20 research outputs found

    Soil water movement modelling in hapllicc luvisols (HMm) and albi hapllic luvisols (HMl) under Slovak climatic conditions

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    The aim of the research paper is simulation by the Global Model on the basis of investigation of Slovak Agricultural University (SAU) on two localities (Kolínany and Malanta). The soil moisture was measured by a time domain transmissometry instrument and compared with simulated outputs of the Global Model on Kolínany locality. Measurement of the soil moisture using the gravimetric method was applied on Malanta locality. Sugar beet was grown in Kolínany and, on the other hand, there was no plant on Malanta soil during the experiment. The experiment took three years (2002–2004). Measured and simulated courses of water content were consequently tested by correlation analysis in MS Excel. Result differences between simulated and measured values should reach according to 15 % difference at least 80 % of equality. Correlation between measured and simulated values had a high significance on Kolínany locality (in the range of 0,62–0,90) Equality between measured and simulated values was from 33 % to 75 % according to difference of 15 %. Dirvožemio drėgmės judėjimo modeliavimas Slovakijos klimato sąlygomis taikant hapllicc luvisols (HMm) ir albi hapllic luvisols (HMI) modelius Santrauka Tyrimo tikslas yra dviejų vietovių (Kolíňany ir Malanta) modeliavimas taikant globalųjį modelį, remiantis Slovakijos žemės ūkio universiteto (SŽŪU) tyrimų baze. Dirvožemio drėgmė buvo išmatuota ir palyginta su gautais taikant globalųjį modelį Kolíňany vietovės modeliavimo duomenimis. Dirvožemio drėgmė matuota taikant gravimetrinį metodą Malanta vietovėje. Cukriniai runkeliai augo Kolíňany, o Malanta vietovėje nebuvo jokių augalų. Eksperimentas truko trejus metus (2002–2004), todėl išmatuoti ir sumodeliuoti vandens sudėties šaltiniai buvo testuojami koreliacine analize Excel programa. Rezultatų tarp sumodeliuotų ir išmatuotų verčių skirtumai turėtų siekti 15 % skirtumą mažiausiai 80 % lygybei. Koreliacija tarp išmatuotų ir sumodeliuotų verčių buvo reikšminga Kolíňany vietovei (santykiu 0,62–0,90). Lygybė tarp išmatuotų ir sumodeliuotų verčių buvo nuo 33 % iki 75 % pagal 15 % skirtumą. Моделирование перемещения грунтовой влаги в климатических условиях словакии с помощью моделей hapllicc luvisols (HMm) ir albi hapllic luvisols (HMl) Резюме Целью исследования было моделирование перемещения грунтовой влаги двух местностей (Колинани и Маланта) с использованием Глобальной модели на базе исследований Словацкого университета сельского хозяйства. Влажность грунта была измерена и сравнена с полученными с помощью Глобальной модели данными для местности Колинани. Измерение влажности грунта по гравиметрическому методу осуществлялось для местности Маланта. Во время эксперимента в Колинани выращивалась сахарная свекла, в то время как в Маланте растений не было. Эксперимент длился три года (2002–2004), поэтому измеренные и смоделированные источники состава воды тестировались с помощью корреляционного анализа по программе Excel. Разница результатов измеренных и смоделированных величин составила 15 % для 80 % равенств. Корреляция между измеренными и смоделированными величинами наиболее значительной была для местности Колинани (0,62–0,90). Равенство измеренных и смоделированных величин составило от 33 % до 75 % при 15%-ой разнице. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Ключевые слова: грунт, состав воды, влажность, математическая Глобальная модель, корреляция, гравиметрический метод. Reikšminiai žodžiai: dirvožemis, vandens sudėtis, drėgmė, matematinis globalusis modelis, koreliacija, gravimetrinis metodas


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    The measured data of N2O emissions from conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) combined with unamended control (N0) and addition of nitrogen fertilizers (N1) were used to verify the DNDC model from cropland during February – November in 2013 in Slovakia (covering also the growing season of red clover). Generally, the DNDC model underestimated the total N2O emissions with relative deviation between observed and simulated total seasonal N2O emissions (kg N2O-N ha-1) ranging from 83-98 % for all treatments (CTN0, CTN1, RTN0 and RTN1) as compared to measured data

    Spatial Scale Analysis of Soil Water Content in Agricultural Soils of the Nitra River Catchment (Slovakia)

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    Determining the soil water content (SWC) in a soil profile is very important task for agriculture and also for a wider ecological context. The spatial and temporal variability of SWC is a elementary issue for agricultural practice, irrigation management, or landscape management globally. Various methods are used for obtaining the SWC data. Every method has some advantages and also disadvantages. Many of them are focused only on one dimension but modern precise agriculture needs the information about SWC in spatial scale. This study is focused on the spatial scale analysis of SWC in the Nitra river catchment for years 2013 and 2014. The HYDRUS 1D hydrological model and GIS tools were used for the creation maps of SWC. Combination of the measured and simulated data was used for the creation of the unique spatial maps of soil moisture in 0–30 and 30–60 cm soil horizons. Validation of our method shows trustworthy results. Soil water storage and fulfillment of maximum soil water storage were analysed with using the created maps

    Quantification of soil water storage available to plants in the Nitra River basin

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    Soil water storage is systematically studied by expert from various scientific disciplines. This increased interest is mainly due to anthropogenic activities of human beings, but also due to activities of natural processes influencing the dynamics and amount of water in this water resource. The aim of this study is determination of amount of plants available soil water in the Nitra river basin for year 2013. Water storage was calculated in periods from January to March, from April to August and from October to December. Available soil water storage was determined as a difference between actual soil moisture and a hydrolimit limited water availability. Measured soil moisture was interpolated on base of point values from the net of hydrological stations in basin. Retention curves were used to calculation of limited water availability. Available soil water storage was the highest in first period (273.89 mm). In period from May to August was lower (194.32 mm) and in last period was only 152.14 mm

    Biochar and Biochar with N Fertilizer Impact on Soil Physical Properties in a Silty Loam Haplic Luvisol

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    Recently, a lot of studies focused on the effects of biochar application to agricultural soils and its influence on the soil properties. However, only limited information is available on the simultaneous impact of N-fertilizer combined with biochar to soil physical propersies such as: soil moisture, soil temperature, bulk density and waterfilled pore space. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the soil physical properties of a silty loam Haplic Luvisol affected by the biochar application and its combination with N fertilizer during the years 2014–2016 (Experimental site of SUA-Nitra, Dolná Malanta, Slovakia). The field experiment was carried out in 2014 with different biochar application doses (0, 10 and 20 t ha-1) and different rate of N fertilization (0, 1st and 2nd level of N fertilization). The results showed that the both biochar amendment and biochar with N fertilizer increased the soil moisture in the range of 1 to 15%, on average. The higher rate of biochar resulted in higher soil moisture in all treatments with biochar in the following order B0 (14.9) B10N1 (1.47) > B20N1 (1.44) as well as B0N2 (1.51) > B10N2 (1.47) > B20N2 (1.39) during years the studied period (2014–2016)


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    The main aim of the work was to analyse 176 samples taken from the Vah River catchment in Slovakia (from 15-20 cm and 40-45 cm deep) and 190 samples taken from the Nitra River catchment in Slovakia (from 15-20 cm and 40-45 cm deep) using laser analysers ANALYSETTE 22 MicroTec plus from Fritsch and MASTERSIZER 2000 from Malvern. The results obtained by laser diffractometry were compared with pipette method and the regression relationships using linear, exponential, power and polynomial trend were derived. Regressions with the three highest regression coefficients (R2) were further investigated. The result was the percentage of the clay fractions (2nd fraction according to the methodology of the comprehensive soil survey in Slovakia) in soil is the determinant for soil type specification we recommend to use the derived relationships in soil science when the soil texture analysis is done according to laser diffractometry. The regressions with the three highest regression coefficients (R2) were then analyzed in more detail. The highest confidence level R2 was achieved on Analysette MicroTec plus with R2 = 0.53 for Vah catchment and R2 = 0.21 for Nitra catchment and on Mastersizer 2000 it was 0.69 (Váh) and 0.59 (Nitra)

    Determination of Particle Size Distribution: Comparison of Standard Hydrometer Method and Laser Diffraction Analysis for Use in Forestry

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    Laser diffraction analysis is an alternative to standard sedimentation methods designed to determine particle size distribution. In this article, five samples from the forested part of the floodplain of the Svitava River in the Czech Republic were analyzed. Laser diffraction analysis and sedimentation hydrometer method were performed for each sample. The samples were divided according to soil classification into two groups depending on their classification–group A and group B. The results of laser diffraction analysis and hydrometer method were compared. Correlation relationships between both methods were established, and values were recalculated from laser diffraction analysis to the hydrometer method according to correlation equations. The article is a part of the methodology under preparation, which will include the most common soil types in the Czech Republic. This methodology focuses on the use of laser diffraction for the establishment of structures in forest environments using the regional specific standards for particle size distribution determination

    Biochar application regulating soil inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon content in cropland in the Central Europe: a seven-year field study

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    Abstract Biochar incorporation into soil has shown potential, in enhancing nitrogen fertilizer (N-fertilizer) efficacy and soil organic carbon content (SOC). This study addresses a critical gap in the literature by investigating the effects of biochar addition over a seven-year period (2014–2020) on inorganic N, SOC, and pH in Haplic Luvisol. The research involved a rain-fed field experiment, with a crop rotation comprising spring barley, maize, spring wheat, and pea. Biochar, applied at the rates of 0, 10, and 20 t ha−1 in 2014, was reapplied to specific plots in 2018. Biochar was also combined with N-fertilizer at three level (N0, N1, and N2). Results showed a significant interactive influence of biochar and N-fertilizer combination on NO3 − and NH4 + contents. Intriguingly, the addition of 10 t biochar ha−1 consistently decreased soil inorganic N levels across most of the examined months. Increasing biochar application rates led to a significant rise in pH, establishing a clear, negative correlation between soil pH and inorganic N content. Biochar significantly increased SOC compared to the control, particularly after the reapplication in 2018. However, this effect showed a diminishing trend over time. The study suggests that incorporating biochar treatments may enhance N-fertilizer effectiveness. However, the long-term implications of biochar application with N-fertilizer on N mineralization are specific to individual soil and biochar combinations. Except the application of 20 t ha−1 biochar at N2 in 2019, biochar did not affect the crop yields. Studied soil properties, including those influenced by biochar had nuanced impact on different aspects of crop yield. Graphical Abstrac

    Potential Application of Biochar Depends Mainly on Its Profits for Farmers: Case Study in Slovakia

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    Current biochar application in the global agronomic practice focuses firstly on economic profits. In this paper, we would like to draw attention to our results and experience from the economic assessment of the agronomic effect of applied biochar through the generated crop yields. The results come from a field experiment (locality Dolná Malanta, Slovakia, silt loam Haplic Luvisol – the most intensively used soil in the Slovak Republic for agricultural purposes), where a biochar experiment was established in 2014. Based on our data, it is evident that both the application of biochar and its application in combination with N-fertilisation in field conditions at current realization prices of commodities in individual years and high input costs are still unprofitable. However, we emphasize that from an economic point of view of the stand ard agronomic practice