189 research outputs found

    The multivariate analysis application in creating the composite index of district development in the Republic of Serbia

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    One of the most important issues of economic policy of all countries is procuring a uniform economic development on entire territory. The regional unbalance of the degree of development among some territories in the Republic of Serbia constitutes one of the most complex development problems. Accentuated population decrease in some areas on one side, and large population and economy concentration in just a few cities on the other, produce negative effects on economic, social, spatial and ecological domain of the development of every country. One of the segments of this study will focus on the choice of indicators used for determining the degree of regional development and for comprehending the factors that determine a regional development. For the purpose of analyzing the differences in development of territorial units in the Republic of Serbia, in this particular case – the districts, a methodology for quantification of regional differences, from the aspect of a number of relevant criteria, was developed by compacting individual indicators into a composite index of development. The application of multivariate data analysis is of great importance in establishing the composite index, for the reason of getting an insight of correlations among variables (chosen indicators). It could include correlation analysis, regression analysis, factor analysis and others. In this dissertation, the emphasis will be placed on the factor analysis. The purpose of applying this method of multivariate analysis is that of determining whether different information, contained in the chosen district development indicators, is sufficiently balanced within the composite index. When aggregating indicators into a composite index, some weights (indicator weights) obtained based on factor analysis results will be added. The goal is that the weight of indicator weights corresponds to the relative importance of each variable (indicator) within the composite index. In this particular case, indicator weights would be the adequate factorial loading values obtained from factor analysis. After calculating the composite index for each district and its posterior analysis, the final result of this doctoral thesis would be the ranking of districts in the Republic of Serbia according to the values of the obtained composite index of development

    Health professionals and war

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    Mortalitet osuđenih tokom izvršenja kazne zatvora

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    Право на живот представља једно од основних људских и природних права, које је признато бројним декларацијама и документима, а његови најважнији облици заштите су међународноправни, уставни и кривичноправни. Међутим ово право није усмерено само на слободне људе, већ и на особе лишене слободе. Како се у затвору често говори као о установи у којој су присутни недовољно добри санитарни услови, болести, депривације, лоше одржавање установе, пренасељеност, која може довести и до смањења контроле од стране особља, може доћи и до повећања насилних инцидената који за последицу могу имати смрт. Морталитет особа лишених слободе најчешће настаје као последица природних болести, самоубистава, убистава али и поступања страже. Предмет овог рада је морталитет осуђених и отпуштених током и након извршења казне затвора, док су циљеви и задаци рада упознавање са етиолошким и феноменолошким карактеристикама морталитета осуђених у затвору али и бивших осуђених које могу да укажу на правац осмишљавања и примене превентивних мера, ради редукције и елиминације предметног проблема.The right to life is one of the fundamental human and natural rights, recognized by numerous declarations and documents and its most important form of protection is the criminal law. However, this right is not limited solely to free people, but also those deprived of their liberty. As the prison is often referred to as an institution with insufficient sanitary conditions, presence of illness, deprivation, poor maintenance of the institution, overcrowding, which can lead to a decrease in control by staff, there may be an increase in violent incidents that can result in death. The mortality rate in people deprived of liberty most often occurs as a consequence of natural diseases, suicides, murders, but also the actions of guards. The subject of this paper is the mortality rate of convicts and the released during and after serving a prison sentence, while the objectives and tasks of the paper comprise recognition of the etiological and phenomenological characteristics of the mortality rate of convicts in prison and former convicts, which may indicate the direction of the design and implementation of preventive measures to reduce and eliminate the subject in question

    Ispitivanje inflamatornog efekta hemijsko-mehaničke metode retrakcije gingive pri izradi fiksnih protetičkih nadoknada

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    The research started from the assumption that the chemical - mechanical retraction procedure, widely used for making of fixed prosthetic restorations, can lead to damage to the periodontal tissue, primarily to the inflammation of the gingiva. The chemical - mechanical method involves the use a retraction cord soaked in fluid - usually an astringent. The combination of mechanical pressure and chemical action on the gum tissue results in optimal expansion of the gingival sulcus and better control of the secretion of fluid in it, which enables accurate imprinting. The aim of the study was to investigate clinical parameters (gingival index and bleeding index) and salivary concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines (Tumor necrosis factor α, Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein 1, Interleukin 6 and Immunoglobulin A), as well as cytomorphometric analysis of gingival epithelial cells (nucleus surface, circumference of the nucleus, circularity, Feret's diameter, optical density, roundness, and solidity) before and after the chemical-mechanical retraction procedure. The retraction agents used were solutions of aluminum chloride and ferisulfate, and the subjects were divided into two groups depending on whether the procedure was performed on brushed or non-brushed teeth. The results of the study showed that the chemical - mechanical retraction method leads to a statistically significant increase in the values of the gingival index, the bleeding index and salivary concentration of proinflammatory cytokines, which indicates its inflammatory potential. The test values decreased over time, which is evidence of the reversibility of the inflammatory changes that have occurred. The obtained values depended on the retraction agent used, with a stronger inflammatory effect of the ferrisulfate solution. The group of the subjects with prepared teeth had higher values of the examined parameters. The chemical - mechanical retraction procedure caused changes in all cytomorphometric parameters of gingival epithelial cells. The surface area and circumference of the gingival epithelial cell nuclei were larger after retraction, which could be considered as a sign of gingival inflammation. A combination of clinical study and laboratory testing of the potential inflammatory effect of gingival retraction agents has yielded relevant findings applicable in dental practice in order to optimize therapeutic effects with minimal risk of iatrogenic damage

    Anatomical and physiological characteristics of different genotypes of white poplar (Populus alba L.) cuttings

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    Vrsta Populus alba je zbog intezivnih promena riparijalnih ekosistema postala jedna od najugroženijih vrsta drveća u Evropi. Na staništima ove vrste najčešće su sađene plantaže euroameričkih topola koje su produktivnije. Međutim, danas se daje veliki značaj očuvanju autohtonih populacija, zaštiti i obnavljanju prirodnih ekosistema i reintrodukciji autohtonih vrsta na prirodna staništa. Istraživanja u okviru ove disertacije postavljena su sa ciljem da se utvrde optimalne kombinacije faktora i tretmana koji daju najveće procente ožiljavanja i preživljavanja četiri genotipa bele topole (L100, L80, L12 i 58/57), a radi mogućnosti unapređenja rasadničarske proizvodnje i davanja pouzdane preporuke za masovnu proizvodnju. Na osnovu morfo-anatomskih i fizioloških parametara nije zabeleženo jasno razdvajanje među ispitivanim genotipovima, ali su uočene jasne razlike u morfo-anatomskim i fiziološkim parametrima između kontrole i tretmana ureom, u odnosu na tretmane sa IBA. Po najvećim vrednostima dužine i širine kao i površine liske izdvaja se genotip 58/57, kod istog genotipa svi tretmani (0.6% IBA, 2% IBA i urea) su imali značajan uticaj na površinu lista. Ni kod jednog genotipa nije zabeležen statistički značajan uticaj ispitivanih tretmana na broj stoma, ali su na dimenzije stoma značajan uticaj pokazali tretmani sa 0.6% IBA i 2% IBA. U pogledu debljine liske razlikuju se samo genotipovi L80 i 58/57. Variranja vrednosti debljine liske pod uticajem tretmana zabeležen je samo kod genotipa L12. Analizirani genotipovi se statistički ne razlikuju po debljini asimilacionog tkiva, ali su se međusobno statistički značajno razlikovali u pogledu površine glavnog nerva. Najveća površina glavnog nerva zabeležena je kod genotipa 58/57, a najmanja kod L80. Tretmani IBA-om su doveli do smanjenja površine glavnog nerva, dok je trteman ureom imao suprotan efekat. IBA je u većini slučajeva uticala na smanjenje površine glavnog nerva, a samim tim i površine provodnog snopića, kao i ksliema i floema. Urea je u svim slučajevima dovela do povećanja vrednosti ovih parametara. Fiziološki parametri pokazuju da su urea kao i tretmani različitim koncentracijama IBA imali pozitivan efekat na intenzitet fotosinteze, odnosno da je srednja vrednost neto fotosinteze povećana kod svakog genotipa. Razlike u pogledu inteziteta fotosinteze i inteziteta transpiracije imeđu različitih genotipova su se pokazale statistički značajnim, a najveće razlike su se pokazale između genotipa L100 kod kojeg su ove vrednosti najveće i 58/57 koji ima najmanje vrednosti intenziteta fotosinteze i inteziteta transpiracije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da urea i IBA utiču na povećanu efikasnost korišćenja vode (WUE). . Najmanja stomaterna provodljivost zabeležena je kod genotipa L100, a najveća kod L80. Tretman ureom kao i nižom koncentracijom IBA je doveo do smanjenja provodljivosti stoma, izuzev kod genotipa L100. Povećanje koncentracije IBA u odnosu na nižu koncentraciju dovelo je do povećanja provodljivosti stoma...Because of intensive changes in riparial ecosystems, Populus alba species have become one of the most endangered tree species in Europe. Moreover, plantations of more productive Euro-American poplars have been planted in white poplar habitats. Thus, today, the preservation of indigenous populations, protection and restoration of natural ecosystems and reintroduction of indigenous species to their natural habitats has become extremely important. In this dissertation, research is focused on determination of the optimal combinations of factors and treatments that result in the highest percent survival and successful rooting for four white poplar genotypes (L100, L80, L12 and 58/57), in order to provide reliable recommendations for improvement of nursery and mass production applications. Based on morpho-anatomical and physiological parameters, no clear distinction was found among the examined genotypes. However, clear differences in morpho-anatomical and physiological parameters were observed between the control and urea treatment groups, compared to the IBA treatment groups. Genotype 58/57 displayed the highest values with respect to leaf length, width and leaff surface area, while all treatments (0.6% IBA, 2% IBA and urea) had a significant impact on leaf area. Although no examined treatment resulted in statistically significant effects for any genotype with respect to stoma number, 0.6% IBA and 2% IBA treatments did have a significant effect on stoma dimensions. In terms of leaf thickness, only genotypes L80 and 58/57 were found to differ; while treatment induced variations in leaf thickness were only observed for genotype L12. The analyzed genotypes did not differ statistically in terms of assimilation tissue thickness, although statistically significant differences were found with respect to the main nerve surface area. The largest value for main nerve area was recorded for genotype 58/57, whereas the smallest was found for L80. IBA treatments reduced the surface area of the main nerve, whereas urea treatment had the opposite effect. In most cases, IBA treatments resulted in reduction of the main nerve surface, as well as the vascular bundle surface, xylem and phloem; while in all cases urea led to an increase in the value of these parameters. Physiological parameter measurements show that both urea and different concentrations of IBA treatments had a positive effect on photosynthesis intensity, where the mean net photosynthesis was increased in each genotype. Differences in terms of photosynthesis and transpiration intensity between various genotypes were found to be statistically significant..