169 research outputs found

    Impact of Obstacles on the Evacuation Time Using Pathfinder

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    V diplomskem delu sem preučevala čas, ki ga osebe potrebujejo, da se evakuirajo iz prostora. Zanimalo me je, kako Å”tevilo in postavitev ovir v prostoru ter lega vrat vplivajo na evakuacijski čas. Z računalniÅ”kim programom Pathfinder sem analizirala prostor dimenzij 20 x 10 metrov z vrati Å”irine 2 metra, ki so bila najprej nameŔčena na sredino daljÅ”e stene in nato v levi kot prostora. V prostor sem dodala naključno porazdeljene osebe in izvedla simulacijo njihove evakuacije. Poleg vpliva, ki ga ima lega vrat na evakuacijski čas, sem analizirala Å”e vpliv Å”irine vrat. V prostor sem dodala vrata, ki so bila Å”iroka 1ā€“6 metrov, in izvedla simulacijo evakuacije. Analizirala sem tudi vpliv lege ovire na evakuacijski čas. To sem naredila tako, da sem v prostor dodala oviro na razdalji 1ā€“3 metre od vrat. Nato sem analizirala vpliv dolžine ovire na evakuacijski čas, tako da sem v prostor dodala oviro, ki sem ji spreminjala dolžino. Zanimal me je tudi vpliv Å”tevila ovir na evakuacijski čas, zato sem v prostor dodala 1ā€“4 ovire in analizirala Å”e vpliv Å”tevila ovir. Izkazalo se je, da lega vrat v obravnavanem prostoru ni imela vpliva na evakuacijski čas. Za razliko od lege je Å”irina vrat vplivala, a le do določene Å”irine. Razdalja med vrati in oviro je vplivala le do določene razdalje od vrat. Prav tako dolžina ovire vpliva le od določene Å”irine ovire naprej. Vpliva Å”tevila ovir nisem uspeÅ”no analizirala, saj je na rezultate vplivala Å”e sprememba postavitve oseb.In my thesis I studied the time that is needed for a successful room evacuation. I was interested in knowing how the number and layout of the obstacles impact the evacuation time. With a computer program called Pathfinder I analyseda 20 meters long and 10 meters wide room with a 2 meters wide door in the middle of the longer wall. I added randomly distributed persons to the room and I simulated their evacuation. Then I moved the door to the left corner of the room and ran another simulation. In addition to the impact of door position on evacuation time, I also analysed the impact of the door width. I added a door that was 1-6 meters wide and ran an evacuation simulation. I also analysed the impact of the location of the obstacle on the evacuation time. I did this by adding an obstacle that was 1-3 meters from the door. I then analysed the effect of the length of the obstacle on the evacuation time by changing the length of the obstacle. I was also interested in the impact of the number of obstacles on the evacuation time, so I added 1-4 obstacles to the room and ran an evacuation simulation. It turned out that the position of the door in the room in question had no effect on the evacuation time. Unlike the position, the door width had an effect, but only up to a certain width. The distance between the door and the obstacle only affected evacuation time below a certain distance. Likewise, the length of the obstacle affects only over acertain length of the obstacle. I did not successfully analyse the impact of the number of obstacles, as the results were influenced by the change in the positioning of persons

    Specific purpose language teaching within the context of the European language education policy

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja je analiza postulata evropske obrazovne jezičke politike i rezultati koji se postižu primenom pojedinih njenih aspekata na planiranje nastave jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene. U radu su predstavljena teorijska i praktična saznanja iz primenjene lingvistike, teorije jezičke politike i planiranja i metodike nastave stranog jezika kao jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene. Pored toga, pravi se jasna razlika između jezika struke i jezika za posebne namene sa ciljem da se doprinese unapređenju terminoloÅ”ke preciznosti u ovoj oblasti primenjene lingvistike. Empirijski deo obuhvata akciono istraživanje bazirano na vlastitom iskustvu autorke u radu sa učenicima različitih struka i odnosi se na analizu efikasnosti primene preporuka Zajedničkog evropskog okvira za jezike u planiranju i nastavi jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene, uključivanja sociolingvističkih, interkulturnih i vanjezičkih elemenata u nastavu, kao i primene akcionog pristupa u nastavi jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene. U radu se prikazuje nekoliko inovativnih modela nastave francuskog jezika struke/jezika za posebne namene zasnovanih na ovim principima. Ispitanici su bili zaposleni u Ministarstvu pravde, pripadnici Ministarstva unutraÅ”njih poslova koji pohađaju specijalizovane tečajeve francuskog jezika u organizaciji Francuskog instituta u Beogradu i studenti Fakulteta bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu koji pohađaju izbornu nastavu jezika struke u okviru Inovacionog centra Fakulteta bezbednosti. Pored toga, definisane su smernice za dalje unapređenje nastave jezika struke u naÅ”im visokoÅ”kolskim ustanovama a odnose se pre svega na učenje jezika struke od početnog nivoa, kreiranje programa nastave u skladu sa potrebama učenika i primenu adekvatnih metodoloÅ”kih postupaka.The subject of this research work is an analysis of the premises of the European education policy, assessment of the results achieved through implementation of certain aspects of this policy and their impact on the planning of language teaching for vocational and specific purposes. The thesis presents theoretical and practical findings from the fields of applied linguistics, language policy and planning theory and foreign language teaching methodology for vocational and specific purpose language teaching. The thesis offers a clear distinction between the vocational language and specific purpose language, in order to achieve a higher level of terminological precision in this field of applied linguistics. The empirically based part of the thesis presents action based research results originating from the authorā€™s personal experience in work with the students from a variety of vocational backgrounds and offers an assessment of the levels of efficiency achieved through practical implementation of the recommendations contained in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the course of planning and realization of language teaching for vocational and specific purposes, inclusion of sociolinguistic, intercultural and extra linguistic elements in the teaching process, and implementation of the action based approach in language teaching for vocational and specific purposes. The thesis presents a number of innovative models of French language teaching for vocational and specific purposes based on these principles. The subjects were employees of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Interior Affairs who attended specialized language courses organized by the French Language Institute in Belgrade and students of the Faculty of Security of Belgrade University who attended elective language courses at the Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Security. Also, the thesis offers a set of guidelines for further improvement of the vocational language teaching at the institutions of higher education, focusing primarily on introduction of vocational language teaching in the early stages of language learning, starting from the beginnerā€™s level, development of curricula that will meet the specific needs of the students and selection of appropriate teaching methods

    Uloga biomarkera i surogatnih parametara u pretkliničkim i kliničkim ispitivanjima lekova

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    Biomarkeri imaju Å”iroku primenu u modernoj medicini i biologiji. Oni su promenili način dijagnostikovanja i klasifikacije bolesti, praćenja efekata terapije, određivanja toksičnosti, a imaju i sve veću primenu u razvoju novih lekova. Karakteristike biomarkera određuju i njihovu primenu. Biomarkeri koji imaju malu moć predviđanja korisnosti tretmana koriste se u ranim fazama razvoja lekova za preliminarni skrining. Biomarkeri velike prediktivne moći mogu biti upotrebljeni kao surogatni parametri u proceni efikasnosti i bezbednosti tretmana. Surogatni parametri validirani u kliničkim istraživanjima i prihvaćeni od strane regulatornih agencija mogu biti koriŔćeni i za registraciju lekova, naročito za ubrzanu registraciju antiinfektivnih lekova i hemoterapeutika. Međutim, za registraciju antikancerskih lekova regulatorne agencije insistiraju na neophodnosti prospektivnih postmarketinÅ”kih studija da bi se dokazalo postojanje korelacije surogatnih parametara sa kliničkom koristi od primenjenog tretmana.

    Inhibitori P-glikoproteina kao modulatori rezistencije na antikancerogene lekove

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a significant obstacle to providing effective chemotherapy to many patients suffering from different types of cancer. Although resistance to anticancer drugs may be developed by different mechanisms, one of the underlying mechanisms of classical MDR is cellular overexpression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) which acts as an efflux pump for different substrates in cells, resulting in decreased concentration of anticancer drugs in cancer cells. Inhibiting P-gp as a method to reverse MDR in cancer patients has been studied extensively. The development of Pgp inhibitors from first to third generation is presented in this work. First-generation inhibitors (eg. cyclosporin A, verapamil) are limited by their toxicity, whereas secondgeneration inhibitors (eg. valspodar, biricodar) showed reduced toxicity but were confounded by unpredictable pharmacokinetic interactions with anticancer drugs as well as interactions with other transporter proteins. Third-generation inhibitors (tariquidar, zosuquidar, laniquidar and ONT-093) show high potency and specificity for P-gp. The continued development of these agents may establish the true therapeutic potential of Pgp- mediated MDR reversal.Multipla rezistencija na lekove (multidrug resistance, MDR) predstavlja značajnu prepreku u primeni efektivne terapije za mnoge pacijente koji su oboleli od različitih tipova kancera. Mada rezistencija na antikancerogene lekove može da nastane usled dejstva različitih mehanizama, klasična multipla rezistencija je uglavnom povezana sa povećanom ekspresijom P-glikoproteina (P-gp) koji deluje kao pumpa za izbacivanje (engl. efflux pump) različitih supstrata iz ćelije, Å”to dovodi do smanjenja koncentracije antikancerogenih lekova u tumorskoj ćeliji. Inhibicija P-gp kao mogućnost prevazilaženja rezistencije je dosta proučavana poslednjih godina. U ovom radu prikazan je razvoj P-gp inhibitora od prve do treće generacije. Upotreba prve generacije inhibitora, kao Å”to su ciklosporin A i verapamil, ograničena je zbog njihove toksičnosti, dok je druga generacija inhibitora, kojoj pripadaju valspodar i birikodar, pokazala smanjenu toksičnost, ali i neočekivane farmakokinetičke interakcije sa antikancerogenim lekovima, kao i sa drugim transportnim proteinima. Treća generacija inhibitora (tarikvidar, zosukvidar, lanikvidar i ONT-093) pokazala je veliku aktivnost i specifičnost za P-gp. Dalji razvoj ovih lekova predstavlja značajan terapijski potencijal za prevazilaženje rezistencije na antikancerogene lekove

    Welfare of Native Goat Breeds in Serbiaā€”Emphasis on Parasitological Infections

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    Native goat breeds in Serbia has been recognized as an important element of regional agrobiodiversity and play an important role in the safeguarding of cultural and traditional heritage. The aim of this study was to identify the main welfare issues likely to be encountered in extensive goat farming systems with an emphasis on parasitological infections. The study was conducted during the winter season on four small farms of native Balkan and Serbian white goats. For welfare assessment, animal-based indicators from AWIN protocol for goats were used. All fecal samples for parasites were qualitatively and quantitatively examined. The main welfare issues identified were poor hair coat condition (62.79%), dirty and light soiling hindquarters (31.40%), thin body condition score (26.74%), abscesses (19.78%), and udder asymmetry (18.60%). In addition, an important and prevalent welfare problem identified across all farms was parasite infection and weak significant (p < 0.001) correlation between certain parasites (Strongylidae, Moniezia spp., Buxtonella sulcate, and Protostrongylidae) and welfare indicators such as poor hair coat condition and nasal discharge. The results of this study provided the first overview and valuable insight into the impact of extensive systems on the welfare of native goats in the Balcan region

    Seroprevalences of Rickettsia conorii, Ehrlichia canis and Coxiella burnetii in Dogs from Montenegro

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    Due to an unfortunate error during the processing of the article, the given name and family name of all authors were interchanged. The original article has been corrected

    Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area

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    The research was conducted in dogs and cats kept as pets on the territory of the city of Belgrade (Serbia), between 2011 and 2014. Its aim was to examine the prevalence of intestinal helminths and to point out their zoonotic potential. Coprological tests were carried out on samples from 528 household pets (421 dogs and 107 cats). The research included specimens from both gender, the dogs were between 2 months and 14 years old and the cats were from 1 month to 15 years old. The diagnosed parasites included: toxocarosis (Toxocora canis 16.62% and Toxocora mystax 15.88%), ancylostomatidosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 1.87%), trichuriosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 0.93%) and dipilidiosis (in dogs 24.70% and in cats 21.49%). Most of the examined cats and dogs that were found positive for intestinal helminths were 1-8 years old. For the effective planning and conducting of preventive strategies, the most important is to know the epizootiology of intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, including the possibilities of transferring these helminths to people. The priorities include the continued education of pet owners by veterinarians, and also the close cooperation between the veterinary and the human health service

    Mehanizam dejstva, efikasnost i bezbednost hitne hormonske kontracepcije (levonorgestrela i ulipristal acetata) i stavovi farmaceuta

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    Emergency hormonal contraception is used to prevent unintended pregnancy postcoitally. The mechanism of action of the most frequently used hormonal preparations for emergency contraception, levonorgestrel (LNG) and ulipristal acetate (UPA), is still not fully known, but clinical trials indicate that they act by inhibiting or delaying ovulation. LNG has a long history of use for emergency contraception, proven safety and high efficacy if administered in the preovulation period. The newest emergency contraceptive, UPA, available only with a prescription, is indicated within this period of 120 hours after sexual intercourse and the data indicate that UPA does not lose efficacy within this period. Clinical trials showed its noninferiority versus LNG and its effect on the potentially occurring pregnancy is being additionally monitored. However, many misconceptions and controversial opinions about emergency contraception are still present, even among pharmacists. A search of Medline database identified 20 papers published from January 1993 to December 2012, on pharmacists' knowledge, attitudes and practices related to emergency contraception. In these papers, the attitudes of pharmacists pertaining to the dispensing regime of emergency contraception were different. Research in Australia has shown that personal attitudes and religious convictions influence the practice of dispensing emergency contraception. In the research conducted in New Mexico, 30% of pharmacists were against prescribing emergency contraception for religious or moral reasons. There were no published data in regards to pharmacists' knowledge, attitudes and dispensing practice in Serbia and such research is highly recommended.Hitna hormonska kontracepcija se koristi za sprečavanje neželjene trudnoće postkoitalno. Mehanizam dejstva najčeŔće koriŔćenih preparata hitne kontracepcije, levonorgestrela (LNG) i ulipristal-acetata (UPA) joÅ” uvek nije u potpnosti poznat, ali klinička ispitivanja ukazuju da je u pitanju inhibicija ili odlaganje ovulacije. Za hitnu kontracepciju dugo se koristi LNG, jer ima dokazanu bezbednost i visoku efikasnost, ukoliko se primeni u periodu pre ovulacije. Najnoviji preparat iz ove grupe, UPA, koji se izdaje samo na recept, može se primeniti u periodu od 120 sati nakon seksualnog odnosa. U kliničkim ispitivanjima se nije pokazao loÅ”ijim u odnosu na LNG, a njegov uticaj na eventualno nastalu trudnoću se dodatno prati. Podaci ukazuju na činjenicu da UPA ne gubi na efikasnosti u periodu od 120 sati. Međutim, prisutne su mnoge zablude i kontroverzna miÅ”ljenja o hitnoj kontracepciji, čak i među farmaceutima. Pretraživanjem Medline baze podataka nađeno je 20 radova objavljenih u periodu od januara 1993. do decembra 2012. godine koji razmatraju znanje, stavove i praksu farmaceuta u vezi sa hitnom kontracepcijom. U ovim radovima se stavovi farmaceuta razlikuju po pitanju režima izdavanja hitne kontracepcije. Istraživanje u Australiji pokazalo je da lični stavovi i religijska uverenja utiču na način izdavanja hitne kontracepcije. U istraživanju u Novom Meksiku 30% farmaceuta je bilo protiv propisivanja hitne kontracepcije iz religioznih ili moralnih razloga. Među pronađenim radovima nije bilo podataka o istraživanjima iz Srbije. Preporuka je da se sprovedu istraživanja o znanju, stavovima i praksi farmaceuta u vezi sa hitnom hormonskom kontracepcijom u Srbiji

    Značaj pojedinih nutrijenata u prevenciji i tretmanu hipertenzije

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    Oxidative stress, which develops due to imbalance of free radicals and antioxidant factors, has an important role in oxidative stress. The combination of different antioxidants can act sinergistically in the neutralization of free radicals, nitric oxide increase, improvement of vasodilatation and lowering blood pressure. This paper reviews the impact of certain food ingredients (vitamins, oligoelements, proteins) on prevention of hypertension and blood pressure lowering. Literature was found by searching the Medline database from 1995 to 2010 by using the following keywords: hypertension, prevention of hypertension, antioxidants, electrolytes, and nutrients. Excesive natrium intake as well as insufficiency of microelements in nutrition such as calcium, magnesium, zink and selenium contributes to the development of hypertension. A numerous nutritients used in prevention and treatment of hypertension (hydrolisates of soy proteins, whey, sardines, wheat germs, Ļ‰-3 and Ļ‰-6 unsaturated fatty acids, green and black tea, mushrooms, vitamin B6, L-arginine, flavonoids, taurine, allicin from garlic, active principles of hawtorn) have effects similar to certain groups of antihipertensive drugs (diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptors blockers, central Ī±-agonists, direct vasodilatators). Natural components are of importance in the prevention of hypertension but their potency is not sufficient to lower high blood pressure. However, certain individual components of natural food in combination with antihypertensive drugs may act synergistically, and with proper diet drug therapy can achieve a better effect.Hipertenzija je masovno oboljenje sa visokom stopom smrtnosti od komplikacija koje nastaju. Promena stila života, posebno načina ishrane ima značajnu ulogu u prevenciji nastanka hipertenzije i u odlaganju pojave komplikacija. Ovaj rad razmatra uticaj pojedinih sastojaka hrane (vitamina, oligoelemenata, proteina) na prevenciju i smanjenje poviÅ”enog krvnog pritiska. Literatura je pronađena pretraživanjem Medline baze u periodu od 1995. do 2010. godine koriŔćenjem sledećih ključnih reči: hipertenzija, prevencija hipertenzije, antioksidansi, elektroliti, nutrijenti. Razvoju hipertenzije doprinosi i prekomeran unos natrijuma, kao i nedostatak elektrolita i mikroelemenata u ishrani, kao Å”to su: kalijum, magnezijum, kalcijum, cink i selen. Brojni nutrijenti koji se koriste u prevenciji i tretmanu hipertenzije (hidrolizati proteina soje, surutke, sardine i pÅ”eničnih klica, Ļ‰-3 i Ļ‰-6 polinezasićene masne kiseline, zeleni i crni čaj, pečurke, vitamin B6, L-arginin, flavonoidi, taurin, alicin iz belog luka, aktivni sastojci gloga) imaju dejstvo slično pojedinim grupama antihipertenzivnih lekova (diuretici, Ī²-blokatori, blokatori kalcijumskih kanala, ACE inhibitori i blokatori angiotenzinskih receptora, centralni Ī±-agonisti, direktni vazodilatatori). Prirodne komponente su od značaja u prevenciji hipertenzije, ali njihova potentnost nije dovoljna da smanji povećani krvni pritisak. Međutim, pojedine prirodne komponente hrane u kombinaciji sa antihipertenzivnim lekovima mogu delovati sinergistički, te se uz odgovarajuću ishranu medikamentoznom terapijom može postići bolji efekat

    Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory capillariosis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in some regions of Serbia. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 102 foxes in six epizootiological regions of Serbia, during the hunting season between 2008 and 2012. Results: The presence of respiratory capillariosis in all tested epizootiological regions was confirmed. The E. aerophilus nematode was detected with overall prevalence of 49.02%. The diagnosis of E. aerophilus infection was confirmed by the determination of morphological characteristics of adult parasites found at necropsy and the trichurid egg types collected from the bronchial lavage and the content of the intestine. Conclusion: The presented results contribute to better understanding of the epidemiology of this nematodosis in Serbia. However, the high prevalence of capillaries in tested foxes, demonstrated in all explored areas, might suggest that foxes from other regions in Serbia may also be infected. The fact that domestic carnivores and humans can also be infected enhances the importance of the overall epidemiological status. To establish the relevant prevalence of respiratory capillariosis, further investigations and continous monitoring of parasitic fauna of carnivores are needed in the whole country
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