85 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal expression of TRPM4 in the mouse cochlea

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    The present study was conducted to elucidate the presence of the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4, TRPM4, in the mouse inner ear. TRPM4 immunoreactivity (IR) was found in the cell body of inner hair cells (IHCs) in the organ of Corti in the apical side of marginal cells of the stria vascularis, in the apical portion of the dark cells of the vestibule, and in a subset of the type II neurons in the spiral ganglion. Subsequently, changes in the distribution and expression of TRPM4 in the inner ear during embryonic and postnatal developments were also evaluated. Immunohistochemical localization demonstrated that the emergence of the TRPM4-IR in IHCs occurs shortly before the onset of hearing, whereas that in the marginal cells happens earlier, at the time of birth, coinciding with the onset of endolymph formation. Furthermore, semiquantitative real-time PCR assay showed that expressions of TRPM4 in the organ of Corti and in the stria vascularis increased dramatically at the onset of hearing. Because TRPM4 is a Ca2+-activated monovalent-selective cation channel, these findings imply that TRPM4 contributes to potassium ion transport, essential for the signal transduction in IHCs and the formation of endolymph by marginal cells. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Endoscopy-assisted removal through combined lower and middle meatotomies of an ectopic upper third molar in the sinus associated with a dentigerous cyst

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    The aim of this case report is to present an original conservative technique for the transnasal endoscopy-assisted extraction of an ectopic upper third molar associated with a dentigerous cyst occupying the whole maxillary sinus by means of combined lower and middle meatotomies. The proposed technique is a viable, minimally-invasive alternative to the Caldwell–Luc operation (with or without the repositioning of a bone lid), and also to endoscopic middle meatal antrostomy in cases where this would be unable to ensure adequate access because of the position and size of the ectopic tooth and associated cyst

    The gastric H,K-ATPase in stria vascularis contributes to pH regulation of cochlear endolymph but not to K secretion

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    Citation: Miyazaki, H., Wangemann, P., & Marcus, D. C. (2016). The gastric H,K-ATPase in stria vascularis contributes to pH regulation of cochlear endolymph but not to K secretion. BMC Physiology, 17(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12899-016-0024-1Background Disturbance of acid–base balance in the inner ear is known to be associated with hearing loss in a number of conditions including genetic mutations and pharmacologic interventions. Several previous physiologic and immunohistochemical observations lead to proposals of the involvement of acid–base transporters in stria vascularis. Results We directly measured acid flux in vitro from the apical side of isolated stria vascularis from adult C57Bl/6 mice with a novel constant-perfusion pH-selective self-referencing probe. Acid efflux that depended on metabolism and ion transport was observed from the apical side of stria vascularis. The acid flux was decreased to about 40 % of control by removal of the metabolic substrate (glucose-free) and by inhibition of the sodium pump (ouabain). The flux was also decreased a) by inhibition of Na,H-exchangers by amiloride, dimethylamiloride (DMA), S3226 and Hoe694, b) by inhibition of Na,2Cl,K-cotransporter (NKCC1) by bumetanide, and c) by the likely inhibition of HCO3/anion exchange by DIDS. By contrast, the acid flux was increased by inhibition of gastric H,K-ATPase (SCH28080) but was not affected by an inhibitor of vH-ATPase (bafilomycin). K flux from stria vascularis was reduced less than 5 % by SCH28080. Conclusions These observations suggest that stria vascularis may be an important site of control of cochlear acid–base balance and demonstrate a functional role of several acid–base transporters in stria vascularis, including basolateral H,K-ATPase and apical Na,H-exchange. Previous suggestions that H secretion is mediated by an apical vH-ATPase and that basolateral H,K-ATPase contributes importantly to K secretion in stria vascularis are not supported. These results advance our understanding of inner ear acid–base balance and provide a stronger basis to interpret the etiology of genetic and pharmacologic cochlear dysfunctions that are influenced by endolymphatic pH

    Synthesis and characterization of a Mg–Ni-RE alloy for hydrogen storage

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    The synthesis and characterization of a Mg–Ni alloy having La and Ce as catalysts, have been performed. The alloy behavior was studied at given fixed temperature and pressure during hydrogen absorption/desorption tests. The La and Ce addition was carried out starting from a commercial alloy, named “Firesteel”. The alloy synthesized has the following formula Mg68Ni26M5X, where X represents Si and Fe impurities and M stands for the mixture of rare earths metals. The alloy has been prepared by a melting process in an induction furnace equipped with a centrifugal casting system and then grinded, by both hydraulic press and ball milling. The alloy has been characterized by SEM, BET, XRD, DSC-TGA analysis and by a mass flow measurement apparatus. The experiments on alloy sample showed that, after activation, hydrogenation occurs at 300 °C in three stages at three different pressures: 3, 4 and 7 atm, involving respectively 0.15 wt%, 0.4 wt% and 2.2 wt% of hydrogen absorbed. Reversible hydride dehydrogenation, inside the mass flow measurement apparatus, requires a working temperature of 350 °C to obtain, with remarkable reaction rate, about 2.7%, hydrogen desorption

    A Prospective Study of Long-term Outcomes in Female Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Using Age- and Body Mass Index-matched Cohorts

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    In patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the prevalence of cirrhosis is higher among women than men, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) develops mainly in the cirrhotic stage among women. However, the long-term outcomes in female patients with NASH have not been fully elucidated, and age, gender and BMI were not simultaneously adjusted in previous studies on the prognosis of NASH. To elucidate the outcomes in female patients with NASH, we prospectively compared NASH patients with advanced fibrosis (advanced NASH) with hepatitis C virus-related advanced fibrosis (advanced CHC) patients and NASH patients with mild fibrosis (mild NASH) using study cohorts that were adjusted for body mass index (BMI) in addition to age. The median follow-up period was 92.5 months. Liver-related complication-free survival was significantly reduced in the advanced NASH group compared to the mild NASH group. No liver-related complications developed in the mild NASH group. The overall survival, liver-related complication- and cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease-free survival were not significantly different between the advanced NASH and CHC groups. Female patients with NASH and advanced fibrosis may have a less favorable prognosis for liver-related complications than the matched cohorts with NASH and mild fibrosis, but may have a similar prognosis to the matched cohorts with CHC

    LAT1 expression in IHCC

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    Background : Amino acid transporters, such as L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1), have an effect on tumor growth, metastasis, and survival of various solid tumors. However, the role of LAT1 in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCC) remains unknown. Methods : Forty-six patients who had undergone initial hepatic resection for IHCC at Tokushima University Hospital were enrolled in this study. Immunohistochemical analysis of LAT1 and phosphorylated Akt (p-AKT) was performed using resected specimens. Clinicopathological factors, including prognosis, were analyzed between LAT1-high and LAT1-low groups. Results : The LAT1-high group showed a higher proportion of periductal infiltrating type and higher carcinoembryonic antigen/carbohydrate antigen 19-9 levels compared with the LAT1-low group. Multivariate analysis revealed that LAT1-high expression was an independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival. Furthermore, the proportion of p-AKT positivity was higher in the LAT1-high group than in the LAT1-low group. Conclusions : LAT1 expression was associated with poor prognosis of IHCC and higher p-Akt expression

    ETFE grafted membranes using 1-vinylimidazole, 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, triallyl-cyanurate doped with phosphoric acid for high temperature applications

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    Novel phosphoric acid (PA) doped proton exchange membranes were synthesized by radiation induced graft copolymerization of 1-vinylimidazole (1-VIm) and triallyl cyanurate (TAC), and 1-VIm-co-1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (1-VIm-co-1-V-2- P) onto poly (ethylene-alt-tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE) films followed by protonation by PA doping. The ETFE base films were pre-irradiated by an electron beam (EB) accelerator prior to grafting and PA doping. They were denoted as ETFE-g-P(1-VImco- TAC) PA and ETFE-g-P(1-VIm-co-1-V-2-P) PA doped membranes. The main focus of this work is to synthesize membranes that have desirable properties and to investigate kinetics of 1-VIm and TAC onto ETFE base film and 1-VIm-co-1-V-2-P onto ETFE base films. From the optimization study using Box-Behnken design module of the response surface methodology available in the “Minitab®” software, degree of grafting (DG) was found to depend strongly on grafting parameters such as, crosslinker concentration and reaction temperature. Proton conductivity of the membranes was measured using four-probe conductivity cell and conductivity increased with an increase in doping level. ETFE-g-P(1-VIm-co-TAC) PA doped membranes achieved maximum DG (%) of 53%, proton conductivity of 33 mS cm–1 at 120 oC and 0% relative humidity condition. ETFE-g-P(1-VIm-co-1-V-2-P) PA doped membranes achieved maximum DG (%) of 76%, of 53 mS cm–1 at 120 oC and 0% relative humidity condition suggesting less water dependent conductivity. Properties of the developed membranes were investigated using different equipment such as, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, thermal gravimetric analyzer and differential scanning calorimeter. Kinetic modeling of radiation induced graft copolymerization of 1-VIm-co-1-V-2-P was also attempted. It can be concluded that the synthesized membranes possessed desirable properties including mechanical and thermal stablility. This makes them appealing for possible application in high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell operated above 100 o

    Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma: Our case series and literature review

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    Recently, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been considered to be another cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The natural history and prognosis of NASH are controversial. Accordingly, we assessed the clinicopathological features of NASH-associated HCC in our experience and reviewed the literature of NASH-associated HCC. We experienced 11 patients with NASH-associated HCC (6 male, 5 female; mean age 73.8 +/- 4.9 years) who received curative treatments. Most (91%) patients had been diagnosed with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or dyslipidemia. Seven patients (64%) also had a non-cirrhotic liver. The recurrence-free survival rates at 1, 3 and 5 years were 72%, 60%, and 60%. We also summarized and reviewed 94 cases of NASH-associated HCC which were reported in the literature (64 male; mean age 66 years). The majority of patients (68%) were obese, 66% of patients had diabetes, and 24% had dyslipidemia. Furthermore, 26% of the HCCs arose from the non-cirrhotic liver. In conclusion, patients with non-cirrhotic NASH may be a high-risk group for HCC, and regular surveillance for HCC is necessary in non-cirrhotic NASH patients as well as cirrhotic patients

    Adaptive signifi cance of the prolonged diapause in the western Mediterranean lycaenid butterfl y Tomares ballus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

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    Diapause is a common dormancy strategy exhibited by many species of invertebrates and insects to temporarily avoid seasonally recurring unfavourable conditions for their development, most usually in winter. Less frequently, a prolonged diapause lasting two or more years is described in species living in unpredictable environments where it is adaptive, but with signifi cant costs. In this paper we examine the occurrence of prolonged diapause in the lycaenid butterfl y Tomares ballus. Pupae of this species undergo an obligate diapause from mid-May to late January the following year. However, during our rearing experiments (from 2009 to 2016) the emergence of adults occurred sequentially and a fraction of the pupae remained in diapause for up to seven years. The annual percentage emergence after the fi rst year of diapause was 45.6%, and only barely exceeded 50.0% in 2015. Remarkably, 12 pupae (11.4% of the initial brood) remained in diapause in their eighth year. The negative exponential equation fi tted to the emergence data suggests that further emergences may occur within the next fi ve years. Therefore, the potential for successful prolonged diapause of T. ballus pupae may be more than 10 years. The adaptive value of this strategy is discussed in relation to the effects of adverse and unpredictable weather during the fl ight period of the butterfl y, intra-guild competition, parasitoids and changes in habitat quality. We suggest that this strategy may also be exhibited by other species of Mediterranean lycaenid

    Frequency of the odontogenic maxillary sinusitis extended to the anterior ethmoid sinus and response to surgical treatment

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    Objectives: Odontogenic sinusitis usually affects the maxillary sinus but may extend to the anterior ethmoid si - nuses. The purpose of this study is to determine the percentage of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis extended to the anterior ethmoid sinuses and determine also the surgical resolution differences between odontogenic maxillary sinusitis and odontogenic maxillary associated to anterior ethmoidal sinusitis. Study D esign: This is a retrospective cohort study performed on 55 patients diagnosed of odontogenic sinusitis and treated surgically by functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Results: This study showed that 52.7% of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis spreads to anterior ethmoid, causing added anterior ethmoid sinusitis. We found that 92.3% of the odontogenic maxillary sinusitis (who underwent middle meatal antrostomy) and 96.5% of the odontogenic maxillary sinusitis extended to the anterior ethmoid (treated with middle meatal antrostomy and anterior ethmoidectomy) were cured. Conclusions: Ethmoid involvement is frequent in maxillary odontogenic sinusitis. The ethmoid involvement does not worsen the results of "functional endoscopic sinus surgery" applied to the odontogenic sinusitis