10 research outputs found


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    The subject of the study is the processes of the current state and the main trends in the real estate market of Ukraine. Methodology. The research was conducted using general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalization, methods of positive and normative analysis, statistical analysis. The goal is to analyze the processes of the current state and the main trends in the real estate market of Ukraine. Research conclusion. The main trends in the real estate market of Ukraine are highlighted. The legal features ensuring the real estate industry are determined: restrictions and simplifications concerning the functioning of the real estate market. Trends in the formation of real estate prices on the primary and secondary market are highlighted. The structure of the primary and secondary market by types of real estate planning and by types of housing was analyzed. It is emphasized that the buyers, as before the war, need compact quarters or mixed type of buildings of different floors, in which, in addition to housing, all necessary infrastructure is provided (grocery stores, cafes, pharmacies, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, recreation areas, offices, etc.). However, due to the war, specific requirements are added to the standard ones, such as the safety of the complex, for example, the presence of underground parking adapted for bomb shelters, etc. The price of apartments has already increased, especially in hryvnia equivalent. The average price per square meter is higher than in February, 2022. The growth trend will continue in the post-war period. After all, the price is directly affected by the buying mood of customers, the weakening of the hryvnia against the dollar, the pace of construction recovery, and the remoteness of the region from hostilities. Taking into account the rising cost of construction materials and complicated logistics, the price per square meter for new construction projects will increase significantly. In addition, new players are entering the real estate market, such as temporarily displaced persons who have adapted and plan to stay, workers who have moved due to company relocations, and investors who have decided to protect their investments. The significant slowdown in the pace of construction, the lack of new facilities, despite weak demand, will lead to a certain shortage of high quality residential projects and, consequently, a shortage of comfortable and liquid residential properties on the market. Ukraine expects a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and, accordingly, a decrease in the opportunities to purchase real estate. The way to avoid these complications is the intervention of the state and local self-government bodies, for example, communal housing, which will belong to the community, can be rented on a long-term basis to vulnerable sections of the population, immigrants and those groups of people who need it but cannot afford to buy it

    Supply chain management in residential real estate construction

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    The problem of providing the population with housing is important and relevant for Ukraine and all countries of the world. The housing provision of the population is an important indicator of socioeconomic stability and quality of life. The article assesses the current state of housing provision for the population of Ukraine and analyzes the level of economic affordability of housing in the context of similar comparisons with EU countries. It was found that the income of Ukrainian households is insufficient to solve the housing problem. We see a solution to this important problem in the improvement of supply chain management in the construction of residential real estate. The article identifies and analyzes the functional features of supply chains in residential construction. According to the research results, the specific features of management and the main problems of supply chain management of Ukrainian companies have been specified. Digitization has been identified as one of the most promising tools for supply chain management in Ukraine for the future


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    The increasing level of population coverage with housing has traditionally been among the most relevant and challenging issues for the national economy of Ukraine. The military conflict, now in its second year, is changing the priorities of the public housing policy and requiring the search for new efficient methods of restoring the lost housing stock and regulating housing construction. The article addresses the volume of capital investment in residential construction in Ukraine and explains the financial framework for residential construction regulation. World best practices in the use of financial instruments in the regulation of the industry are systematized. The authors' view of the system of financial leverage of residential construction regulation is offered. The analysis of the housing affordability indicators shows that the average household income is insufficient to purchase housing and repay a mortgage. Meanwhile, the research indicates that a mortgage is one of the most common financial instruments for the purchase of housing for Ukrainians. The analysis of the level and dynamics of mortgage interest rates shows that they are 4.6 times higher in the euro than in the EU countries. The study of modern housing practices in Ukraine emphasizes the need to introduce new principles of sustainable financial regulation in residential construction. The article substantiates a set of these principles and recommends their implementation. The assessment of modern realities and consequences of hostilities in Ukraine reveals significant losses of housing stock (about 40%) and the need to change the priorities and tasks of public housing policy. An examination of the country's recovery and post-war housing programs allows the identification of the principles of transparency, openness, inclusivity, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, and sustainability as key strategic priorities in financial regulation.

    Financial leverages of the regulation of residential construction

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    The increasing level of population coverage with housing has traditionally been among the most relevant and challenging issues for the national economy of Ukraine. The military conflict, now in its second year, is changing the priorities of the public housing policy and requiring the search for new efficient methods of restoring the lost housing stock and regulating housing construction. The article addresses the volume of capital investment in residential construction in Ukraine and explains the financial framework for residential construction regulation. World best practices in the use of financial instruments in the regulation of the industry are systematized. The authors' view of the system of financial leverage of residential construction regulation is offered. The analysis of the housing affordability indicators shows that the average household income is insufficient to purchase housing and repay a mortgage. Meanwhile, the research indicates that a mortgage is one of the most common financial instruments for the purchase of housing for Ukrainians. The analysis of the level and dynamics of mortgage interest rates shows that they are 4.6 times higher in the euro than in the EU countries. The study of modern housing practices in Ukraine emphasizes the need to introduce new principles of sustainable financial regulation in residential construction. The article substantiates a set of these principles and recommends their implementation. The assessment of modern realities and consequences of hostilities in Ukraine reveals significant losses of housing stock (about 40%) and the need to change the priorities and tasks of public housing policy. An examination of the country's recovery and post-war housing programs allows the identification of the principles of transparency, openness, inclusivity, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, and sustainability as key strategic priorities in financial regulation

    Government regulation in the housing sector: Foreign experience and Ukrainian practice

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    The article is devoted to state regulation in the housing sector. The aim of the article is to study the main mechanisms of state regulation of demand for residential real estate based on the analysis of foreign experience and analysis of the use of these mechanisms in the realities of modern Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the experience of European countries and the United States in using schemes to support the purchase / rental of housing was analyzed. The experience of Poland in regulating relations in the housing market is considered in detail. It is established that in all analyzed countries the state directly or indirectly regulates the processes in the housing market. The degree of state intervention in market processes is different. The experience of the functioning of state housing programs in Ukraine and the level of funding for them are tudied. At the heart of the implementation of all programs is a mechanism for providing citizens in need of better housing conditions, state support in the form of soft loans, compensation for mortgage interest rates, or part of the cost of housing. An analysis of existing state housing programs in Ukraine has confirmed a significant level of underfunding of planned budget expenditures, as well as limited access to these programs due to the need for a mandatory down payment. Also, the analysis of existing state housing programs showed that the country’s rental market is poorly regulated, and the state does not act as an active player, examples of which we see in European countries, Germany, Poland, France. However, the problem of the rental market in Ukraine is its shadow nature, according to which the volume and structure of houses/apartments available for rent, and the level of their rental price are unknown. All this increases the urgency of developing clear and transparent rules for the functioning of the rental housing market by the legal authorities, which should motivate all members of these market to act due to them

    Passivity-Based Control of Water Pumping System Using BLDC Motor Drive Fed by Solar PV Array with Battery Storage System

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    In remote locations, it is advisable to combine solar water pumping with electric energy storage and power supply for other forms of consumption. In such complex systems, individual subsystems feature their own local control, and the general automatic control of the system in different modes of its operation is carried out in accordance with an energy management strategy (EMS). In this paper, the functions of local and general control of the solar water pumping system with battery storage and external power supply are combined in the system of passivity-based control (PBC). The EMS is constructed in such a way that for all modes, only two PBC systems are developed, which are switched depending on the battery’s state of charge and the current levels of the two main disturbances—solar irradiation and electrical consumption. For each system, two control influence former (CIF) structures were synthesized and their operation was investigated by computer simulation. Despite the simplicity of CIFs’ implementation, due to the introduced interconnection and damping coefficients, such control allows the provision of the required voltage regulation with a static error up to 1%, sufficient quality of transients during disturbances and switching of the system structure, as well as system asymptotic stability

    Аналіз можливостей маскування об’єктів в умовах сучасних військових конфліктів

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    The article analyses the methods of camouflage used in modern military conflicts. The article gives a historical overview of camouflage of military equipment and personnel since the beginning of the twentieth century. The mathematical and physical principles that should be taken into account in the manufacture of camouflage nets are discussed, the requirement for which is the difficulty in recognising and differentiating between an artificial surface and real terrain. The mathematical model of a camouflage net pattern is a fractal, a self-similar scale-invariant object of noninteger topological dimension. From the point of view of physics, the fractal dimension is a statistical value that demonstrates how densely a fractal fills a space. This means, in particular, that by dividing a photo of a real surface into cells and then counting the number of black cells in relation to all of them (in the simplest case of a photo of a winter forest, for example), you can find out the average indicator of the landscape's scale similarity, which can be reproduced on a camouflage grid. In the context of active military operations caused by russian aggression, for effective camouflage, it is proposed to use the concepts and methods of fractal geometry in the manufacture of camouflage means, in particular camouflage nets, to maximise the imitation of natural landscapes and structures that will not be easy to recognise.В статі проведено аналіз методів маскування, які застосовуються в умовах сучасних військових конфліктів. Дано історичний екскурс щодо камуфлювання військової техніки і особового складу починаючи з початку ХХ сторіччя. Обговорюється математичні і фізичні засади, які повинні бути враховані при виготовленні маскувальних сіток, вимогою до яких є складність у розпізнанні і диференціації штучної поверхні, і реального рельєфу. Математичною моделлю патерна маскувальної сітки є фрактал, самоподібний маштабно-інваріантний об’єкт нецілої топологічної вимірності. З точки зору фізики, фрактальна вимірність є статистичною величиною, яка демонструє наскільки щільно фрактал заповнює простір. Це означає, зокрема, що розбивши скажемо фото реальної поверхні на клітини, а потім підрахувавши кількість чорних клітин, по відношенню до всіх (у найпростішему варіанті фото зимового лісу, наприклад) можна дізнатися усереднений показник масштабної подібності ланшафта, який і відтворити на маскувальній сітці. В умовах активних військових дій, спричинених російською агресією, для ефективного маскування пропонується при виготовленні засобів камуфлювання, зокрема маскувальних сіток, застосовувати уявлення і методи фрактальної геометрії, для максимальної імітації природних ландшафтів і структур, які будуть не зручними для розпізнавання

    Improving the geometric topology of geothermal heat exchangers in oil bore-holes

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    A review has been conducted of key trends in the development of geometric topology of geothermal heat exchangers. Authors proposed approaches to improving the designs and network structures for heat-transfer media circulation in the bottom-hole space of oil-and-gas reservoirs. Four geometric topologies of geothermal heat exchangers have been analysed: І – ІІ – rectilinear vertical smooth and finned pipelines; ІІІ – IV – a cluster in the form of a set of smooth and finned single-pipe elements, representing a figure of “squirrel wheel” or “meridian sphere” type. It is shown that the most effective technical solution, which ensures the increase in the coefficient of performance (COP) of bore-hole geothermal systems is finning the heat exchanging pipes. For the heat exchangers of І – ІІ type, the calculated increase in COP in comparison with smooth pipes is 40%, and for ІІІ – IV type – 95%. The key parameters influencing the COP of a geothermal heat exchanger are: the radius of fluids draining out during the heat exchange process, the radius of pipelines with circulating heat-transfer medium, the diameter of a cluster heat exchanger, the heat exchange area, the parameters of rocks thermal resistance in the bottom-hole zone of heat-receiving

    Впровадження методу образних перетворень для мінімізації частково визначених булевих функцій

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    This paper reports a research that established the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the method of figurative transformations to minimize partially defined Boolean functions. The method makes it possible, without loss of functionality, to reduce the complexity of the minimization procedure, compared to sorting out binary definitions of partially defined Boolean functions. The interpretation of the result is that the 2-(n, b)-design, 2-(n, x/b)-design systems are a reflection of logical operations. Therefore, the identification of such combinatorial systems in the truth table of logical functions directly and unambiguously establishes the location of logical operations for equivalent transformations of Boolean expressions. This, in turn, implicates an algorithm for simplifying Boolean functions, including partially defined Boolean functions. Thus, the method of figurative transformations simplifies and speeds up the procedure for minimizing partially defined Boolean functions, compared to analogs. This indicates that the visual-matrix form of the analytical method still has the prospect of increasing its hardware capabilities, including in terms of minimizing partially defined Boolean functions. It has been experimentally confirmed that the method of figurative transformations increases the efficiency of minimizing partially defined Boolean functions, compared with analogs, by 100–200 %. There is reason to argue about the possibility of increasing the efficiency of minimizing partially defined Boolean functions in the main and polynomial bases by the specified method. The effectiveness of the method, in particular, is ensured by carrying out all operations of generalized gluing of variables for dead-end disjunctive normal forms (DNF), followed by the use of implicant tables; optimal combination of a sequence of logical operations for gluing variablesПроведеними дослідженнями встановлена можливість збільшення ефективності методу образних перетворень для мінімізації частково визначених булевих функцій. Метод дає змогу без втрати функціональності зменшити складність процедури мінімізації, порівняно з перебором бінарних довизначень частково визначених булевих функцій. Інтерпретація результату полягає у тому, що системи 2-(n, b)-design, 2-(n, x/b)-design є відображенням логічних операцій. Тому виявлення таких комбінаторних систем у таблиці істинності логічних функцій безпосередньо і однозначно встановлює локацію логічних операцій для рівносильних перетворень булевих виразів. Це, у свою чергу, імплікує алгоритм спрощення булевих функцій, у тому числі й частково визначених булевих функцій. Таким чином метод образних перетворень спрощує та пришвидшує процедуру мінімізації частково визначених булевих функцій, порівняно з аналогами. Це вказує та те, що візуально-матрична форма аналітичного методу, все ще має перспективу нарощувати свої апаратні можливості, зокрема й стосовно мінімізації частково визначених булевих функцій. Експериментально підтверджено, що метод образних перетворень підвищує ефективність мінімізації частково визначених булевих функцій, порівняно з аналогами на 100–200 %. Є підстави стверджувати про можливість збільшення ефективності мінімізації частково визначених булевих функцій в основному та поліномному базисах зазначеним методом. Ефективність методу, зокрема, забезпечується проведенням всіх операцій узагальненого склеювання змінних для тупикових диз’юнктивних нормальних форм (ДНФ) з наступним застосуванням імплікантних таблиць; оптимальним комбінуванням послідовності логічних операцій склеювання змінни