181 research outputs found

    Regional hospitals in humid tropical climate - Guidelines for sustainable design

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    Developing countries are facing numerous challenges in the process of providing adequate health care to often deprived and diminished social groups. Being a country made up of a mainland territory and five islands in Gulf of Guinea, almost entirely covered by tropical rainforest, with poor road infrastructure, Equatorial Guinea is a showcase of various obstructions in developing effective health care system. The paper explores guidelines for creation of model regional hospital, commissioned by Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, with the aim of achieving high level of replicability through minor program and site-specific adjustments. The demonstrated strategies are applied on a local hospital designed to provide all basic types of health services while retaining a high level of technical independence. The architectural concept was formulated aiming to maximize the use of natural ventilation, daylight and rainwater management, leaving the operation block, laboratory and intensive care unit practically the only parts of the structure that would need mechanical air conditioning. The potential and effectiveness of use of photovoltaic units in enhancing hospital's resilience through on-site energy production was explored. The structure was designed having in mind local climate, culture and customs, thus offering a possibility of strong integration with local community. The building technology was thought over to enable efficient and cost-effective construction and proper resilience for tropical rainforest environment. The result is a structure providing for contemporary, high quality medical service, interpreting local climatic and cultural contextual premises through modern architectural expression

    Masses of constituent quarks confined in open bottom hadrons

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    We apply color-spin and flavor-spin quark-quark interactions to the meson and baryon constituent quarks, and calculate constituent quark masses, as well as the coupling constants of these interactions. The main goal of this paper was to determine constituent quark masses from light and open bottom hadron masses, using the fitting method we have developed and clustering of hadron groups. We use color-spin Fermi-Breit (FB) and flavor-spin Glozman-Riska (GR) hyperfine interaction (HFI) to determine constituent quark masses (especially bb quark mass). Another aim was to discern between the FB and GR HFI because our previous findings had indicated that both interactions were satisfactory. Our improved fitting procedure of constituent quark masses showed that on average color-spin (Fermi-Breit) hyperfine interaction yields better fits. The method also shows the way how the constituent quark masses and the strength of the interaction constants appear in different hadron environments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 tables, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Raymond Boudon's cognitive theory of action

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    Predmet teze je kognitivna teorija akcije (KTA) savremenog francuskog sociologa Rejmona Budona. Rad ima dva cilja: 1) objašnjenje osnovnih principa KTA, najznačajnih domena njene primene i mesta u celini Budonovog dela 2) prikaz Budonovog rada koji uključuje najvažnije elemente Budonove akademske i lične biografije, oblasti kojima se bavio, odnos prema savremenicima i ulogu vanakademskih činilaca. Centralni deo rada, posvećen je KTA, modelu društvene akcije koji predstavlja glavni deo teorijskog programa R. Budona. KTA se posmatra iz dva ugla: kao teorija akcije i kao model za objašnjenje socioloških fenomena (sociologija saznanja, kognitivna sociologija, istorijska sociologija i sociologija morala) i posebno u oblastima kognitivne sociologije, sociologije saznanja i sociologije morala. KTA se smešta u širi okvir savremene i klasične sociologije kako bi se razumela njena pozicija u Budonovoj sociologiji (klasici sociologije, metodološki individualizam, teorija racionalnog izbora, teorije društvene akcije, analitička sociologija, kognitivistička teorija i interpretativni pravci). KTA počiva na tri postulata: metodološki individualizam (društveni fenomeni se objašnjavaju na osnovu individualnih akcija), razumevanje (svaka individualna akcija se može razumeti u Veberovom značenju pojma) i (kognitivna) racionalnost. Jezgro KTA je pojam kognitivne racionalnosti, pojam zasnovan na „dobrim razlozima“ aktera da je nešto tačno, ispravno ili dobro. Socijalni akter poput naučnika gradi i procenjuje „teorije“ za određenu situaciju i tako formira uverenja koja čine osnovu akcije. Kognitivna racionalnost je šira od instrumentalne racionalnosti i ima bolji potencijal da objasni društvene pojave koje nisu uvek nužno zasnovane na ovom tipu racionalnosti. Na ovoj pretpostavci se zasniva veliki deo Budonove kritike teorije racionalnog izbora koja počiva na instrumentalnoj racionalnosti. Budon želi da izgradi opšti model objašnjenja koji bi bio alternativa objašnjenjima tipa „crne kutije“ koja se zasnivaju na „materijalnim uzrocima“ ili deskriptivnim pojmovima (npr. socijalizacija, klasa, kultura). Polazeći od kontinuističke pozicije, Budon smatra nema razlike u objašnjenju prirodnih („tvrdih“) i društvenih („mekih“) nauka; naučnog i svakodnevnog saznanja; pozitivnih/deskriptivnih i preskriptivnih/normativnih tvrdnji. KTA je postala centralni deo Budonove teorije od devedesetih godina. U njegovom radu postoji pomeranje od makro, agregatnih fenomena (socijalna stratifikacija, društveni razvoj, problemi objašnjeni na osnovu TRI) ka opštijem modelu društvene akcije. Budon koristi primere da bi potkrepio svoju teoriju, od kojih su neki preuzeti od klasika (Dirkem, Veber, Tokvil), neki iz modernih nauka (kognitivna psihologija, kognitivna antropologija), a Budon takođe koristi savremene probleme iz javne politike i raznih društvenih oblasti.The Thesis explores Cognitive Theory of Action (CTA), as developed by a contemporary French sociologist Raymond Boudon. There are two main objectives of the analysis: 1) Explaining the key postulates of CTA, its application and its position in Boudon’s work in general; 2) Presenting an overview of Boudon’s work based on relevant aspects of his academic and personal biography, research interests, relations with contemporaries, and influence of non-academic factors. Central part of the paper focuses on the CTA model of social action, and the core of Boudon’s scientific program. CTA is analyzed as general theory of social action and a model that was applied to a variety of social pheonomena (sociology of knowledge, cognitive, sociology, sociology of morality). The place of CTA in Boudon’s sociology is addressed from different perspectives, including contemporary and classical social theory (classical sociologists, methodological individualism, rational choice theory, theories of social action, analytical sociology, cognitivist and interpretative theories). CTA is based on three postulates: methodological individualism (social phenomena should be explained by individual actions), comprehension (any individual action can be understood in Weberian sense), and (cognitive) rationality. The concept of cognitive rationality is the central aspect of the CTA. The basic principle of cognitive rationality is defined in terms of good reasons for individual action, i.e. an actor has good reasons to believe that something is true, right or good. The social actor acts as a scientist who develops “theories“ and evaluates them trying to understand the situation and acts based on these beliefs. Cognitive rationality is more general than instrumental rationality, and has comparatively better heuristic capacity for explaining social phenomena which are not based on this type of rationality. Boudon’s goal is to develop a general model of explanation that would be an alternative to “black-box explanations“ based on “material forces“, and rather descriptive concepts (like socialization, social class, culture etc.). Boudon’s continuistic position implicates no differences in explanation between “hard“ and “soft“ sciences; scientific and ordinary knowledge; positive/descriptive, and normative propositions/beliefs. CTA came to the focus of Boudon’s research in the 1990s. His theory diverted from macro, aggregate social facts (social stratification, social developement, rational choice based problems) to a more general theory of social action. However, Boudon uses examples from different sources to corroborate his theory: classical sociology (Durkheim, Weber, Tocqueville), modern sciences (cognitive psychology, cognitive anthropology), and contemporary issues from public policy and different social domains

    Assessment and decision taking on parental care in the context of intimate partner violence : gender perspective

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    Предмет oвoг рада је емпиријскo саглéдање рoдне перспективе уверењâ, прoцена и oдлука стручњакâ из две службе, центра за сoцијални рад и суда, o мерама заштите oд насиља у пoрoдици и o рoдитељскoм старању у кoнтексту насиља у интимнoм партнерскoм oднoсу, пoсебнo у периoду сепарације и накoн развoда рoдитеља. Циљеви oвoг истраживања били су: (а) саглéдање актуелнoг стања пoступања стручњака у две службе у кoнтексту oписанoг прoблема; (б) саглéдање личних уверења каo чинилаца кoји усмеравају прoцене и oдлуке стручњака; (в) кoнципирање oквира за предлoг смерница за кoмпетентне и рoднo oсетљиве прoфесиoналне прoцене и oдлуке o мерама заштите oд насиља у пoрoдици и вршењу рoдитељских права у кoнтексту насиља у интимнoм партнерскoм oднoсу. Оне би истовремено требало да уваже и принцип безбеднoст жртве и стандард најбoљег интереса детета...The subject of this paper is an empirical analysis of how gender impacts and influences preconceptions, assessments and decisions made in Serbia by the experts of the Social Welfare Centre and the Court. Specifically, it considers the gender perspectives of protective measures in situations of domestic violence and on parental care in the context of violence in intimate partner relationship, especially in the period of separation and following the parents’ divorce. The objectives of this research are: (a) to examine the current procedures applied by the experts in the above-mentioned two services in the context of the problem described earlier; (b) to look at how personal convictions are key factors in determining the experts’ assessments and decisions; (c) to outline a framework for defining the guidelines for competent and gender sensitive professional decisions regarding protective measures against domestic violence and concerning the exercise of parental rights in the context of violence in intimate partner relationship. At the same time, these decisions ought to uphold the principle of victim security and comply with the standard of the child’s best interest

    Influence of diuretic therapy on urinary excretion of radioiodine 131I in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer

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    Radioaktivni jod (131I) se koristi kao dodatna terapija u lečenju diferentovanih karcinoma štitaste žlezde. Najveći deo 131I se izlučuje preko bubrega, pa bi jedna od procedura za povećanje brzine izlučivanja preostalog nevezanog 131I iz cirkulacije mogla biti primena diuretika. Cilj studije je da ispita uticaj diuretika na izlučivanje 131I kod pacijenata koji dobijaju radiojodnu terapiju Materijal i metode: studija je obuhvatila 112 pacijenata kojima je dijagnostikovan diferentovan karcinom štitaste žlezde, sa očuvanom bubrežnom funkcijom i malim procentom akumulacije 131I u regionu štitaste žlezde. Pacijenti su podeljeni u četiri grupe: tri grupe koje su uzimale diuretik (furosemid, hidrohlorotiazid, spironolakton) i kontrolna grupa. Kod svih su vršena merenja inicijalne i preostale radioaktivnosti u telu, uzimani su uzorci krvi i urina i merena njihova radioaktivnost. Rezultati: Studija ukazuje da diuretici ne povećavaju brzinu urinarnog izlučivanja radiojoda. Furosemid značajno smanjuje urinarnu eliminaciju radiojoda (67.65±15.61% naspram 83.81±13.46% urinom izlučenog radiojoda u kontrolnoj grupi). Hidrohlorotiazid inicijalno povećava brzinu eliminacije radiojoda, ali se ukupna količina izlučenog radiojoda na kraju hospitalizacije nije razlikovala u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (76.54±10.16% u odnosu na 83.81±13.46%). Pacijenti koji su dobijali spironolakton su takođe urinom izlučili manje radiojoda nego kontrole (70.98±13.81% naspram 83.81±13.46%). Zaključak: Primena diuretske terapije kod pacijenata obolelih od diferentovanih karcinoma štitaste žlezde lečenih radiojodnom terapijom koji su prethodno bili na dijeti siromašnoj jodom ne dovodi do povećanja brzine urinarne eliminacije radiojoda.Objective: After total thyroidectomy, radioiodine ( 131I) therapy is a usual treatment in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Since the largest part of ingested 131I is excreted by the kidneys, one of the procedures for enhancement of 131I excretion from the body is the use of diuretics. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of diuretics on the excretion of 131I in the urine in patients with DTC treated with 131I. Design: Study included 112 patients with DTC, preserved renal function and low 131I uptake in the thyroid gland region. Patients were divided into four groups: three group that were taking diuretics (furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone) and the control group. All patients underwent whole-body measurements of initial and the remaining radioactivity of 131I, and the blood and urine samples were taken from each of them and were measured their radioactivity. Results: Study revealed that diuretics decreases urinary excretion of 131I . Patients taking furosemide excreted significantly less 131I than controls (67.65±15.61% vs. 83.81±13.46%). Patients taking hydrochlorothiazide initially, in the first half of hospitalization, excreted a higher percentage of the 131I than the controls (65.45±12.12% vs. 62.21±11.25%), but the total quantity of excreted 131at the end of the hospitalization didn’t differ from controls (76.54±10.16% vs

    Principal maize viruses in Mediterranean countries

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    Maize plants with virus-like symptoms were sampled in fields in Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy in 1994. Disease incidence (%) and disease severity (1-6) were assessed. Leaf samples were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electroblot immunoassay (EBIA). Antisera against maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs) (PAV- and RPV-like) were used in these tests. A higher disease incidence occurred in Italy and Greece than in Yugoslavia. MDMV was proved by both ELISA and EBIA in all maize genotypes in Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy. None of the samples reacted with SCMV antibodies. A total of 13.7 and 11% of individual Greek samples were positive for PAV- and RPV- respectively, while, 17.5 and 5% of Yugoslav samples were positive for PAV- and RPV- respectively. Phragmites sp, a perennial maize weed, was also positive for PAV- and RPV- by ELISA

    The development of methods for analysis of halogen elements in solid samples in oxygen atmosphere

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    Analiza kvaliteta ĉvrstih materijala, u zavisnosti od namene, obuhvata: tehniĉku analizu, elementarnu analizu, analizu makrokomponenata i mikrokomponenata. Poseban analitiĉki zadatak predstavlja analiza anjona u sloţenoj matrici ĉvrstog uzorka. U literaturi i analitiĉkoj praksi postoji veliki broj metoda za odreĊivanje halogenih elemenata, od klasiĉnih do savremenih (instrumentalnih), koje se razlikuju kako po principima rada, tako i po kriterijumima koji karakterišu analitiĉke tehnike, od kojih treba izdvojiti taĉnost i reproduktivnost. Predmet rada ove doktorske disertacije su halogeni elementi u uglju. Halogeni elementi u uglju su prisutni u niskim koncentracijama, ali je uticaj ovih elemenata na ţivotnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi od posebnog znaĉaja. Istraţivanja u okviru ove disertacije obuhvataju analizu halogenih elemenata u uglju, rezultate istraţivanja pirohidrolitiĉke metode za odreĊivanje halogenih elemenata, kao i primenu eksperimentalnog dizajna za razvoj analitiĉkih metodologija. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se utvrdi metodologija i odrede uslovi za istovremeno odreĊivanje fluora, hlora i broma u uglju. U okviru ove disertacije primenjene su statistiĉke metode za organizaciju i izvoĊenje eksperimenata, i tehnike za obradu i analizu dobijenih rezultata. Primenom frakcionisanog faktorijskog dizajna ispitan je uticaj šest promenljivih na sagorevanje uglja u kiseoniĉnoj bombi i apsorpciju gasovitih jedinjenja koja se tokom sagorevanja izdvajaju iz uglja. Ispitan je uticaj poĉetnog pritiska kiseonika, dodatak katalizatora i pomoćnog goriva na sagorevanje uglja, kao i tip apsorpcionog rastvora, dodatak redukcionog agensa i vreme hlaĊenja bombe nakon sagorevanja na apsorpciju gasovitih jedinjenja. Koncentracija jona u apsorpcionom rastvoru merena je potenciometrijski jon-selektivnom elektrodom (za fluorid-jon) i jonskom hromatografijom. Rezultati frakcionisanog faktorijskog dizajna su analizirani pomoću Pareto-grafika, grafika glavnih efekata i dijagrama interakcije parametara. UtvrĊeno je da se dodatkom katalizatora i povećanjem pH vrednosti apsorpcionog rastvora smanjuje koncentracija halogenid-jona u apsorpcionom rastvoru. S druge strane, povećanjem poĉetnog pritiska kiseonika i dodatkom pomoćnog goriva, povećava se izdvajanje halogenih elemenata iz uglja tokom sagorevanja u atmosferi kiseonika. Na osnovu rezultata preliminarnih istraţivanja, pritisak kiseonika i zapremina pomoćnog goriva su detaljnije ispitani primenom metodologije odgovora površine. Rezultati optimizacionih eksperimenata razmatrani su analizom grafika odgovora površine, procene regresionih koeficijenata i analize varijansi. Pošto su se optimalni uslovi za odreĊivanje fluora i hlora razlikovali, definisan je grupni parametar - ukupni halogeni u uglju (engl.- total halogen in coal, TCX). Ukupni halogeni u uglju su izraţeni preko hlora, a hlor je izabran iz razloga što predstavlja dominantan halogeni element u uglju. Optimalni uslovi metode odreĊivanja ukupnih halogena u uglju sagorevanjem u kiseoniĉnoj bombi su: pritisak kiseonika od 2,5 MPa, zapremina pomoćnog goriva od 150 µL, apsorpcioni rastvor je voda uz dodatak 0,5 % rastvora vodonik-peroksida i hlaĊenje kiseoniĉne bombe u ledenom kupatilu 15 minuta nakon sagorevanja uglja. Masa uzorka je bila 0,5 g. Validacija predloţene metode za odreĊivanje fluora i hlora sagorevanjem u kiseoniĉnoj bombi uraĊena je analizom internih referentnih uzoraka uglja i sertifikovanih referentnih ugljeva (BCR 460 i NIST 1632c). Relativna standardna devijacija odreĊivanja fluora bila je manja od 5,0 %, a procenat izdvojenog fluora u odnosu na referentnu vrednost veći od 95 %. Relativna standardna devijacija odreĊivanja hlora bila je manja od 6,0 %, a procenat izdvojenog hlora veći od 85 %, što znaĉi da je odreĊivanje fluora i hlora predloţenom metodom precizno i reproduktivno. Predloţenom metodom je odreĊen i sadrţaj sumpora u uglju. Validacija metode za odreĊivanje sumpora je pokazala da je standardna devijacija merenja manja od 6 %, uz dobru ponovljivost.Comprehensive analysis of the quality of solids, depending on the application, includes: technical analysis, elemental analysis, analysis of the macrocomponents and microcomponents. A special analytical task is the analysis of anions in a complex matrix of solid samples. In literature and in analytical practice there are a number of methods for the determination of halogens, from classic to contemporary (instrumental), which differ according to the principles of work, and according to criteria that characterize the analytical techniques of which accuracy and reproducibility should be allocated. The subject of the work of this doctoral thesis are halogen elements in coal. Halogen elements in coal are present in low concentrations, but the impact of these elements on the environment and human health is of particular importance. Research in this thesis are designed in the field of analysis of the halogen elements in coal, the results of pyrohydrolityc methods for the determination of halogens, as well as on the application of experimental design for the development of analytical methodologies. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to establish methodology and determine the conditions for simultaneous determination of fluorine, chlorine and bromine in coal. Within this dissertation statistical methods were applied for the plan and for conducting experiments, and techniques for processing and analysis of results. Applying fractional factorial design, the influence of six variables on coal combustion in oxygen bomb and absorption of gaseous compounds during combustion was investigated. The analyzed variables were oxygen pressure, catalysts, combustion aid, type of absorbent solution, reducing agent and bomb cooling time. The concentration of ions in the absorption solution was measured by ion-selective electrode (the fluoride-ion) and by ion chromatography. The results of fractional factorial design were analyzed using Pareto-graphics, graphics of main effects and interaction plots. It was found that with the addition of the catalyst and with the increase of pH value of the absorption solution the concentration of halide ions in the absorption solution decreases. On the other hand, increase of oxygen pressure and the addition of combustion aid, increases the separation of halogens from the coal during combustion in an oxygen atmosphere. On the basis of preliminary studies, oxygen pressure and combustion aid were examined in more detail by using response surface methodology. Results of the optimization experiments were discussed using response surface plots, estimateted regression coefficients and analysis of variance. Since the optimum conditions for the determination of fluorine and chlorine differed, the group parameter - total halogens in coal (TCX) was defined. Total halogen in coal are expressed in terms of chlorine and it was chosen because it is the dominant halogen element in coal. The optimal parameters for the determination of halogens in coal were 0.5 g of coal samples, oxygen pressure of 2.5 MPa, 5 cm3 of H2O as the absorption solution, 5 cm3 of H2O2 as reducing reagent, 150 µL of mineral oil as the combustion aid, and a cooling interval of 15 minutes after combustion. Validation of proposed method was performed by determination of fluorine and chlorine in in-house prepared reference coal samples and in certified reference materials (BCR 460 and NIST 1632c). The relative standard deviation of determination of fluorine was less than 5.0%, and recovery was greater than 95%. The relative standard deviation of determination of chlorine was less than 6.0%, and recovery greater than 85%.The method was sensitive, with good reproducibility and accuracy. The proposed method was applied for determination of sulfur in coal. Validation of a method for determining the sulfur content is shown that the standard deviation of measurements was less than 6%, with a good reproducibility. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) is estimated for ion chromatography measurements and standard deviation of determining ions in the mixed standard solution of the lowest concentration. It has been found that the LOD and LOQ for fluorine were 0.4 mg / kg and 1.26 mg / kg; chlorine 0.84 mg / kg and 2.79 mg / kg; sulfur 2.2·10-5 % and 7.2·10-5 %. The proposed method was applied for the determination of fluorine, chlorine and sulfur in Kolubara and Kostolac coal samples

    Optimization of refurbishment measures for residential buildings in order to improve energy efficiency

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    Преиспитујући делатност архитектуре и урбанизма у контексту премиса одрживог развоја, током последње две деценије формирано је становиште да постојећи грађевински фонд заправо представља својеврсни створени ресурс који, заједно са корпусом знања и достигнућа остављамо у наслеђе будућим генерацијама. Када изграђене објекте посматрамо на овај начин, неминовно се отварају питања везана за њихову рационалну експлоатацију: како их користимо, како их можемо прилагодити реалним потребама, како им можемо продужити животни век. Највећи део грађевинског фонда представљају стамбене зграде чијом адаптацијом можемо квалитативно унапредити не само стамбене јединице унутар њих, већ и целокупно створено урбано окружење. Енергетске перформансе данас представљају једну од кључних ставки када желимо да проценимо еколошке карактеристике зграде, било да се ради о новопројектованим или постојећим објектима, те је у фокусу овог рада побољшање енергетске ефикасности зграда вишепородичног становања. На основу темељне анализе постојећег грађевинског фонда, за непосредан предмет рада усвојен је сегмент изграђен у периоду од 1960. до 1990. године, када је изграђен највећи део стамбених зграда, уз типолошку и технолошку разноврсност каква раније није била присутна на нашем подручју и која је, током последњих неколико деценија, готово у потпуности ишчезла из станоградње...Redebining the scope of architecture and urban planning in context of sustainable development during the last two decades, the building fond is now considered to be a man-­‐made resource, that we leave as a legacy for the future generations. When buildings are seen as a resource, numerous questions rise regarding their rational exploitation: how can we use them, how can we adjust them to our contemporary needs, how to extend their lifespan. Housing has a major share in the building fund, thus adaptation of this sector holds huge potential for upgrading not just the dwelling units themselves, but our built environment in general. Energy performance is the key issue in ecological evaluation of buildings, so this work was focused on improving the energy efbiciency of multifamily housing. After the extensive analyses of Serbian building fond, the portion of housing stock constructed between 1960 and 1990 was singled-­‐out as the most productive period, with unprecedented variety in architectural types and construction technologies that has practically vanished from building practice during the last decades. In order to provide for wider scope of individual improvement measures than the one presented in National Typology of Residential Buildings in Serbia, a critical analysis of key thermal envelope elements was carried out. The cases when generic, model improvements can be applied were identibied, while for certain case-­‐specibic options, alternative solutions were proposed and analysed..

    A critical review of the rise of the neoliberal concept in economic policy

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    In the 1980s, the neoliberal concept was imposed as an economic-political doctrine based on the claim that the free market efficiently allocated resources and ensured world prosperity and peace. The aim of this paper is to try to provide one of the possible interpretations of neoliberal economy on the basis of the analysis of the development of economic thought. The foundations of liberal economy are defined by classical political economy, and the contribution was made by the neoclassical school of economics, but also other directions in the development of economic thought. Although proponents of the neoliberal economy have advocated liberalization and privatization to improve the general well-being of society, the global economic crisis and the COVID-19 crisis have shown the misconceptions and contradictions of neoliberal results that are not only ineffective in times of crisis but also contribute to global inequality

    Ispitivanje adsorpcije fenola na makroporoznim polimernim adsorbensima

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    This work reports results on phenol adsorption from aqueous solution by porous copolymers based on glycidyl methacrylate: two samples of macroporous crosslinked poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate), were synthetized by suspension copolymerisation with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. In addition, the two copolymer samples were functionalized with ethylene diamine. The amounts of adsorbed phenol were presented in the form of adsorptions isotherms, which were interpreted using Langmuir, Freundlich and Sips' equations. The first was found to express high level of agreement with experimental data. Phenol adsorption indicate the homogeneous distribution of active sites present on the investigated polymers. It was found that adsorption of phenol on copolymers is fast and depends on the presence of amino groups and on the pore size. From the obtained results, it was possible to distinguish macroporous polymer as a material which possesses the capacity for adsorption of phenol comparable to that of activated carbon.Ovaj rad se bavi proučavanjem adsorpcije fenola iz vodenih rastvora na kopolimerima različitih poroznih karakteristika i polarnosti. Korišćeni adsorbensi se baziraju na glicidil metakrilatu: dva uzorka makroporoznog poli(glicidil metakrilat-co-etilen glikol dimethakrilat) su sintetisani suspenzionom kopolimerizacijom sa etilen glikol dimetakrilatom. Dodatno, dva kopolimera su funkcionalizovani sa etilen diaminom. Količina adsorbovanog fenola je predstavljena u vidu adsorpcionih izotermi, koje su interpretirane korišćenjem Langmuir-ove, Freundlich-ove i Sips-ove jednačine: prva od ovih daje visok nivo slaganja sa eksperimentalnim podacima. Adsorpcija fenola ukazuje na homogenu raspodelu aktivnih mesta prisutnih u ispitivanim polimernim sistemima. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju pokazuju da adsorpcija fenola na ispitivanim kopolimerima zavisi od prisustva amino grupa i od veličine pora. Adsorpcija fenola iz vodenih rastvora je brza u slučaju svih korišćenih adsorbenasa. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da su makroporozni polimeri materijali čije je adsorpcioni kapacitet za fenol uporediv sa onim koji ima aktivni ugalj