5 research outputs found

    The legal basis of expanding the powers of local councils in the sphere of land relations

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    The article studies the process of decentralization of power regarding the distribution of powers of the authorities in the sphere of land relations, namely relations of possession, use and disposition of land. It is established that today at the legislative level the powers of local authorities in the sphere of land relations are greatly expanded. Nevertheless, these changes only initiate the implementation of the Concept of reform. They need to be continued and implemented by consolidating and amending the current legislation.У статті здійснено дослідження процесу децентралізації влади щодо розподілу повноважень влади в галузі земельних відносин, а саме відносин щодо володіння, користування і розпорядження землею. Встановлено, що сьогодні на законодавчому рівні значно розширені повноваження органів місцевого самоврядування в галузі земельних відносин. Але все ж таки ці зміни лише започатковують впровадження Концепції реформування. Необхідно продовжувати і в подальшому впроваджувати в життя шляхом нормативного закріплення і внесення змін до чинного законодавства.В статье проведено исследование процесса децентрализации власти относительно распределения полномочий власти в сфере земельных отношений, а именно отношений по владению, пользованию и распоряжению землей. Установлено, что сегодня на законодательном уровне значительно расширены полномочия органов местного самоуправления в сфере земельных отношений. Но все же эти изменения только начинают внедрение Концепции реформирования. Необходимо продолжать и в дальнейшем внедрять в жизнь путем нормативного закрепления и внесения изменений в действующее законодательство

    Construction waste recycling in the circular economy model

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The disposal of construction waste, the amount of which is constantly growing due to hostilities in Ukraine and outdated housing stock that has lost its consumer properties is an acute problem. The study proposes adopting the circular economy and the principles of improving the security and environmental situation in Ukraine to restore the country's potential. The article analyzes the main stages and processes of construction waste disposal, taking into account their fractional recycling and reuse in the reconstruction of settlements, which is based on the rational use of resources and innovations and will reduce the cost of restoring destroyed settlement areas. Efficient construction is possible only if environmental and economic indicators are improved, the level of safety and manufacturability are improved. A methodology for assessing the effectiveness of future construction has been developed and recommendations for its improvement have been given.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Waste blast furnace slags as raw materials for the production of binders

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    Problem. Industrial waste accumulating in dumps, in many cases, have valuable technical properties, so they can be considered as secondary resources. Тhe study of the properties and modification of slags under various conditions requires an integrated approach, including different analysis. Goal. Based on the selected experimental methods to justify the resource value of Zaporizhstal waste blast furnace slag.  Methodology. The methods of the study were X-ray diffraction, gamma-spectrometry, spectrographic analysis and electron-probe microanalysis. Results. X-ray phase analysis revealed the minerals of the blast-furnace slags in the crystalline state: rankinite 3CaO∙2SiO2, quartz SiO2, gehlenite 2CaO∙Al2O3∙SiO2, bredigit α-2CaO∙SiO2, okermanit 2CaO∙MgO∙2SiO2, pseudowollastonite α-CaO∙SiO2. The mass fraction of the glassy component is calculated, which is half the mass of Zaporizhstal blast furnace slag. The elemental composition of the slag, determined by electron probe microanalysis, made it possible to characterize its fractions from the standpoint of toxicity. The elements potassium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, copper and titanium, which are not included in the composition of minerals, were recorded using a scanning electron microscope, which gives grounds for assuming that they are sorbed by the surface of mineral particles. Micrographs of the surface of the particles of blast furnace slag indicate a high degree of loosening with the presence of needle-like and plate-like crystals, which determines the sorption properties of the slag. The maximum content of potassium, sodium and titanium is characteristic of the 2.5–5 mm fraction. Slag contains an insignificant amount (<1 %) of compounds of metals Fe, Ti and Cu belonging to the 3rd hazard class of substances, which does not interfere with the further disposal of slag. The III hazard class of waste slag blast furnace slag has been determined. Gamma-spectrometric method determined the specific radioactivity and the effective specific activity of slag fractions. Natural radionuclides 40K, 226Ra and 232Th were detected. It is proved that slag and its separate fractions belong to the first class of radiation hazard and can be used in building industry without restriction. Originality. The minerals okermanit, bredigit, pseudovollastonite are technically valuable in the production of binding materials, since they have hydraulic activity. The presence of amorphous phases indicates increased sorption and chemical activity of slag, which is important from the standpoint of the use of slag in the production of binders. In the large slag fraction, the mass contribution of the amorphous state of the substance is slightly higher. Practical value. Zaporizhstal waste blast furnace slag can be recommended in the production of binders – Portland cement and slag Portland cement, according to a combination of chemical indicators: a high concentration of hydraulically active minerals and amorphous phase, highly developed surface of slag particles, the presence of sorption surface activity, attitude to moderately hazardous production waste and class I radiation danger

    Ways to develop brands and PR management of tourism enterprises with a focus on national markets

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    The subject of the research is theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the peculiarities of the formation and use of new products and brands, PR-management technologies in the development strategies of tourism enterprises with a focus on national markets and domestic consumers. The purpose of the work is to determine the features and suggest ways to form and use new products and brands, PR-management technologies in the development strategies of tourism enterprises with a focus on national markets and domestic consumers, domestic tourism in the context of global restrictions on the movement of people and international tourism activities. The methodological basis of the article is both General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge. Monographic and historical methods were used in determining the content of tourism products and brands and their evolution; system-structural analysis and synthesis in justifying the types of brands (travel companies, places or destinations, types of tourism and recreation, etc.), advertising and PR-management tools with their promotion; statistical and economic, mathematical modeling and programming in the development of opportunities to attract new products and brands, PR management in marketing strategies for the development of tourism enterprises and rural green tourism enterprise

    Improving the Algorithm of Choosing Spacing and Number of Stiff Supports Against A Concentrated Force in Steel-concrete Beams

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    A steel-concrete beam was taken as the study object. The algorithm of selecting the number of stiff supports for the steel-concrete beam loaded with a concentrated lateral force in the middle of the span has been refined. Stiff supports served to join the steel strip with concrete to ensure their joint performance. The algorithm was refined based on the condition of equality of the longitudinal force in the steel strip from the action of the calculated load and the maximum longitudinal force obtained after setting the supports. In this case, the longitudinal forces in all stiff supports, as well as the spacing of the stiff supports should be the same. A disadvantage of the known algorithm consists in the complexity of determining the coefficient φb2 taking into account the effect of long-term concrete creep on the element deformation without cracks. This coefficient fluctuates widely and depends on many factors. Besides, it is also insufficiently studied. Calculations for determining the number and spacing of stiff supports in a steel-concrete beam were conducted according to the proposed algorithm and in the Lira software package. The forces acting on the supports and spacing of the supports were the same. The force acting in the support was 8941.5 N. When selecting characteristics of the steel-concrete beam, maximum longitudinal force in the steel strip was obtained. The longitudinal force amounted to 35726 N. The same longitudinal force was obtained from the diagram of longitudinal forces obtained after setting the supports. This study was aimed at improving the design of steel-concrete beams. A rational number and placement of stiff supports ensure savings: the required amount of building materials is reduced and their cost is reduced due to cutting labor costs for their manufacture and operatio