1,037 research outputs found

    Trading schemes for greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture: A comparative analysis based on different implementation options

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    A rational negotiation strategy for coming multilateral negotiations regarding climate change requires knowledge about possible social, economic and environmental effects of policy instruments for the abatement of greenhouse gas emissions. With this purpose, an agricultural sector model is expanded to cover greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sources in Europe and policy instruments for their reduction. This modelling approach concentrates on the application of a permit trade scheme for emission abatement within the Kyoto Protocol ‘first commitment’ baseline. The effects derived of three alternative schemes are described in detail: the EU ‘burden sharing’ agreement option defined as regional emission standards, emission trading between regions inside each Member State, and finally, emission trading between all European regions. The analysis shows the importance of selecting an adequate combination of instruments of emission abatement for the design of efficient emission reduction policies.Kyoto Protocol, agricultural policy, economic modelling, tradable emission permits

    Distribución de bienestar económico entre Estados Miembros ante distintas opciones de desacoplamiento en el marco de la nueva PAC - Consecuencias para España

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    [EN] This paper makes use of an agricultural sector model to analyse welfare effects derived from different national implementation options of the CAP Reform 2003. It shows that agricultural prices developed more favourable in a full premium decoupling scenario, since agricultural production declines more pronounced compared to a partial decoupling scenario. The use of the partial decoupling mechanism helps Member States to distribute income into less favoured areas but is not the optimal policy choice. However, if other Member States follow the same path of reform, a ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ will most likely be observed: partial decoupling appears as the preferred option for individual Member States, since high domestic production and high producer prices would be expected, but this would lead to welfare losses for consumers and taxpayers.[ES] Este trabajo modeliza los efectos en el bienestar económico derivados de distintas opciones de desacoplamiento de las primas contenidas en la reforma de la Política Agraria Común aprobada los Acuerdos de Luxemburgo en 2003. Se observa como bajo un escenario de pleno esacoplamiento, los precios agrarios evolucionan más favorablemente que bajo un desacoplamiento parcial debido a una caída de la producción más pronunciada. El uso del mecanismo de desacoplamiento parcial permite a los Estados Miembros mantener determinados cultivos en zonas marginales, lo que resulta en una solución no óptima. Si los demás países siguieran el mismo camino de reforma, podría surgir un problema tipo «dilema del prisionero». La opción de desacoplamiento parcial aparecería como la opción preferida desde el punto de vista individual al asegurar una mayor producción doméstica y altos precios de producción. No obstante, a nivel agregado, el resultado sería una reducción de renta de consumidores y contribuyentes.Pérez Domínguez, I.; Wieck, C. (2006). Welfare distribution between EU Member States through different national decoupling options - Implications for Spain. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 6(11):109-137. doi:10.7201/earn.2006.11.05SWORD10913761

    Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of the genus Algansea Girard (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) of central Mexico inferred from molecular data

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    42 pages, 2 additional files, 6 figures, 1 table.[Background] The genus Algansea is one of the most representative freshwater fish groups in central Mexico due to its wide geographic distribution and unusual level of endemicity. Despite the small number of species, this genus has had an unsettled taxonomic history due to high levels of intraspecific morphological variation. Moreover, several phylogenetic hypotheses among congeners have been proposed but have had the following shortcomings: the use of homoplasious morphological characters, the use of character codification and polarisation methods that lacked objectivity, and incomplete taxonomic sampling. In this study, a phylogenetic analysis among species of Algansea is presented. This analysis is based upon two molecular markers, the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and the first intron of the ribosomal protein S7 gene.[Results] Bayesian analysis based on a combined matrix (cytochrome b and first intron S7) showed that Algansea is a monophyletic group and that Agosia chrysogaster is the sister group. Divergence times dated the origin of the genus around 16.6 MYA, with subsequent cladogenetic events occurring between 6.4 and 2.8 MYA. When mapped onto the molecular phylogenetic hypothesis, the character states of three morphological characters did not support previous hypotheses on the evolution of morphological traits in the genus Algansea, whereas the character states of the remaining six characters partially corroborated those hypotheses.[Conclusions] Monophyly of the genus Algansea was corroborated in this study. Tree topology shows the genus consists of three main lineages: Central-Eastern, Western, and Southern clades. However, the relationships among these clades remained unresolved. Congruence found between the available geological and climatic history and the divergence times made it possible to infer the biogeographical history of Algansea, which suggested that vicariance events were responsible for the evolutionary history of the genus. Interestingly, this pattern was shared with other members of the freshwater fish fauna of central Mexico. In addition, molecular data also show that some morphological traits alleged to represent synapomorphies in previous studies were actually homoplasies. Others traits were corroborated as synapomorphies, particularly in those species of a subgroup corresponding with the Central-Eastern clade within Algansea; this corroboration is interpreted as a result of evolutionary adaptations.This study was partially funded by grants from CGL2006-12325/BOS, the program PAPIIT-UNAM-IN209608, and CONACYT (grant number 83043) to GPPDL. RPR thank the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología for the scholarship.Peer reviewe

    Experimental analysis of a photovoltaic concentrator based on a single reflective stage immersed in an optical fluid

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    This article reviews all the experimental tests carried out to analyze the performance of a FluidReflex photovoltaic concentrator. This novel concentrator concept consists of a single reflective stage immersed in an optical fluid. The presence of the fluid entails significant advantages. It not only allows a high system optical efficiency and increases the attainable concentration but also enhances the heat dissipation from the cell. In addition, the electrical insulation is improved, and the problem of water vapor condensation inside the module is avoided. A complete characterization is addressed in this paper. Among the experimental results, a measured optical efficiency of 83.5% for a concentration of 1035× stands ou

    Durability of dielectric fluids for concentrating photovoltaic systems

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    Several dielectric fluids that might be used for immersing optics are analyzed in this paper. Their transmittances, both before and after an accelerated exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation equivalent to several years under real sun, are presented. In addition, the photocurrent losses caused by the decrease in transmittance experienced by each fluid are estimated for current III?V multijunction (MJ) solar cells. The most stable fluids were found to be paraffin and silicone oils whose transmittances remained practically unaltered after a UV dosage equivalent to 3 years of AM1.5D radiation

    A digital competence integration model of university teachers for their professional development in the teaching of mathematics : Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial de Ecuador

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    Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo de integración de la competencia digital del docente universitario para su desarrollo profesional en la enseñanza de la matemática, como escenario para el crecimiento y fortalecimiento del ejercicio profesional docente. Metodológicamente se analizaron los aspectos más relevantes de las diferentes normas y modelos propuestos por varios ministerios de educación, entre ellos Australia, Bélgica, Canadá, Chile, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Noruega y otros, así como organizaciones como la UNESCO O ISTE, y las investigaciones de prestigiosas universidades (Pozos Pérez, 2009; Carrera y Coiduras, 2012; Prendes y Gutiérrez, 2013). Este estudio determina un perfil preliminar del profesorado del área de matemáticas, en el que se describen las dimensiones, competencias e indicadores que desarrolla el profesorado de una universidad de Ecuador y que fue validado por un grupo de expertos internacionales en competencias digitales. Los resultados muestran que el perfil está compuesto por 44 indicadores que corresponden a 21 habilidades digitales que responden a los niveles: básico, intermedio y avanzado de las cuestiones de dominio, uso e innovación en cinco áreas: información y alfabetización, comunicación y colaboración, creación de contenidos digitales, seguridad y resolución de problemas.This research focuses on developing a model of digital competence integration of the university teacher for their professional development in the teaching of mathematic, as a scenario for the growth and strengthening of the professional teaching practice. Methodologically, the most relevant aspects of the different standards and models proposed by several ministries of education were analyzed, among them Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Spain, the United States, France, Norway and others, as well as organizations such as UNESCO or ISTE, and the researches of prestigious universities (Pozos Pérez, 2009; Carrera y Coiduras, 2012; Prendes y Gutiérrez, 2013). This study determines a preliminary profile of teachers in the area of mathematics, which describes the dimensions, competencies and indicators developed by teachers of a university in Ecuador and validated by a group of international experts in digitals competence teacher. The results show that the profile is composed by 44 indicators corresponding to 21 digital competences that respond to the basic, intermediate and advanced levels of domain, use and innovation in five areas: information and information literacy, communication and collaboration, creation of digital content, security and problem solvin

    Evolutionary history of the endangered fish Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (Bean, 1898) (Cyprinodontiformes: Goodeidae) using a sequential approach to phylogeography based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tectonic, volcanic and climatic events that produce changes in hydrographic systems are the main causes of diversification and speciation of freshwater fishes. Elucidate the evolutionary history of freshwater fishes permits to infer theories on the biotic and geological evolution of a region, which can further be applied to understand processes of population divergence, speciation and for conservation purposes. The freshwater ecosystems in Central Mexico are characterized by their genesis dynamism, destruction, and compartmentalization induced by intense geologic activity and climatic changes since the early Miocene. The endangered goodeid <it>Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis </it>is widely distributed across Central México, thus making it a good model for phylogeographic analyses in this area.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We addressed the phylogeography, evolutionary history and genetic structure of populations of <it>Z. quitzeoensis </it>through a sequential approach, based on both microsatellite and mitochondrial cytochrome <it>b </it>sequences. Most haplotypes were private to particular locations. All the populations analysed showed a remarkable number of haplotypes. The level of gene diversity within populations was <inline-formula><m:math name="1471-2148-8-161-i1" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><m:semantics><m:mover accent="true"><m:mi>H</m:mi><m:mo>¯</m:mo></m:mover><m:annotation encoding="MathType-MTEF"> MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfKttLearuWrP9MDH5MBPbIqV92AaeXatLxBI9gBaebbnrfifHhDYfgasaacPC6xNi=xH8viVGI8Gi=hEeeu0xXdbba9frFj0xb9qqpG0dXdb9aspeI8k8fiI+fsY=rqGqVepae9pg0db9vqaiVgFr0xfr=xfr=xc9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaaeqabiWaaaGcbaGafmisaGKbaebaaaa@2D06@</m:annotation></m:semantics></m:math></inline-formula><sub><it>d </it></sub>= 0.987 (0.714 – 1.00). However, in general the nucleotide diversity was low, π = 0.0173 (0.0015 – 0.0049). Significant genetic structure was found among populations at the mitochondrial and nuclear level (Φ<sub>ST </sub>= 0.836 and <it>F</it><sub><it>ST </it></sub>= 0.262, respectively). We distinguished two well-defined mitochondrial lineages that were separated <it>ca</it>. 3.3 million years ago (Mya). The time since expansion was <it>ca</it>. 1.5 × 10<sup>6 </sup>years ago for Lineage I and <it>ca</it>. 860,000 years ago for Lineage II. Also, genetic patterns of differentiation, between and within lineages, are described at different historical timescales.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our mtDNA data indicates that the evolution of the different genetic groups is more related to ancient geological and climatic events (Middle Pliocene, <it>ca</it>. 3.3 Mya) than to the current hydrographic configuration of the basins. In general, mitochondrial and nuclear data supported the same relationships between populations, with the exception of some reduced populations in highly polluted basins (Lower Lerma River), where the effects of genetic drift are suggested by the different analyses at the nuclear and mitochondrial level. Further, our findings are of special interest for the conservation of this endangered species.</p

    Characterization of the spatial distribution of irradiance and spectrum in concentrating photovoltaic systems and their effect on multi-junction solar cells

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    The irradiance and spectral distribution cast on the cell by a concentrating photovoltaic system, typically made up of a primary Fresnel lens and a secondary stage optical element, is dependent on many factors, and these distributions in turn influence the electrical performance of the cell. In this paper, the effect of spatial and spectral non-uniform irradiance distribution on multi-junction solar cell performance was analyzed using an integrated approach. Irradiance and spectral distributions were obtained by means of ray-tracing simulation and by direct imaging at a range of cell-to-lens distances. At the same positions, I¿V curves were measured and compared in order to evaluate non-uniformity effects on cell performance. The procedure was applied to three different optical systems comprised a Fresnel lens with a secondary optical element consisting of either a pyramid, a dome, or a bare cell

    Understanding causes and effects of non-uniform light distributions on multi-junction solar cells: Procedures for estimating efficiency losses

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    This paper presents the mechanisms of efficiency losses that have to do with the non-uniformity of the irradiance over the multi-junction solar cells and different measurement techniques used to investigate them. To show the capabilities of the presented techniques, three different concentrators (that consist of an acrylic Fresnel lens, different SOEs and a lattice matched multi-junction cell) are evaluated. By employing these techniques is possible to answer some critical questions when designing concentrators as for example which degree of non-uniformity the cell can withstand, how critical the influence of series resistance is, or what kind of non-uniformity (spatial or spectral) causes more losses

    Concentration photovoltaic optical system irradiance distribution measurements and its effect on multi-junction solar cells

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    This paper proposes an indoor procedure based on charge-coupled device camera measurements to characterize the non-uniform light patterns produced by optical systems used in concentration photovoltaic (CPV) systems. These irradiance patterns are reproduced on CPV solar cells for their characterization at concentrated irradiances by using a concentrator cell tester and placing high-resolution masks over the cells. Measured losses based on the masks method are compared with losses in concentrator optical systems measured by using the Helios 3198 solar simulator for CPV module