11 research outputs found

    Hasil Tanaman Stroberi (Fragaria ananassa Duschesne) pada Konsentrasi dan Lama Perendaman Kolkhisin

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi dan lama perendaman kolkhisin terhadap hasil tanaman stroberi (Fragaria ananassa). Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 26 Maret sampai 13 Juli 2022 di Desa Kenalan, Kecamatan Pakis, Kabupaten Magelang pada ketinggian tempat 1.502 m dpl. Penelitian menggunakan percobaan faktorial (4 x 3) yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan tia ulangan sebagai blok. Faktor pertama konsentrasi kolkhisin yaitu 0, 0,05, 0,10 dan 0,15 %. Faktor kedua lama perendaman kolkhisin yaitu 24, 36 dan 48 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi kolkhisin menghasilkan berat per buah tertinggi (0,04%), lingkar buah terbesar (0,05%) dan berat buah per tanaman tertinggi (0,07%). Lama perendaman kolkhisin memberikan hasil yang sama pada umur berbunga, jumlah bunga, umur berbuah, jumlah buah, berat per buah, berat buah per tanaman dan lingkar buah. Konsentrasi 0,05% dan lama perendaman 36 jam kolkhisin menghasilkan berat per buah dan berat buah per tanaman tertinggi. Konsentrasi 0,06% dan lama perendaman kolkhisin 36 jam menghasilkan lingkar buah terbesar


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    Utilization of home yards for plant cultivation is an alternative in maintaining family food security. Even a narrow yard of land can be used for plant cultivation. One of the cultivation techniques that are not expensive, easy to maintain and can also take advantage of a narrow area such as a house yard is hydroponics, which can also use fishponds for making floating raft hydroponics. Empowerment of women is important to support the success of this activity. In the village of Gunungpring, the women in the village that have been formed do not yet have optimal performance, especially in the use of their home yards for hydroponic vegetable cultivation. Therefore, this service activity was carried out to optimize the performance of women in the village of Gunungpring in cultivating with the floating raft hydroponic technique. With the empowerment of women, especially the women who are members of the Dasa Wisma, it is hoped that hydroponic plant cultivation activities with floating raft systems can develop. The resulting product in the form of hydroponic vegetables can be consumed alone or sold to tourists/pilgrims who visit the village. The method used to achieve this goal is to provide counseling, training, making hydroponic samples/demonstrations of floating raft vegetable plants carried out on one member of the Dasa Wisma, and aiding in hydroponic vegetable cultivation. The enthusiasm of partners in this activity was very high from the beginning to the end of the training, even now partners are continuing their activities by planting hydroponic vegetables on a floating raft system on their yards or in their own fishponds. This activity is expected to be sustainable so that it can fulfill/increase the nutritional value of the community, increase community income, and support the realization of Gunungpring Village into a tourist village


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    This research entitled Maintaining Growth of Cassava Leaves (Manihot esculenta Cranzt) through Mulching, Types of Cultivars, and Buds Cutting Intervals. The experiment was carried out in Balesari Village, Windusari District, Magelang Regency within six months. The aim is to study the growth patterns of cassava leaf shoots and to collect factual practice about the cultivation of cassava leaf which was not yet widely available. A faktorial experiment (2x2x3) which was repeated three times in a completely randomized design. This experiment tested the use of black silver plastic mulch, two cassava Rengganis cultivars, and Indung, with three levels of bud cutting intervals 45, 50 and 55 days after planting. Each treatment was repplicated three times. The results of this experiment indicate that the growth of shoots, namely the weight and length of buds formed is strongly influenced by the type of mulch, cultivar and shoot cutting intervals. Shoot shoots that grow with plastic mulch are better and shoot cutting intervals can also improve shoot shoots. While shoot lengths that grow on Rengganis cultivars are longer than Indung cultivars, there are interactions betweenplastic mulch, cultivars and cutting interval


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    The need of empon-empon plants increases also with the public awareness of health and the usage of herbal ingredients as remedies. The type of plant empon-empon in Indonesia is various and each of them has certain purpose which can be used as herbal medicine / traditional herbal medicine. Empon-empon plants can be planted monoculture on open land or planted with tumpangsari method under annual crops / agroforestry. This research is aimed to find out the existing empon-empon plant, to understand the way of cultivating empon-empon and to motivate farmers plant the empon-empon based on Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), so they can produce high quality of empon-empon, in order to be accepted in the herbal medicine industry. The research was conducted by descriptive method by inventorying, identifying and reviewing some of the existing empon-empon plants. Observations were made on 25 farmer samples divided into 5 villages. The results showed that the majority of Balesari villagers know and have empon-empon plants, such as ginger, turmeric ,and galangal which is grown in the moor without maintenance based on GAP. There has been no processing of empon-empon crops until now, so a training on empon-empon plant processing is required in order to increase the farmer income


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    Research of Optimizing Natural Growth Regulatory on Red Onion Extract (Allium cepa fa. Ascalonicum) as a Growth Root of Tin Crop Fruit Cultivation (Ficus carica) was a study which aims to utilize red onion extract as a trigger of root growth in the multiplication of tin fruit plants through stem cuttings. Utilization of onion extract in various concentrations were 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%. This study used the method of Randomized Complete Random Design (RAL) with the analysis of orthogonal polynomial quantitative data from 25 plant samples. The results showed that all treatments had an effect on the number and length of root of tin plant. The 1% concentration provides optimum results against the observed parameters compared to control and other treatments. Achievement of longest root long optimum point was at concentration 1.14% while the optimum root number was at concentration 1.07%


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    Penelitian tentang pengaruh frekuensi penyiangan dan macam pupuk kandang terhadap hasil tanaman gandum (Triticum aestivum L) varietas dewata 162 telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8 Juli sampai 19 Oktober 2020. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Grogolbeningsari, Kecamatan Petanahan, Kabupaten Kebumen, ketinggian tempat 10 m dpl, jenis tanah aluvial dengan pH 6. Penelitian menggunakan percobaan faktorial (4x3) yang disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok lengkap, diulang tiga kali sebagai blok. Faktor pertama, frekuensi penyiangan yaitu tanpa penyiangan, penyiangan 2 kali (umur 22 dan 44 hst), penyiangan 4 kali (umur 11, 22, 33 dan 44 hst), dan penyiangan 6 kali (umur 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 dan 42 hst). Faktor kedua yaitu macam pupuk kandang; pupuk kandang sapi, pupuk kandang kambing dan pupuk kandang ayam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi penyiangan sebanyak 6 kali memberikan hasil tertinggi pada panjang malai dan tidak berbeda dengan penyiangan sebanyak 4 kali. Perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam menunjukkan hasil tertinggi pada bobot biji kering per m2, tetapi pada bobot biji kering per rumpun dan bobot 1.000 biji kering menunjukkan hasil yang tidak berbeda dengan perlakuan pupuk kandang sapi. Tidak terjadi interaksi antara frekuensi penyiangan dengan macam pupuk kandang pada semua parameter pengamatan

    Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum, L) Dewata 162 Variety at Various Planting Distances and ZnSO 4 Fertilizer Doses

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    Research on the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) Dewata 162 variety at various planting distances and doses of ZnSO4 fertilizer was carried out from November 23, 2021 to February 24, 2022. The research was conducted in Wirosari village, Patean District, Kendal Regency with an altitude of 530 m above sea level and the type of soil is latosol. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of planting distances and dose of ZnSO4 fertilizer on wheat crop yields. The study used a factorial design (4 x 3) which was arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design (RCBF) with two factors and was repeated three times as blocks. The first factor, the planting distances is 10 cm x 10 cm, 15 cm x 10 cm, 20 cm x 10 cm, and 25 cm x 10 cm. The second factor is the dose of ZnSO4 fertilizer consisting of doses of  0 kg/ha, 25 kg/ha and 50 kg/ha. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance  and mean were separated by LSD and the Orthogonal polynomial test for the second factor. The results showed that the difference in spacing did not affect panicle length, number of seeds per panicle, number of filled seeds per panicle, dry seed weight per clump, dry seed weight per m2, and 1,000 dry seed weight, but the spacing was 25 cm x 10 cm gave the highest yield on the number of tillers and the number of panicles per clump. The application of ZnSO4 fertilizer had no effect on the number of tillers, panicle length, number of panicles per clump, number of seeds per panicle, number of filled seeds per panicle, dry seed weight per clump, dry seed weight per m2, and 1000 dry seed weight. There was no interaction between plant spacing treatment and ZnSO4 fertilizer dose on all parameters. Keywords:   dose, planting distances, varieties of Dewata 162, wheat, ZnSO4 fertilizer


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of concentration of petung bamboo vinegar, kinds of varieties, and the interaction of both on the growth of shrub pepper cuttings. The study used a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three blocks. The first factor is the concentration of petung bamboo vinegar (Dendrocalamus asper) consisting of 0 ppm, 1.000 ppm, 2.000 ppm, 3.000 ppm, 4.000 ppm, 5.000 ppm, and 1.000 ppm Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) as a synthetic growth regulator. The second factor is kinds of varieties: Natar-1 and Ciinten. The results showed that the use of petung bamboo vinegar for 5.000 ppm produces the highest number of leaves, fresh weight of shoots, and dry weight of shoots on Ciinten variety, while the Natar-1 variety with concentration of petung bamboo vinegar for 3.000 ppm obtained the highest fresh weight of shoots and dry weight of shoots. Ciinten variety obtained the highest results on shoot height, number of leaves, longest root length, number of roots, fresh weigh of shoots, dry weight of shoots, fresh weight of roots, and dry weight of roots. The interaction between the concentration of petung bamboo vinegar and kinds of varieties has no significant on all observed parameters. The use of petung bamboo vinegar at 3.000 ppm for Natar-1 and 5.000 ppm for Ciinten can replace the role of IAA growth regulator at concentrations of 1.000 ppm. Keywords: Dendrocalamus asper, bamboo vinegar concentration, Piper nigrum L., shrubs pepper cuttings, varieties

    Kajian Pertumbuhan Ubi Kayu (Manihot utillisima) Pada Komposisi Berbagai Pupuk Cair

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pertumbuhan stek dilihat dari komposisi pupuk cair terutama kandungan hara kalium, kandungan non hara berupa zat pengatur tumbuh dan mikro organisme. Unsur kalium sangat penting terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman dari awal sampai panen, terutama untuk pertumbuhan stek dan tanaman penghasil karbohidrat. Unsur kalium akan mempengaruhi penyerapan unsur hara nitrogen dan fospor. Tiga unsur ini merupakan faktor pembatas pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian disusun secara non faktorial menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) dengan lima ulangan. Satu faktor perlakuan,berupa lima macam pupuk cair yang sudah dan akan beredar di pasaran yaitu  AB mix, Nasa, Jimmi Hantu, Super kebon, limbah Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH) dan satu perlakuan tanpa pupuk sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa pemberian pupuk organik cair berbahan baku limbah sapi potong dari RPH paling banyak menumbuhkan akar pada stek ubi kayu, panjang akar terpanjang ,serta berat brangkasan tajuk dan brangkasan akar tertinggi baik basah maupun kering. Sedangkan  kadar kalium pada daun ,jumlah klorofil dan laju fotosintesa tidak berbeda nyata untuk semua jenis pupuk yang digunakan. Indeks luas daun tertinggi diperoleh pada penggunaan pupuk cair AB mix

    Effects of the phytoestrogen genistein on the development of the reproductive system of Sprague Dawley rats

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    OBJECTIVES: Genistein is known to influence reproductive system development through its binding affinity for estrogen receptors. The present study aimed to further explore the effect of Genistein on the development of the reproductive system of experimental rats. METHODS: Eighteen post-weaning female Sprague Dawley rats were divided into the following groups: (i) a control group that received vehicle (distilled water and Tween 80); (ii) a group treated with 10 mg/kg body weight (BW) of Genistein (Gen 10); and (iii) a group treated with a higher dose of Genistein (Gen 100). The rats were treated daily for three weeks from postnatal day 22 (P22) to P42. After the animals were sacrificed, blood samples were collected, and the uteri and ovaries were harvested and subjected to light microscopy and immunohistochemical study. RESULTS: A reduction of the mean weekly BW gain and organ weights (uteri and ovaries) were observed in the Gen 10 group compared to the control group; these findings were reversed in the Gen 100 group. Follicle stimulating hormone and estrogen levels were increased in the Gen 10 group and reduced in the Gen 100 group. Luteinizing hormone was reduced in both groups of Genistein-treated animals, and there was a significant difference between the Gen 10 and control groups (p<0.05). These findings were consistent with increased atretic follicular count, a decreased number of corpus luteum and down-regulation of estrogen receptors-a in the uterine tissues of the Genistein-treated animals compared to the control animals. CONCLUSION: Post-weaning exposure to Genistein could affect the development of the reproductive system of ovarian-intact experimental rats because of its action on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis by regulating hormones and estrogen receptors