11 research outputs found

    Electrophysiological profile of sleep by subtypes of schizophrenia and maior depressive disorder

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    Uvod: Poremećaji spavanja su veoma česti kod psihijatrijskih bolesnika sa velikim depresivnim poremećajem i shizofrenijom. Ovi pacijenti pokazuju i poremećaje u arhitekturi noćnog spavanja registrovanog metodom polisomnografije. Cilj: Identifikacija potencijalnih biomarkera u polisomnogramu radi dopune diferencijalne dijagnoze navedenih psihijatrijskih oboljenja. Metod: Uzorak u istraţivanju su činili: 30 pacijenata obolelih od hronične (rezidualne) shizofrenije, 30 sa dijagnozom velikog depresivnog poremećaja (dijagnoze u skladu sa kriterijumima MKB 10) i 30 zdravih ispitanika koji su cinili kontrolnu grupu. Svi pacijenti su registrovani metodom polisomnografije (PSG) minimalno 8 sati, a procena stadijuma i parametara spavanja je vršena u skladu sa meĎunarodnim standardima i kriterijumima Rechtsschaffen&Kales-a (1968). Varijable noćnog spavanja su uključene u statističke analize da bi se odredio njihov diskriminativni i prediktivni potencijal u odnosu na klasifikovanje ispitanika u dijagnostičke kategorije shizofrenije i velikog depresivnog poremećaja. Rezultati: Pokazane su statistički značajne razlike u varijablama noćnog spavanja izmeĎu dve grupe psihijatrijskih bolesnika i kontrolne grupe zdravih ispitanika. Najznačajnike razlike se uočavaju kod sledećih varijabli: ukupno vreme spavanja (TST), broj noćnih buĎenja (NAW), latenci uspavljivanja (SL), vremenu budnosti nakon uspavljivanja (WTASO), latenci prve REM periode (REM1lat), trajanju prve REM periode (REM1) i indeksu unutrašnjeg periodiciteta (IEP). Linearna diskriminaciona analiza (LDA) je pokazala tačnost predikcije dijagnostičkih grupa u 88% slučajeva...Introduction: Sleep disorders are frequent symptoms described in psychiatric patients with major depression or schizophrenia. These patients also exhibit changes in sleep architecture as measured by electro-encephalography (EEG) during sleep. Aim: The aim of the present study was to identify potential biomarkers to fascilitate diagnosis based on sleep EEG measurements. Method: 30 patients with schizophrenia, 30 patients with major depression and 30 healthy control subjects were investigated in the present study. All subjects underwent sleep EEG measurements for a minimum time of 8 hours according to the criteria of Rechtscahffen & Kales (1968). Multiple sleep variables were investigated for differences between diagnostic groups as well as their potential to predict diagnosis by linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Results: There were significant differences in EEG sleep variables between healthy control subjects and psychiatric patients (total sleep time, sleep latency, number of awakenings, waking time after sleep onset, REM 1 latency, REM 1 and index of endogenous periodicity). Most interestingly LDA was able to predict the correct diagnosis in 88 % of all cases. Conclusions: The presented analysis showed commonalities and differences in sleep EEG changes in patients with depression and patients with schizophrenia. The results underline the potential of sleep EEG measurements to fascilitate diagnostic processes


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    Background: Sleep disorders are frequent symptoms described in psychiatric patients with major depression and schizophrenia. These patients also exhibit changes in sleep architecture measured by polysomnography (PSG) during sleep. The aim of the present study was to identify potential biomarkers to facilitate diagnosis based on PSG measurements. Subjects and methods: Thirty (30) patients with schizophrenia, 30 patients with major depression and 30 healthy control subjects were investigated in the present study. All subjects underwent PSG measurements for a minimum time of 8 hours according to the criteria of Rechtscahffen & Kales (1968). We tested the potential of multiple sleep variables to predict diagnosis in different groups by using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Results: There were significant differences in PSG variables between healthy control subjects and psychiatric patients (total sleep time, sleep latency, number of awakenings, time of awakening after sleep onset, REM 1 latency, REM 1 and index of endogenous periodicity). Importantly, LDA was able to predict the correct diagnosis in 88% of all cases. Conclusions: The presented analysis showed commonalities and differences in PSG changes in patients with major depressive disorder and in patients with schizophrenia. Our results underline the potential of PSG measurements to facilitate diagnostic processes

    Volumetric Analysis of Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Prefrontal Cortex in Therapy-Naive PTSD Participants

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    Objective. In our study we have hypothesized that volume changes of amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex are more pronounced in male posttraumatic stress disorder participants. Material and Methods. We have conducted a study of 79 male participants who underwent MRI brain scanning. PTSD diagnosis was confirmed in 49 participants. After MRI was taken all scans were software based volume computed and statistically processed. Results. We found that left amygdala is the most significant parameter for distinction between PTSD participants and participants without PTSD. There were no significant differences in volumes of hippocampi and prefrontal cortices. Roc curve method outlined left amygdala AUC = 0.898 (95% CI = 0.830-0.967) and right amygdala AUC = 0.882 (95% CI = 0.810-0.954) in the group of PTSD participants which makes both variables highly statistically significant. Conclusion. The present investigation revealed significant volume decrease of left amygdala in PTSD patients. Concerning important functions of the amygdala and her neuroanatomical connections with other brain structures, we need to increase number of participants to clarify the correlation between impared amygdala and possible other different brain structures in participants with PTSD

    Electrophysiological profile of sleep by subtypes of schizophrenia and maior depressive disorder

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    Uvod: Poremećaji spavanja su veoma česti kod psihijatrijskih bolesnika sa velikim depresivnim poremećajem i shizofrenijom. Ovi pacijenti pokazuju i poremećaje u arhitekturi noćnog spavanja registrovanog metodom polisomnografije. Cilj: Identifikacija potencijalnih biomarkera u polisomnogramu radi dopune diferencijalne dijagnoze navedenih psihijatrijskih oboljenja. Metod: Uzorak u istraţivanju su činili: 30 pacijenata obolelih od hronične (rezidualne) shizofrenije, 30 sa dijagnozom velikog depresivnog poremećaja (dijagnoze u skladu sa kriterijumima MKB 10) i 30 zdravih ispitanika koji su cinili kontrolnu grupu. Svi pacijenti su registrovani metodom polisomnografije (PSG) minimalno 8 sati, a procena stadijuma i parametara spavanja je vršena u skladu sa meĎunarodnim standardima i kriterijumima Rechtsschaffen&Kales-a (1968). Varijable noćnog spavanja su uključene u statističke analize da bi se odredio njihov diskriminativni i prediktivni potencijal u odnosu na klasifikovanje ispitanika u dijagnostičke kategorije shizofrenije i velikog depresivnog poremećaja. Rezultati: Pokazane su statistički značajne razlike u varijablama noćnog spavanja izmeĎu dve grupe psihijatrijskih bolesnika i kontrolne grupe zdravih ispitanika. Najznačajnike razlike se uočavaju kod sledećih varijabli: ukupno vreme spavanja (TST), broj noćnih buĎenja (NAW), latenci uspavljivanja (SL), vremenu budnosti nakon uspavljivanja (WTASO), latenci prve REM periode (REM1lat), trajanju prve REM periode (REM1) i indeksu unutrašnjeg periodiciteta (IEP). Linearna diskriminaciona analiza (LDA) je pokazala tačnost predikcije dijagnostičkih grupa u 88% slučajeva...Introduction: Sleep disorders are frequent symptoms described in psychiatric patients with major depression or schizophrenia. These patients also exhibit changes in sleep architecture as measured by electro-encephalography (EEG) during sleep. Aim: The aim of the present study was to identify potential biomarkers to fascilitate diagnosis based on sleep EEG measurements. Method: 30 patients with schizophrenia, 30 patients with major depression and 30 healthy control subjects were investigated in the present study. All subjects underwent sleep EEG measurements for a minimum time of 8 hours according to the criteria of Rechtscahffen & Kales (1968). Multiple sleep variables were investigated for differences between diagnostic groups as well as their potential to predict diagnosis by linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Results: There were significant differences in EEG sleep variables between healthy control subjects and psychiatric patients (total sleep time, sleep latency, number of awakenings, waking time after sleep onset, REM 1 latency, REM 1 and index of endogenous periodicity). Most interestingly LDA was able to predict the correct diagnosis in 88 % of all cases. Conclusions: The presented analysis showed commonalities and differences in sleep EEG changes in patients with depression and patients with schizophrenia. The results underline the potential of sleep EEG measurements to fascilitate diagnostic processes

    Early and continuous prevention of function disorders and locomotor system deformations during the period of growth and development, Early intervention in special education and rehabilitation

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    Systematic reviews indicate that deformities of the spinal column are one of the major problem of today’s children and a significant problem in the future since it’s increase from year to year. During the growth and development, the locomotor system is all the time under the influence of external and internal factors, and as such is subject to deformation. Heritage and bad habits of posture, the load caused by school bags, inadequate working environment, insufficient physical activity leads to disturbed statics of the spinal column, and results with the occurrence of kyphosis, scoliosis and lordosis. The problem of static disorder directly has the influence and makes disorders in dynamics. Physical exercise programs that include strength training and stretching, with the special emphasis on the load of anti-gravitational postural muscles, should help in the prevention of health problems that might arise. Of course, the maximum effect is achieved by activity throughout life. Complete control of procedures of the kinetic parameters has a very important role in the rehabilitation of children with irregular body posture, as well as in therapeutic methods in general. Measuring instruments which estimate anthropological and functional status of the individual belong to the principles of complete control, with the aim of improving diagnosis, monitoring and determining the effect of rehabilitation treatment. The subject of our work belongs to the field of biomedical research, and in the narrow sense it treats the issue of body deformities in children of preschool and school age, treatment of the same, and determination of the condition of postural disorders, i.e. status of the spinal column, as well as the possibility of developing and implementing the new program for correction, with a special emphasis on scoliosis. Theme of our work gives the opportunity of application of a new therapeutic programme “scolio-correct” to the correction of spinal deformity

    Forensic evaluation of persons with destructive behavior in the postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Background/Aim. Different persons show forensic differences related to aggressive behavior in criminal and violation acts. The aim of this study was to forensically analyze the influence of socio-dynamic conditions and stress in testing the forensic hypothesis of hetero-destruction, and analysis of persons with destructive behavior in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the period from 1996−2005. Methods. The experimental group consisted of 125 persons who had committed a crime according to the Criminal Law of B&H and, thus were under security measures or treatment. The control group consisted of 125 persons who had committed a violation. The following psychometric tests/questionnaires were used in the study: Eysenek Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Profile Index of Emotions (PIE). Results. There were a significant difference between the respondents’ groups related to gender (p < 0.01), while broken family, migration, and family comorbidity showed insignificant differences. EPQ test showed statistically significant differences between the groups for all four variables, and Beck test found significant differences only for some ones. PIE test proved the relations of the basic emotions confirmed by discriminative function. Conclusion. High level of hetero-destruction in crime was proven in the study. Criminal acts and violations were committed by the persons without psychopathology, as well as by the persons with mental diseases, which rendered a forensic responsibility and analysis of such an influence on behavior