131 research outputs found

    The role of polymorphism of genes of the I and II phase of xenobiotics biotransformation in the development of recurrent and chronic bronchitis in adolescent-smokers

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    The purpose of research – to study the role of allelic polymorphism of genes of the I and II phases of xenobiotics biotransformation in the development of reccurent and chronic diseases of the respiratory system in adolescent-smokers. There was carried out molecular-genetic study of  the polymorphic locus Т3801С of gene CYP1A1 and polymorphic locus A313G of gene GSTP1 in adolescent-smokers with recurrent and chronic bronchitis. It is established that TТ genotype of the polymorphic locus Т3801С of gene CYP1A is a marker of resistance to the development of this pathology in adolescent-smokers. The presence of CC genotype of the polymorphic locus Т3801С of gene CYP1A1 and GG genotype of polymorphic locus of A313G GSTP1 gene may be considered as a possible risk factor for the development of chronic inflammatory process in bronchopulmonary system. Thus, the introduction of molecular-genetic methods of research opens up new possibilities in diagnosis of recurrent and chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Based on the analysis of genetic factors in children and adolescents, it will be possible to predict the risk of COPD developing in the future;this will allow doctors to carry out the necessary preventive activities among risk groups


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    The construction of the correct vector material equations for nonlinear anisotropic soft magnetic materials remains one of the main reserves for increasing the accuracy of mathematical models in solving magnetostatic problems in the field formulation. The aim of the work is to establish asymptotic expressions for the reciprocity principle, which is a fundamental property of reversible magnetization processes of nonlinear anisotropic media, and to use the obtained results to optimize the computational process when constructing the vector magnetization characteristic and differential permeability tensor. The potentiality property of the magnetic flux density vector B in H-space is used. The main result of the paper is an illustration, using concrete examples, of an alternative method for calculating vector magnetization characteristics for one of the orthogonal families. In order to eliminate the instrumental error and ensure maximum accuracy and reliability of the obtained results, the exact characteristics for the components of the vector magnetization characteristic obtained by differentiating a special analytical expression for the potential were used as initial ones. The principle of reciprocity, by virtue of its universal nature, makes a significant contribution to the theory of nonlinear anisotropic media in the hysteresis-free approximation. Asymptotic expressions for the reciprocity principle are obtained for the first time. The performed computational experiments on the construction of vector characteristics based on the known magnetization characteristics in one of the directions confirm almost complete coincidence with the exact values obtained analytically. The use of asymptotic expressions for the reciprocity principle not only greatly simplifies computational processes for determining the orthogonal magnetization characteristics, but also implements the calculation of differential permeability tensors for arbitrary field values. The proposed method can be implemented in applications for calculating the magnetic field in devices with nonlinear anisotropic magnetically soft materials, primarily with cold rolled sheet electrical steels, which are most used in electrical engineering.Рассмотрены теоретические и практические аспекты построения векторных материальных уравнений нелинейных анизотропных сред. Показано, что используемые методы учета магнитных свойств даже в безгистерезисном приближении не всегда удовлетворяют требованиям полноты и математической строгости. Подтверждена эффективность энергетического подхода к построению векторных характеристик магнитного состояния таких сред. Особое внимание уделено принципу взаимности как фундаментальному свойству обратимых процессов намагничивания. Установлены новые асимптотические выражения для принципа взаимности и на численных примерах показана их эффективность при построении векторной модели магнитной среды без использования энергетического потенциала.


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    The construction of the correct vector material equations for nonlinear anisotropic soft magnetic materials remains one of the main reserves for increasing the accuracy of mathematical models in solving magnetostatic problems in the field formulation. The aim of the work is to establish asymptotic expressions for the reciprocity principle, which is a fundamental property of reversible magnetization processes of nonlinear anisotropic media, and to use the obtained results to optimize the computational process when constructing the vector magnetization characteristic and differential permeability tensor. The potentiality property of the magnetic flux density vector B in H-space is used. The main result of the paper is an illustration, using concrete examples, of an alternative method for calculating vector magnetization characteristics for one of the orthogonal families. In order to eliminate the instrumental error and ensure maximum accuracy and reliability of the obtained results, the exact characteristics for the components of the vector magnetization characteristic obtained by differentiating a special analytical expression for the potential were used as initial ones. The principle of reciprocity, by virtue of its universal nature, makes a significant contribution to the theory of nonlinear anisotropic media in the hysteresis-free approximation. Asymptotic expressions for the reciprocity principle are obtained for the first time. The performed computational experiments on the construction of vector characteristics based on the known magnetization characteristics in one of the directions confirm almost complete coincidence with the exact values obtained analytically. The use of asymptotic expressions for the reciprocity principle not only greatly simplifies computational processes for determining the orthogonal magnetization characteristics, but also implements the calculation of differential permeability tensors for arbitrary field values. The proposed method can be implemented in applications for calculating the magnetic field in devices with nonlinear anisotropic magnetically soft materials, primarily with cold rolled sheet electrical steels, which are most used in electrical engineering.Рассмотрены теоретические и практические аспекты построения векторных материальных уравнений нелинейных анизотропных сред. Показано, что используемые методы учета магнитных свойств даже в безгистерезисном приближении не всегда удовлетворяют требованиям полноты и математической строгости. Подтверждена эффективность энергетического подхода к построению векторных характеристик магнитного состояния таких сред. Особое внимание уделено принципу взаимности как фундаментальному свойству обратимых процессов намагничивания. Установлены новые асимптотические выражения для принципа взаимности и на численных примерах показана их эффективность при построении векторной модели магнитной среды без использования энергетического потенциала.


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    Heterogeneous media have a wide range of practical applications. Media with a doubly periodic structure (matrices of high-gradient magnetic separators, etc.) occupy an important place. Their study is usually based on experimental and approximate methods and is limited to simple two-phase systems. The development of universal and accurate methods of mathematical modelling of electrophysical processes in such environments is an urgent task. The aim of the paper is to develop a method for calculating local and effective parameters of a magnetostatic field with minimal restrictions on the number of phases, their geometry, concentration, and magnetic properties. Based on the theory of elliptic functions and secondary sources, an integral equation is formulated with respect to the magnetization vector of the elements of the main parallelogram of the periods. The calculated expressions for the complex potential, field strength, and components of the effective magnetic permeability tensor are obtained. The results of a series of computational experiments confirming the universality and effectiveness of the method are presented. As an example of a practical application, a detailed study of the field of the magnetic forces of the matrix is carried out: the lines of magnetic isodine and potential extraction areas for a complex version of the matrix are constructed. Within the framework of the developed method, the calculation of local and effective field characteristics is carried out by solving the field problem in the field of an arbitrary parallelogram of periods without specifying boundary conditions on its sides with a comprehensive consideration of significant interdependent factors. The practical value of the method is to create new opportunities for improving the technical characteristics of electrophysical devices for which the universality and accuracy of calculating local and effective field characteristics is decisive. An algorithm for optimizing the characteristics of the separator is proposed. Изложен метод расчета магнитостатического поля в двоякопериодической гетерогенной среде. Сформулировано интегральное уравнение относительно вектора намагниченности элементов среды. Расчет характеристик поля осуществляется путем решения полевой задачи в области основного параллелограмма периодов без задания граничных условий на его сторонах. Получены расчетные выражения для напряженности поля и тензора магнитной проницаемости. Приведены результаты вычислительных экспериментов, подтверждающих универсальность и эффективность метода. Проведено детальное исследование поля магнитных сил матрицы высокоградиентного магнитного сепаратора. Метод открывает новые возможности повышения технических характеристик электрофизических устройств, для которых универсальность и точность расчета локальных и эффективных характеристик поля является определяющей

    Rotavirus Infection in Children as of Today

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    Background. Urgency of the issue of rotavirus infection (RV) is stipulated by a special place in the structure of morbidity and mortality among young children. According to the data provided by WHO, 180 million diarrheal diseases with rotavirus etiology are registered every year. The aim of this article is to examine of current views on diagnosis and management of rotavirus infection in children. Material and methods. The data of scientific literatures withthe use of bibliosemantic method of study became thematerial for research. Review. Theurgentapproachestodiagnosisandmanagementofrotavirusinfectioninchildrenisreflectedintheartic.Conclusions. The specific prophylaxis is recommended in order to prevent these infection. Apply monovalent vaccine, which has cross protection against different strains (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9), and use pentavalent liquid vaccine containing G serotypes are recommended. It has cross-protection against different strains

    Optomechanics and thermometry of cryogenic silica microresonators

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    We present measurements of silica optomechanical resonators, known as bottle resonators, passively cooled in a cryogenic environment. These devices possess a suite of properties that make them advantageous for preparation and measurement in the mechanical ground state, including high mechanical frequency, high optical and mechanical quality factors, and optomechanical sideband resolution. Performing thermometry of the mechanical motion, we find that the optical and mechanical modes demonstrate quantitatively similar laser-induced heating, limiting the lowest average phonon occupation observed to just ~1500. Thermalization to the 9 mK thermal bath would facilitate quantum measurements on these promising nanogram-scale mechanical resonators.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figues, submission versio

    The role of modern methods of intern’s training to practical classes

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    Education as a process is one of the most important types of intellectual work. The topical problem is to increase the efficacy of pedagogical process, to train professional and cultural oriented individuality of interns who have world outlook, ability to intellectual and specialized creativity. New requirements which are determined by introduction of our country to European and World space and reforming of Medical education system and new requirements put difficult tasks before instructors during practical training of future specialists. It assists in the role of pedagogical excellence and his/her abilities to manage correctly pedagogical process during intern’s training as highly-qualified experts

    Разработка алгоритмов и программного обеспечения систем управления движением роботизированного почвообрабатывающего агрегата

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    Abstract. Automation of agricultural machinery is aimed at solving specific practical tasks: control and maintenance of the technological process quality, increasing labor productivity as well as crop yields. The method of "precision farming" is economically expedient, since it is a direct saving of technological material, as well as it helps reducing the negative impact on the environment and farm produce. (Research purpose) The research purpose is to review and analyze the main aspects required to develop the algorithms and software for motion control systems for a robotic tillage unit. (Materials and methods) To implement process control, it is necessary to control the direction of travel along a specified path, change the speed of movement depending on the engine load, switching the transmission gears. Physical-and-mechanical characteristics of the unit are rather heterogeneous and depend on weather conditions. Therefore, the algorithm for controlling the power of the robotic mobile unit must take into account, as much as possible, variations in the external effects of drawbar properties and the motion resistance, as a random factor. (Results and discussion) The authors have developed an imitation model representing the movement of a robotic unit. For the simulation, use has been made of a cyclic trajectory of the unit movement, consisting of two types of sections: the rectilinear ones reflecting the soil tillage pattern, and the turn areas where the unit makes a turn along a curvilinear trajectory around a certain center. (Conclusions) The implementation of robotic technologies in agricultural production result in increased technical, technological, production and economic indicators of agricultural units in field work, increased labor productivity, reduced time required for fieldworks, more rational use of bioenergy resources, increased yields of agricultural crops and reduced environmental impacts.Реферат. Автоматизация сельскохозяйственной техники призвана решать конкретные практические задачи: контроль и поддержание качества выполнения технологического процесса, повышение производительности труда, увеличение урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур. Метод «точного земледелия» экономически целесообразен, так как способствует экономии технологического материала, снижению отрицательного воздействия на окружающую среду и производимую продукцию. (Цель исследования) Рассмотреть и проанализировать основные аспекты, необходимые при разработке алгоритмов и программного обеспечения систем управления движением роботизированного агрегата для пахотных работ. (Материалы и методы) Управление технологическим процессом включает руководство движением по заданной траектории, возможность изменения скорости движения в зависимости от загрузки двигателя, переключая передачу в трансмиссии. Физико-механические свойства агрегата существенно отличаются неоднородностью и зависят от погодных условий; алгоритм управления роботизированным мобильным агрегатом должен в максимальной степени учитывать вариации внешних воздействий сцепных свойств и сопротивлений движению в статусе случайных величин. (Результаты и обсуждение) Разработали имитационную модель, представляющую движение роботизированного агрегата. Выбрали цикличную траекторию перемещения агрегата, состоящую из двух видов участков: прямолинейных, на которых происходит обработка почвы, и участков разворота, где агрегат совершает разворот по криволинейной траектории вокруг некоторого центра. (Выводы) Внедрение роботизированных технологий в земледелие повышает технические, технологические, производственно-экономические показатели сельскохозяйственных агрегатов при проведении полевых работ, увеличивает производительность труда, сокращает сроки проведения работ, способствует рациональному использованию биоэнергетических ресурсов, повышает урожайность и снижает экологическую нагрузку на окружающую среду