30 research outputs found
Light Nouns and Term Creation in Basque
Aquest article estudia l'activació de valors especialitzats en un
grup de noms lleugers (NL) de l'eusquera del tipus talde, grup',
des del punt de vista de l'escala de referencialitat (ER) (Simone
i Masini, 2009 i 2014). L'estudi demostra que els processos de
terminologització dels NL es produeixen en el sentit descrit per
Adelstein (2004 i 2007) per als ultranoms, i postula que els
paratermes poden ser caracteritzats com a «noms de suport especialitzats
» situats en l'ER en una posició més baixa que la dels
termes.This paper investigates the activation of specialized values in
a set of Basque Light Nouns (LNs) such as talde group', from
the viewpoint of the referentiality scale (RS) (Simone & Masini,
2009, 2014). We demonstrate that the terminologization of LNs
happens in the sense described by Adelstein (2004, 2007) for
ultranouns, and we postulate that paraterms can be characterized
as specialized support nouns positioned lower than terms
in the RE
Terminological Variation in Basque: Analysis of Texts of Different degrees of Specialization
xThe aim of this paper is to contribute to the evaluation of the present state of lexical-discursive development in scientific texts written in Basque. More specifically, it focuses on the study of terminological variation in texts on genetic engineering of different degrees of specialization. It describes the patterns of variation found in those texts, and attempt to relate such patterns to different types of sociolinguistic and discourse factors. The sociolinguistic factors are mostly associated with the incomplete normalization of Basque. For that reason, we also discuss the issue of terminological variation in languages undergoing normalization and we propose a set of recommendations based in this study, which we feel should be borne in mind during the normalization of terminology of those languages
Terminological Variation in Basque: Analysis of Texts of Different degrees of Specialization
xThe aim of this paper is to contribute to the evaluation of the present state of lexical-discursive development in scientific texts written in Basque. More specifically, it focuses on the study of terminological variation in texts on genetic engineering of different degrees of specialization. It describes the patterns of variation found in those texts, and attempt to relate such patterns to different types of sociolinguistic and discourse factors. The sociolinguistic factors are mostly associated with the incomplete normalization of Basque. For that reason, we also discuss the issue of terminological variation in languages undergoing normalization and we propose a set of recommendations based in this study, which we feel should be borne in mind during the normalization of terminology of those languages
On the Relation between DP and TP. The Structure of Basque Infinitivals
Es pot donar compte de forma plausible dels fets més rellevants que afecten els infinitius del basc si assumim que van encapealats per un determinant i que contenen un Infl amb propietats temporals. La presència d'un determinant explica per qui: alguns tipus d'infinitius del basc necessiten marcatge de cas i per què s'admeten en alguns contextos on s'evita qualsevol altre tipus de frase, especialment en les posicions de subjecte. D'altra banda, donem compte de les exigències de subcategorització d'alguns predicats i postposicions que agafen complement d'infinitiu postulant que seleccionen T o algun tipus de categoria de les que inclou Infi. També relacionem la legitimació dels arguments explícits i dels pro amb cas Ergatiu, Absolutiu i Datiu en les oracions d'infinitiu amb l'existència de T i Conc a Infl. Finalment, defensem que els temps arbitraris i els anafòrics són responsables de la impossibilitat de tenir subjectes explícits amb els infinitius amb subjectes arbitraris i subjectes controlats, respectivament, i que ambdós pertanyen a la categoria pro.The most relevant facts concerning Basque infinitivals can be plausibly captured by assurning that they are headed by a determiner and they contain a tensed Infl. The presence of a determiner explains why some kinds of Basque infinitivals require a Case-marking and why they are allowed in some contexts where any other kind of clause is avoided, namely, subject positions. On the other hand, we account for the subcategorization requirements of some predicates and postpositions that take infinitival complements by postulating that they select T, or some kind of category inside Infl. We also relate the licensing of Ergative, Absolutive and Dative overt and pro arguments in infinitivals to the existence of T and Agr in Infl. Finally, we argue that anaphoric and arbitrary tenses are responsible for the impossibility of overt subjects in infinitivals with controlled and arbitrary subjects respectively and that both belong to the category pro
HARTAes-vas: combinaciones léxicas para una herramienta de ayuda a la redacción de textos académicos en español y en vasco
[Abstract] Academic writing has become a priority object of study especially in English, for which there
are already many resources to help novice writers. This is not the case for Spanish university
students who do not have many writing aids at their disposal. Here we focus on routinized
lexical combinations that characterise academic discourse in Spanish and Basque. The aim is
to extract these combinations from two academic corpora in order to build a writing aid tool
serving both languages.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; PID2019-109683GB-C21Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; PID2019-109683GB-C2
Euskararen zientzia eta teknikarako erabileraren hizkuntz berezitasunak
Hemen duzuena hitzaldi baten transkripzioa da. Izan ere, 2000ko irailean Euskara Teknikoari buruzko Jardunaldiak antolatu zituzten Donostiako Kimika Fakultateko zenbait irakaslek, fakultate horren 25. urteurrena ospatzeko prestaturiko ekitaldien artean eta bertan parte hartzeko zortea izan nuen, oso jardunaldi interesgarriak izan baitziren. Entzuleen artean batek baino gehiagok hitzaldia idatziz edukitzeko interesa zuela jakinarazi zidanez, ahoz aurkezteko pentsaturik zegoen testua izanik ere EKAIAn argitara zitekeela pentsatu dut. Era honetan, hitzaldi horretan parte hartu zutenek eta parte hartzerik izan ez zutenek ere, bertan esandakoaren berri izan dezakete