599 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of the Palatine Mucosa and Its Microvascular Architecture in the Rat

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    Detailed observations were made on the structure and microvasculature of the palatine mucosa of the rat by means of microvascular corrosion casts and epithelium-digested specimens using scanning electron microscopy. The rat palate was divided into four regions according to the characteristics of the palatine plicae. In the atrial region, no transverse palatine plicae were present, but there were longitudinal ridges and folds in the median area. These structures contribute to the transportation of rough and grainy foods with the assistance of the hairy buccal part. Capillary loops in the ridge and folds appeared as continuous, sagittally elongated loops. In the palatine fissure or antemolar region, only three typical transverse palatine plicae contribute to the regurgitation of food. Capillary loops appeared in variant forms on the top, and the anterior and posterior slopes of the plicae. Venous palatine plexus was observed only in the palatine fissure region. In the intermolar region, each of the five transverse plicae was composed of many wedges arranged sagittally. These plicae contribute to the transportation of food toward the larynx. Capillary loops in the plica were in the shape of complicated villi. Filiform protrusions or papillae were aggregated immediately posterior to the last plica. The capillary loops appeared as typical hairpins. They contribute to swallowing of food with active assistance from the epithelial eminence of the lingual dorsum. Palatine plicae showed considerable local differences, which may contribute to the prehension, transportation, and mashing of food

    Project evaluation with crowding out effects

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    Consider the technically feasible project (AX; AX^^; AX^) * Project output AX is achieved using a technology requiring the use of AX^ of input 1 and the quantity AX2 of input 2, If the project is scale neutral then we may write the technology of the project as (1; AX^^/^; ^2/^) where th latter ratios are input-output coefficients.-^ Both the scale and the input-output ratios are chosen autonomously but not arbitrarily. Typically the project output-input vector will reflect specific technological innovations such that it is not a subset of the currently known industry production function or technology set. The choice of project scale and s. \u27 * * technology reflects the (economic) rationality of the agency that proposes the project

    The dual industry benefit loss function and extensions of the Harberger policy evaluation rule

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    Define the definite integral M(a, b) = J f(x) dx to equal the .shaded a curvilinear trapezoid bounded by y = fCx); the straight lines x = a, x=b and the horizontal axis. The definite integral M(a, b) depends, (1) on the form of the function f(x), (2) the lower limit of integration a, (3) the upper limit of integration b. The definite integral MCa^i b) does not depend on the variable of integration. The latter can be denoted by any letter; i.e. we can replace x by any other letter without affecting the value MCa, b

    On the Differences Between the Commercial and Economic Profitability of a Project

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    The economic profitability of a project is derived from it\u27s commercial profitability by making two adjustments. First, an adjustment needs to be made for the change in.the sum of consumers\u27 surplus arid factor rents. Second, an adjustment has to be made for the change in tax revenues and subsidies. Conventional practice ignores the former adjustment and mistakenly asstimes that the taxes or subsidies paid by the projec

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies of the Oral Mucosa and Its Microvasculature: A Review of the Palatine Mucosa and Its Microvascular Architecture in Mammals

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    The present paper deals with the microvascular architecture of the palatine mucosa in primates, camivorae, and rodentia utilizing microvascular corrosion castings and epithelium-separated specimens. The submucous vascular network is under-developed since the bard palatine mucosa was designated the mucoperiosteum, except some areas. The palatine venous plexus appears to show regional differences with animal species differences. The well-developed plexus is observed to be two-layered and may contribute to the process of regurgitation of rough food and assist in mastication with the palatine plicae. Formation and patterns of the arterial network in the lamina propria are in a close relation with connective tissue elements. The subepithelial capillary network constitutes an advanced base for the ascending crus of the capillary loop and its pattern is affected by the properties of the connective tissue papillae and the diverging fashion of the capillary loops. Capillary loops of the transverse palatine plica are arranged parallel to the sagittal axis and at right angles to the top line of each plica. Features of the capillary loops are characteristics in the top, the anterior and posterior slopes of the plica, respectively. High connective tissue papillae in both the anterior slope and plical top may be of a resistant form for mollifying exhaustion, affected by the periodicity and mastication function. Although it is difficult to elucidate the lamination of the palatine mucosa in histological slides, it was resolved by examination on its vascular architectures

    Implementasi Program Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Eksklusif di Kota Salatiga

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    Based on the high infant mortality rate and low coverage of infants who were exclusively breastfed in Indonesia, the government makes Government Regulation No. 33 2012 on Exclusive Breastfeeding.This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research method. The location was focused in Puskesmas Sidorejo Kidul and Puskesmas Tegalrejo Salatiga. The selection of informants using purposive sampling. Triangulation techniques used to test the quality of the obtained data.The implementation of this program observed through the implementation stages, goals accuracy, and program performance. Based on the synthesis of Implementation Models of Mazmanian and Sabatier, Hoogwood and Gunn, as well as Merilee S. Grindle, the chosen decisive factors in the program implementation were a power, interests, and strategies of the actors involved; resources deployed; behavior diversity of the target group; as well as compliance and responsiveness.So far, the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding program in Salatiga was not running well because there are still many shortcomings in the implementation stages, goals accuracy, and program performance. Determinant factors in this program implementation can be motivating factor, but also has a potential to be a limiting factos.Recommendations are: (1) dissemination and advocacy on public and private facilities, (2) increase the number of midwives and breastfeeding counselors with the spread arrangements; (3) refer the mother after giving birth to KP ASI ; (4) stronger to supervision against the manufacturer or distributor of infant formula milk; (5) socialized program objectives of exclusive breastfeeding to health professionals and the society , as well as (6) advocacy in the workplace and public facilities with no lactation rooms

    Pengembangan Potensi Wilayah Terhadap Aksesibilitas Infrastruktur Dasar Dengan Metode Irap

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    Kecamatan Putussibau Selatan sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Putussibau Utara, sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Bika, sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Kalis, dan sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Dengan luas wilayah kecamatan 5634,16km2. Kecamatan Putussibau Selatan terbagi menjadi 16 desa yang terdiri dari Desa Kedamin Hilir, Desa Kedamin Hulu, Desa Jaras, Desa Sungai Uluk, Desa Tanjung Jati, Desa Kedamin Darat, Desa Melapi, Desa Ingko'tambe, Desa Sayut, Desa Urang Unsa, Desa Suka Maju, Desa Cempaka Baru, Desa Beringin Jaya, Desa Kereho, Desa Bungan Jaya, dan Desa Tanjung Lokang. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi sektor-sektor yang diprioritaskan sebagai fasilitas pelayanan, menghitung nilai aksesibilitas dengan metode Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP), serta menentukan pendekatan penanganan/perbaikan akses penduduk desa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan suatu pengkajian mengenai perencanaan aksesibilitas pedesaan dengan menggunakan metode Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP) yang dikembangkan oleh International Labour Organization (ILO). Pengumpulan data untuk metode IRAP ini dengan menggunakan kombinasi pengumpulan data berbasis interview/wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan pengisian kuisioner. Adapun sektor yang ditinjau dalam kuisioner ini antara lain : Sumber Tenaga Listrik, Sumber Air Bersih, Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Pasar, Perkebunan, Komunikasi, Pemukiman, Pertanian, dan Perikanan. Hasil analisa penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penangan sektor prioritas dari nilai aksesibilitas yang paling tinggi menyimpulkan bahwa tingkatan prioritas nilai aksesibilitas Desa Melapi adalah sektor air bersih dengan nilai 11,248dan nilai aksesibilitas sarana 11,467dengan pendekatan intervensi pemenuhan kebutuhan untuk mck51.200 ltr/ hari dengan pembangunan jaringan PDAM dan pemenuhan kebutuhan masak dan minum sebesar14.850 lt/hari dengan penambahan PAH maupun gentong-gentong air serta pemantapan jaringan jalan sepanjang100 m dengan penanganan jalan berupa tambal sulam cor beton. Hasil analisis terbagi atas tiga klasifikasi, yaitu aksesibilitas fasilitas, aksesibilitas sarana transportasi dan aksesibilitas prasarana transportasi. Berdasarkan perbandingan nilai aksesibilitas antara komponen fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana transportasi untuk semua sektor maka pada Desa Melapitersebut di ketahui bahwa memprioritaskan perbaikan/penanganan sarana dan prasarana

    Kinetika Vulkanisasi Dan Sifat Mekanis Komposit Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR)

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of vulcanization temperature on mechanical properties and curing kinetics of NBR composites. The composites were formulated by using two types of carbon black i.e. N-330 and N-774. The curing kinetics was determined using Moving Die Rheometer. The network formation processes were related to torque and time. The vulcanizates were obtained by compression molding in a hydraulic press at 150°C and 160°C. The mechanical properties observed include tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness, and tear strength. Kinetics studies were approached by Arrhenius equation and the reaction mechanism was assumed following first order reaction. The results showed that curing kinetics can be approached by the equation from the rheometer data. The surface area of carbon black strongly influenced the mechanical properties and rate constant (k) of NBR composite. Carbon black N-330 can be used as a desirable reinforcing filler which gave a higher mechanical properties than the other type of carbon black

    Application of the Galerkin-Vlasov method to the flexural analysis of simply supported rectangular Kirchhoff plates under uniform loads

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    Plates are important structural elements used to model bridge decks, retaining walls, floor slabs, spacecraft panels, aerospace structures, and ship hulls amongst. Plates have been modelled using three dimensional elasticity theory, Reissner’s theory, Kirchhoff theory, Shimpi’s theory, Von Karman’s theory, etc. The resulting plate equations have also been solved using classical and numerical techniques.In this research, the Galerkin-Vlasov variational method was used to present a general formulation of the Kirchhoff plate problem with simply supported edges and under distributed loads. The problem was then solved to obtain the displacements, and the bending moments in a Kirchhoff plate with simply supported edges and under uniform load. Maximum values of the displacement and the bending moments were found to occur at the plate center. The Galerkin Vlasov solutions for a rectangular simply supported Kirchhoff plate carrying uniform load was found to be exactly identical with the Navier double trigonometric series solution. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v35i4.
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