254 research outputs found

    Kanji Focusing : The Psychotherapeutic Use of a Single Kanji Character Embedded in the Implicit

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    ユージン・ジェンドリンの哲学と心理療法論では体験の暗在的側面が明在的な象徴として言い表されること、また、明在的な象徴は再び暗在を生み出すことが示されている。心理療法においては、セラピストはクライエントが語った明在的な言葉のみならず、それらの言葉に含意される暗在的な意味の感覚に注目する。アートセラピーでは暗在をアートとして表現するが、そのアート表現が再び暗在をもたらす。本論では、単語でもアートでもない漢字一字という象徴形式に注目した。日本や中国などの漢字文化圏では漢字一字は明在的な象徴でありながら、その意味は未完であり、暗在的である。本論では漢字フォーカシング簡便法を提案し、完全逐語記録1例を含む3事例を提示した。フォーカシング簡便法における変更は「ハンドル表現」を「漢字一字」に入れ替える最小限の変更である。また、フォーカシング指向心理療法における漢字一字の利用について事例を示した。さらに、漢字一字の臨床的な利用について、「リマインダー」としての利用や描画と漢字一字の組み合わせについて、それぞれの事例を紹介した。漢字一字は明在的な象徴でありながら、単語としては未完であるためその意味は暗在に包まれている。漢字一字で思考することは暗在とともに思考することであると考察した。最後に、漢字フォーカシングの他にも筆者らが取り組んでいる漢字一字を用いたグループや質的研究法に論及した。Eugene Gendlin\u27s philosophy and psychotherapy theory show how explicit symbols explicate the implicit while they also bring forth the implicit. Therapists attend to both the explicit symbols articulated by the client, and to the implicit sense of meaning which surrounds the explicit verbal symbols. In art therapy, artistic expressions explicate the implicit, while the artistic expression also brings forth a distinct implicitly felt understanding. In this paper, a kanji or a Chinese character is seen as another avenue of explication, distinct from words and art expressions. A single kanji is explicit and specific, yet it\u27s meaning is implicit and incomplete, since a word completes itself as a combination of kanjis. Moreover, a single character has various meanings, historical contexts and usages, as well as a wide variety of potential meanings. In this paper, a Single Kanji Focusing Short Form is proposed with three session reports. A complete transcript is shown for one of these sessions. In the Single Kanji Focusing Short Form, the step of "finding a handle" is changed to "finding a single kanji". A vignette from a therapy case is presented illustrating how a single Kanji can be used in Focusing-Oriented Therapy. Two different ways of using a single Kanji in therapy are also shown with examples from sessions, the first as a "reminder" and the second in combination with art. Changes to the steps of Focusing remain minimal, yet the single kanji explication can be a familiar and powerful form of explication in cultures that use Chinese characters. The author discusses the single kanji explication as an intersection of the explicit and implicit, and shows further applications of single character explications in groups and in qualitative methods of inquiry

    A Study of Carl Rogers\u27 Reflection Responses in Non-Directive Psychotherapy

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    本稿の目的はCarl Rogersがリフレクションと呼んでいた応答について考察することである。まずRogers自身が解説するリフレクションについて概観した。Rogers自身が「リフレクション」という語を用いて心理療法の応答を解説していたのは、1942年の著書Counseling and Psychotherapyのみであった。Carl Rogersの心理療法の研究者たちが“Refl ective Psychotherapy”の時期と名付けた1950年から1970年の間にはリフレクションについては明示的に記されていなかった。そして晩年には、「気持ちのリフレクション」は「理解を試す」や「知覚をチェックする」応答と呼ぶことを提案していた。本稿は1942年の著書Counseling and Psychotherapyに焦点をあて、reflection という語が用いられている文章を探し、それらは逐語記録の解説に用いられていることを見出した。そこで、本稿ではその著作に示された逐語記録とそれらの解説を検討した。その結果、次のことが考察された。まず、当時のRogersは精神分析的な枠組みで応答について考えていた。次に、attitudes(態度)とfeelings(気持ち)が言い換え可能の用語として用いられていた。またリフレクションの対象となったのは、クライエントの考え方・見方・感じ方であり、リフレクションは主にクライエントの態度、すなわち自身や自身の症状についての考え方を映し出すものであった。さらに、Rogers は「旧い方法」ではなく「新しい方法」として非指示的アプローチを提示し、リフレクションを含む非指示的な応答とは、命令や禁止、勧告、元気づけ、励まし、カタルシス、助言、知性化された解釈ではない応答を意味していた。The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychotherapy response that Carl Rogers referred to as "reflection". For this purpose, the authors review Rogers\u27 commentaries on reflection. In this review it was found that Rogers used the term "reflection" to describe a particular therapeutic response only in his book Counseling and Psychotherapy published in 1942. During what is referred to as Rogers\u27 "Reflective Psychotherapy" period, no reference is made to the reflection response. In later years, Rogers recalls about reflection and explains it as "testing understandings" or "checking perceptions". This paper then studies Rogers\u27 1942 book where the term "reflection" appears in the explanations of the counselor\u27s responses in excerpts of therapy sessions. From the usage of the term, this study found: firstly, that Rogers was using a psychoanalytic model to understand the therapy excerpts; secondly, that Rogers used the term "reflection of attitudes" and "reflection of feelings" interchangeably; thirdly, that what was reflected were the attitudes, viewpoints and feelings of the client; and fourthly that Rogers believed that "reflection of attitudes/feelings" constituted a newer approach to therapy contrasted with the older approach characterized by ordering, forbidding, exhortation, reassurance, encouragement, catharsis, advice and intellectual interpretation

    Giving-up-spirit : coping style in Japan

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    Development of Water Management Modeling by using GIS in Chirchik River Basin, Uzbekistan

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    AbstractThe management of water resources has become a critical need for Chirchik river basin in Uzbekistan due to water deficit and salt damage. Hence, plans must be developed for water efficient use through better management at the river basin level. In this paper, fundamental concept of the proposed water management modeling of the Chirchik river basin and overview of hydrological model using Geomorphology Based Hydrological Model (GBHM). Furthermore, various spatial data such as land-use layers and hydrological layers are developed in this study by conducting latest GIS (Geographical Information System) technology. By extracting ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) data on autumn and spring, a series of land-use classification is created using the supervised classification method. For regional-scale hydrological modeling, GBHM as a powerful tool is used to analyze the river basin by utilizing the geomorphological properties data for each catchment and hillslope hydrological processes. As a result, development of spatial modeling is obtained and GIS-based analysis is an effective method to study water management in Chirchik river basin in Uzbekistan

    Determination of stress dependent relative permeability of low permeable rocks injected with supercritical CO2

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    In this paper, we propose a numerical approach to determine CO2-water relative permeability from the experimental test of the injection of supercritical CO2 into low permeable rock. The theoretical analysis was modified in order to incorporate two phase drainage displacement while poroelastic geomechanical analysis was employed to quantify the stress-strain as well as the porosity-permeability that altered during the injection. The applicability of the numerical analysis was examined in the injection of supercritical CO2 with 3 ??l/min flow rate into a cored Ainoura sandstone saturated by water within initial condition of 10 MPa pore pressure, 20 MPa confining pressure, and 35??C temperature. During injection, the hydraulic pressures in the upstream and downstream of the core including its longitudinal and lateral strains were measured. The experimental results showed that CO2 injection generates an increase in hydraulic pressure across the core up to 16.93 MPa, and the increase in volumetric strain by 0.7%. As a consequence, porosity and permeability changes by a factor of 1.22 and 2.03 of those initial values were observed, respectively. It was also found that CO2 and water relative permeability values yielded lower values by 25% and 65%, respectively, when geomechanical effects on the hydraulic behavior are considered . The results suggest that the determination of relative permeability by core scale measurement needs to accommodate both hydraulic and geomechanical effects, especially in case of low permeable rocks

    Experimental and Numerical Study on the Behavior of Supercritical CO2 in jected to Low Permeable Rocks

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    In this study, we developed a new flow pump permeability test to investigate the behavior of CO2 injected into low permeable rocks. The injection of supercritical CO2 was conducted on a cored sandstone saturated with water. In addtion, numerical analysis of flow pump permeability test incorporating Darcy's Law for two phases flow analysis was developed in order to determine the relative permeability of saturated water and of CO2, as well as the specific storage of the core during the injection. To examine the effect of CO2 state, the injection of liquid CO2 was also undertaken. It was observed that the injection of CO2 in liquid state is able to drive more CO2 flowing through the core, yet also to generate a higher hidraulic pressure in comparison to supercritical CO2. The migration of supercritical CO2 in low permeable rocks within low gradient hydraulic will take very long time and indicates supercritical state become more appropriate state of CO2 in a long-term sequestration

    Towards the Development of a Korean EXP Checklist and the Possibility of Estimating Levels of Experiencing through Non-verbal Expressions

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    韓国の心理臨床の現場では体験過程尺度(EXPスケール)はほとんど活用されていない。そのため、本研究のひとつの側面は、体験過程の推定に使いやすいEXPチェックリストを韓国に紹介することであった。三宅(2007)のEXPチェックリストを久保田ら(印刷中)はEXPCKIIver. 1.1 に改良しており、筆者はそのEXPCK-IIver.1.1 を韓国語に翻訳した。EXP5段階の各レベルを反映する10編のサンプル・ビデオを韓国語で作成した。これらのクリップは複数の評定者が動画と日本語訳逐語記録をもとにEXPCK-IIver1.0 で評定し正答率を算出した。その結果を考慮して、7編のビデオクリップと韓国語に訳したEXPCK-IIver1.1 を韓国のトクソン女子大学に送付し、共同研究を準備した。また、日本で行なった評定の分析と評定者に対するアンケートを行ない、評定者がどのようなことに注目してEXP レベルを判定するかを調査した。一部のビデオを再編集したところ、評定結果の正答率は5 段階別にパーセント表記すると、100% Very Low;87.5% Low;75% Middle;87.5% High;100% Very High となっていた。また、評定者は言語的情報だけではなく、沈黙、表情、声、身体の動きなどの非言語情報にも注目していたことがわかった。ビデオが韓国語であったにもかかわらず、比較的高い正答率で評定することができたのは、そのためと考えることができる。体験過程様式の教育には、非言語的情報にも注目する必要があることが考察された。The Experiencing Scales are not used among psychotherapy researchers and practitioners in Korea. One aspect of this study is to introduce to Korea the EXP Checklist, a paper and pencil method for estimating modes of experiencing. Th e authors translated into Korean the EXPCK-II ver.1.1 (Kubota et al., in press), a checklist for estimating modes of experiencing, which was based on an earlier version by Miyake et al. (2007). Ten sample video segments produced in Korean were edited to reflect the five levels of experiencing. Japanese raters rated these video segments with translated transcripts. After considering rating correctness, seven of these video segments were sent to Duksung Women’s University in Korea for the purpose of future collaborative research. The ratings by the Japanese raters were analyzed, and open-ended questions asking for what the raters referred to during the ratings were studied. The correctness of ratings shown in percentages were 100% for Very Low, 87.5% for Low, 75% for Middle, 87.5% for High, and 100% for Very High. Moreover, it was found that raters also considered non-verbal expressions such as pauses, facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures for reference during the ratings. These non-verbal expressions may have contributed to the high levels of accuracy in the ratings. This paper proposes that some system of rating non-verbal expressions be developed for estimating levels of experiencing


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    The title compound, C16H16N4O2, crystallizes with two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, which are related by a non-crystallographic centre of inversion. The phenyl­ene rings are twisted out of the mean plane of the triazole ring by 19.3 (1) and 21.4 (1)° for one independent mol­ecule and by 16.3 (1) and 18.1 (1)° for the other mol­ecule. In the crystal, adjacent mol­ecules are linked by amine–triazole N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds, forming chains running along the a axis