6 research outputs found

    The HECT-domain ubiquitin ligase Huwe1 controls neural differentiation and proliferation by destabilizing the N-Myc oncoprotein

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    Development of the nervous system requires that timely withdrawal from the cell cycle be coupled with initiation of differentiation. Ubiquitin-mediated degradation of the N-Myc oncoprotein in neural stem/progenitor cells is thought to trigger the arrest of proliferation and begin differentiation. Here we report that the HECT-domain ubiquitin ligase Huwe1 ubiquitinates the N-Myc oncoprotein through Lys 48-mediated linkages and targets it for destruction by the proteasome. This process is physiologically implemented by embryonic stem (ES) cells differentiating along the neuronal lineage and in the mouse brain during development. Genetic and RNA interference-mediated inactivation of the Huwe1 gene impedes N-Myc degradation, prevents exit from the cell cycle by opposing the expression of Cdk inhibitors and blocks differentiation through persistent inhibition of early and late markers of neuronal differentiation. Silencing of N-myc in cells lacking Huwe1 restores neural differentiation of ES cells and rescues cell-cycle exit and differentiation of the mouse cortex, demonstrating that Huwe1 restrains proliferation and enables neuronal differentiation by mediating the degradation of N-Myc. These findings indicate that Huwe1 links destruction of N-Myc to the quiescent state that complements differentiation in the neural tissue

    p27Kip1 independently promotes neuronal differentiation and migration in the cerebral cortex

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    The generation of glutamatergic neurons by stem and progenitor cells is a complex process involving the tight coordination of multiple cellular activities, including cell cycle exit, initiation of neuronal differentiation and cell migration. The mechanisms that integrate these different events into a coherent program are not well understood. Here we show that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 plays an important role in neurogenesis in the mouse cerebral cortex, by promoting the differentiation and radial migration of cortical projection neurons. Importantly, p27Kip1 promotes neuronal differentiation and neuronal migration via two distinct mechanisms, which are themselves independent of the cell cycle regulatory function of p27Kip1. p27Kip1 inactivation by gene targeting or RNA interference results in neuronal differentiation and radial migration defects, demonstrating that p27Kip1 regulates cell migration in vivo. The differentiation defect, but not the migration defect, is rescued by overexpression of the proneural gene Neurogenin 2. p27Kip1 acts by stabilizing Neurogenin 2 protein, an activity carried by the N-terminal half of the protein. The migration defect resulting from p27Kp1 inactivation is rescued by blocking RhoA signalling, an activity that resides in the c-terminal half of p27Kip1. Thus, p27Kip1 plays a key role in cortical development, acting as a modular protein that independently regulates and couples multiple cellular pathways contributing to neurogenesis

    Coupling of cell migration with neurogenesis by proneural bHLH factors

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    After cell birth, almost all neurons in the mammalian central nervous system migrate. It is unclear whether and how cell migration is coupled with neurogenesis. Here we report that proneural basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors not only initiate neuronal differentiation but also potentiate cell migration. Mechanistically, proneural bHLH factors regulate the expression of genes critically involved in migration, including down-regulation of RhoA small GTPase and up-regulation of doublecortin and p35, which, in turn, modulate the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton assembly and enable newly generated neurons to migrate. In addition, we report that several DNA-binding-deficient proneural genes that fail to initiate neuronal differentiation still activate migration, whereas a different mutation of a proneural gene that causes a failure in initiating cell migration still leads to robust neuronal differentiation. Collectively, these data suggest that transcription programs for neurogenesis and migration are regulated by bHLH factors through partially distinct mechanisms

    Mutations in the β-tubulin gene TUBB5 cause microcephaly with structural brain abnormalities

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    The formation of the mammalian cortex requires the generation, migration, and differentiation of neurons. The vital role that the microtubule cytoskeleton plays in these cellular processes is reflected by the discovery that mutations in various tubulin isotypes cause different neurodevelopmental diseases, including lissencephaly (TUBA1A), polymicrogyria (TUBA1A, TUBB2B, TUBB3), and an ocular motility disorder (TUBB3). Here, we show that Tubb5 is expressed in neurogenic progenitors in the mouse and that its depletion in vivo perturbs the cell cycle of progenitors and alters the position of migrating neurons. We report the occurrence of three microcephalic patients with structural brain abnormalities harboring de novo mutations in TUBB5 (M299V, V353I, and E401K). These mutant proteins, which affect the chaperone-dependent assembly of tubulin heterodimers in different ways, disrupt neurogenic division and/or migration in vivo. Our results provide insight into the functional repertoire of the tubulin gene family, specifically implicating TUBB5 in embryonic neurogenesis and microcephaly