10 research outputs found


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    Understanding concepts is an important thing in mathematics. One of the characteristics of mathematics is to have objects that are abstract that can cause students have difficulty in understanding a concept. Students will more easily solve their math problems first they can understand the concept.  In addition, understanding the concept of good and true will make students more  easily remember a material taught by the teacher without having to memorize the formula. In the learning process, the use of video learning media solid shape, students cn more easily understand solid shape and will create student interest as well as seeed up the process of understanding when getting things that are abstract and difficult to understand. The purpose of this devotion is to motivate and improve the students' ability in understanding the solid shape. The method used to support the success of this program is in the form of demonstrations. This activity is given to students of class IX SMPN 2 Jayapura.  Keywords: solid shape, cuboid, cube, video, Jayapur

    Penulisan Karya Ilmiah dalam Pengembangan Profesi Guru di SMPN Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura

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    Pelatihan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah merupakan salah satu upaya untuk pengembangan profesi guru di SMPN 2 dan SMPN 7 Sentani. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk (1) membekali  kepada guru dalam hal menyusun karya tulis ilmiah secara benar sesuai dengan pedoman penulisan, (2) membekali guru dalam prosedur publikasi karya tulis ilmiah dalam jurnal, dan (3) membekali guru dalam menganalisis data menggunakan software SPSS. Metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan tersebut adalah dalam bentuk ceramah, tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan latihan / praktek.   Peserta yang telah mengikuti pelatihan nantinya akan mempraktekkan langsung hasil pelatihan yang mereka dapatkan serta membuat karya tulis ilmiah dengan pendampingan dari TIM PKM sehingga peserta dapat membuat karya tulis ilmiah dengan baik.  Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM dirasakan oleh TIM maupun peserta pelatihan sangat memuaskan. Dengan indikator kedatangan peserta dalam setiap pertemuan dan antusias peserta.  Faktor pendukung terlaksananya kegiatan PKM ini adalah ketersediaan sumber daya dari TIM, antusiasme peserta, dukungan kepala sekolah tempat penyelenggaraan, dan dana pendukung dari Kemenristek Dikti.The training of scientific writing is one of the efforts to develop teacher’s professionalism in SMP 2 and SMP 7 Sentani .  This training aims to (1) equip  teachers in writing scientific papers correctly based on the writing guidelines, (2) provide  teachers the procedures of  publishing scientific papers in journals, and (3) help  teachers in analyzing data using SPSS software. The training used method of lecturing, discussing, demonstrating and practicing. After the training, participants practiced writing scientific papers assisted by the PKM Team.  The result of the training found that the participants were satisfied indicated by the their enthusiastic presence in each meeting of the training. Supporting factors of  implementation of this PKM are (1) the availability of resources of the  TEAM, (2) the enthusiasm of the participants, (3) the support of the school principals, and (4) supporting funds from Kemenristek Dikti. &nbsp


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    Some of the problems faced by teachers in Sentani are the ability to write or express ideas in writing in general is still very low. Teachers are generally not used to writing. They lacked understanding of the rules of writing scientific papers and generally had no ideas to write. This is very related to the problem of lack of sources of information in the form of books and journals about education. Teachers have difficulty in searching references / libraries in various sources. As well as teachers experiencing obstacles in terms of sending publications. This service program aims to resolve the above problems through training activities in research methodology and mentoring to publish their work and direct the teacher to the journal to be addressed.  The method used for solutions to problems faced by teachers and to support the success of the program is in the form of lectures, question and answer, demonstrations and practice / writing. Participants who have participated in the training will immediately practice the results of the training they get and make scientific papers with the guidance of the trainers so that participants can make scientific papers well. Keywords: papers, teacher professional development, SMPN Sentani


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    Selama tiga tahun terakhir, untuk dua semester pertama, selalu terdapat mahasiswa Program Studi Statistika  Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB yang tidak sanggup memenuhi persyaratan yang telah ditetapkan.  Karena itu menjadi penting untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan mahasiswa dengan menelusuri latar belakang pendidikan S1 dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa selama S1.  Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa S2 Program Studi Statistika angkatan 1991 - 2002.  Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah Metode Pohon Regresi (Regression Tree). Faktor-faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi keberhasilan mahasiswa adalah jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, usia, pekerjaan, asal  perguruan tinggi S1, program studi S1, nilai mutu rata-rata (NMR) yang dicapai untuk semua mata kuliah selama S1, nilai mutu rata-rata (NMR) untuk semua mata kuliah statistika selama S1, dan nilai mutu rata-rata (NMR) untuk semua mata kuliah matematika selama S1.  Hasil analisis dari ke tiga pohon regresi menunjukkan bahwa jenis pekerjaan, asal perguruan tinggi dan NMR STK S1 adalah peubah yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan mahasiswa S2 Statistika.  Mahasiswa  yang berasal dari perguruan tinggi BHMN lebih unggul dibandingkan mahasiswa yang berasal dari perguruan tinggi Jawa non BHMN dan Luar Jawa.   Kata kunci : NMR, statistika deskriptif, pohon klasifikasi, pohon regres

    Ethnomathematics: Exploration of Geometric Concepts in Traditional Paintings and Carvings of Teluk Ampimoi Kepulauan Yapen, Papua, Indonesia, as a Source of School Mathematics Learning

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    This research explored the mathematical concepts contained in the traditional paintings and carvings of Teluk Ampimoi Kepulauan Yapen, an indigenous district in the Kepulauan Yapen Regency, Papua, Indonesia, that can be used in school mathematics instruction and learning. Ethnographic research with an ethnomathematical research model was used. Data was collected using participant observation and in-depth interview techniques and was analysed using taxonomic, domain, and ethnographic methods. The results showed that the various forms of traditional paintings and carvings of Teluk Ampimoi, Kepulauan Yapen exhibit mathematical concepts in the form of geometry, namely plane geometry and transformation geometry and approximation, namely, measurement. Based on the taxonomic analysis, it was found that the geometric concepts can be integrated with mathematics learning in schools in the field of geometry concerned with the properties, perimeter, and area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. In addition, the geometric transformation contained in the items related to reflection

    Pelatihan Pembelajaran Daring Menggunakan Google Classroom Pada Guru-Guru di Provinsi Papua

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    During the Covid-19 outbreak, the use of online learning presented a challenge for educators in the province of Papua. In Papua Province, 99 participants from 12 districts and cities participated in the training session utilizing Google Classroom. Training activities were carried out online using the zoom meeting application. The purpose of this training is to help and equip teachers to carry out online learning using the google classroom application. Participants were taught how to build classes, make announcements, create discussion forums, upload subject matter, assignments, and exam questions, construct quizzes and exam questions using google forms, and were given a simulation of how to utilize google classroom capabilities. The service's results suggest that users truly require training to advance their knowledge and abilities utilizing online learning tools like google classroom. After attending the training, participants have improved their knowledge and abilities in utilizing google classroom, have improved levels of creativity and expertise to create online courses, and have a high degree of satisfaction. Given that the Covid-19 pandemic is not known to have an end date and that the industrial revolution 4.0 and the industrial revolution 5.0 are both upon us, it is imperative that online learning training for teachers be conducted continually

    Comparison of Student Achievement in Teaching Analytic Geometry of Planes and Space Using GeoGebra and PowerPoint Media at STKIP Abdi Wacana in Semester VI of the Academic Year 2021/2022 in Wamena

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    The research examines the comparison of student learning achievement on the topic of analytic geometry of planes and spaces, which is taught using two different learning media, namely GeoGebra and PowerPoint media. This experimental research used two different experimental classes, each consisting of 14 and 15 students. The research design used is a counterbalance design because even though students' initial knowledge is homogeneous, there are still many other variables that affect the process and learning outcomes, which cannot be controlled and are not homogeneous. The research data used were pre-test and post-test scores for each treatment, which were then processed to obtain normalized gain data. Data processing was carried out using SPSS software and was preceded by an analysis of homogeneity tests and normality tests. Based on the Wilcoxon Signed Test, it is clear that the two learning media are able to improve student learning outcomes. The paired samples test is used to compare the learning outcomes of the two learning models. The results showed that learning using GeoGebra media gave higher learning outcomes compared to using PowerPoint media. The average normalized gain difference between the two media is 0.34


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    Provinsi Jawa Timur memiliki karakeristik wilayah yang berbeda. Perbedaan karakteristik wilayah dapat berupa masalah sosial, ekonomi, budaya, pola asuh, pendidikan, dan lingkungan, sehingga dapat menyebabkan adanya perbedaan kejadian balita gizi buruk antara wilayah satu dengan wilayah lainnya. Penderita gizi buruk dari satu wilayah diduga dipengaruhi oleh wilayah sekitarnya.  Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu  pemodelan statistik dengan memperhitungkan faktor spasial. Metode statistik yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis data dengan memperhitungkan faktor spasial adalah Regresi Terboboti Geografis (RTG). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model kejadian gizi buruk di Provinsi Jawa Timur menggunakan model RTG dengan pembobot kernel adaptif kuadrat ganda dan membandingkan model RTG dengan model regresi linear konvensional.Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari survei sosial ekonomi nasional (SUSENAS) dan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDA) 2010 pada 38 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur.Pendugaan parameter model dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Weighted Least Squares (WLS) yaitu dengan memberikan pembobot  yang berbeda untuk setiap wilayah.  Hasil penelitian diperoleh terdapat  38 model kejadian gizi buruk yang berbeda untuk setiap kab/kota di Jawa Timur.   Model RTG dengan menggunakan pembobot fungsi kernel kuadrat ganda lebih baik digunakan untuk memodelkan kejadian gizi buruk di Jawa Timurdibandingkan dengan regresi linear konvensional berdasarkan kriteria kebaikan model yaitu R-square, Mean Square Error (MSE) dan Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

    Estimation of Percentage on Malnutrition Occurrences in East Java using Geographically Weighted Regression Model

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    The Province of East Java has its own characteristics that differentiate it from any other regions. Dissimilarities in characteristics of a region may encompass issues such as social, economic, cultural, parenting, education, and the environment, so as to cause the difference in case of severe under nutrition between one region to another. Sufferers of malnutrition in one region may be linked and influenced by the surrounding regions. Therefore, we need a statistical modeling that is able to take into account the spatial factor. Statistical methods that can be used to analyze the data and also takes into account the spatial factor are the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). This study is aimed to determine the case of malnutrition models in East Java Province using GWR model with kernel adaptive bi-square weighting and comparing it to the conventional linear regression model.  The data used in the study are secondary data obtained from the National Socio-Economic Survey and Basic Health Research (2010) conducted in 38 districts in East Java. Estimation is done by using the Weighted Least Squares method that provides different weighting values to each region. The result showed that there are 38 models of the malnutrition case that is different for each district in East Java. The GWR model with bi-square kernel weighting function is better in modelling the case of malnutrition in East Java compared to the conventional linear regression models that are based on the criteria of goodness that is the R-square, Mean Square Error and the Akaike Information Criterion