262 research outputs found

    Unravelling Anti-Melanogenic Potency of Edible Mushrooms Laetiporus sulphureus and Agaricus silvaticus In Vivo Using the Zebrafish Model

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    Severe drawbacks associated with the topical use of depigmenting agents in treatments of skin hyperigmentations impose a great demand for novel, effective, and safe melanogenesis inhibitors. Edible and medicinal mushrooms, known for numerous health-promoting properties, represent a rich reservoir of anti-melanogenic compounds, with the potential to be applied in preventing excessive skin pigmentation. Herein, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a preclinical animal model, we have demonstrated that ethanol extract of Laetiporus sulphureus (LSE) and Agaricus silvaticus (ASE) are not toxic at high doses up to 400-500 mu g/mL while effectively inhibit melanogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. At depigmenting doses, the explored extracts showed no adverse effects on zebrafish embryos melanocytes. Even more, they did not provoke inflammation or neutropenia when applied at the highest dose ensuring almost complete the cells depigmentation. Since LSE and ASE have demonstrated significantly higher the therapeutic potential than kojic acid and hydroquinone, two well-known depigmenting agents, overall results of this study strongly suggest that the explored mushrooms extracts could be used as efficient and safe topical agents in treatments of skin hyperpigmentation disorders

    Indikatori održivog turizma

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    The indicators, precisely describing the linkages between tourism and the environment, social and cultural base, are not easily available. How ever, some relevant organizations (WTO, EU, OECD, etc.), institutions and experts, have been hardly working to create the indicators of sustainable tourism. Whereas the economic objectives are easily defined by the use of the traditional indicators used in national and business economics, it is very difficult to identify widely applicable environmental, social and cultural indicators. In order to stimulate and alleviate the process of sustainable tourism development, EU created the list of comparative indicators of sustainable tourism. In preparing this list, special attention is paid to identification of valid indicators of real tourism impacts on the social and cultural environment (the entire set of traditions, customs, history, hospitality and culture that characterize a given area), that is a very complex task. Assuming the fact that the related indicators have been analyzed in many European countries, this paper is focused on applying the related indicators in research of tourism development in villages of the Kosjerić community.Indikatore koji precizno odslikavaju odnos turizma i prirodne i socio-kulturne sredine nije lako utvrditi. Ipak, relevantne međunarodne organizacije (Svetska turistička organizacija, Evropska unija, Organizacija za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj i dr.) i ekspertski timovi već duže vremena predano rade na definisanju indikatora održivog turizma. DosadaÅ”nja iskustva njihovog rada pokazuju da se stepen realizacije ekonomskih ciljeva turističkog razvoja može uspeÅ”no pratiti i vrednovati tradicionalnim indikatorima koji se koriste u nacionalnoj i poslovnoj ekonomiji. Međutim, veliki problemi proističu iz pokuÅ”aja identifikovanja funkcionalnih i pouzdanih ekoloÅ”kih, socijalnih i kulturnih indikatora održivog turizma. U želji da stimuliÅ”e i olakÅ”a proces implementacije koncepta održivog razvoja, eksperti EU su sačinili listu komparativnih indikatora održivog turizma. U definisanju i odabiru ovih indikatora, specijalna pažnja je posvećena validnim indikatorima uticaja turizma na socio-kulturnu sredinu (tradicija, navike, običaji, gostoljubivost, kultura), kao najkompleksnijem delu ovog obimnog posla. Imajući u vidu da su pomenuti indikatori u proteklim godinama bili predmet različitih analiza u nizu evropskih zemalja, ovaj rad je fokusiran na primeni komparativnih indikatora EU u istraživanju odlika turističkog razvoja u selima opÅ”tine Kosjerić

    Indikatori održivog turizma

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    The indicators, precisely describing the linkages between tourism and the environment, social and cultural base, are not easily available. How ever, some relevant organizations (WTO, EU, OECD, etc.), institutions and experts, have been hardly working to create the indicators of sustainable tourism. Whereas the economic objectives are easily defined by the use of the traditional indicators used in national and business economics, it is very difficult to identify widely applicable environmental, social and cultural indicators. In order to stimulate and alleviate the process of sustainable tourism development, EU created the list of comparative indicators of sustainable tourism. In preparing this list, special attention is paid to identification of valid indicators of real tourism impacts on the social and cultural environment (the entire set of traditions, customs, history, hospitality and culture that characterize a given area), that is a very complex task. Assuming the fact that the related indicators have been analyzed in many European countries, this paper is focused on applying the related indicators in research of tourism development in villages of the Kosjerić community.Indikatore koji precizno odslikavaju odnos turizma i prirodne i socio-kulturne sredine nije lako utvrditi. Ipak, relevantne međunarodne organizacije (Svetska turistička organizacija, Evropska unija, Organizacija za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj i dr.) i ekspertski timovi već duže vremena predano rade na definisanju indikatora održivog turizma. DosadaÅ”nja iskustva njihovog rada pokazuju da se stepen realizacije ekonomskih ciljeva turističkog razvoja može uspeÅ”no pratiti i vrednovati tradicionalnim indikatorima koji se koriste u nacionalnoj i poslovnoj ekonomiji. Međutim, veliki problemi proističu iz pokuÅ”aja identifikovanja funkcionalnih i pouzdanih ekoloÅ”kih, socijalnih i kulturnih indikatora održivog turizma. U želji da stimuliÅ”e i olakÅ”a proces implementacije koncepta održivog razvoja, eksperti EU su sačinili listu komparativnih indikatora održivog turizma. U definisanju i odabiru ovih indikatora, specijalna pažnja je posvećena validnim indikatorima uticaja turizma na socio-kulturnu sredinu (tradicija, navike, običaji, gostoljubivost, kultura), kao najkompleksnijem delu ovog obimnog posla. Imajući u vidu da su pomenuti indikatori u proteklim godinama bili predmet različitih analiza u nizu evropskih zemalja, ovaj rad je fokusiran na primeni komparativnih indikatora EU u istraživanju odlika turističkog razvoja u selima opÅ”tine Kosjerić

    Analysis of secondary structure within sgm and kgmB mRNA

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    Sgm methyltransferase from Micromonospora zionensis and KgmB methyltransferase from Streptoalloteichus tenebrarius are resistant to aminoglycoside antibiotics as a result of their ability to specifically methylate G1405 within the bacterial 16S rRNA A-site. The (C)CGCCC motif, assumed to be a regulatory sequence responsible for the autoregulation of the sgm gene, could most likely also be responsible for the autoregulation of the kgmB gene. This sequence, found within the 5' untranslated region of both sgm and kgmB mRNAs, as indicated by in silico prediction, may be involved in the formation of a specific stem-loop structure. Sgm and KgmB are mutually down-regulated and it is likely that they share the same cis-acting elements. Structure probing experiments confirmed the existence of a stable secondary structure within the 5' UTR of the sgm mRNA, while the analysis of kgmB mRNA failed to confirm the predicted structure.


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    The influence of physical training on bodies of athletes leads to changes that can be characterized as morphological, functional, electrophysiological and psychological. Dynamic exercise, such as running, swimming and riding a bicycle, leads to volume load of heart. Static exercise (gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling) leads to the development of relatively large muscle force, with or without changes in muscle length and movement of the joint. Given the frequent number of sudden cardiac death cases in sport, it is important to distinguish between changes of the heart that occur as a result of adaptation to physical activity and changes due to some pathological conditions. The aim of this paper is to present the latest information on changes in ECG parameters depending on the load of athletes while performing aerobic trainings in order to better identify markers of adverse cardiovascular events, particularly sudden death in athletes. It is common to see on the ECG of athletes at rest hypertrophy of the left and right ventricle, interventricular conduction disorder, positive ST changes, and short-term tachycardia. Changes that occur in athletes are due to increased vagal tone and suppression of sympathetic nerve regulation. Many changes can be attributed to intrinsic cardiac component that is responsible for the lower frequency of athlete's heart deinnervation (with atropine or propranolol), which means that intense training influences how the autonomic regulation and the intrisic cardiac pacemaker function. It is common for athletes to have sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia, first degree AV block and Mobitz I, as well as junctional rhythm, ST segment elevation, high and sharp, or biphasic T-waves, while ST depression or isolated T-wave inversion are less common. They can also have increased amplitude of P-wave and QRS complex, QRS axis rotation to the right and incomplete right branch block. Some but insufficient data tell about the presence of the third-degree AV block and atrial and ventricular ectopic beats and their predictive role for malignant rhythm disorders

    Privremeni cementi na bazi eugenola imaju antioksidativno dejstvo

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    Introduction Antioxidants protect against reactive oxygen species and expose beneficial anti-inflammatory activity when in contact with biological tissues. Dental materials that are used as temporary luting on fixed dental restorations are often in contact with injured gingival tissue, hence they should contain anti-inflammatory characteristics that are essential after prosthetic procedures preceding cementation of final restauration. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant effect through the oxidation inhibition (OI) of mixed dental cement for temporary luting or their liquid component. Methods Eight study groups were prepared each by ten samples: 1) ex tempore preparation of zinc-oxide eugenol paste (Kariofil Z Galenika, Serbia), 2) Viko Temp paste (Galenika, Serbia), 3) Temp Bond NE paste (Kerr, Germany), 4) ScutaBond (ESPE, Germany), 5) Cp-CAP paste (Germany, Lege Artis) and oil component of 6) Kariofil Z, 7) Viko Temp and 8) Cp-CAP. The samples were subjected to spectrophotometer to measure OI 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) using Randox kit, United Kingdom. The control samples were pure ascorbic acid (1% w/v). Results High values of OI exposed materials (groups 1, 5, 6, 7, 8) with content of eugenol (or its derivates) in the range of 100-88.8% were statistically more significant than the values of non-eugenol substances (groups 2, 3, 4) with the range of 8.2-43.5%. Conclusion Eugenol containing temporary fixation materials show significant antioxidative properties and therefore they may be used in those clinical situations where surrounding gingival tissue is injured during restorative procedure.Uvod Antioksidansi Å”tite živa tkiva od reaktivnih kiseonikovih slobodnih radikala, čime ispoljavaju poželjno antiinflamatorno dejstvo u kontaktu sa živim tkivom. StomatoloÅ”ki materijali koji služe za privremeno cementiranje protetičkih restauracija često su u kontaktu s lediranim tkivom gingive, pa stoga treba da poseduju poželjne antiinflamatorne osobine, vrlo bitne nakon protetičkih procedura koje prethode cementiranju fiksnih restauracija. Cilj rada Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se pomoću zabeleženih vrednosti inhibicije oksidacije (IO) utvrdi antioksidativni efekat nekoliko pripremljenih preparata za privremeno cementiranje i njihovih tečnih komponenata. Metode rada Po deset uzoraka je pripremljeno u osam eksperimentalnih grupa: 1) ex tempore zameÅ”ana cink-oksidna (ZnO) eugenol pasta (Kariofil Z Galenika, Srbija); 2) pasta Viko Temp (Galenika, Srbija); 3) pasta Temp Bond NE (Kerr, Nemačka); 4) pasta ScutaBond (ESPE, Nemačka); i 5) pasta Cp-CAP (Lege Artis, Nemačka); njihove tečne komponente: 6) ulje Kariofil Z; 7) ulje Viko Temp; i 8) ulje Cp-CAP. Uzorci su podvrgnuti spektrofotometru radi merenja vrednosti IO na ABTS primenom seta reagensa (Randox kit, Velika Britanija). Kontrolnu grupu su činili uzorci čiste askorbinske kiseline (1% w/v). Rezultati Visoke vrednosti IO ispoljili su uzorci u grupama eugenolnih materijala 1, 5, 6, 7 i 8 u rasponu od 88,8% do 100%, Å”to je bilo statistički značajno u odnosu na niže vrednosti kod neeugenolnih materijala (raspon 8,2-43,5%) u grupama 2, 3 i 4. Zaključak Nije zabeležena statistička značajna razlika u vrednostima IO međusobnim poređenjem eugenolnih grupa (p>0,05). Poređenjem vrednosti IO između neeugenolnih grupa, samo je kod grupe 4 utvrđena statistički značajna razlika prema grupama 2 i 3 (p lt 0,01). Poređenjem uzoraka 2 i 3 zabeležena je statistički beznačajna razlika za vrednosti IO (p>0,05)

    Analysis of secondary structure within sgm and kgmB mRNA

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    Sgm metiltransferaza iz soja Micromonospora zionensis i KgmB metiltransferaza iz soja Streptoalloteichus tenebrarius ostvaruju rezistenciju na aminoglikozidne antibiotike metilacijom nukleotida na poziciji G1405 u okviru A mesta na 16S rRNK. Smatra se da je za autoregulaciju sgm gena odgovoran (C)CCGCCC motiv. Najverovatnije je ista sekvenca odgovorna i za autoregulaciju kgmB gena. Po kompjuterskoj predikciji, ovaj motiv, lociran u 5' netranslatirajućem regionu iRNK molekula oba gena, bi mogao učestvovati u formiranju sekundarne strukture tipa ukosnice. Kako Sgm i KgmB metiltransferaze jedna drugu autoreguliÅ”u, moguće je da prepoznaju iste cis elemente u iRNK molekulima. Eksperimenti ispitivanja strukture su, s jedne strane potvrdili prisustvo stabilne sekundarne strukture u okviru 5' netranslatirajućeg regiona iRNK molekula sgm gena, a sa druge, nisu dokazali postojanje modelovane sekundarne strukture u iRNK molekulu kgmB gena.Sgm methyltransferase from Micromonospora zionensis and KgmB methyltransferase from Streptoalloteichus tenebrarius are resistant to aminoglycoside antibiotics as a result of their ability to specifically methylate G1405 within the bacterial 16S rRNA A-site. The (C)CGCCC motif, assumed to be a regulatory sequence responsible for the autoregulation of the sgm gene, could most likely also be responsible for the autoregulation of the kgmB gene. This sequence, found within the 5' untranslated region of both sgm and kgmB mRNAs, as indicated by in silico prediction, may be involved in the formation of a specific stem-loop structure. Sgm and KgmB are mutually down-regulated and it is likely that they share the same cis-acting elements. Structure probing experiments confirmed the existence of a stable secondary structure within the 5' UTR of the sgm mRNA, while the analysis of kgmB mRNA failed to confirm the predicted structure

    Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of Three Ocimum basilicum L. Cultivars from Serbia

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    Basil essential oil (BEO) contains a wide range of chemical compounds whose content may vary depending on chemotypes, environmental conditions, agronomic techniques and particularly the origin of the plant. In our present study, essential oils (EOs) were isolated by hydrodistillation method from dry herbs of three basil cultivars and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Two of the tested cultivars belong to sweet basil group (B-1 and B-2) while the third one was large leafed 'Genovese' basil (B-3). EO content in the dry herb was 0.65%, 0.41% and 0.62% respectively. The main classes of compounds of B1EO and B3EO were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (38.39% and 37.95%), oxygenated monoterpenes (25.44% and 28.04%) and phenylpropanoids (17.43% and 15.71%). The main constituents of both EOs were monoterpene alcohol linalool (13.68% and 15.38%), phenoyl derivate eugenol (10.83% and 8.97%) and sesquiterpene hydrocarbon alpha-bergamotene (8.12% and 9.25%). In both EOs, epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene was detected in considerable amount (7.03% and 8.07%). The most abundant compound classes in B2EO were oxygenated monoterpenes (52.07%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24.27%) and phenylpropanoids (10.95%). Linalool was the dominant compound (40.97%), followed by epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene (8.70%) and methyl chavicol (7.92%). The results showed complex chemical composition of BEOs and pointed out the presence of biologically active compounds of importance for different branches of the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry. Although there are differences in the chemical composition of the BEOs, the obtained results show that all of the tested cultivars are rich in compounds which are responsible for biological activities

    Phthalate esters in glass jar metal lids from Serbian markets

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    Phthalate esters are plasticizers which are used to impart flexibility in PVC resins but also in other resins such as polyvinyl acetates and polyurethanes. A wide range of consumer products contain specific members of this family of chemicals. Phthalate plasticizers are not chemically bound to PVC. Because of that they can enter the environment through losses during manufacturing processes and by leaching from final products [1]. Phthalate esters are suspected of having endocrine disrupting properties [2,3]. Exposure to high concentrations was shown to induce fetal death, cancer, liver and kidney injury and reproductive toxicity in animals [4,5,6]. Due to growing health concerns and environmental awareness, producers all over the world are increasingly forced to use non-phthalate plasticizers. However, phthalate esters are still found in many products, even in those which are used for food packaging and storage. The aim of our study was investigation of glass jar metal lids for presence of phthalate esters. Different glass jars with screw-on metal lids were bought at supermarkets in Belgrade, Serbia. All metal lids had a plastic seal ring that goes between the glass lid and the rim of the jar. The glass jars were washed according to the usual laboratory procedure, filled with distilled water, closed with screw-on metal lids and left upside-down for three days at room temperature. The water from glass jars was extracted with hexane. Hexane extracts were dried with Na2SO4, and evaporated to dryness under stream of nitrogen. Masses of all extracts were 0.2 mg. Procedural blank - a control sample containing distilled water in a glass jar without a metal lid was analyzed according to the same procedure. The resulting mass was negligible. The extracts were analyzed by gas chromatographyā€“mass spectrometry (GCā€“MS). GCā€“MS was conducted using an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph (HP5-MS column, 30 m Ɨ 0.25 mm, 0.25 Ī¼m film thickness, He carrier gas, 1.5 cm3 min-1), coupled to an Agilent 5975C mass selective detector (70 eV). GC-MS analysis revealed that most of the compounds identified in these extracts were phthalate esters. However, the lids were divided into two distinct groups, based on the number of carbon atoms in the alcohol chain of the phthalate esters identified. One group contained phthalate esters with long alkyl chains (9, 10 or more C atoms). The second group contained phthalate esters with short alkyl chains (usually 4C atoms) with different degree of branching. Typical for the second group of lids were also squalene and 13-docosenamide, common plastic additives. It can be concluded that, regardless of the type of the containing phthalate esters, 0.2 mg of these compounds can migrate from the investigated metal lids into distilled water with which it is in contact, during three days at room temperature. Considering the composition of food products which are usually packed in this kind of containers but also the fact that the increased temperature is usually used during their production process, it can be presumed that migration of phthalate esters from metal lids into the food products contained in the glass jars might be even higher

    Rizični čimbenici za karcinom Ŕtitne žlijezde: Ŕto danas radimo?

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    Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common endocrine cancer today. The rising incidence of the differentiated papillary type cannot be entirely explained by early and meticulous diagnosis, since a proportion of large tumors has also been reported. In this review, we present the results of numerous investigations focused on possible factors causing increased TC incidence, such as chromosomal and genetic alterations, iodine intake, TSH level, autoimmune thyroid disease, gender, estrogen, obesity, lifestyle changes, and environmental pollutants. Up to now, only childhood exposure to ionizing radiation has been fully recognized as a risk factor. There is also a possibility that yet undiscovered carcinogens, especially during intrauterine life or early childhood, might be responsible for increased TC incidence as well as epigenetic changes. Therefore, more studies are necessary in order to further investigate the potential risk factors for TC and their mechanisms of action.Etiologija karcinoma Å”titnjače, kao najčeŔćeg endokrinog karcinoma intenzivno se istražuje, budući da je njegova incidencija zadnjih desetljeća u stalnom porastu, prvenstveno na račun diferenciranog papilarnog karcinoma. Jedan od glavnih razloga porasta incidencije je zasigurno dostupna i kvalitetna dijagnostika karcinoma u ranoj fazi, međutim, uočava se i porast broja većih tumora, Å”to upućuje na zaključak da vjerojatno postoje i drugi uzroci. U ovom radu izloženi su rezultati brojnih istraživanja usmjerenih na ispitivanje potencijalnih čimbenika rizika koji se dovode u vezu s razvojem karcinoma Å”titne žlijezde, kao Å”to su kromosomske/genske alteracije, unos joda, razina TSH, autoimuna bolest Å”titnjače, spol, estrogeni, debljina, životne navike i čimbenici okoliÅ”a, od kojih je jedini dokazani čimbenik rizika izlaganje ionizirajućem zračenju u djetinjstvu. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja s ciljem ispitivanja mogućih čimbenika rizika i njihovih mehanizama djelovanja kako bi se moglo učinkovitije kontrolirati i usporiti pojavnost karcinoma Å”titnjače
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