5 research outputs found

    Sources of psychoanalysis and psychoterapy of childhood

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    Psihoanalitički pristup i psihoterapija dječje dobi zasebne su grane psihijatrije, sa dubokim izvoriš­ tima u psihoanalizi. Medicinska teorija i praksa je dovela do pojave mnogih pravaca i teorija u dječjoj psihoanalizi, koji tumače uzroke psihičkih poremećaja u djece, a time i u odraslih. Autor daje kratak pregled i komentar nekih smjerova u razvoju dječje psihoanalize i psihoterapije. Od velikog broja teorija i ogranaka, te između mnogih mogućnosti koje psihoterapeut u svojem radu ima, najbolje je orijentirati se prema vlastitom afinitetu i iskustvu, a na temelju detaljnijeg proučavanja teorija ponaosob.Psychoanalitical approach and psychotherapy of childhood are specific subdivisions of psychiatry, both deep-rooted in psychoanalysis. Medical theory and practice developed many trends and theories in psychoanalysis of children, all of them explaining sources of psychical disorders of children as well as grown-ups. In this review the short survey and comment to some of main theories developed in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy is given. Between a large number of theories and branches, such as between many possibilities given to psychotherapist in his practice, the best decision is to follow one’s own affinities and experiences, based on minute studying of each theory separately

    Retrospektivna analiza osobitosti zdravstvene njege djece sa sepsom

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    Sepsa (septikemija) vrlo je složeno patološko zbivanje obilježeno općom reakcijom koja nastaje zbog (jednokratnog, opetovanog ili traj- nog) prodora mikroorganizama i njihovih toksina iz nekog primarnog žarišta u krv. Cilj je istraživanja bio ispitati pojavnost, etiologiju, spolnu i dobnu raspodjelu, uzročnike, komplikacije, smrtnost, zastupljenost pojedinih problema iz područja zdravstvene njege te zastupljenost specifičnih sestrinskih intervencija u djece sa sepsom. U istraživanje je uključeno 114 djece od 0 do 15 godina koja su zbog sepse primljena u Pedijatrijsku jedinicu inten- zivnog liječenja, Odjel za pedijatriju, KB Osijek u razdoblju od 1. 1. 2001. do 31. 12. 2005. Podatci su analizirani retrospektivno. Teška patofiziologija sepse odrazila se na broj i stupanj težine problema iz područja zdravstvene njege, koji su pak iziskivali vrlo specifične i zahtjevne sestrinske inter- vencije. Zbrinjavanje djeteta sa sepsom za svaku medicinsku sestru zasigurno je veliki stručni i psihoemocionalni izazov, a pred nju stavlja obvezu stalne edukacije

    Setting research priorities for global pandemic preparedness: an international consensus and comparison with ChatGPT's output

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    Background: In this priority-setting exercise, we sought to identify leading research priorities needed for strengthening future pandemic preparedness and response across countries. Methods: The International Society of Global Health (ISoGH) used the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) method to identify research priorities for future pandemic preparedness. Eighty experts in global health, translational and clinical research identified 163 research ideas, of which 42 experts then scored based on five pre-defined criteria. We calculated intermediate criterion-specific scores and overall research priority scores from the mean of individual scores for each research idea. We used a bootstrap (n = 1000) to compute the 95% confidence intervals. Results: Key priorities included strengthening health systems, rapid vaccine and treatment production, improving international cooperation, and enhancing surveillance efficiency. Other priorities included learning from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, managing supply chains, identifying planning gaps, and promoting equitable interventions. We compared this CHNRI-based outcome with the 14 research priorities generated and ranked by ChatGPT, encountering both striking similarities and clear differences. Conclusions: Priority setting processes based on human crowdsourcing - such as the CHNRI method - and the output provided by ChatGPT are both valuable, as they complement and strengthen each other. The priorities identified by ChatGPT were more grounded in theory, while those identified by CHNRI were guided by recent practical experiences. Addressing these priorities, along with improvements in health planning, equitable community-based interventions, and the capacity of primary health care, is vital for better pandemic preparedness and response in many settings.</p