4 research outputs found

    Percevoir et Juger la « corruption politique »:Enjeux et usages des enquĂȘtes sur les reprĂ©sentations des atteintes Ă  la probitĂ© publique

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    Entre l’idĂ©al dĂ©mocratique d’un citoyen vertueux contrĂŽlant la probitĂ© des gouvernants et l’image d’un Ă©lecteur cynique, la perception de la « corruption politique » par les citoyens constitue un enjeu important du rapport moral Ă  la politique au cƓur des dĂ©bats de sociologie et de thĂ©orie politiques. L’article prĂ©sente un ensemble mal connu de travaux anglo-saxons qui Ă©tudient les reprĂ©sentations ordinaires des atteintes Ă  la probitĂ© publique. Il en discute les fondements, les mĂ©thodes et les rĂ©sultats pour formuler de nouvelles hypothĂšses. Sont analysĂ©s la variation des perceptions et des classements des transgressions politiques, la fluctuation des formes de rĂ©probation, les ancrages sociaux et Ă©conomiques de cette facultĂ© de juger ou encore l’existence de formes de consensus normatif.The investigation of conceptions among citizens of perceived political corruption forms an important component of theoretical and empirical studies in democratic theory and political ethics. Studies have moved beyond a simple dichotomy of “ideal types”: cynical voters and virtuous citizens sanctioning political misconduct. This article surveys Anglo-Saxon scholarship on ordinary judgements towards political corruption. It discusses their epistomological foundations and methods, but also develops the existing studies’ results to propose a set of new hypotheses. Several points are stressed: divergent perceptions and classifications of political corruption; willingness to sanction, social and economic factors that influence judgement; forms of normative consensus about political behaviours

    Undersköterskor och sjuksköterskors moraliska stress i det dagliga arbetet

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    Etiska aspekter av vÄrdyrket spelar inte en framtrÀdande roll i sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Etik Àr den teoretiska referensramen för ett korrekt moraliskt handlande och sjukvÄrd handlar om att ge rÀtt omvÄrdnad till en individ i behov av detta. NÀr moraliska vÀrderingar och verkligheten kolliderar kan en konflikt uppstÄ, vilket i sin tur kan leda till moralisk stress. Psykisk ohÀlsa har pÄ senare tid ökat bland sjukvÄrdspersonal som en direkt följd av moralisk stress. Syftet med denna empiriska enkÀtstudie Àr att undersöka i vilken grad undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor upplever moralisk stress i det dagliga arbetet. Studien har utförts pÄ en medicinklinik pÄ UMAS dÀr alla undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor pÄ avdelningen har inkluderats. Ett modifierat validerat mÀtinstrument har anvÀnds för att mÀta vilka situationer som Àr sÀrskilt kÀnsliga för moralisk stress samt i vilken grad detta ger dÄligt samvete. Resultatet visar att det förekommer moralisk stress pÄ avdelningen. Det finns inte nÄgon skillnad mellan yrkeskategorierna i förekomsten av de utvalda situationerna dÀremot finns det en signifikant skillnad i vissa situationen nÀr det gÀller graden av dÄligt samvete.Ethical aspects of health care profession do not take a prominent role in nursing programme. Ethics is the theoretical reference for proper moral behavior and healthcare is about providing the right care to an individual in need of it. When moral values and reality collide a conflict can arise, which in turn can lead to moral stress. Psychological illness has recently increased among healthcare professionals as a direct result of moral stress. The aim of this empirical survey is to examine to which degree staff nurses and nurses experiencing moral stress in their daily work. The study was conducted at a medical clinic at UMAS where all the staff nurses and nurses in the department were included. A modified validated questionnaire has been used to measure the situations that are particularly sensitive to moral stress and to which degree these situations give troubled conscience. The result indicates that moral stress exists in the department. There is no difference in the presence of the selected situations between staff nurses and nurses, however, there is a significant difference between staff nurses and nurses in some situations to which they contribute troubled conscience

    Menstruation during a lifespan : A qualitative study of women's experiences

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    Menstruation is a natural phenomenon for women during their reproductive years. Our aim was to describe womens experiences of menstruation across the lifespan. Qualitative interviews with a narrative approach were conducted with 12 women between 18 and 48 years of age in Sweden. Using thematic analysis, we found menstruation to be a complex phenomenon that binds women together. It is perceived as an intimate and private matter, which makes women want to conceal the occurrence of menstrual bleeding. Over time, menstruation becomes a natural part of womens lives and gender identity. Health professionals play a central role supporting women to deal with menstruation