47 research outputs found

    Reprodukcija boje u digitalnom mediju

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    U ovom završnom radu biti će obrađeni monitori u srednjoj i višoj kategoriji, njihove karakteristike te njihove radne mogućnosti u grafičkoj struci prije i nakon kalibracije. Jednako tako obradit ćemo i najpoznatije grafičke kartice koje nam omogućavaju prikaz slike na monitoru te njihovu stabilnost u radu sa Adobe paketom. Pozornost će biti posvećena i na povijest kao i na razvoj spomenutih hardverskih elemenata. Više pažnje usmjeriti će se na kalibraciji monitora tj. karakteristikama prikaza slike određenih monitora u odnosu na pozadinsko osvjetljenje i postavke s kojima rade. Manje će se pozornosti posvetit samom dizajnu monitora. Praktični dio sastoji se od analize različitih vrsta monitora, te usporednih testova istih kako bi se što bolje vidio odnos hardvera tj. kvaliteta prikaza slike

    Klinički prikaz genitourinarne tuberkuloze sa sumnjom na abdominalnu neoplazmu

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    Genital tuberculosis is a rare and unexpected disease in European countries including Croatia. Diagnosis of female genital tract tuberculosis is challenging and is rarely pin-pointed by clinical symptoms because of their low specificity. The authors decided to present a case of genitourinary tuberculosis in a young, immunocompetent fertile woman with high clinical suspicion of abdominal tumor mass. Although considered a desease of the past, rare clinical presentation of genital tuberculosis should be expected and taken into account.Genitalna tuberkuloza rijetka je i neočekivana bolest u zemljama Europske unije uključujući i Hrvatsku. Postavljanje dijagnoze tuberkuloze genitalnog sustava otežano je nespecifičnim simptomima. Prikazujemo slučaj genitourinarne tuberkuloze kod mlade imunokompetentne žene generativne dobi gdje je klinička dijagnoza upućivala na abdominalnu neoplazmu. U vremenu velikih društvenih promjena prisutnih posljednjih godina rijetke kliničke prezentacije tuberkuloze i dalje su moguće kao diferencijalna dijagnoza

    Cokriging geostatistical mapping and importance of quality of seismic attribute(s)

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    Višekomponentna seizmika pruža nam novi uvid u karakteristike ležišta. Primjena seizmike koja objedinjuje P i S valove (PS signal), temelji se na razlici refleksije tih valova u ležištu. Jedno od najvažnijih svojstava S valova je njihova relativna neosjetljivost na zasićenje, što nije slučaj kod P valova. U polju Molve je snimljena i interpretirana 3D seizmika. Pouzdanost svakoga seizmičkog pojedinačnog atributa nije bila dovoljna da bi se mogli interpretirati zone s plinom, poroznost te zasićenje vodom. Razlog tomu je kompleksna litologija ležišta, predstavljena s čak 4 litofacijesa: litofacijesom IV (uglavnom retrogradno metamorfozirani gnajsevi; paleozojski i stariji), litofacijesom III (metakvarciti perma i trijasa), litofacijesom II (uglavnom dolomiti jurske i trijaske starosti) te litofacijesom I (miocenski vapnenci). To je razlog da seizmički atributi i parametri ležišta nisu mogli biti korelirani. Zato je kreirani novi složeni atribut (engl. „multi-atribut“) za svaki od četiri litofacijesa u ležištu. Takav atribut mogao se znatno lakše korelirati s petrofizikalnim varijablama. Na temelju Kalkomey-eva pristupa vjerojatnost da je takva korelacija lažna iznosi 0,15. Nadalje, potvrđena je korelacija između atributa i poroznosti, posebno u litofacijesu III (sastavljenom od kvarcita, škriljavaca i grauvake). Zato je tu poroznost interpolirana upotrebom geostatističke metode kokriginga, tj. upotrebom sekundarne seizmičke varijable. Također, analiza složenoga atributa vodi do bolje vizualizacije dominantno vapnenačke litologije u litofacijesu II. Može se očekivati da će višekomponentna seizmika biti snimljena, kroz nekoliko godina, u većini važnih hrvatskih polja. Polje Molve jedno je od najvažnijih. Novi seizmički podatci svakako će poboljšati kvalitetu interpretiranih atributa te omogućiti uspostavljanje jasne korelacije između seizmičkih i petrofizikalnih podataka u svim litostratigrafskim jedinicama takvoga heterogenoga ležišta.Multi-component seismic provides a new way of looking at reservoirs properties. Application for seismic based both on P and S waves (PS signal) is constructed on the difference in reflectivity of these waves’ types. One of the most important property of S-waves is their relative insensitivity to saturation (P-waves are very sensitive). The 3D seismic was acquired and interpreted in the Molve field. The reliability of each seismic attribute was not enough to interpret gas zones, porosity and water saturation. The reason was complex reservoir geology, represented by even 4 lithofacies: lithofacies IV (mostly retrograde metamorphosed gneisses; Palaeozoic and older), lithofacies III (metaquartzites of Permian and Triassic ages), lithofacies II (mostly dolomites of Jurassic and Triassic age) and lithofacies I (Miocene limestones). It is why seismic attribute and reservoir parameter couldn’t be correlated. It is why new type of multi-attribute was created for each of four reservoir lithofacies. Such multi-attribute was much more easily correlated by petrophysical variables. Based on Kalkomey’s approach, the probability that calculated correlation was false had been estimated at 0.15. Moreover, there was established correlation between attribute and porosity, especially in reservoir lithofacies III, consisting of quartzite, schist and greywacke. It is why the porosity was interpolated using geostatistical method of cokriging, i.e. using secondary seismic variable. Also, multi-attribute analysis makes the best reservoir visualization in limestone lithology of lithofacies II. It could be expected that in several years new multi-component seismic data could be recorded for the most important Croatian hydrocarbon fields. The Molve is one of the most important. New seismic data will improve the quality of interpreted attributes, and make possible to establish clear correlation between seismic and petrophysics in all lithostratigraphic units of such heterogeneous reservoir

    Secondary sexual dimorphism and morphological diversity in two allopatric juniper species: Juniperus oxycedrus and J. deltoides

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    Juniperus L. is a very diverse genus of dioecious or monoecious conifers distributed throughout the Mediterranean region. In addition to the complex taxonomic characteristics of the genus, sexual dimorphism leads to sex-specific differences in the morphology of juniper species, which further complicates the delimitation of species. Two of these species, Juniperus oxycedrus L., which occurs in the western part of the Mediterranean, and J. deltoides R.P.Adams, which occurs in the eastern part, have only recently been delimited as separate species. To further support the delimitation of the species, we examined the phenotypic traits of the cones and needles of both species for both sexes. Three populations from the western and three from the eastern part of the Mediterranean region were sampled and a total of 2400 needles, 1200 cones and 1200 seeds were measured and analyzed. Both needles and cones of J. oxycedrus were slightly larger, longer and wider than those of J. deltoides and also less variable. Sexual dimorphism was observed in most of the needle traits measured, with the majority of traits in J. oxycedrus being larger in females than in males. Although sexual dimorphism was confirmed based on needle morphology, no consistent pattern of diversity was observed between the two species. In addition, variability among populations of J. oxycedrus was higher than that of J. deltoides. Our results confirm the previous species delimitation and open the possibility for further exploration of sex-specific differences in adaptability, as well as the potential implications for differential management and conservation of individuals of both sexes

    Relevant Sonographic Parameters of a Painful Shoulder in Symptomatic Dialyzed Patients versus Asymptomatic Dialyzed and Healthy Volunteers

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    The aim of this study is to find dialysis relevant sonographic parameters of painful shoulder of the symptomatic dialyzed patients comparing them with parameters in asymptomatic dialyzed patients and healthy volunteers. Significant difference in all metric parameters (thickness of supraspinatus tendon, diameter of biceps tendon sheet and capsula-bone distance) were noticed between all groups and the symptomatic had the highest values. Asymptomatic had the higher values then volunteers. Inhomogenicity of the tendon and biceps tendon sheet effusion in the symptomatic patients were the most often occurred. Subdeltoid effusion, deposits and tendon rupture were found only in symptomatic patients. No difference in presence of calcifications between symptomatic and asymptomatic was found. Metric parameters are relevant and associated with dialysis, as well as biceps tendon effusion tendon inhomogenicity, deposits and subdeltoid effusion. Tendon ruptures are relatively rare and nonspecific

    Relevant Sonographic Parameters of a Painful Shoulder in Symptomatic Dialyzed Patients versus Asymptomatic Dialyzed and Healthy Volunteers

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    The aim of this study is to find dialysis relevant sonographic parameters of painful shoulder of the symptomatic dialyzed patients comparing them with parameters in asymptomatic dialyzed patients and healthy volunteers. Significant difference in all metric parameters (thickness of supraspinatus tendon, diameter of biceps tendon sheet and capsula-bone distance) were noticed between all groups and the symptomatic had the highest values. Asymptomatic had the higher values then volunteers. Inhomogenicity of the tendon and biceps tendon sheet effusion in the symptomatic patients were the most often occurred. Subdeltoid effusion, deposits and tendon rupture were found only in symptomatic patients. No difference in presence of calcifications between symptomatic and asymptomatic was found. Metric parameters are relevant and associated with dialysis, as well as biceps tendon effusion tendon inhomogenicity, deposits and subdeltoid effusion. Tendon ruptures are relatively rare and nonspecific

    Džihad kao globalni terorizam

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    Džihad kao globalni terorizam

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    Globalizacija kao univerzalni posthladnoratovski geopolitički proces nameće nove standarde i principe međunarodnih odnosa u kojima se sve nacionalne, socijalne, etničke, političke, kulturne, konfensionalne i druge specifičnosti zemalja i regiona potiskuje, marginalizuju, i potčinjavaju praksi ograničenog suvereniteta. Takav proces nailazi na otpore zemalja političkih protivnika, verskih i nacionalnih grupa i brojnih slobodoumnih građana koji ga doživljavaju kao ekspanziju neokolonijalizma. Terorizam se u pojedinim, islamskim zemljama i neguje ne samo kao vrhunsko nacionalno strategijsko opredeljenje, već i kao kulturno - verski i kao pitanje društvenog morala. Zloupotrebljavajući islamsku veru, na toj platformi gradi i dobija podršku jednog broja fanatičnih vernika, islamističkih grupa i organizacija koje vode borbu za stvaranje islamske države na zemaljskoj kugli programiranjem 'džihada' Cilj rada je da se sagleda kako je 'džihad' zloupotrebljen u svrhu globalnog terorizma, da se analizira geneza terorizma, njegov nastanak i razvoj sa akcentom na religijski terorizam