3,020 research outputs found

    Sociedade civil pelo desarmamento humanitário: um entendimento enquanto subalterna

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    1º Congresso Internacional Epistemologias do Sul: perspectivas críticas - 7 a 9 de novembro de 2016, realizada pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA).O trabalho buscará compreender e analisar o papel da Sociedade Civil organizada pelo Desarmamento Humanitário enquanto representante das vozes das vítimas subalternizadas, ou como subalterna em sua própria atuação frente a outros atores. Para isso, a discussão será contextualizada a partir das transformações percebidas no cenário internacional com o fim da Guerra Fria, em um período marcado, entre outros fatores, pela emergência de pautas humanitárias nas diversas esferas das Relações Internacionais, bem como o surgimento e aprofundamento de conceitos anteriormente entendidos em uma visão puramente estatocêntrica e militar, principalmente nas áreas de Segurança e Direito Internacional

    O Direito Internacional na construção da paz: sociedade civil global pelo desarmamento humanitário e desafios da subalternidade(s) – Direito Internacional na construção da paz e idiossincrasias da política externa brasileira no desarmamento humanitário

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Ciências Sociais AplicadasO fim da Guerra Fria foi marcado por mudanças nas dinâmicas internacionais, sendo um período de transformações e reinterpretação de diversos aspectos e conceitos das Relações Internacionais – a exemplo do surgimento de Escolas Críticas de Segurança e das Abordagens do Terceiro Mundo ao Direito Internacional, trazendo uma forte agenda política e emancipatória para espaços que até então seguiam uma lógica estritamente estatocêntrica e militar. Destacam-se dessas mudanças o surgimento de pautas humanitárias nas agendas internacionais e a emergência de novos atores, a exemplo da Sociedade Civil Global e sua atuação transnacionalUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Anthropogenic Renourishment Feedback on Shorebirds: a Multispecies Bayesian Perspective

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    In this paper the realized niche of the Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), a primarily resident Florida shorebird, is described as a function of the scenopoetic and bionomic variables at the nest-, landscape-, and regional-scale. We identified some possible geomorphological controls that influence nest-site selection and survival using data collected along the Florida Gulf coast. In particular we focused on the effects of beach replenishment interventions on the Snowy Plover (SP), and on the migratory Piping Plover	(PP)	(Charadrius	melodus )	and	Red	Knot	(RK)	(Calidris	canutus ).	Additionally, we investigated the potential differences between the SP breeding and wintering distributions using only regional-scale physiognomic variables and the recorded occur- rences. To quantify the relationship between past renourishment projects and shorebird species we used a Monte Carlo procedure to sample from the posterior distribution of the binomial probabilities that a region is not a nesting or a wintering ground conditional on the occurrence of a beach replenishment intervention in the same and the previous year. The results indicate that it was 2.3, 3.1, and 0.8 times more likely that a region was not a wintering ground following a year with a renourishment intervention for the SP, PP and RK respectively. For the SP it was 2.5. times more likely that a region was not a breeding ground after a renourishment event. Through a maximum entropy principle model we observed small differences in the habitat use of the SP during the breeding and the wintering season. However the habitats where RK was observed appeared quite different. While ecological niche models at the macro-scale are useful for determining habitat suitability ranges, the characterization of the species’ local niche is fundamentally important for adopting concrete multi-species management scenarios. Maintaining and creating optimal suitable habitats for SP characterized by sparse low vegetation in the foredunes areas, and uneven/low-slope beach surfaces, is the proposed conservation scenario to convert anthropic beach restorations and SP populations into a positive feedback without impacting other threatened shorebird species

    Scaling Functions for Baby Universes in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    We apply the recently proposed transfer matrix formalism to 2-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to (2,2k1)(2, 2k-1) minimal models. We find that the propagation of a parent universe in geodesic (Euclidean) time is accompanied by continual emission of baby universes and derive a distribution function describing their sizes. The k (c)k\to \infty~ (c\to -\infty) limit is generally thought to correspond to classical geometry, and we indeed find a classical peak in the universe distribution function. However, we also observe dramatic quantum effects associated with baby universes at finite length scales.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures (not included, available upon request), PUPT-142

    Coupling Water Column and Sediment Biogeochemical Dynamics: Modeling Internal Phosphorus Loading, Climate Change Responses, and Mitigation Measures in Lake Vansjø, Norway

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    We expanded the existing one‐dimensional MyLake model by incorporating a vertically resolved sediment diagenesis module and developing a reaction network that seamlessly couples the water column and sediment biogeochemistry. The application of the MyLake‐Sediment model to boreal Lake Vansjø illustrates the model's ability to reproduce daily water quality variables and predict sediment‐water column exchange fluxes over a long historical period. In prognostic scenarios, we assessed the importance of sediment processes and the effects of various climatic and anthropogenic drivers on the lake's biogeochemistry and phytoplankton dynamics. First, MyLake‐Sediment was used to simulate the potential impacts of increasing air temperature on algal growth and water quality. Second, the key role of ice cover in controlling water column mixing and biogeochemical cycles was analyzed in a series of scenarios that included a fully ice‐free end‐member. Third, in another end‐member scenario P loading from the watershed to the lake was abruptly halted. The model results suggest that remobilization of legacy P stored in the bottom sediments could sustain the lake's primary productivity on a time scale of several centuries. Finally, while the majority of management practices to reduce excessive algal growth in lakes focus on reducing external P loads, other efforts rely on the addition of reactive materials that sequester P in the sediment. Therefore, we investigated the effectiveness of ferric iron additions in decreasing the dissolved phosphate efflux from the sediment and, consequently, limit phytoplankton growth in Lake Vansjø.publishedVersio

    Förster energy transfer between neighbouring chromophores in C-phycocyanin trimers

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    The excitation-energy transfer in C-phycocyanin (C-PC) trimers and monomers isolated from phycobilisomes of Mastigocladus laminosus has been studied by polarization femtosecond laser spectroscopy. Excitation with 70-fs pulses at 615 nm gave rise to a 500-fs energy-transfer process that was observed only in trimeric preparations. The rate of the process is in agreement with earlier calculated Förster energy transfer rates between neighbouring α-84 and β-84 chromophores of different monomeric subunits. This process is most clearly seen in the anisotropy decay kinetics. As a result of femtosecond excitation-energy transfer, the anisotropy relaxes from 0.4 to 0.23. The final anisotropy value is in fair agreement with the results of calculations based on the crystal structure and spectroscopic data of C-PC trimers. Our results support the conclusion that Förster energy transfer can occur between excitonically coupled chromophores

    Ultrafast Photo-Induced Charge Transfer Unveiled by Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy

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    The interaction of exciton and charge transfer (CT) states plays a central role in photo-induced CT processes in chemistry, biology and physics. In this work, we use a combination of two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2D-ES), pump-probe measurements and quantum chemistry to investigate the ultrafast CT dynamics in a lutetium bisphthalocyanine dimer in different oxidation states. It is found that in the anionic form, the combination of strong CT-exciton interaction and electronic asymmetry induced by a counter-ion enables CT between the two macrocycles of the complex on a 30 fs timescale. Following optical excitation, a chain of electron and hole transfer steps gives rise to characteristic cross-peak dynamics in the electronic 2D spectra, and we monitor how the excited state charge density ultimately localizes on the macrocycle closest to the counter-ion within 100 fs. A comparison with the dynamics in the radical species further elucidates how CT states modulate the electronic structure and tune fs-reaction dynamics. Our experiments demonstrate the unique capability of 2D-ES in combination with other methods to decipher ultrafast CT dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, and Supporting informatio