50 research outputs found

    Lineage-level distribution models lead to more realistic climate change predictions for a threatened crayfish

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    Aim As climate change presents a major threat to biodiversity in the next decades, it is critical to assess its impact on species habitat suitability to inform biodiversity conservation. Species distribution models (SDMs) are a widely used tool to assess climate change impacts on species' geographical distributions. As the name of these models suggests, the species level is the most commonly used taxonomic unit in SDMs. However, recently it has been demonstrated that SDMs considering taxonomic resolution below (or above) the species level can make more reliable predictions of biodiversity change when different populations exhibit local adaptation. Here, we tested this idea using the Japanese crayfish (Cambaroides japonicus), a threatened species encompassing two geographically structured and phylogenetically distinct genetic lineages. Location Northern Japan. Methods We first estimated niche differentiation between the two lineages of C. japonicus using n-dimensional hypervolumes and then made climate change predictions of habitat suitability using SDMs constructed at two phylogenetic levels: species and intraspecific lineage. Results Our results showed only intermediate niche overlap, demonstrating measurable niche differences between the two lineages. The species-level SDM made future predictions that predicted much broader and severe impacts of climate change. However, the lineage-level SDMs led to reduced climate change impacts overall and also suggested that the eastern lineage may be more resilient to climate change than the western one. Main conclusions The two lineages of C. japonicus occupy different niche spaces. Compared with lineage-level models, species-level models can overestimate climate change impacts. These results not only have important implications for designing future conservation strategies for this threatened species, but also highlight the need for incorporating genetic information into SDMs to obtain realistic predictions of biodiversity change.Peer reviewe

    Clinical application of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test for children with developmental disorders

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     本研究では,10 名の読みや書きなどの学習面に困難を抱える発達障害をともなう子ども にWechsler式知能検査およびRey-Osterrieth複雑図形検査(ROCF)を実施し,認知特性の 実態把握の過程におけるROCFの有用性を検討した。ROCFの記録には被検者の描画過程 をデータ化してパソコンに取り込むことのできるタッチペン (Inkling™) を用い,成績評価 には,描画の質的評価も含むBoston Qualitative Scoring System (BQSS) を用いた。 Wechsler式知能検査における知覚統合や知覚推理の下位検査の得点が良好であっても, ROCFにおいて構成力や描画過程に困難が少なからず認められ,これらは学習面における困 難の背景にある病態を反映したものと考えられた。また,本検査成績を検討する上で, BQSSの概要得点の1 つである組織構成,概要得点に含まれていないクラスター要素や細部 要素の配置の評価の重要性についても論じた

    Decreasing the Pressure Gradient of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract by Single-lead VDD Pacing in a Patient with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

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    A 59-year-old woman with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of 8 years duration, who had been taking ホイ-blocker, was admitted to our hospital for exertional dyspnea and previous syncope. Cardiac catheterization showed a prominent left-ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) pressure gradient, and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) was diagnosed. To reduce LVOT obstruction, we implanted a single-lead VDD-mode pacemaker. Cardiac catheterization after the implantation revealed a remarkable decrease in the LVOT pressure gradient with short atrioventricular delay, 80 msec, and her symptoms disappeared. A singlelead VDD pacemaker is also a useful treatment for an HOCM patient due to the relative ease with which it can be implanted

    カイゴ サービス ジギョウ ニ オケル ジョウホウ マネジメント ト ICT ドウニュウ ノ ココロミ

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    介護サービス事業者における情報マネジメントの特徴を分析し、コストを抑制した情報システム導入による業務効率化の可能性を探った。本研究では、東京都内で介護事業所を展開する事業者を事例として、情報マネジメントの実態を明らかにし、それに基づいて、業務効率化と新サービス開発をにらんだ情報システムの提案を行った。その結果、次のことが明らかとなった。すなわち、適切な情報マネジメントによって職員間の情報共有が図られ、状況特殊性に応じたカスタマイズが行われれば、経営の効率化を実現することが可能である。また、高度なICT基盤があることは望ましいが、安全性の高いオンラインストレージとモバイル端末を組み合わせるだけでも基本的な業務の効率化は進められる。With analyzing the characteristics of information management in the nursing care services businesses, the possibility of improving operational efficiency through introduction of the cloud based information systems is investigated.We conducted a study on a nursing care services company in Tokyo. Based on the analysis of the actual condition of information management of the company, we proposed an information system for improving operational efficiency and developing new services.As a result, we have found the possibility of introduction of ICT. That is, if information sharing between the staff is attained by the appropriate information management and if the system is properly customized, then management efficiency is achievable. We conclude that operational efficiency of the nursing care services can be achieved with the combination of the highly safe online storage services and the mobile devices, though advanced ICT infrastructure is desirable

    Visualization of the radiofrequency lesion after pulmonary vein isolation using delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging fused with magnetic resonance angiography

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    AbstractBackgroundThe radiofrequency (RF) lesions for atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation can be visualized by delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (DE-MRI). However, the quality of anatomical information provided by DE-MRI is not adequate due to its spatial resolution. In contrast, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) provides similar information regarding the left atrium (LA) and pulmonary veins (PVs) as computed tomography angiography. We hypothesized that DE-MRI fused with MRA will compensate for the inadequate image quality provided by DE-MRI.MethodsDE-MRI and MRA were performed in 18 patients who underwent AF ablation (age, 60±9 years; LA diameter, 42±6mm). Two observers independently assessed the DE-MRI and DE-MRI fused with MRA for visualization of the RF lesion (score 0–2; where 0: not visualized and 2: excellent in all 14 segments of the circular RF lesion).ResultsDE-MRI fused with MRA was successfully performed in all patients. The image quality score was significantly higher in DE-MRI fused with MRA compared to DE-MRI alone (observer 1: 22 (18, 25) vs 28 (28, 28), p<0.001; observer 2: 24 (23, 25) vs 28 (28, 28), p<0.001).ConclusionsDE-MRI fused with MRA was superior to DE-MRI for visualization of the RF lesion owing to the precise information on LA and PV anatomy provided by DE-MRI

    A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu

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    Without a protective atmosphere, space-exposed surfaces of airless Solar System bodies gradually experience an alteration in composition, structure and optical properties through a collective process called space weathering. The return of samples from near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu by Hayabusa2 provides the first opportunity for laboratory study of space-weathering signatures on the most abundant type of inner solar system body: a C-type asteroid, composed of materials largely unchanged since the formation of the Solar System. Weathered Ryugu grains show areas of surface amorphization and partial melting of phyllosilicates, in which reduction from Fe3+ to Fe2+ and dehydration developed. Space weathering probably contributed to dehydration by dehydroxylation of Ryugu surface phyllosilicates that had already lost interlayer water molecules and to weakening of the 2.7 µm hydroxyl (–OH) band in reflectance spectra. For C-type asteroids in general, this indicates that a weak 2.7 µm band can signify space-weathering-induced surface dehydration, rather than bulk volatile loss

    Change in Microstructure and Texture during Annealing of Pure Copper Heavily Deformed by Accumulative Roll Bonding

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    Pure copper sheets were heavily deformed up to equivalent strain of 4.8 by the accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) processed and then annealed. The ARB processed copper showed the ultra-fine grained microstructure which consisted of relatively equiaxed grains having grain thickness of about 0.2 μm. The DSC measurement of the ARB processed specimens revealed that the recrystallization temperature significantly decreased with increasing the number of the ARB cycles. The stored energy did not increase so much at later stage of ARB, which corresponded with the change in microstructure. The recystallization behavior of the ARB processed copper was governed by discontinuous recrystallization characterized by nucleation and growth process. Remarkable development of cube texture ({100}⟨001⟩) was found in the specimen deformed to the equivalent strain of 3.2 or larger and then annealed. The concentration of the cube recrystallization texture depended on the number of ARB cycles

    Grain Boundary Structure of Ultrafine Grained Pure Copper Fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding

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    Grain boundary structures of ultrafine grained pure copper (Cu) fabricated by the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) have been studied. The atomic structures of grain boundaries in the ARB processed Cu (ARB-Cu) were observed by high resolution electron microscopy. In order to compare the grain boundaries in the ARB-Cu with equilibrium grain boundaries, the grain boundary energy and structure of symmetric tilt boundaries with ⟨110⟩ common axis in pure Cu were computed by molecular dynamics simulation (MD). The low angle boundaries in the ARB-Cu were basically described by conventional dislocation model and simultaneously there were some local structures having certainly high energy configurations. The grain boundaries with large misorientation in the ARB-Cu are basically described by the structural units predicted for the normal grain boundaries by MD. The present results indicate that the atomic structures of the boundaries in the Cu severely deformed by the ARB are rather similar to those of the equilibrium grain boundaries, except for the local distortions

    Projection range of eDNA analysis in marshes: a suggestion from the Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) inhabiting the Kushiro marsh, Japan

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    Background: Freshwater ecosystems are rapidly declining. The Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) which inhabits the Kushiro marsh in Hokkaido, Japan has lost some habitat due to human activity. There are many challenges associated with conventional monitoring methods, including cost, the need for specialist personnel, environmental impact, and ability to detect the presence of this species; thus, we investigated the feasibility of using environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis to detect its presence and identify its breeding grounds. Methods: We performed tank experiments to confirm eDNA emission from egg sacs, larvae, and adult Siberian salamanders in the water. We also performed water sampling and visual observation of egg sacs in the Kushiro marsh during the end of the breeding season and the larval season. Results: The tank experiments found eDNA emission from all growth stages. It also implied concentrated emissions just after spawning and after hatching, and limited emissions during the incubation phase in egg sacs. We also detected eDNA in the field, likely reflecting the distribution of egg sacs or larvae. Combining this data with visual observations, it was determined that the eDNA results from the field were best explained by the number of egg sacs within 7-10 m of the sampling point. Conclusions: The results of this investigation show that the breeding sites and habitats of marshland species can successfully be monitored using eDNA analysis. They also suggest that the eDNA results from the marshes may reflect the biomass that is in close range to the sampling point. These results support the increased use of eDNA analysis in marshes and provide knowledge that could improve the interpretation of future results