140 research outputs found

    Ethical Education on Information Security Mind for Practical Security Learning

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    情報セキュリティに関する実践的な教育は、受講者が故意または過失により実際のネットワークやサービスに 対して新たな教育を試みると、トラブルの原因となる可能性がある。このような実践的な授業には、不正アクセス、プライバシー保護、著作権侵害などに関する職業倫理や関連法制度の教育が必要である。筆者らは、実践的な科目のPBL授業で使用するための「セキュリティマインド」教育のための教材パッケージを開発した。パッケージには解説スライドとテストが含まれている。本報告書では、情報セキュリティマインド教育の背景と必要性、教材開発、サンプル、評価結果などを紹介した。 Practical education on information security may cause trouble if any student in the course tries the new education against actual networks or services intentionally or negligently. Education on occupational ethics and relating legal system on unauthorized access, privacy protection, and copyright infringement must accompany such practical classes. The authors developed an education material package for “security mind” education to be used in PBL classes on practice subject. The package contains explanatory slides and tests. This report illustrates the background and need for the education on information security mind, as well as development of education material, samples and result from evaluation

    高校生における異文化体験と国際的資質の関連 : 海外研修旅行の効果

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    本研究の目的は, 日本の高校生を対象に,国際的資質が海外研修旅行における異文化体験へ与える影響を検討することであった。3か国のうち1か国を選択して海外研修旅行を経験した高校生158人に対し,国際的資質および異文化体験を測定する賀問紙調査を実施した。その結呆,旅行後の国際的資質が有意に高まったが,その効果量は低かった。また異文化に対する認識の肯定的変化は,旅行の結果高まったほか,旅行前の国際的資質に強く影響受けることが明らかとなった。教育効果の検証における個人要因導入の必要性について考察された。The purpose of this study was lo examine the impact of international disposition on cross-cultural experiences in an oversea school trip among Japanese high school students. 158 high school students who participated in one in three foreign countries\u27 trip answered the questionnaire regarding international disposition and cross-cultural experiences. The results showed that scores of international disposition significantly increased but the effect sizes were moderate. Positively changes of the realization toward other countries also increased and were positively influenced by international disposition before the trip. Application of individual factors to the examination of the teaching effectiveness was discussed


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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博乙第29号 学位授与年月日:平成13年9月30日九州工業大学平成13年

    static-priority scheduling ニオケル CBR トラヒック ノ チエン トクセイ

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    http://library.naist.jp/mylimedio/dllimedio/show.cgi?bookid=100018618&oldid=20789修士 (Master)工学 (Engineering)修第815

    Delay analysis for CBR traffic in static-priority scheduling

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    A Bandwidth Allocation Scheme to Improve Fairness and Link Utilization in Data Center Networks

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    Cloud computing, which enables users to enjoy various Internet services provided by data centers (DCs) at anytime and anywhere, has attracted much attention. In cloud computing, however, service quality degrades with user distance from the DC, which is unfair. In this study, we propose a bandwidth allocation scheme based on collectable information to improve fairness and link utilization in DC networks. We have confirmed the effectiveness of this approach through simulation evaluations

    Authoritative DNS Server Discovery Method to Enhance DNS Privacy Preservation

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    Plaintext-based DNS domain name resolution poses significant privacy risks. Therefore, encrypting DNS communication across all pathways is essential for privacy preservation. The IETF has standardized DoT, DoH, and DoQ to achieve encryption between end terminals and DNS full-service resolvers. Currently, an Internet-Draft has been published for encrypted communication between DNS full-service resolvers and authoritative DNS servers. However, the probing policy on the Internet-Draft prioritizes compatibility and conducts plaintext communication until it discovers authoritative DNS servers that support encrypted communication. Therefore, the Internet-Draft’s probing policy does not provide complete privacy preservation. In this paper, we propose a novel authoritative DNS server discovery approach that achieves privacy preservation while ensuring compatibility.CoNEXT 2023: The 19th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. December 5 - 8, 2023. Paris, France

    A proposal of DoH-based domain name resolution architecture including authoritative DNS servers

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    2022 32nd International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC). 30 November 2022 - 02 December 2022. Wellington, New Zealand

    Simulation Study of Low Latency Network Architecture Using Mobile Edge Computing

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    Attaining extremely low latency service in 5G cellular networks is an important challenge in the communication research field. A higher QoS in the next-generation network could enable several unprecedented services, such as Tactile Internet, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality. However, these services will all need support from powerful computational resources provided through cloud computing. Unfortunately, the geolocation of cloud data centers could be insufficient to satisfy the latency aimed for in 5G networks. The physical distance between servers and users will sometimes be too great to enable quick reaction within the service time boundary. The problem of long latency resulting from long communication distances can be solved by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), though, which places many servers along the edges of networks. MEC can provide shorter communication latency, but total latency consists of both the transmission and the processing times. Always selecting the closest edge server will lead to a longer computing latency in many cases, especially when there is a mass of users around particular edge servers. Therefore, the research studies the effects of both latencies. The communication latency is represented by hop count, and the computation latency is modeled by processor sharing (PS). An optimization model and selection policies are also proposed. Quantitative evaluations using simulations show that selecting a server according to the lowest total latency leads to the best performance, and permitting an over-latency barrier would further improve results

    Design and implementation of NS record history database for detecting DNS-based botnet communication

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    DNS (Domain Name System) based domain name resolution service is one of the most fundamental Internet services for the Internet users and application service providers. In normal DNS based domain name resolution, the corresponding NS records are required in prior to sending DNS query to the corresponding authoritative DNS servers. However, in recent years, DNS based botnet communication has been observed in which botnet related network traffic is transferred via DNS packets. In particular, sending DNS queries to C&C servers using IP address directly without obtaining the corresponding NS records is present in some malware. In this paper, we focus on this type of botnet communication and design a NS record history database for detecting DNS-based botnet communication. We implemented a prototype system and evaluated the feature of NS records history creation as well as the checking function. Based on the evaluation results we confirmed the proposed database worked as we designed and it is expected to detect the target botnet communication