23 research outputs found

    Turbulent Thermalization

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    We study, analytically and with lattice simulations, the decay of coherent field oscillations and the subsequent thermalization of the resulting stochastic classical wave-field. The problem of reheating of the Universe after inflation constitutes our prime motivation and application of the results. We identify three different stages of these processes. During the initial stage of ``parametric resonance'', only a small fraction of the initial inflaton energy is transferred to fluctuations in the physically relevant case of sufficiently large couplings. A major fraction is transfered in the prompt regime of driven turbulence. The subsequent long stage of thermalization classifies as free turbulence. During the turbulent stages, the evolution of particle distribution functions is self-similar. We show that wave kinetic theory successfully describes the late stages of our lattice calculation. Our analytical results are general and give estimates of reheating time and temperature in terms of coupling constants and initial inflaton amplitude.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    The Progeny of Arabidopsis thaliana Plants Exposed to Salt Exhibit Changes in DNA Methylation, Histone Modifications and Gene Expression

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    Plants are able to acclimate to new growth conditions on a relatively short time-scale. Recently, we showed that the progeny of plants exposed to various abiotic stresses exhibited changes in genome stability, methylation patterns and stress tolerance. Here, we performed a more detailed analysis of methylation patterns in the progeny of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) plants exposed to 25 and 75 mM sodium chloride. We found that the majority of gene promoters exhibiting changes in methylation were hypermethylated, and this group was overrepresented by regulators of the chromatin structure. The analysis of DNA methylation at gene bodies showed that hypermethylation in the progeny of stressed plants was primarily due to changes in the 5′ and 3′ ends as well as in exons rather than introns. All but one hypermethylated gene tested had lower gene expression. The analysis of histone modifications in the promoters and coding sequences showed that hypermethylation and lower gene expression correlated with the enrichment of H3K9me2 and depletion of H3K9ac histones. Thus, our work demonstrated a high degree of correlation between changes in DNA methylation, histone modifications and gene expression in the progeny of salt-stressed plants

    Analysis of Structural Determinants of Peptide MS 9a-1 Essential for Potentiating of TRPA1 Channel

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    The TRPA1 channel is involved in a variety of physiological processes and its activation leads to pain perception and the development of inflammation. Peptide Ms 9a-1 from sea anemone Metridium senile is a positive modulator of TRPA1 and causes significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects by desensitization of TRPA1-expressing sensory neurons. For structural and functional analysis of Ms 9a-1, we produced four peptides—Ms 9a-1 without C-terminal domain (abbreviated as N-Ms), short C-terminal domain Ms 9a-1 alone (C-Ms), and two homologous peptides (Ms 9a-2 and Ms 9a-3). All tested peptides possessed a reduced potentiating effect on TRPA1 compared to Ms 9a-1 in vitro. None of the peptides reproduced analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ms 9a-1 in vivo. Peptides N-Ms and C-Ms were able to reduce pain induced by AITC (selective TRPA1 agonist) but did not decrease AITC-induced paw edema development. Fragments of Ms 9a-1 did not effectively reverse CFA-induced thermal hyperalgesia and paw edema. Ms 9a-2 and Ms 9a-3 possessed significant effects and anti-inflammatory properties in some doses, but their unexpected efficacy and bell-shape dose–responses support the hypothesis of other targets involved in their effects in vivo. Therefore, activity comparison of Ms 9a-1 fragments and homologues peptides revealed structural determinants important for TRPA1 modulation, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ms9a-1

    Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of TRPV1 Polypeptide Modulator APHC3 in Models of Osteo- and Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Arthritis is a widespread inflammatory disease associated with progressive articular surface degradation, ongoing pain, and hyperalgesia causing the development of functional limitations and disability. TRPV1 channel is one of the high-potential targets for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Polypeptide APHC3 from sea anemone Heteractis crispa is a mode-selective TRPV1 antagonist that causes mild hypothermia and shows significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity in different models of pain. We evaluated the anti-inflammatory properties of APHC3 in models of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA)-induced osteoarthritis and complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA)-induced rheumatoid monoarthritis in comparison with commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, and meloxicam. Subcutaneous administration of APHC3 (0.1 mg/kg) significantly reversed joint swelling, disability, grip strength impairment, and thermal and mechanical hypersensitivity. The effect of APHC3 was equal to or better than that of reference NSAIDs. Protracted treatment with APHC3 decreased IL-1b concentration in synovial fluid, reduced inflammatory changes in joints, and prevented the progression of cartilage degradation. Therefore, polypeptide APHC3 has the potential to be an analgesic and anti-inflammatory substance for the alleviation of arthritis symptoms

    Comparative Study of the Aftereffect of CO2 Inhalation or Tiletamine–Zolazepam–Xylazine Anesthesia on Laboratory Outbred Rats and Mice

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    CO2 inhalation is currently the most common method of euthanasia for laboratory rats and mice, and it is often used for further terminal blood sampling for clinical biochemical assays. Lately, this method has been criticized due to animal welfare issues associated with some processes that develop after CO2 inhalation. The stress reaction and the value of the clinical laboratory parameters significantly depend on the used anesthetics, method, and the site of blood sampling. Especially in small rodents, an acute terminal state followed by a cascade of metabolic reactions that can affect the studied biochemical profile may develop and cause unnecessary suffering of animals. The aim of this study was to compare the stability of biochemical parameters of outbred Sprague Dawley rats and CD-1 mice serum collected after CO2 inhalation or the intramuscular injection of tiletamine–zolazepam–xylazine (TZX). The serum content of total protein and albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotr ansferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin, and creatinine was decreased by the injection of TZX in comparison with CO2 inhalation. In addition, the levels of calcium, phosphates, chlorides and potassium were lowered by TZX vs. CO2 administration, while the level of sodium increased. Finally, the level of the majority of serum clinical biochemical parameters in rats and mice tend to be overestimated after CO2 inhalation, which may lead to masking the possible effect of anti-inflammatory drugs in animal tests. Injection anesthesia for small rodents with TZX is a more feasible method for terminal blood sampling, which also reduces the suffering of animals

    Peptide from sea anemone metridium senile affects transient receptor potential ankyrin-repeat 1 (TRPA1) function and produces analgesic effect

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    The Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin-repeat 1 (TRPA1) is an important player in pain and inflammatory pathways. It is a promising target for novel drugs development for treatment of a number of pathological states. A novel peptide producing significant potentiating effect (up to ~90%) on AITC- and diclofenac-induced currents of TRPA1 was isolated from the venom of sea anemone Metridium senile. It is 35 amino acid peptide cross-linked by two disulfide bridges, named Ï„-AnmTX Ms 9a-1 (short name Ms 9a-1) according to structure similarity to other sea anemone peptides belonging to structural group 9a. The structure of two genes encoding different precursor proteins of Ms 9a-1 were determined. Peptide Ms 9a-1 acted as a positive modulator of TRPA1 in vitro but did not cause pain or thermal hyperalgesia when injected in mice hind paw. Intravenous injection of Ms 9a-1 (0.3 mg/kg) produced significant decrease of nociceptive and inflammatory response to AITC (agonist of TRPA1) and reversed CFA-induced inflammation and thermal hyperalgesia. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that Ms 9a-1 potentiates response of TRPA1 to endogenous agonists followed by persistent functional loss of TRPA1-expressing neurons. We can conclude that TRPA1 potentiating may be useful as therapeutic approach since Ms 9a-1 produce significant analgesic and anti- inflammatory effect in mice models of pain

    Analogs of 6-Bromohypaphorine with Increased Agonist Potency for α7 Nicotinic Receptor as Anti-Inflammatory Analgesic Agents

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    Hypaphorines, tryptophan derivatives, have anti-inflammatory activity, but their mechanism of action was largely unknown. Marine alkaloid L-6-bromohypaphorine with EC50 of 80 μM acts as an agonist of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) involved in anti-inflammatory regulation. We designed the 6-substituted hypaphorine analogs with increased potency using virtual screening of their binding to the α7 nAChR molecular model. Fourteen designed analogs were synthesized and tested in vitro by calcium fluorescence assay on the α7 nAChR expressed in neuro 2a cells, methoxy ester of D-6-iodohypaphorine (6ID) showing the highest potency (EC50 610 nM), being almost inactive toward α9α10 nAChR. The macrophages cytometry revealed an anti-inflammatory activity, decreasing the expression of TLR4 and increasing CD86, similarly to the action of PNU282987, a selective α7 nAChR agonist. 6ID administration in doses 0.1 and 0.5 mg/kg decreased carrageenan-induced allodynia and hyperalgesia in rodents, in accord with its anti-inflammatory action. Methoxy ester of D-6-nitrohypaphorine demonstrated anti-oedemic and analgesic effects in arthritis rat model at i.p. doses 0.05–0.26 mg/kg. Tested compounds showed excellent tolerability with no acute in vivo toxicity in dosages up to 100 mg/kg i.p. Thus, combining molecular modelling and natural product-inspired drug design improved the desired activity of the chosen nAChR ligand