5 research outputs found

    Farmers Behavior on Market Product of Magelang (Duck to Induce Creative Economy in Ngadirojo Village, Secang District

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    Magelang ducks are one of Magelang's native germplasm that has not received serious attention from society. Magelang duck products are expected to have portions in societies' protein needs and the economy's value to make additional income. This research aimed to analyze Magelang duck farmers' behavior on marketing Magelang duck products, either the eggs or meat from cast-off ducks, to induce local farmers' creative economy. This research was held in Ngadirojo village, Secang subdistrict, Magelang district, from January to February 2020. Samples used were local farmers selected on purpose or purposive random sampling. They were 30 persons of farmers. The farmers selected were based on the total livestock owned in Ngadirojo. The method used in this research were survey, interview, and direct observation. Variables observed were farmers' behavior on marketing the livestock product, behavior on marketing the processed product of Magelang ducks, behavior on using marketing channel, and price determinations using a questioner observed by Likert scale. The data collected were analyzed using the z-test. The result showed that the level of farmers behavior on marketing the Magelang duck products either on eggs and meat from cast-off ducks were 95%, behavior on marketing the harvests of Magelang duck as a processed product were 0%, and behavior of the selling method and the price determination of Magelang duck were 81.4%. It is expected that the result of this marketing behavior identification can induce the development of the Magelang duck creative economy and provide positive effects on farmer's additional income.Keywords: Behavior, Livestock product, Magelang duck.

    Korelasi Fenotipik Sifat Kuantitatif Itik Magelang di Kabupaten Magelang

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    Itik adalah unggas air yang masuk dalam kelas Aves dan menjadi salah satu unggas yang masuk dalam kategori unggas dwiguna yaitu hewan yang menghasilkan telur dan daging. Jenis itik yang banyak dibudidayakan di dusun Sempu, desa Ngadirojo, kecamatan Secang, kabupaten Magelang adalah jenis Itik Magelang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui korelasi fenotip dari sifat-sifat kuantitatif Itik Magelang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dusun Sempu, Desa Ngadirojo, Kecamatan Secang, Kabupaten Magelang. Total sampel untuk pengamatan sifat kuantitatif adalah 100 ekor itik Magelang yang dipelihara secara semi intensif. Sample yang diambil adalah Itik Magelang yang sudah memasuki fase produksi. Hasil yang didapat dari data tersebut dianalis menggunakan IBM SPSS 23 dengan sistem partial correlations. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa peternak di dusun Sempu menunjukkan jika nilai korelasi antara BB dengan PB dan LD, PB dengan LD menunjukkan hasil yang sangat signifikan (p<0,01) sedangkan korelasi antara PB dengan ST menunjukkan signifikan (p<0,05). Pertambahan bobot badan Itik Magelang sangat berpengaruh juga terhadap panjang badan dan lingkar dada. Semakin bertambahnya bobot badan maka postur tubuh juga akan semakin besar pengaruhnya terhadap bertambahnya panjang badan dan lingkar dada.Kata kunci: fenotipik, itik magelang, korelasi, sifat kuantitatifQuantitative Phenotypic Correlation of Magelang Ducks in Magelang RegencyABSTRACTDucks are waterfowl that belong to the aves class and become one of the poultry which is included in the category of dual-purpose poultry, animals that produce eggs and meat. The type of ducks that are widely cultivated in Sempu Hamlet, Ngadirojo Village, Secang Subdistrict, Magelang Regency was the Magelang duck type. The purpose of this study was to know the phenotypic correlation of the quantitative traits of the duck. This research was conducted in Sempu Hamlet, Ngadirojo Village, Secang subdistrict, Magelang regency. The Total sample for quantitative trait observation was 100 of Magelang's semi-intensive preserved duck-tails. The Sample was the ducks in Magelang that have entered the production phase. The results obtained from the data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 23 with partial correlations. The results of research conducted against several breeders in Sempu Hamlet indicated that if the correlation between BB and PB and LD, PB with LD showed very significant results (p< 0.01) While the correlation between PB and ST showed significant (p< 0.05). The weight gain of Magelang's Duck was also highly affected body length and heart girth. The more body weight gain, the more posture will affect the body weight gain and heart girth.Keywords: correlation, magelang ducks, phenotypic, quantitative trait


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    Duck thigh meat is part of the carcass which has the highest percentage, which is 26.8% carcass. Duck meat has a high fat and protein content, so the meat is easily damaged by microbes. Microorganism contamination in duck meat can reduce the quality of the meat, so it is necessary to handle it to maintain the quality of the meat. One of the natural preservatives that can be used to protect food from spoilage and physical damage is bilimbi fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.). This study aims to determine the best concentration of bilimbi fruit in the organoleptic physical properties of Magelang duck thigh meat. This study used Magelang ducks aged 2-3 months on the thigh and used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments (concentration of starfruit juice 0, 20, 40, 60% v/v) and 5 replications. Observational were analyzed by means of variance (ANOVA) at a 5% significance level, then if there were differences between treatments, further DMRT test was performed. The results showed that the immersion at a concentration of bilimbi fruit of as much as 60% significantly changed the color to ash (2.88) and reduced the scent to a slightly fishy (3.59), taste parameters changed to sour (3.16-3.59) with a concentration of bilimbi fruit 40-60% and had no significant effect on the texture of the Magelang duck thigh meat. This study concluded that soaking 60% starfruit juice for 30 minutes was able to reduce the fishy aroma, make the pale color, and the taste becomes sour, but does not affect the texture of Magelang duck thigh meat

    Pengaruh Penambahan Probiotik Mix Culture Pada Fermentasi Anaerob Kulit Kopi Terhadap Kadungan Serat Kasar, Dan Protein Kasar

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    This research aim to determine the effect of addition probiotic mixculture on the anaerobic fermentation of coffee peel on the content of dry matter, crude fiber, and crude protein. This research conducted by experimentally using a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 repeats. The treatment was P1 (coffee peel + 3% molasses), P2 (coffee peel + 3% molasses + 0.5% Heryaki probiotic), P3 (coffee peel + 3% molasses + 1% Heryaki probiotic), P4 (coffee peel + 3% molasses + 1.5% Heryaki probiotic). The results showed that the addition of probiotic mix culture had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on crude fiber and crude protein. The crude fiber (15.738%-17.714%) and crude protein (10.676%-12.019%). The conclusion of this study was that the addition of mix culture probiotics on anaerobic fermentation of coffee peel did not affect the crude fiber and crude protein content. &nbsp