʻжитьʼ в славянских словах эволюционировали из ʻрасти, разрастатьсяʼ как частный случай семантической истории внутри системы производных от основы *(s)ker-. Следовательно общественные термины *kъrdъ/*kъrtъ ʻрод, семьяʼ были образованы от этих глаголов.Ключевые слова: этимология, праславянский, словообразование, семантика, термин


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    The paper deals with the etymological analysis of two compound words which are attested in Serbian and Croatian anthroponymy: Serb. Odribog and Croat. Odribožić. The form of these anthroponyms is trivial for Slavonic compound words with the component *bogъ, but Odribog and Odribožić seem to be ideologically isolated from other similar names, being borrowed from the Iranian vocabulary. Presumably above mentioned personal names reflect Iran. *Tīrī-baga- or *Ātr-baga-. The particularity of personal names, reviewed here, is that they can be qualified with high degree of certainty as going back to a Western Iranian source (the version of reflection in these names of Western Iranian *Ādar-bag). Probably this source could be the vocabulary of a Western Iranian ethnic group, which intruded to the Balkans, being a part of Bulgarian union of tribes.Key words: etymology, derivative, anthroponym, Slavic, Iranian.доктор филологических наук, Илиади А. И. Серб. Одрибог и хорв. Одрибожић: обманчивость тривиальной формы / Центральноукраинский государственный педагогический университет имени Владимира Винниченко, Украина, КропивницкийВ статье предлагается этимологический анализ двух именных сложений, зафиксированных в сербско-хорватском антропонимиконе: серб. Одрибог и хорв. Одрибожиħ. Эти антропонимы с тривиальной для славянских композит формой представляются идеологически обособленными от прочих имен с элементом *bogъ, будучи заимствованными из иранского вокабулярия. В них вероятно видеть иран. *Tīrī-baga- или *Ātr-baga-. Специфика исследуемых имен заключается в том, что они с большой долей уверенности могут быть определены как пришедшие из западноиранского источника (версия об отражении в этих именах зап.-иран. *Ādar-bag), предположительно, из словаря западноиранского этноса, вторгшегося на Балканы в составе булгарского союза племен.Ключевые слова: этимология, дериват, антропоним, славянский, иранский

    Bilateral purulent psoitis

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    USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, catedra Chirurgie Nr.2Psoita purulentă ori abcesul psoasului prezintă o afecţiune necrotico-purulentă cu origine în grosimea muşchiului psoas, cauzat de procese patologice situate între mediastin, spaţiul pelvin, membre inferioare (2). A fost descris pentru prima dată în anul 1888 de Minter (7). Din punctul de vedere al etiologiei cca. 45% sunt primare iar 55% secundare complicaţiile altor afecţiuni ( traumatice, tumorale sau inflamatorii cu localizare uro-genitală sau la nivelul tubului digestiv), iar spectrul microbian răspunzător de apariţia acestei patologii este dominat de stafilococul auriu, apoi m. tuberculosis, asocieri polimicrobiene, germeni gram negativi (E. coli, salmonella, etc.), Actinomyces Israeli, etiologia amoebiană (1,5). In literatură se regăsesc câteva situaţii predispozante pentru această afecţiune cum ar fi defectul de sept atrial, alcoolismul şi imunodeficienţele de orice tip; există şi o predispoziţie anatomică dată de prezenţa de ganglioni limfatici în grosimea muşchiului psoas (4, 6)

    In the Laboratory and during Free-Flight: Old Honey Bees Reveal Learning and Extinction Deficits that Mirror Mammalian Functional Decline

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    Loss of brain function is one of the most negative and feared aspects of aging. Studies of invertebrates have taught us much about the physiology of aging and how this progression may be slowed. Yet, how aging affects complex brain functions, e.g., the ability to acquire new memory when previous experience is no longer valid, is an almost exclusive question of studies in humans and mammalian models. In these systems, age related cognitive disorders are assessed through composite paradigms that test different performance tasks in the same individual. Such studies could demonstrate that afflicted individuals show the loss of several and often-diverse memory faculties, and that performance usually varies more between aged individuals, as compared to conspecifics from younger groups. No comparable composite surveying approaches are established yet for invertebrate models in aging research. Here we test whether an insect can share patterns of decline similar to those that are commonly observed during mammalian brain aging. Using honey bees, we combine restrained learning with free-flight assays. We demonstrate that reduced olfactory learning performance correlates with a reduced ability to extinguish the spatial memory of an abandoned nest location (spatial memory extinction). Adding to this, we show that learning performance is more variable in old honey bees. Taken together, our findings point to generic features of brain aging and provide the prerequisites to model individual aspects of learning dysfunction with insect models

    Neurexins and Neuroligins: Recent Insights from Invertebrates

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    During brain development, each neuron must find and synapse with the correct pre- and postsynaptic partners. The complexity of these connections and the relatively large distances some neurons must send their axons to find the correct partners makes studying brain development one of the most challenging, and yet fascinating disciplines in biology. Furthermore, once the initial connections have been made, the neurons constantly remodel their dendritic and axonal arbours in response to changing demands. Neurexin and neuroligin are two cell adhesion molecules identified as important regulators of this process. The importance of these genes in the development and modulation of synaptic connectivity is emphasised by the observation that mutations in these genes in humans have been associated with cognitive disorders such as Autism spectrum disorders, Tourette syndrome and Schizophrenia. The present review will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the role of these genes in synaptic development and modulation, and in particular, we will focus on recent work in invertebrate models, and how these results relate to studies in mammals

    Sexual and reproductive behaviour of Drosophila melanogaster from a microclimatically interslope differentiated population of "Evolution Canyon" (Mount Carmel, Israel).

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    The strong microscale interslope environmental differences in "Evolution Canyon" provide an excellent natural model for sympatric speciation. Our previous studies revealed significant slope-specific differences for a fitness complex of Drosophila. This complex involved either adaptation traits (tolerance to high temperature, different viability and longevity pattern) or behavioural differentiation, manifested in habitat choice and non-random mating. This remarkable differentiation has evolved despite a very small interslope distance (a few hundred metres only). Our hypothesis is that strong interslope microclimatic contrast caused differential selection for fitness-related traits accompanied by behavioural differentiation and reinforced by some sexual isolation, which started incipient speciation. Here we describe the results of a systematic analysis of sexual behaviour in a non-choice situation and several reproductive parameters of D. melanogaster populations from the opposite slopes of "Evolution Canyon". The evidence indicates that: (i) mate choice derives from differences in mating propensity and discrimination; (ii) females from the milder north-facing slope discriminate strongly against males of the opposite slope; (iii) both sexes of the south-facing slope display distinct reproductive and behavioural patterns with females showing increased fecundity, shorter time before remating and relatively higher receptivity, and males showing higher mating propensity. These patterns represent adaptive life strategies contributing to higher fitness