53 research outputs found

    Impasses atuais da relação educativa: o fracasso escolar, uma janela aberta sobre nossa contemporaneidade

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    Partindo de uma abordagem psicanalítica no campo da educação, esse artigo quer fazer emergir "um outro discurso" em relação ao fracasso escolar, em francês dito "décrochage scolaire", com base na análise do material resultante de uma pesquisa realizada pela equipe Clinique de l'éducation et de la formation (CLEF-CIRCEFT) entre 2013 e 2016 na Île de France. O cruzamento entre as questões que emergem do discurso dos sujeitos encontrados nos diversos campos, alunos e profissionais, e a resposta institucional ao que se tornou um "fenômeno" , parece assinalar um tipo de fracasso do encontro entre adultos e adolescentes. O artigo propõe então a leitura dos processos de fracasso escolar como uma manifestação dos novos impasses, aos quais a relação educativa em nossa contemporaneidade deve fazer face

    Dubois, A. (dir.). (2017). Accompagner les enseignants. Pratiques cliniques groupales

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    Sous la direction d’Arnaud Dubois, Accompagner les enseignants. Pratiques cliniques groupales, est un ouvrage composé de neuf contributions. Le fil qui les relie tient à une question cruciale dans un moment sociétal où les « conditions de possibilité de la transmission » (Dubois, p. 11) sont fragilisées : comment accompagner les enseignants et permettre une circulation de la parole « comme interlocution et différence de places » (Ottavi, p. 194) ? C’est cette opération qui est visée par les d..

    Frente a una cultura que ya no se cobija: el discurso sobre “el mal de la juventud”

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    Apoiado em encontros clínicos, experiências de formação e pesquisa em ciências da educação, este artigo relaciona alguns dos impasses dos adolescentes na escola com os novos modos de transmissão e os processos de moralização do discurso escolar. Essas remodelações, que são efeitos do discurso capitalista, parecem produzir formas de desligamento ético dos adultos, deixando os jovens diante de um Outro que não faz mais um abrigo ou uma lei. Essas observações nos obrigam a refletir sobre as apostas do discurso psicanalítico na formação universitária e a atualizar os desafios.Supported by clinical encounters, training and research experiences in educational sciences, this article links some of the impasses of adolescents in school with the new modes of transmission and the processes of moralization of school discourse. These changes, which are effects of the “capitalist discourse”, seem to produce forms of ethical disengagement among adults, leaving young people in the face of an Other who no longer provides support or a Law. These observations force us to reflect on the stakes of psychoanalytic discourse in academic courses and to update the challenges.Con base en los encuentros clínicos, en las experiencias de formación y en la investigación en ciencias de la educación, este artículo asocia algunos de los impasses de los adolescentes en la escuela con las nuevas formas de transmisión y los procesos de moralización del discurso escolar. Estos cambios, que son efectos del “discurso capitalista”, parecen producir formas de desenganche ético de los adultos, dejando a los jóvenes frente a un Otro que ya no tiene un techo ni una Ley. Estas observaciones nos obligan a reflexionar sobre los retos del discurso psicoanalítico en la formación universitaria y a actualizar los desafíos

    Une jeunesse privée d’école : deuil et rêve en temps de pandémie

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    Dans le contexte brésilien de fermeture des écoles en raison de la pandemie de la Covid-19, face aux multiples formes de crises sociales et à un projet de destruction du pays mené par les autorités politiques, cette contribution témoigne de comment les jeunes rencontrés au moment du passage entre le lycée et l’université dans le cadre d’une recherche ont vécu cette période. Les entretiens menés ont fait émerger la question importante de leur rapport à l’école, en tant qu’institution, dans ce moment existentiel de projection. La recherche met en lumière le fait que ces jeunes ont pu traverser ces crises en s’appuyant sur une forme d’école intériorisée, un trait identificatoire qui a rendu possible le travail psychique du deuil, leur permettant de ne pas tomber dans un état mélancolique

    Une jeunesse privée d’école : deuil et rêve en temps de pandémie

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    En el contexto brasileño de cierre de escuelas debido a la pandemia del Covid-19, frente a múltiples formas de crisis social y a un proyecto de destrucción del país liderado por las autoridades políticas, esta contribución da testimonio de cómo vivieron este período los jóvenes que conocimos en el momento de la transición entre la enseñanza media y la universidad en el marco de un proyecto de investigación. Las entrevistas realizadas sacaron a la luz la importante cuestión de su relación con la escuela, como institución, en este momento existencial de proyección. La investigación destaca el hecho de que estos jóvenes pudieron atravesar estas crisis apoyándose en una forma interiorizada de escuela, un rasgo de identificación que hizo posible el trabajo psíquico del duelo, permitiéndoles no caer en un estado melancólico.Dans le contexte brésilien de fermeture des écoles en raison de la pandemie de la Covid-19, face aux multiples formes de crises sociales et à un projet de destruction du pays mené par les autorités politiques, cette contribution témoigne de comment les jeunes rencontrés au moment du passage entre le lycée et l’université dans le cadre d’une recherche ont vécu cette période. Les entretiens menés ont fait émerger la question importante de leur rapport à l’école, en tant qu’institution, dans ce moment existentiel de projection. La recherche met en lumière le fait que ces jeunes ont pu traverser ces crises en s’appuyant sur une forme d’école intériorisée, un trait identificatoire qui a rendu possible le travail psychique du deuil, leur permettant de ne pas tomber dans un état mélancolique.No contexto brasileiro de fechamento de escolas devido à pandemia da Covid-19, diante de múltiplas formas de crise social e de um projeto de destruição do país liderado pelas autoridades políticas, esta contribuição testemunha como os jovens que encontramos no momento da transição entre o ensino médio e a universidade no âmbito de um projeto de pesquisa viveram este período. As entrevistas realizadas trouxeram à tona a importante questão do relacionamento deles com a escola, enquanto instituição, nesse momento existencial de projeção. A pesquisa destaca o fato de que estes jovens foram capazes de atravessar estas crises se apoiando em uma forma de escola internalizada, um traço identificatório que tornou possível o trabalho psíquico do luto, permitindo-lhes não cair em um estado melancólico.In the Brazilian context of school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in the face of multiple forms of social crisis and a project of destruction of the country led by the political authorities, this contribution bears witness to how the young people we met at the moment of transition between high school and university within the framework of a research project experienced this period. The interviews conducted brought to light the important issue of their relationship with school, as an institution, at this existential moment of projection. The research highlights the fact that these young people were able to cross these crises by relying on an internalized form of school, an identificatory trait that made possible the psychic work of mourning, allowing them not to fall into a melancholic state

    Expression of calcium-binding proteins and selected neuropeptides in the human, chimpanzee, and crab-eating macaque claustrum

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    The claustrum is present in all mammalian species examined so far and its morphology, chemoarchitecture, physiology, phylogenesis and ontogenesis are still a matter of debate. Several morphologically distinct types of immunostained cells were described in different mammalian species. To date, a comparative study on the neurochemical organization of the human and non-human primates claustrum has not been fully described yet, partially due to technical reasons linked to the postmortem sampling interval. The present study analyze the localization and morphology of neurons expressing parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR), NPY, and somatostatin (SOM) in the claustrum of man (# 5), chimpanzee (# 1) and crab-eating monkey (# 3). Immunoreactivity for the used markers was observed in neuronal cell bodies and processes distributed throughout the anterior-posterior extent of human, chimpanzee and macaque claustrum. Both CR- and PV-immunoreactive (ir) neurons were mostly localized in the central and ventral region of the claustrum of the three species while SOM- and NPY-ir neurons seemed to be equally distributed throughout the ventral-dorsal extent. In the chimpanzee claustrum SOM-ir elements were not observed. No co-localization of PV with CR was found, thus suggesting the existence of two non-overlapping populations of PV and CR-ir interneurons. The expression of most proteins (CR, PV, NPY), was similar in all species. The only exception was the absence of SOM-ir elements in the claustrum of the chimpanzee, likely due to species specific variability. Our data suggest a possible common structural organization shared with the adjacent insular region, a further element that emphasizes a possible common ontogeny of the claustrum and the neocortex

    MucR binds multiple target sites in the promoter of its own gene and is a heat-stable protein: Is MucR a H-NS-like protein?

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    The protein MucR from Brucella spp. is involved in the expression regulation of genes necessary for host interaction and infection. MucR is a member of the Ros/MucR family, which comprises prokaryotic zinc-finger proteins and includes Ros from Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the Ml proteins from Mesorhizobium loti. MucR from Brucella spp. can regulate the expression of virulence genes and repress its own gene expression. Despite the well-known role played by MucR in the repression of its own gene, no target sequence has yet been identified in the mucR promoter gene. In this study, we provide the first evidence that MucR from Brucella abortus binds more than one target site in the promoter region of its own gene, suggesting a molecular mechanism by which this protein represses its own expression. Furthermore, a circular dichroism analysis reveals that MucR is a heat-stable protein. Overall, the results of this study suggest that MucR might resemble a H-NS protein

    The Citrus Flavonoid Naringenin Protects the Myocardium from Ageing-Dependent Dysfunction: Potential Role of SIRT1

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    Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) enzyme plays a pivotal role in the regulation of many physiological functions. In particular, it is implicated in ageing-related diseases, such as cardiac hypertrophy, myocardial infarct, and endothelial dysfunction; moreover, its expression decreases with age. Therefore, an effective strategy to extend the lifespan and improve cardiovascular function is the enhancement of the expression/activity of SIRT1 with exogenous agents. The Citrus flavonoid naringenin (NAR) presents structural similarity with the natural SIRT1 activator resveratrol. In this study, we demonstrate through in vitro assays that NAR significantly activates SIRT1 enzyme and shows antisenescence effects. The binding mode of NAR into SIRT1 was detailed investigated through in silico studies. Moreover, chronic administration (for six months) of NAR (100 mg/kg/day) to 6-month-old mice leads to an enhancement of SIRT1 expression and a marked reduction of reactive oxygen species production in myocardial tissue. Furthermore, at the end of the treatment, the plasma levels of two well-known markers of cardiovascular inflammation, TNF-α and IL6, are significantly reduced in 12-month-old mice treated with NAR, as well as the cardiovascular risk (total cholesterol/HDL ratio) compared to control mice. Finally, the age-associated fibrotic remodeling, which is well detected through a Mallory trichrome staining in the vehicle-treated 12-month-old mice, is significantly reduced by the chronic treatment with NAR. Moreover, an improvement of myocardium functionality is highlighted by the enhancement of citrate synthase activity and stabilization of the mitochondrial membrane potential after NAR treatment. Taken together, these results suggest that a nutraceutical approach with NAR may have positive impacts on many critical hallmarks of myocardial senescence, contributing to improve the cardiac performance in aged subjects

    Adolescents en panne d’histoire(s)

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    À la limite : malaise dans l’éthique

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