124 research outputs found

    Role of macronomic factors in development prospects of dairy sector in Podlaskie

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    Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że przemysł mleczarski wywiera duży wpływ na funkcjonowanie rolnictwa oraz innych działów gospodarki narodowej. Wytwarzanie i obrót produktami mleczarskimi przynosi również pozytywne rezultaty ekonomiczne, stąd istnieje konieczność tworzenia dobrych warunków do rozwoju i funkcjonowania przemysłu mleczarskiego na obszarze regionu podlaskiego.The conducted analyses reveal that the dairy industry has a major impact on the func-tioning of agriculture and the other sectors of the national economy. Production and marketing of dairy products bring considerable economic benefits, hence it is vital to create good conditions for the development and efficient operation of the dairy industry in the Podlaskie [email protected] inż. Sławomir Ignatiuk – Wydział Zarządzania, Politechnika Białostock

    Teachers’s attachments to their place of work and their working locality. A case study of geography teachers in the Silesian Voivodeship (Poland)

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    The authors of the article sought to answer the questions: do geography teachers feel a tie with their place of work, what is the strength of this relationship and what factors influence these declared ties with the place. A step towards knowing the answers is the declared subjective assessment of emotional relationships with such a place. To this end, surveys were conducted among geography teachers. Due to their profession, they are a social group having a wide range of influence on young people and their attitudes towards their local geographical environment. Organizational reasons (the ability to reach teachers of all schools through the information exchange platform between Board of Education and school heads – so-called the headmasters panel) decided to examine a selected group of respondents – geography teachers of the Silesian Voivodeship. Google questionnaire was used as an electronic form of data collection. The research was quantitative and only partly qualitative. The analysis of the obtained results gave an interesting view of the perception of teachers' relations with the place where their school is located – their place of work. Almost all respondents declared the existence of a territorial bond with their place of work. The workplace itself is an important factor in the formation and strength of these ties. The length of residence in a given place was also important, and its type (town or a village) and size were less important. For half of the surveyed teachers, it was difficult for them to indicate the distinguishing feature (symbol) of their place of work, regardless of whether they were inhabitants or commuters from elsewhere

    Role of discrete water recharge from supraglacial drainage systems in modeling patterns of subglacial conduits in Svalbard glaciers

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    As the behavior of subglacial water plays a determining role in glacier dynamics, it requires particular attention, especially in the context of climate warming, which is increasing ablation and generating greater amounts of meltwater. On many glaciers, water flowing from the glacier’s surface is the main source of supply to the subglacial drainage system. This system is largely influenced by the supraglacial drainage system, which collects meltwater and precipitation and rapidly delivers it to discrete points in the glacier bed via moulins and crevassed areas, called water input areas (WIAs). Models of patterns of subglacial conduits mainly based on the hydrological potential gradient are still regularly performed without taking into account the supraglacial drainage system. We modeled the pattern of subglacial channels in two glaciers located in Svalbard, the land-terminating Werenskioldbreen and the tidewater Hansbreen during the 2015 melt season.We modeled a spatial and a discrete water recharge in order to compare them. First, supraglacial catchments were determined for each WIA on a high-resolution digital elevation model using the standard watershed modeling tool in ArcGIS. Then, interpolated water runoff was calculated for all the main WIAs. Our model also accounts for several water pressure conditions. For our two studied glaciers, during the ablation season 2015, 72.5% of total runoff was provided by meltwater and 27.5% by precipitation. Changes in supraglacial drainage on a decadal timescale are observed in contrast to its nearly stable state on an annual timescale. Nevertheless, due to the specific nature of those changes, it seems to have a low impact on the subglacial system. Therefore, our models of subglacial channel are assumed to be valid for a minimum period of two decades and depend on changes in the supraglacial drainage system. Results showed that, for Svalbard tidewater glaciers with large crevassed areas, models of subglacial channels that assume spatial water recharge may be somewhat imprecise but are far from being completely incorrect, especially for the ablation zone. On the other hand, it is important to take discrete water recharge into account in the case of landterminating Svalbard glaciers with limited crevassed areas. In all cases, considering a discrete water recharge when modeling patterns of theoretical subglacial channels seems to produce more realistic results according to current knowledge

    Energy mass balance and temperature-index melt modelling of Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard

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    Studying the reaction of glaciers to climate warming and the interactions of ice masses with the atmosphere is cognitively highly significant and contributes to understanding the climate change. The results from the modelling of glacier surface ablation by the temperature–index and energy balance models as well as the results of meteorological and glaciological studies on Werenskioldbreen (south Spitsbergen, Svalbard) in 2011 have been analysed to improve the understanding of the glacier system’s functioning in the High Arctic. The energy balance modelling results showed that the radiation balance (58%) and sensible heat (42%) are the main factors influencing surface ablation on the glacier. The energy balance model offers a better fit to the measured ablation than the temperature–index model. These models have to be validated and calibrated with data from automatic weather stations, which provide the relevant gradient and calibration and validation. Presented models are highly suited for calculating ablation in Svalbard and other areas of the Arctic

    Microbial communities from subglacial water of naled ice bodies in the forefield of Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard

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    We assessed the structure of microbial communities in the subglacial drainage system of the Werenskioldbreen glacier, Svalbard, which consists of three independent channels. Dome-shaped naled ice bodies that had been forming and releasing subglacial water in the glacial forefield during accumulations season were used to study glacial microbiome. We tested the hypothesis that the properties of the water transported by these channels are site-dependent and influence bacterial diversity. We therefore established the phylogenetic structure of the subglacial microbial communities using next generation sequencing (NGS) of the 16S rRNA gene and performed bioinformatics analyses. A total of 1409 OTUs (operational taxonomic units) belonged to 40 phyla; mostly Proteobacteria, Gracilibacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Parcubacteria were identified. Sites located on the edge of Werenskioldbreen forefield (Angell, Kvisla) were mainly dominated by Betaproteobacteria. In the central site (Dusan) domination of Epsilonproteobacteria class was observed. Gracilibacteria (GN02) and Gammaproteobacteria represented the dominant taxa only in the sample Kvisla 2. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) of beta diversity revealed that phylogenetic profiles grouped in three different clusters according to the sampling site. Moreover, higher similarity of bacterial communities from Angell and Kvisla compared to Dusan was confirmed by cluster analysis and Venn diagrams. The highest alpha index values was measured in Dusan. Richness and phylogenetic diversity indices were significantly (p < .05) and positively correlated with pH values of subglacial water and negatively with concentration of Cl−, Br−, and NO3− anions. These anions negatively impacted the values of richness indices but positively correlated with abundance of some microbial phyla. Our results indicated that subglacial water from naled ice bodies offer the possibility to study the glacial microbiome. In the studied subglacial water, the microbial community structure was sampling site specific and dependent on the water properties, which in turn were probably influenced by the local bedrock composition

    Percepcja przestrzeni miasta Tychy przez młodzież gimnazjalną – wybrane aspekty

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    The article discusses the issue of the perception by young people a specifically formed urban space, which is Tychy – a re-latively young city, built during the period of intense post-war industrialization of Poland to be “a bedroom” for the Upper Silesia Industry Area. Most of the population of New Tychy consisted of immigrants from other parts of Poland. Today, after more than sixty years, the population of the city mostly consist of people born and brought up here. The author is looking for an answer to the question whether and how place attachment have developed in this specific community. The diagnosis of city perception, in particular by young people, is a step to know the answer. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among the oldest junior high school students. According to the assumptions of humanistic geography, the subjective assessment of the city space by students was analyzed, both in qualitative and emotional aspects. The analysis of the obtained results gave an interesting image of the city per-ceived positively and liked, but significantly diversified. In the longer term, the results of research will form the basis for further ones on the field of place attachment in Tychy

    Nobility and clergy (late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries) in A. Ilyin's book called «Riddles and stories of Osovets district»

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    The article is devoted to the study of the artistic legacy of the local historian A. Ilyin. The main part of the book, prepared for publishing after his death, is the history of a remarkable corner of Polesie, the former Osovets district. With the help of archival documents A. Ilyin investigated the biographies of the nobility of the Grodno province of the Kobrin county, as well as the peculiarities of life of the people of the Drohiczynsky district of the Polesie voivodeship in the light of the uneasy events of the epoch.Статья посвящена изучению творческого наследия историка-краеведа А.Л. Ильина. В центре его новой книги, подготовленной к изданию после смерти автора, – история удивительного уголка Полесья, бывшей Осовецкой волости. А. Ильин на основании архивных документов исследовал биографии дворян Кобринского уезда Гродненской губернии, а также создал яркий и непридуманный мир, основанный на реконструкции судеб людей Дрогичинского повета Полесского Воеводства

    Aleksander Ilyin’ contribution to research of Belorussian and Ukrainian Polesye

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    This article explores the significance of the scientific work of Alexander Lvovich Ilyin in the field of local history and history, evaluates his scientific discoveries, studies the book heritage of the Pinsk local historian, reveals the indisputable contribution that A. Ilyin made to the study of the history and culture of the Belarusian and Ukrainian Polessye.В статье исследуется значение научной деятельности Александра Львовича Ильина в области исторического краеведения, оцениваются его научные открытия, изучается книжное наследие пинского краеведа, выявляется тот неоспоримый вклад, который внёс А. Л. Ильин в изучение истории и культуры белорусского и украинского Полесья

    Seasonal and interannual variability in runoff from the Werenskioldbreen catchment, Spitsbergen

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    The results from a hydrological monitoring program of Breelva basin (Spits− bergen, Svalbard) have been analysed to improve the understanding of the Werenskiöld Glacier system’s functioning in the High Arctic. Hydrographs of a 44 km2 river basin (27 km2 of which was covered by a glacier) were analysed for the period 2007–2012. Sea− sonal discharge fluctuations were linked to glacier ablation and meteorological parameters, including atmospheric circulation types. A dichotomy was found in the discharge peaks generation during the hydrologically active season, with the main role played by snow and ice melt events during its first part and the rainfall regime dominating its second part. Foehn type strong winds played a significant role in the generation of ablation type floods (e.g. in August 2011). A simple classification of the runoff regime was applied to the examined six−year period, resulting in the identification of its three types: the ablation type (dominant in 2007 and 2009), the rainfall type (in the years 2011–2012), and the mixed type (during 2008 and 2010). According to publications the river flow season in Spitsbergen begins in June and end with freeze−up in September or at the beginning of October. Recently, this sea− son for Breelva tend to be extended with the mid−May onset and end in the second part of October. A multiannual trend was noted that reflects a growing importance of rainfalls, especially in September. Rainfall waters play a more distinct role in outflow from the Breelva catchment recently

    Comparison of fixation and saccades identification algorithms in the eye tracking recordings for medical diagnosis

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of selected algorithms for eye movements identification. The analysis is based on a comparison of the classification of fixation and saccades using I-VT and I-DT algorithms. For the algorithms comparison the application that implementing the identification of eye tracking data has been developed. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of graphs