287 research outputs found

    Finite frequency noise in chiral Luttinger liquid coupled to phonons

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    We study transport between Quantum Hall (QH) edge states at filling factor ν=1\nu = 1 in the presence of electron-acoustic-phonon coupling. Performing a Bogoliubov-Valatin (BV) trasformation the low-energy spectrum of interacting electron-phonon system is presented. The electron-phonon interaction splits the spectrum into charged and neutral "downstream" and neutral "upstream" modes with different velocities. In the regimes of dc and periodic ac biases the tunelling current and non-equilibrium finite frequency non-symmetrized noise are calculated perturbatively in tunneling coupling of quantum point contact (QPC). We show that the presence of electron-phonon interaction strongly modifies noise and current relations compared to free-fermion case

    Optimization of multicore optical fibers with fiber Bragg gratings towards bend and shape sensing

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    A shape sensor based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in multicore fibers is a complex device with multiple factors which have to be accounted for a successful measure- ment system. In this dissertation, I considered several aspects of such shape and curvature sensors


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    The article deals with the issues on the history of formation of publishing houses in Karakalpakstan at the first half of the XX century. The first typographic equipment in the region appeared at the end of the 19th century. During the Soviet period publication policy became an important part of the Soviet policy. The government financed this branch totally and provided the edition of book production includingthe books in the karakalpak language. In the 1930s the system of publishing industry which is completely controlled by the Centre was created in Karakalpakstan.The article deals with the issues on the history of formation of publishing houses in Karakalpakstan at the first half of the XX century. The first typographic equipment in the region appeared at the end of the 19th century. During the Soviet period publication policy became an important part of the Soviet policy. The government financed this branch totally and provided the edition of book production includingthe books in the karakalpak language. In the 1930s the system of publishing industry which is completely controlled by the Centre was created in Karakalpakstan

    Восполнение дефицита кожного покрова после субтотальной апоневрэктомии при контрактуре Дюпюитрена тяжелой степени: обзор литературы

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    One of the significant problems of surgical treatment of Dupuytrens contracture is skin deficiency after subtotal aponeurectomy. There are many options for skin grafting after subtotal aponeurectomy. However, there is no consensus on surgical approach to an altered palmar aponeurosis and on the choice of method for replacing soft tissue defects, taking into account the severity of the disease and the number of rays involved in the pathological process. The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of skin plasty methods after subtotal aponeurectomy in patients with Dupuytrens contracture stages III-IV. The review analyzes various treatment tactics, including preliminary distraction elimination of contracture in the external fixation devices followed by aponeurectomy, as well as various methods of skin plasty methods formed after excision of altered areas of palmar aponeurosis and elimination of contracture. In the early stages of the disease, Z- and V-Y plasty are sufficient. In patients with severe degree of the disease, more complex techniques have to be used due to large skin defects that cannot be covered with local tissues. Each of the proposed methods of surgical treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. An analysis of the literature has shown that the most common method of soft tissue plasty after aponeurectomy is Z-plasty. However, as the severity of the disease increases, its effectiveness decreases. To date, there is no consensus regarding surgical approach to an altered palmar aponeurosis and the choice of technique for soft tissue plasty in the Dupuytrens contracture stages IIIIV.Одной из существенных проблем хирургического лечения контрактуры Дюпюитрена является дефицит кожного покрова при ушивании раны после субтотальной апоневрэктомии. Существует множество вариантов пластики кожи, однако нет единого мнения о доступе к измененному ладонному апоневрозу и о выборе способа замещения дефектов мягких тканей с учетом тяжести заболевания и количества лучей, вовлеченных в патологический процесс. Целью обзора является сравнительный анализ методов пластического восполнения дефицита кожи после субтотальной апоневрэктомии у пациентов с IIIIV степенью заболевания. В обзоре анализируются различные тактики лечения, включая предварительное дистракционное устранение контрактуры в аппарате внешней фиксации с последующей апоневрэктомией, а также различные способы пластического замещения дефектов кожи, образующихся после иссечения измененных участков ладонного апоневроза и устранения контрактуры. На ранних стадиях заболевания достаточно Z- и V-Y-пластики. У пациентов с тяжелой степенью заболевания приходится использовать более сложные методики из-за больших дефектов кожи, которые невозможно укрыть местными тканями. Каждый из предлагаемых способов хирургического лечения имеет свои преимущества и недостатки. Анализ литературы показал, что самой распространенной методикой восполнения дефицита мягких тканей после апоневрэктомии является Z-пластика. Однако по мере увеличения степени тяжести заболевания ее эффективность снижается

    Information Security in the National Security System in the Modern Age

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    The article is devoted to the legal analysis of information security as an important regulatory institution in the modern digital age. Relevance of the study is that information and its sources, as well as the means of its protection are, without a doubt, the most important tool for influencing political, economic, socio-legal and other processes in the globalized world today. Of course, in light of the recent events, information security is also one of the key elements of the national security of any state.It is emphasized separately that ensuring information security in the national security system of the state at the present stage of development of this institution is a guarantee that the activities of state structures in this area will be the most effective and systematic. The objective of the work is to conduct a scientific, legal and regulatory analysis of such important categories that form the institution of information security such as: information, security, as well as formulating the author's definitions under study.The methodological basis of the work is the following methods: synthesis, induction, deduction, as well as a number of special methods of scientific knowledge: historical, linguistic, comparative legal, formal legal.Finally, a number of conclusions are formulated and the author's definitions of the studied scientific and legal categories are given

    Трансформация общественного сознания как долгосрочная причина революции

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    Вивчення питань революції становлять безсумнівний науковий інтерес у контексті зміни суспільної свідомості і її впливу на швидкість соціальних процесів. Проведений порівняльний аналіз зарубіжних і вітчизняних соціологічних досліджень засвідчив, що наукові пояснення виникнення й розвитку революції відрізняються достатньою варіативністю. У дослідженні подано класифікацію найбільш визнаних теорій революції, складену за схожими причинами їх виникнення. Особливу увагу приділено біхеоверистським концепціям, у яких вивчаються питання масової психології й виокремлено умови зміни суспільної свідомості. Доведено, що основною причиною українських революцій є збереження революційної ситуації, викликаної періодичною трансформацією суспільної свідомості. Визначено, що періоди трансформації являють собою повторюваний взаємозв’язок ланок-фаз: «соціальна дезорієнтація – соціальна аномія – соціальний цинізм – соціальне безумство», – які характеризуються звуженням у часі. The study of revolution issues is of undoubted scientific interest in the context of changes in social consciousness and its influence on the speed of social processes. A comparative analysis of foreign and domestic sociological studies has shown that scientific explanations for the emergence and development of a revolution are quite variable, which is due to the personal vision of scientists in identifying factors and ranking the main causes. And, accordingly, depending on the ultimate goal of the research, the meaning of the concept itself acquires a negative or positive meaning. Therefore, in the course of work on this article, we presented a classification of the most recognized theories of revolution, compiled for similar reasons for their occurrence, and grouping was carried out according to similar signs and methods of study. Particular attention is paid to behavioral concepts in which questions of mass psychology are studied, and, accordingly, a set goal, we have highlighted the conditions for a change in social consciousness. The study proved that the main cause of Ukrainian revolutions is the preservation of the revolutionary situation caused by the periodic transformation of the public consciousness. Periods of transformation are a recurring interrelation of links-phases: «social disorientation – social anomie – social cynicism – social madness», each of which is a logical consequence and a continuation of the previous one, and is characterized by a narrowing in time. It should be noted that the article considers only the psychological aspect of the causes of revolutions – for a more detailed analysis it is necessary to consider such factors as the development of the state, which depends on the external conjuncture, the economic, political, military and cultural components