14 research outputs found

    Penggambaran Makrofauna dan Mesofauna Tanah Dibawah Tegakan Karet (Hevea Brazilliensis) di Lahan Gambut

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    This study aims to determine the diversity of macrofauna and mesofauna peat soil macrofauna calculate population density and mesofauna peat soil between plants and close rubber plant (Hevea Brazilliensis),Research conducted in the community rubber plantations, pineapple Kualu Village, District Mines Kampar. The type of soil used was Peat. The research was conducted over three months starting from March to May 2016. The study was conducted by survey sampling for macrofauna and mesofauna ground observations determined by purposive sampling method, extensive research sites 1 360 hectares with a population of crop plants, for research taken 5%, namely 18 plants, plant determination random sample of observations made, the observed data diverse population and relative density of macrofauna and mesofauna analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results showed the soil macrofauna and mesofauna among plants have more than the number of close plant

    Respon Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Pre Nursery Pada Media Ultisol Yang Mendapat Aplikasi Sludge Dan Pupuk Pelengkap Cair

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    This study aims to determine the effect of sludge and liquid manure as well as to obtain the best dose of sludge and liquid fertilizer for the growth of oil palm seedlings in ultisol media. Research conducted at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Pekanbaru. The study was conducted during the four months from April to August 2015. The study conducted an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor is the sludge (S), which consists of 4 levels and the second factor is fertilizer complementary liquid (P) consisting of 3 levels. Comparisons between treatment parameters observed were seedling height, number of leaves, the girth, shoot to root ratio, root volume, seedlings dry weight using ANOVA and Duncan\u27s multiple range test level of 5%. The results showed that the application of sludge and PPC has no significant effect on seedling height, number of leaves, girth, shoot to root ratio, seedling dry weight and root volume. Sludge 75 g / polybag and PPC 4 cc / l applications on pre nursery oil palm seedlings in ultisol media tend to improve seedling height, number of leaves, wrap tubers, roots canopy ratio, seedling dry weight and root volume

    Peningkatan Keterampilan ICT untuk Guru melalui Pelatihan Konten Digital Pembelajaran Berbasis Sumber Terbuka (Open Sources)

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    ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan dan pengembangan konten digital adalah persyaratan yang harus terpenuhi untuk menjadi guru profesional Abad 21. Hal ini yang kemudian membuat adanya kebutuhan mendesak dikalangan guru yang sudah lama berkecimpung dalam profesi pendidikan. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan melalui kuesioner online (Google Form), responden (n=83) dari beberapa sekolah dan beberapa mata pelajaran mengayatakan bahwa kebutuhan keterampilan pembuatan konten digital pembelajaran merupakan prioritas utama (n=42) dan diikuti kebutuhan pembuatan online classroom and mobile learning (n=38). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan identifikasi masalah, analisa kurikulum, implementasi solusi, dan evaluasi hasi dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam bentuk pelatihan pengembangan konten digital pembelajaran untuk guru di Kota Tangerang. Kata Kunci: konten digital; pembelajaran informatika; sumber terbuka.ABSTRACT Digital content development and utilization are considered as high requirements that must be mastered by qualified teachers in this 21st century learning. The needs eventually create gaps between prior teachers’ competencies and the requirements for further qualifications. An online survey delivered through Google form was conducted to validate this hypothesis. The survey found that respondents (n=83) who were school teachers from different learning subjects expressed that they demanded new skills on digital content development and utilization. It was considered as the highest priority (n=42) among any others skills related technology enhanced learning, such as online classroom or mobile learning (n=38). This article is aimed to describe the process of problem identification, curriculum analysis, the implementation of solution, and program evaluation of a community service activities entitled ‘Training of Digital Content Development for School Teachers’. Keywords: computer science education; digital content; open sources.

    New mechanistic insights, novel treatment paradigms, and clinical progress in cerebrovascular diseases

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    The past decade has brought tremendous progress in diagnostic and therapeutic options for cerebrovascular diseases as exemplified by the advent of thrombectomy in ischemic stroke, benefitting a steeply increasing number of stroke patients and potentially paving the way for a renaissance of neuroprotectants. Progress in basic science has been equally impressive. Based on a deeper understanding of pathomechanisms underlying cerebrovascular diseases, new therapeutic targets have been identified and novel treatment strategies such as pre- and post-conditioning methods were developed. Moreover, translationally relevant aspects are increasingly recognized in basic science studies, which is believed to increase their predictive value and the relevance of obtained findings for clinical application.This review reports key results from some of the most remarkable and encouraging achievements in neurovascular research that have been reported at the 10th International Symposium on Neuroprotection and Neurorepair. Basic science topics discussed herein focus on aspects such as neuroinflammation, extracellular vesicles, and the role of sex and age on stroke recovery. Translational reports highlighted endovascular techniques and targeted delivery methods, neurorehabilitation, advanced functional testing approaches for experimental studies, pre-and post-conditioning approaches as well as novel imaging and treatment strategies. Beyond ischemic stroke, particular emphasis was given on activities in the fields of traumatic brain injury and cerebral hemorrhage in which promising preclinical and clinical results have been reported. Although the number of neutral outcomes in clinical trials is still remarkably high when targeting cerebrovascular diseases, we begin to evidence stepwise but continuous progress towards novel treatment options. Advances in preclinical and translational research as reported herein are believed to have formed a solid foundation for this progress

    Desain Jembatan Sungai Meskom Menggunakan Girder Prategang

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    Jembatan sungai Meskom awalnya merupakan jembatan balok T yang menghubungkan permukiman masyarakat setempat. Kondisijembatan tersebut saat ini memiliki pilar yang terlalu banyak yang berada dibawah balok T sehingga perahu-perahu nelayan tidak bisa melintasdibawah jembatan. Sehingga dicoba mendesain ulang jembatan tersebut menggunakan girder beton prategang. Dengan menggunakan girder prategangdiharapkan, sungai nantinya bisa difungsikan bagi masyarakat setempat dan perahu nelayan bisa melintas dibawah jembatan. Untuk analisa bebanmengacu pada standar pembebanan untuk jembatan SNI 1725-2016, dan SNI T-12-2004 untuk perencanaan struktur jembatan beton prategang.Desain meliputi Girder, diafragma, trotoar, slab. Hasil dari Desain yaitu lebar Slab jembatan 8 m, tebal 0,2 m, momen ultimit pada tumpuan 85,853kN, tulangan lentur negatif dan positif sama, yaitu Tulangan pokok D 16 – 100, tulangan bagi D 13 – 120.. Girder prategang menggunakan PCI girderdengan spesifikasi tinggi 0,9 m, beam spacing 2 m, mutu beton girder k-800. Kabel prestress pada desain PCI girder digunakan 4 tendon yang masing – masing terdiri dari 19 kawat jenis uncoated 7 wire super strands ASTM A-416 grade 270.Gaya prategang awal 5442,998 kN, gaya yang terjadiakibat jacking 4802,645 kN, dan gaya prategang akhir diperkirakan kehilangan tegangan (loss of prestress) 30% yaitu 3810,09 kN