3,109 research outputs found

    A novel bidding method for combined heat and power units in district heating systems

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    We propose a bidding method for the participation of combined heat and power (CHP) units in the day-ahead electricity market. More specifically, we consider a district heating system where heat can be produced by CHP units or heat-only units, e.g., gas or wood chip boilers. We use a mixed-integer linear program to determine the optimal operation of the portfolio of production units and storages on a daily basis. Based on the optimal production of subsets of units, we can derive the bidding prices and amounts of electricity offered by the CHP units for the day-ahead market. The novelty about our approach is that the prices are derived by iteratively replacing the production of heat-only units through CHP production. This results in an algorithm with a robust bidding strategy that does not increase the system costs even if the bids are not won. We analyze our method on a small realistic test case to illustrate our method and compare it with other bidding strategies from literature, which consider CHP units individually. The analysis shows that considering a portfolio of units in a district heating system and determining bids based on replacement of heat production of other units leads to better results

    Operational planning and bidding for district heating systems with uncertain renewable energy production

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    In countries with an extended use of district heating (DH), the integrated operation of DH and power systems can increase the flexibility of the power system achieving a higher integration of renewable energy sources (RES). DH operators can not only provide flexibility to the power system by acting on the electricity market, but also profit from the situation to lower the overall system cost. However, the operational planning and bidding includes several uncertain components at the time of planning: electricity prices as well as heat and power production from RES. In this publication, we propose a planning method that supports DH operators by scheduling the production and creating bids for the day-ahead and balancing electricity markets. The method is based on stochastic programming and extends bidding strategies for virtual power plants to the DH application. The uncertain factors are considered explicitly through scenario generation. We apply our solution approach to a real case study in Denmark and perform an extensive analysis of the production and trading behaviour of the DH system. The analysis provides insights on how DH system can provide regulating power as well as the impact of uncertainties and renewable sources on the planning. Furthermore, the case study shows the benefit in terms of cost reductions from considering a portfolio of units and both markets to adapt to RES production and market states

    Significatividade e mundo nos escritos do joven Heidegger

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    Heidegger fue uno de los pensadores más influyentes de la pasada centuria. Muchas de sus contribuciones conceptuales han sido aplicadas tanto a las ciencias humanas como naturales. Dasein, ser-en-elmundo, facticidad, sentido, cuidado, etc. son familiares para cualquier filósofo. En este trabajo intento reconstruir dos de las nociones centrales del joven Heidegger. Analizo parte del camino que lleva al joven Heidegger a las nociones nucleares de la gran obra del 27’: significatividad y mundo. Mi interés es bifronte: en primer lugar aportar una clarificación progresiva de estos conceptos, y en segundo lugar, exhibir (históricamente) la génesis de Ser y tiempo. Me anima la idea (ya confirmada) que el modo de tratamiento de estos conceptos en estos años (1919-1925) iluminan gran parte del pensamiento Heidegger, y con él , del siglo XX.Heidegger was one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. Many of his conceptual contributions were applied to human sciences and natural sciences. Dasein, being in the world, facticity, meaning, care, etc. are familiar to any philosopher. In this paper I try to rebuild two of the central notions of the young Heidegger. I want to analyze part of the way that leads to Heidegger’s nuclear notions of the great work of ‘27: significance and world. My interest is twofold; first progressively clarify these concepts, and second is to develope (historically) the gestation of Being and Time. I was encouraged by the idea (already confirmed) that the mode of treatment of these concepts in this years (1919-1925) inspires most of Heidegger’s thoughts. His work illuminates most of the thinking of the young Heidegger and, with him, the twentieth century.Heidegger foi um dos pensadores mais influentes do século passado. Muitas de suas contribuições conceituais têm sido aplicadas tanto às ciências humanas quanto às naturais. Dasein, ser-no-mundo, facticidade, sentido, cuidado, etc. são familiares a qualquer filósofo. Neste trabalho tento reconstruir duas das noções centrais do jovem Heidegger. Analiso parte do caminho que leva o jovem Heidegger às noções nucleares da grande obra de 1927: significatividade e mundo. Meu interesse é duplo: em primeiro lugar, buscar uma clarificação progressiva desses conceitos e, em segundo lugar, exibir (historicamente) a gênese de Ser e tempo. Animame a ideia (já confirmada) de que o modo de tratamento desses conceitos nesses anos (1919-1925) ilumina grande parte do pensamento heideggeriano e, com ele, do século XX.Fil: Blanco Ilari, Juan Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Argentina. Universidad Catolica Argentina; Argentin

    Ganadería, uso del suelo y cambio institucional en Jerez de la Frontera, 1754-1865

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    Este trabajo estudia los cambios habidos en la ganadería de Jerez de la Frontera entre mediados del siglo XVIII y 1865 –un periodo de profundas transformaciones institucionales en España–, a partir de la información cuantitativa proporcionada por el Catastro del Marqués de la Ensenada y del Censo ganadero de 1865, el único disponible para el siglo XIX. De la investigación se deduce, primero, que hubo un notable incremento de la cabaña, a pesar de la re-ducción del área de pastos, propiciada, sobre todo, por la desamortización civil. Segundo, que el aumento de la cabaña fue similar al de la superficie ocupada por el sistema cereal; lo que sugiere una integración de la ganadería con la agricultura. Y, tercero, que lo anterior favoreció la expansión de la ganadería de trabajo en detrimento de la de renta, así como una concentración de la propiedad del ganado.This paper analyzes the evolution and changes in the cattle breeding of Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) between 1754 and 1865, a period of radical institutional transformations in Spain. It is based on the data compiled by both Ensenada´s Cadaster and the cattle breeding census of 1865, the only one available in Spain for this century. The most remarkable conclusions of this research are, first, the very important increase of animal husbandry, despite the decrease of natural grasses, especially due to Disentailment Act of 1855. Second, cattle’s breeding appears to have achieved a standard of increase like that of cereal and leguminous crop area. Finally, this process helped working animals at the expense of productive livestock, while helped a concentration of livestock property

    Un siglo sin innovación en la saca del corcho.

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    Este trabajo trata de explicar cómo es posible que una actividad productiva permaneciera casi inmutable durante dos siglos, en los que las economías occidentales vivieron los profundos cambios de todo tipo derivados de dos revoluciones industriales. Para ello, primero se reconstruye cómo se realizaba la saca a finales del siglo XIX y primeras décadas del XX y, después, se analizan diversos indicadores microeconómicos (producción, productividad, salarios, rentabilidad) referentes a una finca para la que existe información. La conclusión es que el precio del corcho pudo absorber siempre los altos costes unitarios de una labor intensiva en trabajo especializado, lo cual se explica por la especial configuración del mercado mundial de esta materia prima.This article seeks to explain why a productive activity such as cork stripping experienced no technical change for two centuries, while Western economies were undergoing all sorts of deep transformations due to two industrial revolutions. For this purpose we have first reconstructed how cork stripping was carried out at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Next, leading microeconomic indicators such as production, productivity, wages and profitability are calculated and analysed for the exploitation of a specific cork oak forest. The conclusion offered is that the price of cork was always higher than per unit costs of production in such a specialised labour intensive operation, which can be explained by the unique structure of the world cork market

    Las aporías del intencionalismo y la superación hermenéutica: Reflexiones filosóficas en torno a un problema jurídico

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    El papel que juegan las intenciones de un autor en la interpretación de los textos ha sido profundamente debatido durante el siglo XX. En este trabajo analizaremos algunos argumentos de la postura intencional, en particular en el campo de derecho, para mostrar sus debilidades. A la postura intencionalista opondremos la hermenéutica. Roland Dworkin pone a prueba un argumento por analogía para demostrar como superar la mirada del intencionalista. Este autor toma la hermenéutica literaria como modelo (hipótesis estética) e intenta trasladar este modelo al campo del derecho. Procuraremos repasar sus postulados y reforzar el argumento por analogía con algunas ideas desarrolladas en la filosofía de Paul Ricoeur y Hans-George Gadamer.The role to be played by the author's intentions when interpreting a text has been a hotly debated cuestion in twentieth century. In this paper we analyze some arguments about the intentional stance, in particular in the field of law, to show some weakness. From the positions intentionalist hermeneutics stands. Ronald Dworkin tested an argument by analogy to show how to overcome the intentional stance. This author takes literary hermeneutics as a model (hypothesis aesthetics) and tries to move the interpretation of literary text to the field of law. We will review postualdos and reinforcing arguments for this analogy with some ideas borrowed from the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur and Hans-Georg Gadamer.Fil: Blanco Ilari, Juan Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentin
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