199 research outputs found

    Tunus’taki Fransız Sömürgeci Yönetimin Karşılaştığı Zorluklar: Akdeniz’deki Reelpolitik

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    This research posits the dynamics behind impediments over the French colonial rule over Tunisia in the context of International Relations discipline. In doing so, anarchy notion will be beneficial for explaining the dynamics in the area; main assumptions of this research regard actors that pursues their self-interests in order to maintain their security, and gain power under the anarchic structure. This structure “acts as a constraining and disposing force” in the relations among states. On the other hand, under these circumstances, competition or rivalry among states is inevitable. The process of the collapsing Pax Ottomana replaced hierarchy with anarchy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in the course of time, which resulted in the arising “Eastern Question” and power competition among European powers in the area. Under French rule, the Tunisian case constituted power rivalry between France, Italy, and British Empire. While their main interests differed in the area, those interests also were conflicting in the time-space bound. The French Empire sought to establish Francophone Empire in Maghreb; on the other hand, Britain’s core interests originated from maintaining the strategic holds and preserving her global status via Mediterranean access. For Italy, which had already prominent settler colonies in Tunisia, it was essential to participate in the colonial race. Indeed, policies in Tunisia were geographically enabling to increase power roles in the Mediterranean, where Britain and especially Italy prevented France from gaining dominant power in the area by benefiting from their subjects there. Especially prominent existence of the Italian settlers and acknowledgment of their national identity by France in 1896 brought forth more challenges to French rule in which was soon troubled by Tunisian nationalism as well

    Diffraction-limited, 10-W, 5-ns, 100-kHz, all fiber laser at 1.55 um

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This Letter reports on an all-fiber-integrated master-oscillator, power amplifier system at 1.55 mu m producing 5-ns, 100-mu J pulses. These pulses are generated at a 100 kHz repetition rate, corresponding to 10 W of average power. The seed source is a low-power, current-modulated, single-frequency, distributed feedback semiconductor laser. System output is obtained from a standard single-mode fiber (Corning SMF-28). Consequently, the beam is truly diffraction limited, which was independently proven by M-2 measurements. Further increase of peak power is limited by onset of significant spectral broadening due to nonlinear effects, primarily four-wave mixing. Numerical simulations based on six-level rate equations with full position-and time-dependence were developed to model propagation of pulses through the amplifier chain. This capability allows minimization of the amplified spontaneous emission, which can be directly measured using a fast acousto-optic modulator to gate the pulses. (C) 2014 Optical Society of Americ

    Yeşeya:58 bağlamında yahudilik, Hristiyanlık ve İslam’da makbul orucun anlamı

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    Makbul orucu, Tanrı’nın kullarından istediği ve bundan hoşnut olacağı gerçek ya da doğru oruç olarak tarif etmek mümkündür. Bakara suresi 183. ayette geçen “oruç size farz kılındığı gibi sizden öncekilere de farz kılınmıştır” ifadesinden hareketle İslam’dan önce Yahudileri ve Hristiyanları içine alan diğer din mensupları için de oruç tutmanın emredildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu makale, Kuran’ın dışında Yahudi ve Hristiyan kutsal metinlerinde oruç nasıl anlatılmaktadır? Söz konusu dinlerin kutsal metinlerinde makbul oruç tasvirleri arasında ne tür benzerlik ve farklar bulunmaktadır? Tanah’ın Yeşaya Kitabı, 58. bölümündeki “Gerçek Oruç” bağlamında oruç ibadetinin özünde ne vardır? ve Rab’bin hoşnut olacağı makbul orucun fenomenolojik anlamda özellikleri nelerdir? sorularına odaklanmaktadır. Kadim bir geçmişi olan oruç ibadetinin gizli ve gösterişten uzak yapılması kutsal metinlerin ortak tavsiyesidir. Bunun yanında hem insanın kendi nefsini terbiye etmede bir araç hem de Tanrı ile olan ilişkisinde yakınlaşmayı sağlayan bir ibadet olarak orucun, Tanrı katında makbul bir değere sahip olması için ahkâmı yanında adabının ve esrarının (hikmet) da gözetilmesi gerektiği kutsal metinlerde ifade edilmektedir

    Diagnostic accuracy of adropin as a preliminary test to exclude acute pulmonary embolism: a prospective study

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    Background This study aims to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of adropin as a biomarker to exclude the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism (PE). Methods Patients admitted to the emergency department of a tertiary health centre between August 2019 and August 2020 and diagnosed with PE were included in this prospective cohort study. The amount of serum adropin was determined in patients with (PE) and compared with that of healthy volunteers. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed with the obtained data, and the area under the curve (AUC) with a 95% confidence interval was determined. The parameters of diagnostic accuracy for PE were determined. Results A total of 57 participants were included in the study (28 controls and 29 PE patients). The mean adropin level in the PE group was 187.33 +/- 62.40 pg/ml, which was significantly lower than that in the control group (524.06 +/- 421.68 pg/ml) (p < 0.001). When the optimal adropin cut-off value was 213.78 pg/ml, the likelihood ratio of the adropin test was 3.4, and the sensitivity of the adropin test at this value was 82% with specificity of 75% (95% CI; AUC: 0.821). Conclusion Our results suggest that adropin may be considered for further study as a candidate marker for the exclusion of the diagnosis of PE. However, more research is required to verify and support the generalizability of our study results

    Laparoscopically Treated Giant Gastric Bezoar Complicated with Large Ulcer in Young Patient

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    Gastric bezoars are rare but well known intraluminal formations in the gastrointestinal system. Reports for gastric bezoar treatment include dissolution, endoscopic retrieval and surgery (open and laparoscopic). We are presenting a case of 32&nbsp;years old male patient presented with giant gastric bezoar complicated with large ulcer. The patient was operated laparoscopically with success. Laparoscopic surgery is safe alternative to open surgery for giant gastric bezoars treatment

    Our Multiple Single-step Access Results in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

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    Objective:The aim of this study is to evaluate the success and complication rates of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) with multiple single step access in patients with staghorn kidney stones.Materials and Methods:A total of 118 patients with staghorn kidney stones, who underwent PNL in our clinic between 2008 and 2015, were included in the study. All patients were examined with non-contrast abdominal computed tomography before the operation. Demographic data of patients, operation details, intra- and postoperative complications and additional interventions were evaluated.Results:The mean age of the patients included in the study was 49.6 years. The mean operative time was 139.4 minutes and the mean fluoroscopy time was 126.9 seconds. Postoperative residual stone was detected in 28% of the patients. Postoperative fever was observed in 19 patients (16.2%), and sepsis developed in 3 (2.5%) of them. Additional postoperative procedures were required in 11 patients (9.3%). No patient was lost due to complications. Operation success and complication rates were compatible with the literature.Conclusion:For staghorn stones, PNL with multiple single step dilatation technique can be used as an effective and safe method in adult patients

    10-W, 156-MHz all-fiber-integrated Er-Yb-doped fiber laser-amplifier system

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    We demonstrate all-fiber, high-power chirped-pulse-amplifier system, operating at 1550 nm. 156-MHz soliton oscillator seeds a two-stage single-mode amplifier with output power of 10 W. After external compression, pulse duration is 0.6 ps. © 2012 Optical Society of America

    Image reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging using an Augmented Lagrangian Method

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    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a relatively new imaging modality that images the spatial distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles administered to the body. In this study, we use a new method based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (a subset of Augmented Lagrangian Methods, ADMM) with total variation and l1 norm minimization, to reconstruct MPI images. We demonstrate this method on data simulated for a field free line MPI system, and compare its performance against the conventional Algebraic Reconstruction Technique. The ADMM improves image quality as indicated by a higher structural similarity, for low signal-to-noise ratio datasets, and it significantly reduces computation time. © 2017 IEEE

    Case Report Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Orthotopic Ileal Neobladder

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    Urothelial carcinoma developing in orthotopic ileal neobladder is an extremely rare entity. Fewer than 10 cases have been reported in the literature describing urothelial carcinoma recurrence in orthotopic ileal neobladder. We report a case of transitional cell carcinoma recurrence in orthotopic ileal neobladder after 11 years of surgery

    Cardiac myxoma with mitral valve insufficiency: report of three cases

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    Kardiak miksomalar, kalbin en sık görülen primer tümörleridir. Genellikle sol atriumda bulunduklarından, çoğu kez mitral kapağa doğru prolabe olurlar ve çıkarıldıktan sonra bazen rezidüel miral kapak yetmezliğine neden olabilirler. Bu makalede biz, rezeksiyon sonrası mitral kapak yetmezliği gelişen üç olguyu sunduk. Kliniğe halsizlik ve efor dispnesi ile gelen üç bayan hastada sol atrial miksoma tespit edildi. Hastalardan birisinde preoperatif dönemde, diğer ikisinde de rezeksiyondan hemen sonra mitral kapak yetmezliği belirlendi. Bu patoloji, rezeksiyon sonrasında mitral kapak replasmanı ve tamir yöntemleri ile tedavi edildi. Postoperatif doppler ekokardiografi takiplerinde herhangi bir rezidüel kapak probleminin olmadığı görüldü. Miksoma rezeksiyonları sonrasında mitral kapak yetmezliği olası bir problemdir. Bu nedenle, mitral kapak rezeksiyon sonrasında dikkatlice değerlendirilmelidir. Bu hastalarda yetmezlik primer bir kapak problemi olmadığından, replasmandan ziyade tamir daha kabul edilebilir bir tedavi yaklaşımıdır.Cardiac myxoma is the most common primary tumours of heart. Due to common location in left atrium, it may prolapse to various degrees into the mitral valve orifice and may cause mitral insufficiency after resection. In this report, we present three patients with cardiac myxoma having mitral valve disease. Left atrial myxoma was diagnosed in three women suffered from fatigue and exertional dyspnea. Mitral insufficiency was noticed in one patient preoperatively and in the two other during surgery after tumour excision. Mitral valve repair and replacement after excision were performed. During follow up period, neither recurrence nor valve problem was seen on patients by doppler echocardiogaphy. Mitral insufficiency is a potential problem after myxoma excisions and mitral valve must be examined carefully after resection. Mitral valve repair have to be considered a reasonable alternative to replacement because insuffiency is not a primary valve lesion in these patients