12 research outputs found

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kayu Putih (Melaleuca Cajuputi Sub SP. Cajuputi) pada Kawasan Hutan Lindung Dusun Malimbu dan Dusun Badung Resort Malimbu Kphl Rinjani Barat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor karakteristik lahan yang mempengaruhi perbedaan pertumbuhan Kayu Putih di Malimbu dan Badung dan menentukan Kelas kesesuaian lahan Kayu Putih di Malimbu dan Badung. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan hutan lindung Dusun Malimbu dan Badung Resort Malimbu KPHL Rinjani Barat. Parameter yang diukur adalah pertumbuhan Kayu Putih meliputi diameter, tinggi dan volume, serta faktor lingkungan meliputi ketinggian tempat, suhu udara, dan sifat fisika tanah (tekstur tanah, kadar air tanah, kedalaman efektif, bulk density, porositas tanah dan suhu tanah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ׃ 1). Rata-rata diameter, tinggi, volume dan jumlah tanaman Kayu Putih umur 22 bulan di Badung sebesar 3,33 cm, 3,29 m, 2355,83 cm3 dan 32 tanaman/plot, sedangkan di Malimbu sebesar 1,43 cm, 1,87 m, 241,85 cm3 dan 22 tanaman/plot; 2). Faktor yang berpengaruh nyata pada taraf toleransi 95% (α = 0,05) terhadap diameter Kayu Putih adalah fraksi pasir, suhu tanah, kedalaman efektif dan ketinggian tempat, sedangkan terhadap tinggi Kayu Putih adalah fraksi pasir, bulk density dan kedalaman efektif; 3). Kesesuaian lahan aktual Kayu Putih di Malimbu tergolong Kelas N1r dengan faktor pembatas media perakaran (drainase tanah), sedangkan di Badung tergolong Kelas S3w dan S3wr dengan faktor pembatas ketersediaan air (bulan kering) dan media perakaran (drainase tanah)

    Effect of oil palm planting materials, rainfall, number of male inflorescence and spikelet on the population abundance of oil palm pollinator, Elaeidobius Kamerunicus faust (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Elaeidobius kamerunicus is the main insect pollinator of oil palm and was first introduced to Malaysia in the year of 1980s. This introduction had increased the oil palm yield production. However, the yield production has obviously declined lately. There are several factors that contributing to the declined and most said is because of the E. kamerunicus population itself. As such, a study to determine the population abundance of E. kamerunicus on different oil palm planting materials was done at Ladang FELDA in Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia from May 2016 to April 2017. A total of nine spikelets, three each from top, middle and bottom section of male inflorescence which were systematically selected prior to data collection, were cut off early in the morning and brought back to Centre for Insect Systematics, UKM for E. kamerunicus counts. The mean population abundance of E. kamerunicus per ha for both oil palm clones and D×P were 20463 ± 3528 and 11079 ± 2135 weevils per ha, respectively. Based on previous studies in Malaysia and elsewhere, the E. kamerunicus populations in this plantation are adequate to pollinate the female inflorescence. Oil palm clones has higher number of spikelet due to uniformity of the plantlets and the number of male inflorescence showed positively correlated with the population abundance of E. kamerunicus per ha, suggesting that these factors were favorable for E. kamerunicus activities. However, further study is needed to determine the relationship between E. kamerunicus population on different oil palm planting materials and the fruit set

    Diversity and composition of beetles (Order: Coleoptera) in three different ages of oil palms in Lekir Oil Palm Plantation, Perak, Malaysia

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    The diversity and composition of beetles from oil palm plantation in Ladang Lekir, Perak, Malaysia were collected each month using Malaise trap, yellow pan and window traps from three different sites on the basis of their oil palm aged i.e. five (Plot 1), seven (Plot 2) and 12 (Plot 3) years old from November 2015 to October 2016. From 3862 individuals, 110 species and 83 morphospecies from 40 families and 59 subfamilies were successfully collected. From all samples recorded, the five years old oil palm showed the highest Shannon Diversity Index (H' = 3.42), Peilou Equality Index (E' = 0.23) and Margalef Richness Index (R’= 17.33) with species accumulation curve near to asymptote. The most abundant species recorded from the three sites was Elaeidobius kamerunicus with 940 individuals (relative abundance, RA = 24%). Plot 1 had the highest beetle species with 132 individuals (68.4%), while Plot 2 was the lowest with 85 individuals (44%). The t-test analysis showed that there was no significant difference in term of the diversity index (H’) between Plot 3 and Plot 2 (p-value=0.092), while there were significant differences between these two plots (Plot 2 and Plot 3) with Plot 1 (p-value= 0.47 and 0.046). This study would provide basic information for future research in sustainable oil palm plantations management in Malaysia

    Design of power stage and controller for DC-DC converter systems using PSPICE

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    4 complete set of SPICEcompatible design equations for design buck converter system is developed in this paper. In this approach, the power stage and controller design equations are programmed in PSPICE. For this purpose, an option available in PSPICE called Analog Behavioral Modeling (ABM)is used. In this manner, the parameter of power stage and the component values of the error amplifier can be easily obtained by means of PSPICE bias point analysis. The obtained parameters can be passed to other circuit models to perform frequency response and transient analysis. The methodology of development is presented in details. A design example is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in designing DC-DC converter systems

    Keragaman Vegetasi Berdasarkan Tipe Pengelolaan Lahan pada Hutan Produksi di Desa Banyu Urip Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

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    Keanekaragaman vegetasi pada suatu kawasan hutan relatif berbeda-beda tergantung status kawasan hutan dan juga aktivitas manusia dalam rangka memenuhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman vegetasi berdasarkan tipe pengelolaan di hutan produksi di Desa Banyu Urip Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara stratified random sampling. Jumlah titik sampel sebanyak 22 titik, yaitu 15 titik pada lahan tertutup (didominasi tanaman MPTS dan tanaman berkayu) dan 7 titik pada lahan terbuka (didominasi tanaman semusim). Pengumpulan data vegetasi meliputi tingkat pohon, tiang, pancang dan semai dilakukan dengan pembuatan plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total jenis vegetasi pada seluruh plot sebanyak 15 jenis vegetasi, dimana pada lahan tertutup ditemukan 12 jenis sedangkan pada lahan lahan terbuka ditemukan 8 jenis. Pada lahan tertutup, INP tertinggi untuk tingkat semai, tiang dan pohon terdapat pada jenis mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni). Sementara untuk tingkat pancang yaitu jati (Tectona grandis). Pada lahan terbuka, INP tertinggi untuk tingkat tiang dan pohon terdapat pada jenis mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni), sementara untuk tingkat semai dan pancang tidak ditemukan vegetasi. Indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener pada lahan tertutup untuk tingkat pancang, tiang, dan pohon masuk dalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang, sementara untuk tingkat semai indeks keanekaragaman masuk dalam kategori rendah. Pada lahan terbuka indeks keanekaragaman untuk tingkat tiang dan pohon masuk dalam kategori sedang

    Tilapia wastes to valuable materials: A brief review of biomedical, wastewater treatment, and biofuel applications

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    Scale, skin, internal organs, viscera, trimmings, bone, tails, and fins are common fish wastes that are dif�ficult to dispose of. Discarded fish wastes have become a global environmental concern. The conversion of fish waste into valuable materials, on the other hand, is currently in high demand around the world. In over 120 countries, there are numerous tilapia species available on the market. However, because of its low commercial value, tilapia wastes are discarded. This brief review summarises recent works on tilapia wastes utilisation in three areas: biomedical applications such as wound dressing treatment, synthesis of hydroxyapatite and gelatin extraction, wastewater treatment, and biofuel. The recovery of valuable mate�rials from tilapia biowaste helps to reduce the environmental problems caused by discarded tilapia waste

    Adolescent to Adolescent Transformation Program- Nurturing, Enhancing and Promoting Adolescents' Healthy Habit (ATAP-NEPAH): Curbing Social Problems Among Adolescents in Kelantan Through Peer-To-Peer Health Education

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    The objectives of ATAP-NEPAH are to enhance and nurture healthy habits among adolescents as well as to empower adolescents in inculcating these healthy habits among them. Health education through peer-to-peer approach is used to instill the knowledge on important areas such as sexual and reproductive health, smoking, substance abuse, illegal street racing (rempit) and mental health. Specific modules were developed by experts (lecturers) in multidisciplinary fields in collaboration with Malaysian Association for Adolescent Health (MAAH), National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan (REHAK) and Rhaudatus Sakinah Kelantan. The trained Medical Students Facilitator Team (MSFT) of USM became trainers to secondary one school students. The selected school students were trained by the medical students to become peer educators to their juniors and peers. There was improvement in the readiness level of peer educators, knowledge and attitude towards healthy habits and risky behaviors of other school students after the intervention

    A comprehensive review of barriers to a functional Zakat system in Nigeria: what needs to be done?

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    Purpose: Muslims in Nigeria, like in many Muslim-majority countries, are striving to have a functional Zakat system in search of solutions to the perennial problem of poverty and its damning consequences. Nevertheless, there are still unsettled concerns arising from the current and widespread implementation of dissimilar (diverse) approaches to the Zakat system in various parts of the country. The purpose of this paper is to review comprehensively what are the hindrances of a vibrant Zakat system and how far the identified impediments may affect the system in the Nigerian context.Design/methodology/approach:The methodology adopted is the review of extant relevant literature in the field of scholarly publications.Findings: The findings of this study revealed that the fragmented implementation of the Zakat system within the context of the Nigerian democratic system of government lead to the weak governance with respect to law, administration and management; lack of a generally accepted fatwa from the Muslims scholars (Ulamas); absence of Zakat accounting standard; and low compliance behavior are the major barriers that require the attention of government and other stakeholders such as the traditional leaders, the accounting regulatory bodies, the Ulamas, as well as the economic and accounting researchers.Practical implications: It was recommended that the stakeholders should make concerted efforts toward ensuring success of the Zakat system for attaining salvation in the hereafter and for social security, as well as economic prosperity. Originality/value: The paper is the first paper that comprehensively reviews previous literature in the Zakat environment on factors that become barriers to implement a comprehensive Zakat system in Nigeria