16 research outputs found

    Delivering and participating in a psycho- educational intervention for family caregivers during palliative home care: a qualitative study from the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers

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    Abstract Background: Family caregivers in palliative care have a need for knowledge and support from health professionals, resulting in the need for educational and supportive interventions. However, research has mainly focused on the experiences of family caregivers taking part in interventions. To gain an increased understanding of complex interventions, it is necessary to integrate the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers of delivering and participating in a psycho-educational intervention in palliative home care. Methods: A psycho-educational intervention was designed for family caregivers based on a theoretical framework describing family caregiver's need for knowing, being and doing. The intervention was delivered over three sessions, each of which included a presentation by healthcare professionals from an intervention manual. An interpretive descriptive design was chosen and data were collected through focus group discussions with health professionals and individual interviews with family caregivers. Data were analysed using framework analysis

    Four aspects of self-image close to death at home

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    Abstract Living close to death means an inevitable confrontation with one's own existential limitation. In this article, we argue that everyday life close to death embodies an identity work in progress. We used a narrative approach and a holistic-content reading to analyze 12 interviews conducted with three persons close to death. By illuminating the unique stories and identifying patterns among the participants' narratives, we found four themes exemplifying important aspects of the identity work related to everyday life close to death. Two of the themes, named ''Inside and outside of me'' and ''Searching for togetherness,'' represented the core of the self-image and were framed by the other themes, ''My place in space'' and ''My death and my time.'' Our findings elucidate the way the individual stories moved between the past, the present, and the future. This study challenges the idea that everyday life close to impending death primarily means limitations. The findings show that the search for meaning, new knowledge, and community can form a part of a conscious and ongoing identity work close to death

    Four aspects of self-image close to death at home

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    Living close to death means an inevitable confrontation with one's own existential limitation. In this article, we argue that everyday life close to death embodies an identity work in progress. We used a narrative approach and a holistic-content reading to analyze 12 interviews conducted with three persons close to death. By illuminating the unique stories and identifying patterns among the participants’ narratives, we found four themes exemplifying important aspects of the identity work related to everyday life close to death. Two of the themes, named “Inside and outside of me” and “Searching for togetherness,” represented the core of the self-image and were framed by the other themes, “My place in space” and “My death and my time.” Our findings elucidate the way the individual stories moved between the past, the present, and the future. This study challenges the idea that everyday life close to impending death primarily means limitations. The findings show that the search for meaning, new knowledge, and community can form a part of a conscious and ongoing identity work close to death

    History of narcolepsy at Stanford University

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    Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att studera huruvida individuella målsättningaranvänds inom elitfotboll. Dessutom undersöktes vilka målsättningsstrategier som föredrassamt vilka av dem som uppfattas som mest effektiva. Vidare studerades hur användningen avolika målsättningsstrategier är relaterat till elitfotbollspelares upplevda kompetens ochmotivation. . Även skillnader mellan ordinarie och icke ordinarie spelare samt juniorer ochseniorer studerades. Slutligen undersöktes även interaktionen mellan målsättningsarbetet,motivation och upplevd kompetens. Totalt deltod 101 fotbollsspelare i studien. Metoden somanvändes var kvantitiv och bestod av enkäterna GSSQ, TEOSQ samt Harterskompetensfrågeformulär (1980). Resultaten visade att resultatmål var som den mestföredragna målsättningen. Vidare var inre motivationsinriktning vanligare än yttre. Resultatenvisade även att målsättningars upplevda effektivite samt spelarnas motivation var lägst hosicke ordinarie juniorer. Interaktionseffekterna visade även att icke ordinarie juniorer uppleverlägre nivå av upplevd kompetens. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till uppsatsens teoretiskaramverk. Nyckelord: Elitfotbollsspelare, motivation, målsättning, upplevd kompetensThe purpose of this study was to examine if individual goal setting are being used byprofessional soccer players, what kind of goal setting is preferred and which of those areperceived as most effective. How the use of goal settings are related to professional soccerplayers and elite junior players perceived competence and motivation is also being examined.Also difference between regular, non-regular, juniors and senior players was studied. Finally,the interaction between the use of goal settings, motivation and perceived competence wereexamined. 101 soccer players participated in the study. A quantitative method with thequestionnaires GSSQ, TEOSQ and Harter’s competence questionnaire was used. The resultsshowed that performance goals were the most preferred and that task orientation was morecommon than ego. Perceived effectiveness of goal setting and the player’s motivation waslowest among non-regular juniors. Interaction results also showed that non-regular juniorsshowed low perceived competence. The results are discussed in relation to the essay’stheoretical framework. Keywords: Goal settings, motivation, perceived competence, professional/elite soccer players

    Characteristics of the Family Caregivers Who Did Not Benefit From a Successful Psychoeducational Group Intervention During Palliative Cancer Care A Prospective Correlational Study

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    Background: Although there has been a steady increase in intervention studies aimed toward supporting family caregivers in palliative cancer care, they often report modest effect sizes and there is a lack of knowledge about possible barriers to intervention effectiveness. Objective: The aim of this study is to explore the characteristics of family caregivers who did not benefit from a successful psychoeducational group intervention compared with the characteristics of those who did. Intervention/Methods: A psychoeducational intervention for family caregivers was delivered at 10 palliative settings in Sweden. Questionnaires were used to collect data at baseline and following the intervention. The Preparedness for Caregiving Scale was the main outcome for the study and was used to decide whether or not the family caregiver had benefited from the intervention (Preparedness for Caregiving Scale difference score amp;lt;= 0 vs amp;gt;= 1). Results: A total of 82 family caregivers completed the intervention and follow-up. Caregivers who did not benefit from the intervention had significantly higher ratings of their preparedness and competence for caregiving and their health at baseline compared with the group who benefited. They also experienced lower levels of environmental burden and a trend toward fewer symptoms of depression. Conclusions: Family caregivers who did not benefit from the intervention tended to be less vulnerable at baseline. Hence, the potential to improve their ratings was smaller than for the group who did benefit. Implications for Practice: Determining family caregivers in cancer and palliative care who are more likely to benefit from an intervention needs to be explored further in research

    Delivering and participating in a psycho-educational intervention for family caregivers during palliative home care: a qualitative study from the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers

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    Background: Family caregivers in palliative care have a need for knowledge and support from health professionals, resulting in the need for educational and supportive interventions. However, research has mainly focused on the experiences of family caregivers taking part in interventions. To gain an increased understanding of complex interventions, it is necessary to integrate the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers of delivering and participating in a psycho-educational intervention in palliative home care. Methods: A psycho-educational intervention was designed for family caregivers based on a theoretical framework describing family caregivers need for knowing, being and doing. The intervention was delivered over three sessions, each of which included a presentation by healthcare professionals from an intervention manual. An interpretive descriptive design was chosen and data were collected through focus group discussions with health professionals and individual interviews with family caregivers. Data were analysed using framework analysis. Results: From the perspectives of both health professionals and family caregivers, the delivering and participating in the intervention was a positive experience. Although the content was not always adjusted to the family caregivers individual situation, it was perceived as valuable. Consistently, the intervention was regarded as something that could make family caregivers better prepared for caregiving. Health professionals found that the work with the intervention demanded time and engagement from them and that the manual needed to be adjusted to suit group characteristics, but the experience of delivering the intervention was still something that gave them satisfaction and contributed to them finding insights into their work. Conclusions: The theoretical framework used in this study seems appropriate to use for the design of interventions to support family caregivers. In the perspectives of health professionals and family caregivers, the psycho-educational intervention had important benefits and there was congruence between the two groups in that it provided reward and support. In order for health professionals to carry out psycho-educational interventions, they may be in need of support and supervision as well as securing appropriate time and resources in their everyday work.Funding Agencies|Erling-Persson Family Foundation; Swedish Cancer Society; Ragnhild and Einar Lundstrom</p