109 research outputs found

    Perceived Social Support, Perceived Stress as Correlates of Stress Symptomatology among University Students

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    The study sought to correlate Perceived Social Support and Perceived Stress with Stress symptomatology. 160 undergraduate students of drawn from a privately owned Nigerian university participated in the study. The participants ranged between 14 and 19 years in age (=16.26, SD = 1.68). The hypotheses were that significant correlations would be found between perceived stress and stress symptomatology, and between perceived social support and stress symptomatology. Perceived social support was measured using the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet & Farley, 1988), perceived stress with Cohen Perceived Stress Scale, and stress symptomology with the SCL-90. Significant correlations (r = -.13, ρ< .05) was found between Perceived Social Support (PSS) and Stress symptomatology, and between Perceived Stress and Stress symptomatology (r = .39, p<.000). Males evinced a significantly higher mean stress compared to females. The findings are consistent with those of earlier studies that found negative associations between perceived social support and stress, as well as with the cognitive theory that perception of threat is actually related to the experience of threat. Key Words: stress symptomatology, perceived social support, perceived stress, cognitive, University students

    Generation of Genome-Edited Chicken Through Targeting of Primordial Germ Cells

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    Serological Survey of Dengue Virus Immunoglobulin M Among Febrile Patients in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The purposes of this research were to determine the prevalence of dengue virus in the study population, to determine the relationship between the occurrence of dengue virus IgM and potential risk factors and to determine the association between the occurrence of dengue virus and some symptoms. In this study, blood specimen were collected from 340 subjects with febrile complaints attending hospitals in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria and who gave their consent to participate. Serological determination of dengue virus IgM was carried out using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technique. Structured questionnaires were also administered to obtain data on demographic, risk factors,  and symptoms of illness. A total of 6 subjects were positive for dengue virus IgM giving a prevalence of 1.8%. There was no statistically significant association between the occurrence of dengue virus IgM and potential risk factors, demographic factors and symptoms of the illness. The occurrence of dengue virus in the study population was confirmed

    Productivity of Maize Varieties intercropped with Cassava in Lafia and Makurdi Locations, Southern Guinea Savanna, Nigeria

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    Two experiments were conducted from 2015 to 2016 at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi [Latitude 07º 45\u27 - 07º 50\u27 N, Longtitude 08º 45\u27- 08º 50\u27 E, elevation 98 m] in Benue State and the Research and Teaching Farm of the College of Agriculture, Lafia (Latitude 08.33N and Longitude 08.32E) in Nasarawa State, all located in Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. The experiments sought to determine the performance of maize varieties when intercropped with cassava.The experiment was laid out as split-plot in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The main plot treatment comprised of two cropping systems [sole cropping (maize, cassava) and row intercropping (maize + cassava)] while the sub-plot treatment was 3 maize varieties [Quality Protein Maize (QPM), Suwan 1-1 and the Local]. Each sub plot consisted of 5 ridges spaced 1m apart and 4m long and the net plot was the three middle ridges, 3m long. Intercropping severely depressed plant height at harvest, leaf area index at harvest, cob circumference, cob length, number of rows per cob, number of seeds per row, cob weight, grain yield and 100-ssed weight in Lafi and Makurdi. The highest grain yield of maize was produced when QPM was planted as a sole crop in Lafia (2.95t/ha) and Makurdi (2.99t/ha). However, values obtained from LEC and LER showed intercrop advantage. Similarly, intercropping decreased the growth and yield (plant height at harvest, root circumference, root length, number of marketable roots per plant, number of unmarketable roots per plant and root weight) of cassava in both locations. Intercropping cassava with Local maize produced the highest root weight in Lafia (8.50t/ha) and Makurdi (9.02t/ha) among the treatments intercropped. All LER and LEC values were above 1.0 and 0.25 respectively in both locations. Values obtained for competitive ratio showed that maize was mnore competitive than cassava probably due to its height advantage

    Investigating the Effect of Varying Tubing Air Concentration during the Descaling of Petroleum Production Tubing using Multiple High-Pressure Nozzles

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    Despite the continued research effort on erosion behaviour of multiple flat fan nozzles in removing different types of scale deposits from petroleum production tubing, effect of chamber air concentration and nozzles configuration is yet to be given detail consideration. This study, therefore, considers the utilization of multiple high-pressure sprays at different chamber air concentration to enhance the rate of scale removal from petroleum production tubing. Additionally, options of altering chamber air/water ratio and header configurations for more effective scale removal were explored. So also, the relationship of nozzle header arrangement towards the removal of paraffin of different stages of deposition in petroleum production tubing have been studied. Consequently, theselection of chamber air concentration and header configuration (nozzles arrangement) for effective scale removal was found to be governed by the shape and type of the scale deposit. More so, the descaling capacity increases with decrease in number of nozzlesdue to pressure drop effect irrespective of the type or shape of the scale deposit. This novel descaling experiment of utilising 10 MPa injection pressure from 25 mm jetting position averagely removes hollow paraffin deposits that ranges from 44 to 280 g and 34 to 89g of solid shaped paraffin as a result of altering nozzles configuration. Correspondingly, an average removal difference ranging from 48 to 270 g of hollow shaped and 35 to 218 g of solid shaped paraffin depositwas recorded as a result of compressing the chamber pressure by 0.2 MPa and subsequently suctioning it by -0.008 MPa respectively

    Investigating the Impact of Non-Hydrodynamically Connected Descaling Parameters in the Removal of Different Stages of Paraffin Deposits Using Multiple Nozzles in Petroleum Production Tubing

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    Despite the continued research efforts in understanding the erosional behaviors of multiple flat fan nozzles in the removal of different types of scale deposits from petroleum production tubing. The non-hydrodynamically connected descaling parameters such as stand-off distance, nozzle arrangement and chamber pressure have not been duly considered up to date. This research utilizes 3-flat fan high-pressure nozzles at a high injection pressure of 10 MPa to remove paraffin deposits at different growth stages from petroleum production tubing to evaluate the effects of the descaling parameters on scale removal. A stand-off distance of 25 mm, 50 mm and 75 mm; nozzle arrangement in novel orientations (triangle, diagonal &amp; right-angle) involving 7-nozzles header and chamber pressures (in compression – 0.2 MPa and vacuum -8.0 x10-3 MPa) were utilized as the varying non-hydrodynamically connected parameters. Generally, the selection of both nozzle arrangement and chamber air concentration was found to be governed by the type and shape of the deposit in question while the scale removal capability was found to be reduced with an increase in stand-off distance due to poor jet contact. An average hollow shaped paraffin removal of 276 g, 259 g and 226 g were recorded at ambient condition across the respective stand-off distance of the three respective nozzles arrangements. While the introduction of 0.2 MPa compressed air significantly increased the respective removal of the early stage paraffin deposition to 342 g, 299 g and 277 g respectively. Also, more hollow shaped removal improvement of 366 g, 320 g and 288 g were achieved after suctioning the chamber by -0.008 MPa, while simultaneously pumping water at 10 MPa. The case of solid shaped paraffin signifying complete tubing blockage was not effective at ambient condition, with average paraffin removal of 99 g, 126 g and 112 g respectively. However, the introduction of compressed chamber air registered the best solid paraffin removal results of 235 g, 286 g and 256 g respectively. Whereas the suction operation recorded an average removal of 229 g, 270 g and 250 g of paraffin across the respective jet positions and nozzle configurations. This result provides a practical approach to the removal of organic scales deposits at varying descaling conditions of injection pressure, standoff distance and nozzle arrangement

    Influence of Maize Varieties and Date of Planting Cowpea into Maize/Cowpea Intercropping System in Makurdi, Southern Guinea Savannah, Nigeria

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    نتائج مسابقة عام في عام 2015 م - جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز - كلية الزراعة - جامعة بيرزيت. كانت تجرب عبارة عن قطعة 2 * 2 × 3 مجزأة بتقسيم الانجليزيه ويشكل نظام المحاصيل (وحيد ومتداخل) المؤامرة الرئيسية ، ويقدر الذرة الشامية (ACR 89 DMESR-W و AK 94 DMESR-Y) الذرة) جزء المؤامرة الفرعية. النتائج تم تم تم تم قيم تم قيم تم قيم تم قيم تم قيم تم قيم تم قيم تم قيم تمتأثرت كل من الذرة العجيبة (نسبة 50 ٪ من نضج القرون) بشكل كبير بأصناف الذرة. كما تأثر كل أنواع نمو اللوبيا وحروفها (ما عدا 50 ٪ من نضج القرون) تنخفض هذه الأوقات مع 50٪ من الإزهار والأيام إلى 50 ٪ من نضخ القرون والتي تزداد مع تأخير وقت الغرس. أشكال العرض والعضلات ذات الصلة. كان فارايتي AK 94 DMESR-Y مختلفًا بشكل كبير عن مجموعة ACR 89 DMESR-W. تنخفض هذه الأوقات مع 50٪ من الإزهار والأيام إلى 50 ٪ من نضخ القرون والتي تزداد مع تأخير وقت الغرس.أشكال العرض والعضلات ذات الصلة. كان فارايتي AK 94 DMESR-Y مختلفًا بشكل كبير عن مجموعة ACR 89 DMESR-W. تنخفض هذه الأوقات مع 50٪ من الإزهار والأيام إلى 50 ٪ من نضخ القرون والتي تزداد مع تأخير وقت الغرس. أشكال العرض والعضلات ذات الصلة. كان فارايتي AK 94 DMESR-Y مختلفًا بشكل كبير عن مجموعة ACR 89 DMESR-W.تأثرت كل خصائص النمو والعائد (بشكل قريب). LER (1.48 و 1.46) ؛ تم الحصول على LEC (0.52 و 0.49) والنسبة المئوية للأرض المحفوظة عند زراعة اللوبيا في نفس الوقت مع الذرة باستخدام الذرة الشامية ACR 89 DMESR-W التي قبل أعلى مستوى من التوافق بين النظام

    Species specific differences in use of ANP32 proteins by influenza A virus

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    Influenza A viruses (IAV) are subject to species barriers that prevent frequent zoonotic transmission and pandemics. One of these barriers is the poor activity of avian IAV polymerases in human cells. Differences between avian and mammalian ANP32 proteins underlie this host range barrier. Human ANP32A and ANP32B homologues both support function of human-adapted influenza polymerase but do not support efficient activity of avian IAV polymerase which requires avian ANP32A. We show here that the gene currently designated as avian ANP32B is evolutionarily distinct from mammalian ANP32B, and that chicken ANP32B does not support IAV polymerase activity even of human-adapted viruses. Consequently, IAV relies solely on chicken ANP32A to support its replication in chicken cells. Amino acids 129I and 130N, accounted for the inactivity of chicken ANP32B. Transfer of these residues to chicken ANP32A abolished support of IAV polymerase. Understanding ANP32 function will help develop antiviral strategies and aid the design of influenza virus resilient genome edited chickens