12 research outputs found

    Content of alkylresorcinols in cereals grown in Latvia determined by high performance liquid chromatography with UV

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    Funding Information: The study was financed by the State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute (Stende, Latvia), project framework of the European Regional Development Fund (ERAF) „Assessment of Local Origin Cereal Species’ Potential and Development of Varieties for Specific Dietary Foods Production” (No. 2010/0273/2DP/ Grain samples were provided by the State Priekuïi Plant Breeding Institute (Priekuïi, Latvia) and by the State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute (Stende, Latvia). The authors wish to thank Mâris Jâkobsons and Oksana Rotkaja for their skilled technical assistance.Cereal alkylresorcinols (ARs) are a group of phenolic lipids mainly found in the outer parts of grains of rye and wheat. They have been suggested for use as selective biomarkers for intake of whole grain and bran products of these cereals. Consumption of whole grains and whole grain products has been associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes type 2, obesity and some types of cancer. In this article a sensitive and rapid method of High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection for quantitative determination of ARs in the cereals grown in Latvia is described. Instrument detection limits (IDL) were determined for C17:0, C19:0 and C21:0 homologues (coefficient of variation < 3%). According to the results of these studies, ARs were found in rye (87.1-112.0 mg/100 g), wheat (24.0-40.2 mg/100 g), triticale (32.1-74.4 mg/100 g), and in small amounts in barley (2.2-3.7 mg/100 g), but not in oats.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Prieskoninių augalų ekstraktų bendro fenolinių junginių kiekio ir radikalų surišimo aktyvumo įvertinimas

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    Flavonoidai ir kiti fenoliniai junginiai, esantys prieskoniniuose augaluose, maisto produktų sudėtinėje dalyje, turi bioaktyvių savybių apsaugančių ląstelių sistemas nuo oksidacinio streso. Darbe atlikta kasdienio vartojimo prieskoninių augalų, tokių kaip svogūnai, krapai, petražolės ir salierai, palyginamoji analizė nustatant fenolinių junginių kiekį, flavonoidų kiekį ir radikalų surišimo aktyvumą. Sudžiovinti prieskoninių augalų bandiniai buvo sumalti ir ekstrahuoti 50 % (tūrio) etanolyje. Ekstraktai tirti spektrofotometriniais ir chromatografiniais metodais. Didžiausias fenolinių junginių kiekis buvo spektrofotometriškai nustatytas krapų ir salierų antžeminėje dalyje ((1399,8±2,4) ir (1637,1±0,7) mg galo rūgšties ekvivalentų (GRE) 100 g sausos augalo masės atitinkamai). Mažiausias kiekis buvo aptiktas salierų šaknyse (233,1±0,3 mg GRE/100 g). Panaši tendencija gauta spektrofotometriškai nustatant bendrą flavonoidų kiekį ir įvertinant radikalų surišimo aktyvumą, t. y. didesnės vertės nustatytos antžeminėje augalo dalyje, o mažesnės – šaknyse. Fenoliniai junginiai, esantys prieskoniniuose augaluose, buvo kokybiškai nustatyti ir kiekybiškai įvertinti naudojant efektyviąją skysčių chromatografiją. Chlorogeno rūgštis dominuoja petražolėse ir salieruose, o o-hidroksicinamono rūgštis dominuoja krapuose. Chromatografinė analizė su tiesiogine pokolonėline difenilpikrilhidrazilo − DPPH radikalo surišimo reakcijos detekcija buvo sėkmingai panaudota nustatant radikalus surišančius fenolinius junginius bei įvertinant jų indėlį į prieskoninių augalų ekstrakto bendrą radikalų surišimo aktyvumą. Buvo parodyta, kad krapuose pagrindinį indėlį radikalų surišimui sudaro du junginiai, tai yra chlorogeno rūgštis ir m-hidroksicinamo rūgštisFlavonoids and other phenolic compounds present in spice plants as dietary sources possess bioactive properties protecting cellular systems against oxidative stress. Comparative analysis of phenolic compounds, radical scavenging activity and flavonoids of everyday-use spice plants, such as onion, dill, parsley and celery was carried out. Dried material of spice plants was ground and extracted in 50 % (vol.) ethanol. Extracts were assessed using spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods. The highest content of phenolic compounds was found in above-ground part of dill and celery ((1399.8±2.4) and (1637.1±0.7) mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per 100 g of dray plant material correspondingly). The lowest content was found in celery roots (233.1±0.3 mg GAE/100 g). Similar tendency was observed for spectrophotometrically determined flavonoids content and total radical scavenging activity, i. e. higher values were obtained for above ground part of plants and lower for roots. The phenolic compounds present in spice plants were identified and quantitatively assessed by HPLC. Chlorogenic acid was dominating in celery leaves and parsley leaves and o-hydroxycinnamic acid was dominant in dill. Chromatographic analysis with the on-line post-column 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl − DPPH radical scavenging reaction detection was used with an advantage of selective determination of individual radical scavenging compounds and their contribution to the total scavenging activity of the spice plants extractsBiochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Comparative analysis of radical scavenging and antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds present in everyday use spice plants by means of spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods

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    Comparative analysis of radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of phenolic compounds present in everyday use spice plants was carried out by means of spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods. Six spice plant samples, namely onion (Allium cepa), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) roots and leaves, celery (Apium graveolens) roots and leaves and leaves of dill (Anethum graveolens) were analyzed. Total amount of phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity (RSA) was the highest in celery leaves and dill extracts and was the lowest in celery roots. Comparing commonly used spectrophotometric analysis of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) RSA of extracts with the results obtained using reversed-phase chromatographic separation with on-line post-column radical scavenging reaction detection, good correlation was obtained (R2=0.848). Studies using HPLC system with electrochemical detector showed that bioactive phytochemicals can be separated and antioxidant activities of individual compounds evaluated without the need of a complex HPLC system with reaction detector. The results obtained using electrochemical detection correlate with the RSA assayed using spectrophotometric method (R2=0.893)Biochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Studiju turpinasana kimijas akademisko studiju programmas kimijas magistra grada iegusanai partikas produktu kimijas un ekspertizes apaksprogramma

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    Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLEMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi

    Reducing of acrylamide formation in wheat biscuits supplemented with flaxseed and lupine

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    This report presents a developed recycling bin concept for Zanrec Plastics Ltd. (Zanrec Plastics in this report), a Swedish company that is about to implement a solid waste recycling system on Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. Zanrec Plastics will negotiate waste management with the hotels, that produce a large part of the recyclable garbage on the island, and the project aim is to develop a concept that will help Zanrec Plastics in these negotiations. Zanrec Plastics requirements on the concepts regard environmental and economical sustainability, as well as gaining social acceptance. Therefore, the goal is to develop a concept that will make the sorting procedure efficient for the hotels and Zanrec Plastics. Its design and usage should educate guests and staff about recycling and the hotels should gain an environmentally friendly image when using them. The concepts should also be low-cost concepts. The methodology follows a stage-gate structure to involve Zanrec Plastics in the development of the concept. The project group conducted field studies organized in different stages that were separated by gates. Zanrec Plastics was then involved in the decision making within the gates. The field studies were interviews with hotel managers, with the goal to find out what hotels valued in regard to recycling and waste management. Hotel managers were chosen for interview since they know the hotel owners and potential buyers of a recycling system as well as the staff, hotel routines and guests. The development of the concept started with a wide concept-idea about waste storage with compartments for different recyclables. After two stages this resulted in two separated concepts; one for the hotel guests and one for the staff. The final concept for the guests is called the room bin. It is a one-compartment bin for recyclable waste, for hotel room use and is a complement to the regular bin of the room. It is conic shaped and made out of compacted plastic bottles. The design is chosen do differentiate the room bin from the regular garbage bin and to symbolize the reuse of recyclable material in new products. The concept for the hotel staff is called the sorting station. It is a module system of storage units or compartments, for separation and storage of waste. The module function allows hotels to have different numbers of compartments so that they can adjust the system to their dumpsite areas and amount of waste. In addition, it is possible for hotels to choose between gathering the waste in plastic bags or trolleys fitted to the sorting station. It is made in recycled plastic and the design is kept simple. By minimizing the number of corners where dirt can stick it also makes the sorting station hygienic. The lids of the units have openings with different shapes for different waste categories, and there are also signs and text in Swahili and English on what to throw in each compartment. The room bin and the sorting station make the sorting efficient for hotels as well as for Zanrec Plastics; hotels get a cleaner and more hygienic environment without having to add extra time and Zanrec Plastics get the plastic and paper sorted to the plant. The concepts educate guests and staff about recycling and bring value to the hotels since they gain an environmental friendly image towards visitors. The concepts can be processed and assembled at Zanrec Plastics plant at Zanzibar Island, and can be made out of low-cost materials