10 research outputs found
Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (memoria de actividades 2010-2011)
[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):● LDGP_inv_002: "Intensive Program ERASMUS: TOPCART. Geometric Documentation of the Heritage (administrative and academic documentation)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:● LDGP_inv_002: "Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (documentación administrativa y académica)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[EN] The main objective this project is looking for is the exchange of practical methodologies, in topics related with the measure and representation of heritage, between teachers and specially students from different countries.
For the achievement of this aim we expect the participation of a group of about 30 students and 8 lecturers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Lithuania and Spain.Activities will be focused on the development of concrete projects in documentation of heritage, specifically in the San Prudencio Monastery (La Rioja, Spain). In this site, digital techniques for the acquisition of geometric information from GPS equipment, surveying total stations, laser scanner and photogrammetry systems, will be put into practice.Obtained data will be processed as follows: first of all, they will be documented by adding necessary metadata in order to ensure their use in the future, then, they will be treated to obtain cartographic representations and virtual models which can be distributed on the Internet.As results we expect: metric data of the monument, graphic models for difussion and collaboration partnertships.[ES] El objetivo principal que se persigue en este proyecto es el intercambio de metodológico práctico, en materias afines a la medida y la representación del patrimonio, entre profesores y fundamentalmente alumnos, de diferentes países. Para la consecución de este fin se espera la participación de un grupo de aproximadamente 25 alumnos y 8 profesores de (Alemania, Italia, Grecia, Lituania y España).Las actividades se centrarán en el desarrollo de proyectos concretos de documentación de elementos patrimoniales, en concreto el apartado práctico se desarrollará en el Monasterio de San Prudencio (La Rioja, España). En el se aplicarán técnicas digitales de registro de información geométrica, constituidas por receptores GPS, estaciones totales topográficas, escáneres láser y sistemas fotogramétricos.Los datos obtenidos serán tratados de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar serán documentados, mediante la adición de la metainformación necesaria para garantizar su utilidad a lo largo del tiempo, seguidamente serán procesados con el fin de obtener las representaciones cartográficas y modelos virtuales de representación que puedan ser difundidas por medio de Internet.Como resultados se pretenden: un conjunto de registros métricos del momento de la intervención, modelos gráficos de difusión y finalmente relaciones de colaboración interpersonal e interinstitucional.European Commission, DG Education and Culture (Erasmus 2009-1-ES1-ERAIP-0013, 2010-1-ES1-ERA10-0024); Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (OAPEE); Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain); Universidad de La Rioja; Clavijo City Council; Logroño City Council; Ilustre Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía (Delegación de La Rioja)[ES] Memoria de proyecto (PDF) [es el último fichero de la lista, el enlace directo es https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 imágenes de la visita preliminar en abril de 2009, en formato JPEG + 19 nubes de puntos en formato txt (comprimido en ZIP junto a un fichero de metadatos y una imagen que sirve de croquis y que también se presenta suelta) + 27 fotografías tomadas desde un helicóptero radicontrolado en 2011 por el grupo H (JPEG) + 18 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Sur + 13 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Este + 95 fotografías métricas del interior del edificio en forma de -L- (JPEG) + 35 fotografías métricas tomadas desde el cerro que se encuentra al sur (JPEG) + 8 fotografías métricas que forman 4 pares estereoscópicos (2 del grupo B y 2 del grupo D) (JPEG) + 183 fotografías métricas que forman 91 tripletas (grupos B, C y D) (JPEG). [NOTA: este registro no está cerrado, se irán incorporando nuevos materiales de forma progresiva][EN] General report (PDF) [it is the last file of the list, the direct link is https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 pictures taken during the preliminary visit in April 2009 (JPEG format) + 19 point clouds in plain text (compressed in a ZIP file together with a file with metadata and an image PNG as sketch, these image are also presented on their own) + 27 photographs taken from a remote-controlled helicopter for the group H in 2011(JPEG) + 18 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the South (JPEG) + 13 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the East (JPEG) + 95 metric pictures of the inside part of the L-shaped building (JPEG) + 35 metric photographs taken from the hill opposite in the Southern + 8 metric photographs in four stereopairs (2 from group B and 2 from group D) (JPEG) + 183 metric photographs arranged in 91 triplets from groups B, C and D (JPEG). [NOTE: this record is not closed, more data will be uploaded progressively
Ignas Daugėla's Quick Files
The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity
Application of unmanned aircraft systems in monitoring and modeling of methane emissions from landfills
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas nuotolinis tyrimų metodas, kuris gali būti taikomas sąvartyno aplinkos oro taršos vietoms identifikuoti ir stebėti. Analizuojamos matavimo priemonės, padedančios nustatyti metano sklaidą. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas – metano emisija sąvartyne tiriant visą plotą, stebint žemės paviršių ir pievų augmeniją. Disertacijos tikslas – nuotolinius tyrimų metodus pritaikyti metano išsiskyrimo vietoms sąvartyno teritorijoje identifikuoti bei sukurti daviklį metano emisijai matuoti. Galimos sąvartyno dujų nuotėkio vietos identifikuotos nuotoliniais tyrimų metodais pagal teorinius, eksperimentinius bei skaitinio modeliavimo rezultatus. Darbe sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: teoriškai išnagrinėti metano emisijos aptikimo metodus tiesiogiai ar per poveikį aplinkai; atlikti eksperimentinius fotografavimo, apdorojimo procesus, taikant skirtingas bepiločio orlaivio sistemas; sukonstruoti metaną matuojantį daviklį, sukalibruoti, paruošti valdymo algoritmą, juo ištirti metano emisiją sąvartyno teritorijoje; taikant autokoreliacijos ir tarpusavio koreliacijos algoritmą, iš nuotoliniu metodu gautų palydovinių nuotraukų nustatyti metano, azoto dioksido ir deguonies dujų koncentracijų kaitą bei tarpusavio ryšį kintant laikui; sudaryti metano emisijos vietų identifikavimo metodiką.
Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai bei šeši priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose, taip pat disertacijos struktūra.
Pirmajame skyriuje apžvelgiama mokslinė literatūra, tyrimai, susiję su metano matavimo būdais, bepiločių orlaivių sistemomis (tipai, techninės charakteristikos, fotoaparatų jutikliai), įvairių spektrų fotokameromis, pasaulyje paplitę nuotolinių tyrimų ir GIS metodai, taikomi aplinkos apsaugos stebėsenai. Antrajame skyriuje aprašyti teoriniai ir eksperimentiniai metano nustatymo nuotoliniu būdu metodai, modeliavimo galimybės taikant GIS technologijas. Trečiajame skyriuje pateikiami atliktų tyrimų rezultatai ir jų analizė.
Disertacijos tema paskelbta 10 mokslinių straipsnių: keturi – mokslo žurnaluose, referuojamuose Clarivate Analytics Web of Science duomenų bazėje, du – konferencijų straipsnių rikiniuose, referuojamoje Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science) duomenų bazėje, keturi – recenzuojamuose Lietuvos konferencijų straipsnių rikiniuose, įtrauktuose į Index Copernicus duomenų bazę.
Disertacijoje atliktų tyrimų rezultatai buvo paskelbti trijose respublikinėse ir trijose tarptautinėse mokslinėse konferencijose.Daktaro disertacij
Are the norms related to pre-trial investigation and refusal to initiate pre-trial investigation that are established in Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code, sufficiently informative, are not misleading and leave no discretion to interpret them in practical situations?
Magistriniame darbe buvo nagrinėjamos Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodekso nuostatos susijusios su ikiteisminio tyrimo pradėjimu ir atsisakymu pradėti ikiteisminį tyrimą. Nagrinėjant šias nuostatas buvo aiškinamasi ar jos yra pakankamai išsamios, neklaidinančios ir atitinka susidarusią padėtį visuomenėje. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje buvo analizuojama ikiteisminio tyrimo pradėjimo stadija, lyginamas įstatymo reglamentavimas istoriškai, apžvelgiamos bei lyginamos kitų užsienio šalių teisės normos susijusios su nagrinėjama tema, apibrėžiamas ikiteisminio tyrimo savarankiškumo klausimas ir probleminiai aspektai jame. Prieita prie išvados, kad Lietuvoje yra įtvirtinta vientisas ikiteisminio tyrimo pradėjimas, kai kurios įstatymo normos yra dubliuojamos (Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodekso 167 str. 1 d. ir to pačio kodekso 3 str. 4 d.) o pati ikiteisminio tyrimo sąvoka baudžiamojo proceso kodekse nėra pateikta. Taip pat buvo pastebėtas įstatymo trūkumas kuris apibūdintų ikiteisminio tyrimo principus ir uždavinius, siūlomos jų konstrukcijos. Atroje darbo dalyje pateikiama atsisakymo pradėti ikiteisminį tyrimą reglamentacijos analizė, šios reglamentacijos probleminiai aspektai, pateikiami subjektai galintys atsisakyti pradėti ikiteisminį tyrimą bei šio atsisakymo apskundimo tvarka, pateikiama galima, įstatyme neišaiškintų normų konstrukcija. Apibendrinant pastebima, kad nagrinėjamų normų formulavimas nėra išsamus ir tikslus, taip pat pastebimas informacijos trūkumas normų konstrukcijoje. Analizuojant atsisakymo pradėti ikiteisminį tyrimą nutarimo apskundimo tvarką, buvo pastebėta galimai Lietuvos Respublikos Konstituciją pažeidžianti norma. Darbo pabaigoje teikiamos išvados ir duodamos rekomendacijosIn first part of the master thesis, analization of pre-trial investigation initiation and comparison from the historical point of view was conducted, also the legislation of different foreign countries were reviewed and compared to the legislation established Republic of Lithuania. The question of pre-trial investiagtion as an independent section was defined, along with problems within. Analization of Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code 3rd, 166th, 167th. , 168th articles and their opposition to established practice and one another, was also cunducted. The lack of of pre-trial investiagtion principles and objects were also noted, suggestions were provided regarding these questions. In the second part of the work, analyzes legislation regarding refusal to initiate pre-trial investigation and problems within was provided. Subjects that have the right to refuse initiation of pre-trial investigation were also discussed, along with the right and procedure on how to appeal such decision. Solutions to unclear legislation norms were also discussed along with the suggestions on how to define some of the norms. In conclusion, it was noted that the formualtion of legislative norms are often unclear and precise, it was also noted that there is lack of the information in said norms. It was conluded that in the 3rd article of Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code, there are many clauses where subjects simply have no way to use these legislations in practice. Examples were provided where theoreticly speaking, said subjects have a right to refuse initiation of pre-trial investigation, but in reality such situations simply can not occur.Teisės fakulteta
Drone-Based Vertical Atmospheric Temperature Profiling in Urban Environments
The accurate and detailed measurement of the vertical temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind profiles of the atmosphere is pivotal for high-resolution numerical weather prediction, the determination of atmospheric stability, as well as investigation of small-scale phenomena such as urban heat islands. Traditional approaches, such as weather balloons, have been indispensable but are constrained by cost, environmental impact, and data sparsity. In this article, we investigate uncrewed aerial systems (UASs) as an innovative platform for in situ atmospheric probing. By comparing data from a drone-mounted semiconductor temperature sensor (TMP117) with traditional radiosonde measurements, we spotlight the UAS-collected atmospheric data’s accuracy and such system suitability for atmospheric surface layer measurement. Our research encountered challenges linked with the inherent delays in achieving ambient temperature readings. However, by applying specific data processing techniques, including smoothing methodologies like the Savitzky–Golay filter, iterative smoothing, time shift, and Newton’s law of cooling, we have improved the data accuracy and consistency. In this article, 28 flights were examined and certain patterns between different methodologies and sensors were observed. Temperature differentials were assessed over a range of 100 m. The article highlights a notable accuracy achievement of 0.16 ± 0.014 °C with 95% confidence when applying Newton’s law of cooling in comparison to a radiosonde RS41’s data. Our findings demonstrate the potential of UASs in capturing accurate high-resolution vertical temperature profiles. This work posits that UASs, with further refinements, could revolutionize atmospheric data collection
Covariate model of pixel vector intensities of invasive H. sosnowskyi plants
This article describes an agricultural application of remote sensing methods. The idea is to aid in eradicating an invasive plant called Sosnowskyi borscht (H. sosnowskyi). These plants contain strong allergens and can induce burning skin pain, and may displace native plant species by overshadowing them, meaning that even solitary individuals must be controlled or destroyed in order to prevent damage to unused rural land and other neighbouring land of various types (mostly violated forest or housing areas). We describe several methods for detecting H. sosnowskyi plants from Sentinel-2A images, and verify our results. The workflow is based on recently improved technologies, which are used to pinpoint exact locations (small areas) of plants, allowing them to be found more efficiently than by visual inspection on foot or by car. The results are in the form of images that can be classified by several methods, and estimates of the cross-covariance or singlevector auto-covariance functions of the contaminant parameters are calculated from random functions composed of plant pixel vector data arrays. The correlation of the pixel vectors for H. sosnowskyi images depends on the density of the chlorophyll content in the plants. Estimates of the covariance functions were computed by varying the quantisation interval on a certain time scale and using a computer programme based on MATLAB. The correlation between the pixels of the H. sosnowskyi plants and other plants was found, possibly because their structures have sufficiently unique spectral signatures (pixel values) in raster images. H. sosnowskyi can be identified and confirmed using a combination of two classification methods (using supervised and unsupervised approaches). The reliability of this combined method was verified by applying the theory of covariance function, and the results showed that H. sosnowskyi plants had a higher correlation coefficient. [...]Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij
UAV Photogrammetry for Road Surface Modelling
Recently, the interest of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle application in photogrammetric environment for roads observation and monitoring has increased in many countries, in Lithuania as well. The experimental object for demonstration of capability and efficiency of aerial vehicle-based remote sensing technology for road data collection was a western bypass of Vilnius. The platform of the model UX5 Trimble with mounted camera Sony NEX-5R was applied for gaining images. The implemented means are mobile and not expensive. Photogrammetric technique with software package Business Center Photogrammetry Module was applied for the modelling of images. The correctness of digital surface model generally depends on camera resolution, flight height and accuracy of ground control points. The coordinates of control points were determined using Global Positioning System Trimble R4. Paper demonstrates results of a new technology application possibilities for linear object (road) mapping and accuracy evaluation of spatial models. The road points positioning accuracy investigation was carried out in consideration with geodetic control measurements. The average root mean square error for the points coordinates is 2.94 cm, and standard deviations – 2.78 cm. Analyzing coincidence or mismatches of Vilnius western bypass project data with photogrammetric product, not significant discrepancies of road section features were determined. The cost consideration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in conjunction with photogrammetry employment at experimental object is presented
Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (memoria de actividades 2010-2011)
[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):● LDGP_inv_002: "Intensive Program ERASMUS: TOPCART. Geometric Documentation of the Heritage (administrative and academic documentation)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:● LDGP_inv_002: "Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (documentación administrativa y académica)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[EN] The main objective this project is looking for is the exchange of practical methodologies, in topics related with the measure and representation of heritage, between teachers and specially students from different countries.
For the achievement of this aim we expect the participation of a group of about 30 students and 8 lecturers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Lithuania and Spain.Activities will be focused on the development of concrete projects in documentation of heritage, specifically in the San Prudencio Monastery (La Rioja, Spain). In this site, digital techniques for the acquisition of geometric information from GPS equipment, surveying total stations, laser scanner and photogrammetry systems, will be put into practice.Obtained data will be processed as follows: first of all, they will be documented by adding necessary metadata in order to ensure their use in the future, then, they will be treated to obtain cartographic representations and virtual models which can be distributed on the Internet.As results we expect: metric data of the monument, graphic models for difussion and collaboration partnertships.[ES] El objetivo principal que se persigue en este proyecto es el intercambio de metodológico práctico, en materias afines a la medida y la representación del patrimonio, entre profesores y fundamentalmente alumnos, de diferentes países. Para la consecución de este fin se espera la participación de un grupo de aproximadamente 25 alumnos y 8 profesores de (Alemania, Italia, Grecia, Lituania y España).Las actividades se centrarán en el desarrollo de proyectos concretos de documentación de elementos patrimoniales, en concreto el apartado práctico se desarrollará en el Monasterio de San Prudencio (La Rioja, España). En el se aplicarán técnicas digitales de registro de información geométrica, constituidas por receptores GPS, estaciones totales topográficas, escáneres láser y sistemas fotogramétricos.Los datos obtenidos serán tratados de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar serán documentados, mediante la adición de la metainformación necesaria para garantizar su utilidad a lo largo del tiempo, seguidamente serán procesados con el fin de obtener las representaciones cartográficas y modelos virtuales de representación que puedan ser difundidas por medio de Internet.Como resultados se pretenden: un conjunto de registros métricos del momento de la intervención, modelos gráficos de difusión y finalmente relaciones de colaboración interpersonal e interinstitucional.European Commission, DG Education and Culture (Erasmus 2009-1-ES1-ERAIP-0013, 2010-1-ES1-ERA10-0024); Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (OAPEE); Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain); Universidad de La Rioja; Clavijo City Council; Logroño City Council; Ilustre Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía (Delegación de La Rioja)[ES] Memoria de proyecto (PDF) [es el último fichero de la lista, el enlace directo es https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 imágenes de la visita preliminar en abril de 2009, en formato JPEG + 19 nubes de puntos en formato txt (comprimido en ZIP junto a un fichero de metadatos y una imagen que sirve de croquis y que también se presenta suelta) + 27 fotografías tomadas desde un helicóptero radicontrolado en 2011 por el grupo H (JPEG) + 18 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Sur + 13 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Este + 95 fotografías métricas del interior del edificio en forma de -L- (JPEG) + 35 fotografías métricas tomadas desde el cerro que se encuentra al sur (JPEG) + 8 fotografías métricas que forman 4 pares estereoscópicos (2 del grupo B y 2 del grupo D) (JPEG) + 183 fotografías métricas que forman 91 tripletas (grupos B, C y D) (JPEG). [NOTA: este registro no está cerrado, se irán incorporando nuevos materiales de forma progresiva][EN] General report (PDF) [it is the last file of the list, the direct link is https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 pictures taken during the preliminary visit in April 2009 (JPEG format) + 19 point clouds in plain text (compressed in a ZIP file together with a file with metadata and an image PNG as sketch, these image are also presented on their own) + 27 photographs taken from a remote-controlled helicopter for the group H in 2011(JPEG) + 18 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the South (JPEG) + 13 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the East (JPEG) + 95 metric pictures of the inside part of the L-shaped building (JPEG) + 35 metric photographs taken from the hill opposite in the Southern + 8 metric photographs in four stereopairs (2 from group B and 2 from group D) (JPEG) + 183 metric photographs arranged in 91 triplets from groups B, C and D (JPEG). [NOTE: this record is not closed, more data will be uploaded progressively