509 research outputs found

    Cristãos escravizados e proprietários judeus na hagiografia, teologia e lei visigodos

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    The Iberian Passio Mantii is a rare case of a late antique martyrdom account in which the protagonist, Mantius, is described as the Christian slave of Jewish owners who persecute him to death for not converting to Judaism. This unusual hagiographical text chimes with extensive legislation produced in Visigothic Iberia on the very question of Jewish ownership of Christian slaves. Placing these sources together and exploring their theological background allows us first to understand better the changes Visigothic legislators made to a long legal tradition of prohibiting both the conversion and ownership of Christian slaves by Jews. But it also allows us to go beyond the assumption that the sources reflect an active social practice and ask whether interest in Jews exercising power over Christians was part of the development of a discourse of Jewish danger that was itself fundamental to the elaboration of more clearly defined religious identities in the seventh century.  La ibérica Passio Mantii es un raro relato de martirio tardoantiguo en el que el protagonista, Mantius, es presentado como un esclavo cristiano en manos de propietarios judíos, quienes lo hostigan hasta la muerte por no convertirse al judaísmo. Este inusual texto hagiográfico tiene puntos de contacto con la extensa legislación producida en la Iberia visigoda sobre la cuestión de la propiedad judía de los esclavos cristianos. Analizar estas fuentes y explorar su trasfondo teológico nos permite, en primer lugar, comprender mejor los cambios que los legisladores visigodos hicieron a una larga tradición legal de prohibir tanto la conversión como la propiedad de esclavos cristianos por parte de los judíos. Pero también nos permite, por otra parte, ir más allá de la suposición de que las fuentes reflejan una práctica social activa y preguntarnos si en realidad el interés en la temática en torno a judíos ejerciendo poder sobre cristianos fue parte del desarrollo de un discurso sobre el peligro judío que fue, a su vez, fundamental para la construcción de más nítidas identidades religiosas en el siglo VII.O Passio Mantii Ibérico é uma narrativa rara de martírio tardio-antico, na qual o protagonista, Mantius, é apresentado como um escravo cristão nas mãos de proprietários judeus, que o assediam até à morte por não se converter ao judaísmo. Este incomum texto hagiográfico tem pontos de contacto com a extensa legislação produzida na Ibéria Visigótica sobre a questão da propriedade judaica dos escravos cristãos. A análise destas fontes e a exploração dos seus antecedentes teológicos permite-nos, antes de mais, compreender melhor as transformações que os legisladores visigodos fizeram numa longa tradição legal de proibição tanto da conversão como da propriedade judaica de escravos cristãos. Mas também nos permite, por outro lado, ir além do pressuposto de que as fontes reflectem uma prática social activa e perguntar se, de facto, o interesse pelo assunto em torno dos judeus que exercem o poder sobre os cristãos fazia parte do desenvolvimento de um discurso sobre o perigo judeu que, por sua vez, foi central para a construção de identidades religiosas mais claras no século VII

    Aminoglycoside-associated dizziness in geriatric patients : a prospective observation cohort study

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    Seasonal Temperature Preference of Adult Mountain Whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni

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    Temperatures selected seasonally by adult mountain whitefish were measured in the laboratory in a horizontal gradient. Final preferendum estimates, based on acute (3-hour) preference tests conducted with fish acclimated to 5, 10, and 15 C each season, were 17.7 C (pre-spawning), 11.9 C (post-spawning), 9.9 C (winter), and 16.3 C (spring). Seasonal influence on temperature selection was evident on the basis of differences in final preferenda, covariance analysis of responses of laboratory-acclimated fish, and temperature selection by fish held at ambient river temperatures. Post-spawning and winter groups selected lower temperatures than did pre-spawning and spring groups. Pre-spawnine fish selected temperatures unsuitable for embryo survival. Reproductive status as reflected by gonad size was evidently not a factor that influenced seasonal temperature selection of adult whitefish

    Evaluation of 604 Connect

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    The Vancouver Community Network (VCN) is a not-for-profit Internet Service Provider (ISP), based on the “freenet” model of public Internet access. As a VolNet delivery agency, VCN committed to providing participating organizations with the following: (1) A communications protocol, (2) Internet Access, (3) Computer Equipment, (4) Training, and (5) Technical Support. In April 1999, VCN began receiving applications from non-profit organizations for its 604 Connect program, so named for the 604 telephone area code of the Vancouver area. This report provides an evaluation of the 604 Connect program

    Development of an instrument to identify newborns at risk of child abuse or neglect

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    Investigation of the species composition and harmfulness of dominant phytophages of onions in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    The research is aimed at studying the species composition, dynamics of the number and harmfulness of dominant pests, which is extremely important for the development and improvement of elements of the onion protection system. After all, the analysis of literature sources showed insufficient information about the distribution and harmfulness of the main phytophages under modern conditions of growing onions in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. We conducted the monitoring of the phytosanitary condition of onion crops during 2017–2020 and determined the species composition of dominant phytophages. We studied the complex of soil pests: larvae of Melolontha sp., the population density of which over the years of research was 0.8–2.5 specimens/m2, larvae of Elateridae sp., or click beetles (wireworms) – 0.9–2.2 specimens/m2 and Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. – 2.5 specimens/m2. Dominant species of phytophages in onion crops included onion fly (Delia Antigua Mg.), onion thrips (Trips tabaci Lind.), and Ceuthorrhynchus jakovlevi Schultze. The four most vulnerable phases of growth and development of onions before colonization and damage by major phytophages were identified: 1) phase of leaf development (a primary shoot) (ВВСН 1–19); 2) phase of the beginning of thickening of leaf base – bulb formation (ВВСН 41–43); 3) phase of bulb formation – beginning of leaf splitting (ВВСН 45–47); 4) phase of the completion of growth and development (state of physiological rest) (ВВСН 48–49

    Reconnaissance of Sediment-Phosphorus Relationships in Some Utah Reservoirs

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    Introduction: Phosphorus inputs to lakes and reservoirs from tributary streams and non-point sources are well-known contributors to nuisance algal growths that degrade water quality for potable and recreational uses in lakes and reservoirs. However, phosphours inputs to the euphotic zone may also occur from within the lake itself, as a result of releases from both oxic and anoxid sediments. Such releases may originate from phosphorus inputs to a lake or reservoir during high runoff periods in the previous winder or spring, or they may represent phosphorus trapped in the sediment many years earlier, when phosphorus contributions from natural or anthropogenic sources were higher that at present. Whatever their origin, phophours loading from sediments may exacerbate the eutrophication process or delay the recovery of a eutrophic lake or reservoir following reductions in external phosphous loading aimed at water quality restoration (Begtsson 1978, Larsen et al, 1975, 1981). This phenomenon has been graphically linkened to the memory of a lake for its previous trophic state: oligotrophic, lakes tend to trap phophorus in their sediments, thus remaining oligotrophic, while eutrophic lakes mine their sediments for phosphorus during summer stratification and further contribute to the production of late summer and fall phytoplankton blooms (Imboden 1974). Virtually no information is availabe on the extent to which internal phosphorus loading is important in reservoirs in the Intermountain West, or on the factors controlling phosphous uptake or release in these sediments. in fact, there reaims considerable debate over the accuracy of the simple paradigm outlined above for all lakes and reservoirs. Under certain circumstances, oxic release rates of phosphorus from some sediments can be substantial, while anoxic release rates may be relatively low (Holdren and Armstrong 1980). A series of studies on sediments in several reservoirs in the Intermountain West is being conducted at the Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, in order to further our understanding of important sediment-water interactsion in the phosphorus cycles of such reservoirs. The data reported here represent preliminary results from the first field season of these studies. They relate to the phosphorus chemistry of the sediments themselves, and to P release simulations carried out on intact sediment cores incubated in the laboratory. The aim of the discussion that follows is to compare the chemistry and release rates of cores from several reservoirs, and to suggest some implications of these results regarding the potential for further eutrophication or the potential for recovery of the reservoirs under study. Because the inferences are drawn from preliminary data, the conclusions should be regarded as tentative. Messer et al. (1983) has presented a rationale for related such sediment release data to the impact on the overlying water column

    Orígenes y desarrollo de la fiesta litúrgica de la Virgen María en Iberia

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    There is a tendency to speak of a special devotion to the Virgin Mary in Visigothic Iberia, on the basis especially of the foundation of a new feast day in her honour. The seventh century nevertheless saw a general development of Marian liturgies in different parts of Mediterranean and Western Europe. In Rome alone, four Marian feasts were founded, probably around the mid-seventh century, and possibly linked to the Lateran Council of 649 where the doctrine of Mary’s perpetual virginity was officially established. The presence in Rome of Taius, bishop of Zaragoza, raises the possibility that the idea of founding a new Marian feast in Iberia came from outside the Peninsula, as the very legislation founding the feast suggests. This study looks at the beginnings of Marian commemoration in order to integrate the Iberian case into a wider devotional and theological context.Se da por cierta una gran devoción mariana en la Iberia visigoda, especialmente por el establecimiento, en esa época, de una nueva celebración litúrgica en honor a la Virgen María. Sin embargo, el siglo VII conoció un progresivo desarrollo de liturgias marianas en diversas partes del Mediterráneo y de Europa occidental. En Roma se fundaron cuatro fi estas marianas a mediados del siglo VII, posiblemente con motivo del concilió de Letrán del año 649, en el que se declaró oficial la creencia en la perpetua virginidad de María. La presencia en Roma, alrededor de estas fechas, del obispo de Zaragoza, Tajón, hace suponer que el establecimiento de esta festividad mariana en Iberia pudo venir de fuera, tal como sugiere la legislación en torno a ella. Este estudio investiga los comienzos de esta conmemoración mariana con el fin de contextualizar el caso ibérico en el panorama devocional y teológico del momento