12 research outputs found

    Fabrikasi nanofiber TiO2 menggunakan metode electrospinning pada sel surya berbasis dye-sensitized solar cells dan organic solar cells

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    Nanofiber (NF) TiO2 has been successfully fabricated using electrospinning method. NF TiO2 was applied in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) and organic solar cells (OSC). TiO2 solution was synthesized from a mixtured of PVP, acetic acid, ethanol, and TTIP. Then the solution was put into the syringe. Electrospinning voltage was 25 kV, while the distance of needle syringe tip to collector was 15 cm. The FTO substrate was mounted onto collector. Coating time was 10, 15, 30, and 45 minutes. The sandwich structure of DSSC consists of FTO, NF TiO2, dye bryophyta, electrolyte I-/I3-, and carbon as a catalyst. The average diameter of NF TiO2 was about 900 nm obtained from the AFM image. From calculation on the I-V curve, the maximum of DSSC efficiency was obtained when coating time at 15 minutes. NF TiO2 had function other than as a dye absorber as well as a photon trap. According to highest efficiency, the coating time at 15 min was chosen in application of OSC. The OSC structure consists of FTO, NF TiO2, MEH-PPV, and Al as a metal contacts. The MEH-PPV was deposited onto the FTO surface using a spin coating method. Variation of MEH-PPV was 1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers, and 4 layers. Based on SEM cross-sectional image, it was found that the thickness for each layer of MEH-PPV was 0.88 μm (1 layer), 1.20 μm (2 layers), 2.35 μm (3 layers), 5.82 μm (4 layers) . UV-Vis spectrophotometer showed that the absorption area appeared in the range 300-350 nm and 400-500 nm associated with NF TiO2 and MEH-PPV. Therefore, it is concluded that the existence of these two materials can boarden the absorption area of photons. Based on the calculation of I-V curve, it is obtained that the highest efficiency when MEH-PPV thickness at 0.88 μm (1 layer).It is supposed that this correlated to the diffusion length of electron from a place where excitonseparated and move toward each electrode. Therefore, thickness of MEH-PPV over 1 layer is assume too far for the electrons to move toward electrode so that it is possible the electron-hole recombination occurs before it reaches the electrode

    Alat Pendeteksi Penggunaan Masker menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3 B+

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    Penggunaan terapi cairan intravena membutuhkan pengawasan yang ketat. Oleh sebab itu, proses penggantian cairan intravena yang telah mencapai batas minimum harus dilakukan secara tepat dan cepat, sehingga tidak mengakibatkan keterlambatan penggantian cairan intravena. Rentang rata-rata suhu normal pada tempat pengukuran suhu aksila adalah 34,7-37,3°C. Suhu tubuh yang meningkat dari rentang suhu normal disebut demam, yang mana harus memerlukan penanganan cepat dan selalu terpantau perubahan suhunya. Sistem ini menggunakan dua Panel Monitoring Pasien dan satu Panel Monitoring Perawat yang masing-masing menggunakan Arduino Mega 2560 sebagai mikrokontrolernya, sensor suhu DS18B20 dan sensor load cell, serta NRF24L01+ sebagai modul komunikasi nirkabel. Masing-masing panel monitoring terdapat LED sebagai indikator saat suhu tubuh pasien melebihi 37,3°C dan volume cairan intravena dibawah 30ml. Sensor load cell membaca nilai volume dengan akurat, sedangkan sensor suhu DS18B20 memiliki persentase error sebesar 0,47-0,52%. Panel monitoring pasien dapat memonitoring secara real time dan mengirim data suhu, dan volume cairan intravena pasien ke panel monitoring perawat. Panel monitoring perawat dilengkapi dengan buzzer untuk alarm setiap pukul 08.00, 12.00, 17.00 dan 21.00 serta LED indikator volume dan suhu. Komunikasi nirkabel antara node sensor dengan node master dapat berkomunikasi dengan optimal pada rentang jarak 1 sampai 12 meter dengan dinding tembok sebagai penghalang

    Simulation of Piko Hydro Power Generator Using Thread Turbine With 10 Watt Power

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    Renewable energy is one of the efforts to utilize electricity from renewable energy sources. Hydroelectric power is one of the plants that utilizes water as the main energy. Although the amount of energy is abundant, but in Indonesia the use of water as a power plant is still below 7%. This is due to the lack of human resources to manage water energy. Therefore, in this study, a simulation of a pico-hydro power plant using a screw turbine was designed which is expected to provide benefits. This tool is equipped with digital monitoring using Arduino Uno. Power monitoring on this tool uses the INA219 power sensor which is displayed on the LCD display. This tool uses a 12-24V DC generator. The turbine used is a screw turbine type. This pico-hydro power plant simulation is capable of turning on a load equivalent to 1 lamp of 10 watts/12 VAC with an inverter. The measurement of the current and voltage of the generator shows that the average current reaches 11.75 mA and the average voltage produced is 2.11 VDC and the power generated is 24.82 mW. The resulting step-up voltage measurement to charge the battery is 13.04 VDC and the current is 12.4 mA and the battery charging power is 0.161 watts

    Automated Water Heating Management with Internet of Things

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    IoT devices can range from smart home devices such as thermostats and security systems to industrial control systems used in manufacturing and other industries. One focus of the IoT-based monitoring and control concept is monitoring and controlling water heaters based on IoT technology to support the creation of a smart home. The purpose of this research is to create a system that can control and monitor water heaters remotely using the Android Studio application so that the water temperature in the heater can be ensured for safety, comfort, reliability, and energy efficiency. The system is designed using temperature sensors and water flow sensors, and then the data is processed with the NodeMCU microcontroller and then sent to the Firebase website to be displayed on the application. The application built can set a large amount of water and heat it to the desired temperature before sending it to Firebase and then to NodeMCU. The result of this research is an application that is able to control and monitor a water heater with an average measurement difference of 0.38 liters and an average error percentage of 7.11% The relay control system in the application has an average delay time of 3.6 seconds

    Natural Dyes Extraction of Curcuma Longa, Tradescantia Spatacea, and Bryophyta Absorption Capability on TiO2 Nanofiber Thin Layer

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    Exploration of plant variations is required to determine the absorbance ability and potential utilization of dye in the development of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Extraction of four different plants was carried out to obtain three different types of natural dyes. The curcumin dye was obtained from the extraction of Curcuma longa, the chlorophyl dye was obtained from the extraction of Bryophytes, the anthocyanin dye was obtained from the extraction of Brassica oleracea var capitata f. rubra, and Tradescantia spathacea. The research was conducted to determine the absorbance capability of each different type of dye and the image of the thin layer of TiO2 nanofiber used by DSSC. Extraction is carried out through a drying and pounding process. The powder of each plant was then synthesized using ethanol through a homogenization process for 12 hours. The research utilizes a spectrophotometer UV-Visible to determine the wavelength of the natural dye, as well as a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to determine the size of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin film nanofiber based on the displayed image. DSSC utilizes TiO2 nanofiber as a thin layer of semiconductor. The dye absorption peak is in the wavelength range of 350-500 nm and 650-700 nm. Based on the analysis of absorbance results, curcumin dye has the greatest potential to be used in DSSC with the highest absorption ability in all its occurrences at visible light wavelengths

    Feasibility Study of Raw Material for Hybrid Power Plant in Coastal Cilacap Selatan

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    Cilacap Regency is a coastal area south of the island of Java. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of raw materials available in the South Cilacap Coastal area and to determine the potential power that can be generated for the PLTH system through the calculation of the raw material data that has been obtained. This research method begins with direct measurements of wind speed and light intensity. Both devices read data in real time and connect online. The data obtained is processed to determine the wind speed and the average intensity of sunlight. The results of these calculations are entered into the equations to calculate the potential power that can be generated. Based on the calculation, the average wind speed is 3-4 m/s and the light intensity is 54612 watt/m2. The results of the calculation of the potential power that can be generated from the PLTB system in the coastal area of ​​South Cilacap is equivalent to 508 watts/day. The potential power that can be generated from PLTS is 10.8 kW/day. The total potential power that can be generated from the PLTH system on the coast of South Cilacap is equivalent to 273.22 kWh/day.Cilacap Regency is a coastal area south of the island of Java. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of raw materials available in the South Cilacap Coastal area and to determine the potential power that can be generated for the PLTH system through the calculation of the raw material data that has been obtained. This research method begins with direct measurements of wind speed and light intensity. Both devices read data in real time and connect online. The data obtained is processed to determine the wind speed and the average intensity of sunlight. The results of these calculations are entered into the equations to calculate the potential power that can be generated. Based on the calculation, the average wind speed is 3-4 m/s and the light intensity is 54612 watt/m2. The results of the calculation of the potential power that can be generated from the PLTB system in the coastal area of ​​South Cilacap is equivalent to 508 watts/day. The potential power that can be generated from PLTS is 10.8 kW/day. The total potential power that can be generated from the PLTH system on the coast of South Cilacap is equivalent to 273.22 kWh/day

    Pemanfaatan Media Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi simulasi sebagai Substitute eksperimen pada pembelajaran Alat Ukur di SMP.(Skripsi)

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    Bibl. Hal. 75 - 76 ada CDxxi, 74 hlm.. ; ill. 28 cm, -- lamp. (124 lembar


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    This community service activity collaborated with various elements of academia, including Lecturers at the Cilacap State Polytechnic (PNC) and Lecturers at the Telkom Purwokerto Institute of Technology (ITTP) and industrial elements around Cilacap Regency. This activity held in a historic building, aims to form a sustainable creative ecosystem by creating creative placemaking as a platform to improve the creative industry and increase the post-pandemic economy in Cilacap Regency. The method of this activity begins with the selection of the main theme H.A.P (Heritage-Art-Pop) as part of the Tjilatjap – Tjakrawedana 1 Edition Banyumasan Peken. The results of this activity were able to collaborate with all parties who are members of B.Y.O.T Heptahelix activities, namely academics, local government, industry, entrepreneurs, media, community, and aggregators. The discussion regarding the development of creative industries in Cilacap Regency is expected to be able to boost the post-pandemic community's economy and be able to alleviate poverty. Keyword: H.A.P; Creative placemaking; Tjakrawedana; Peken Banyumasan; Cilacap Creativ


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    Desa Ujungmanik Kecamatan Kawunganten Kabupaten Cilacap yang berada di area Segara Anakan Cilacap memiliki sumber daya alam khususnya tanaman kayu putih yang berpotensi untuk mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat desa. Permasalahan terbesar yang dihadapi oleh LMDH Dadi Makmur sebagai unit yang mengelola bisnis minyak kayu putih yaitu setelah produksi penyulingan minyak kayu putih akan menghasilkan sisa limbah dari ranting dan daun minyak kayu putih dengan volumenya cukup besar dan hanya dibiarkan ditumpuk di sekitar halaman tempat penyulingan sehingga menyebabkan area penyimpanan bahan baku mentah minyak atsiri menjadi sempit dan juga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menjadi pupuk organic. inovasi yang ditawarkan melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengimplementasikan mesin pencetak briket dari limbah penyulingan minyak kayu putih yang hemat energi berbasis panel surya. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pengolahan limbah minyak kayu putih selain mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan, juga menghasilkan briket biomassa yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh warga Desa Ujungmanik sebagai produk ekonomis unggulan Desa Ujungmanik