48 research outputs found

    Migrasi Internasional Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Asal Jawa Timur Studi Tentang Faktor•Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Keberhasilan Dan Kegagalan TKI Di Luar Negeri

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    Permasalahan migrasi intenasional yang dilakukan oleh penduduk pedesaan asal Jawa Timur yang kemudian lazim disebut TKI im, diangkat sebagai bahan kajian, karena tak hanya menarik untuk dikritisi, akan tetapi juga penting dikaji ; mengingat berbagai persoalan telah menimpa TKI antara lain, mereka tidak memiliki posisi tawar yang kuat dalam menghadapi diskriminasi upah, tindakan eksploitasi, tindak kekerasan dan pelanggaran HAM di negara asal dan negara tujuan. Bahwa, selama ini baik Pemerintah Indonesia (c.q. Ditjen Binapenta), maupun Lembaga Pengerah Jasa TKI dan APJATI secara kelembagaan belum mampu secara maksimal memberikan perlindungan terhadap berbagai pelanggaran HAM yang menimpa TKI ini. Meskipun demikian, tidak sedikit TKI yang sukses bekerja di luar negeri yang ditunjukkan oleh besamya remitan yang mereka kirim ke daerah asalnya. Melihat kenyataan tersebut, beberapa pihak menyatakan agar pemerintah segera menghentikan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri, sedangkan di pihak lain cukup banyak yang menilai bahwa, penghentian pengiriman TKI keluar negeri bukanlah solusi yang cerdas, disaat kondisi ketenaga kerjaan di dalam negeri,sarat dengan pengangguran. Atas dasar latar belakang dan alasan sedemikian itu, penelitian ini dikerjakan untuk menemukan jawaban dari permasalahan pokok tentang faktor-faktor apa yang mendukung keberhasilan TKI, dan faktor-faktor apa yang menyebabkan kegagalan TKI luar negeri, serta seberapa jauh efek multiplier yang timbul di daerah asal sebagai akibat dari pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri. Sejalan dengan itu, secara umum, penelitian untuk menemukan bukti empirik yang risen (aktual) tentang berbagai faktor Yang telah menyebabkan mengapa ada TKI yang berhasil dan mengapa ada yang gagal di luar negeri, serta bagaimana efek multiplier yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan pengiriman TKI keluar negeri, bagi daerah asal


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    Clean water is a requirements of very important human life. Indonesia is a maritime country that has many islands surrounded by ocean, had a decreased clean water problem. One of the method to be used for obtain clean water is sea water distillation process. One of the most important tools is absorber distillation. occurs heat transfer from the absorber to the sea water causing, rising sea temperatures cause sea water to evaporate. The rising temperature of the sea water increases the amount of evaporation that occurs. The more the amount of evaporation generated will increase the number of fresh water produced. Increased seawater temperatures by increasing the temperature absorber, so it needs to be analyzed shape of the absorber which one can be produce more clean water than the others, a conclusion of the study indicated that solar distillation plat shape with a huge wave absorber produces more clean water than the others , the average amount of water that is more of 908 ml, compared with a small wave absorber plate only produce 764.4 ml  average a day and a flat plate absorber only produce 599 ml average a day, it is not independent of heat absorption by absorber, solar distillation plat shape with a huge wave absorber absorbs more heat than the other two absorber plates, this has resulted in solar distillation  shape with a huge wave  absorber plate  very well produce more water than the otehrs.

    Cultural Poverty Within the Life of Hindu Poor People in Karangasem Regency

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    This study examines cultural poverty in the lives of economically poor Hindus in Karangasem Regency. Poverty is a serious problem in Karangasem Regency, such that until the present time Karangasem Regency occupies the top position as the region with the highest number of poor people in Bali Province. Various efforts have been made to alleviate poverty but the difficulty of poverty reduction in Karangasem Regency is inseparable from the occurrence of cultural poverty, such as the values, attitudes, and behavior of the poor who are, in this case, predominantly Hindus. This article discusses some of the reasons for the occurrence, forms and implications of cultural poverty


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    Penyedia jasa ngaben di krematorium bisa ditemui hampir di setiap Kabupaten di Bali. Hanya di Kabupaten Kabupaten Gianyar dan Kabupaten Jembrana yang tidak menyediakan jasa ngaben di krematorium. Terkait dengan tidak tersedianya jasa ngaben krematorium di Kabupaten Jembrana, maka ketika terdapat warga yang meninggal dunia akibat penyakit tertentu yang mengharuskan pemakamannya melalui protokol kesehatan yang ketat, maka dilakukan kremasi di krematorium Kabupaten Bangli. Dinamika dalam proses pendirian krematorium di Kabupaten Jembrana, disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu (1) bahwa terjadinya dinamika pendirian krematorium disebabkan adanya kurang sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terkait krematorium. (2) terkait dengan pengelola krematorium. Masyarakat tidak ingin sebuah krematorium yang nantinya berdiri di Kabupaten Jembrana dikelola oleh pihak luar atau yayasan, harapan masyarakat nantinya krematorium dikelola oleh desa adat. (3) terkait dengan tempat pendirian krematorium, masyarakat masih memiliki pemikiran bahwa tidak boleh ada setra lagi pada satu desa adat, kemudian jika setiap orang meninggal semua di bakar di krematorium, maka apa yang dipendem di setra. (4) modal yang digunakan untuk mendirikan krematorium sangatlah besar. Dinamika dalam proses perijinan pendirian krematorium di Kabupaten Jembrana Di awal pengurusan ijin pendirian krematorium, tidak bisa dibilang berjalan lancar. Masih ada masyarakat yang kurang setuju seperti apa yang telah diuraikan dalam bab sebelumnya. Masyarakat tidak menginginkan adanya dua setra, masyarakat tidak ingin desa pakraman leteh karena adanya lalu lalang mobil ambulans serta takut menghilangkan eksistensi desa adat. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, berbagai solusi mulai ditawarkan ketua yayasan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada warga tentang krematorium yang akan dibangun. Implikasi pendirian krematorium terhadap kehidupan sosial keagamaan masyarakat hindu di Kabupaten Jembrana yaitu pada sosial keagamaan dan sosial kebudayaan

    The Feeling of Surrender: Patients’ Perceptions of their Interactions with Nurses

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    Background Meaningful nurse-patient interaction is crucial to achieving better health outcomes. A nurse should understand the importance of tailored effective communication to understanding how each patient prefers to be treated. Nurse-patient interaction is a potential resource to promote hope, meaning and purpose in life, which results in harmony and healing environment. Previous studies have shown a variety of aspects of nurse-patient interaction, however the process of interaction have not been thoroughly investigated from the patients’ viewpoint. This qualitative study aimed to investigate patients’ perceptions of their interactions with nurses in the hospital wards. Method A phenomenological approach was undertaken in one public hospital in Indonesia. 10 participants were recruited from general wards by purposeful sampling method. The data were collected through observations of nurse-patient interaction, the ward atmosphere as well as the activities by semi-structured interviews. Transcripts were then examined and analyzed by Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach. Result Three themes were extracted from data analysis including saying sorry for neglecting me, calming the atmosphere for nurses’ openness and feeling surrender to destiny. Discussion and Conclusion Based on the results, issues such nurses’ openness and positive atmosphere in the hospital wards are shown to be important in maintaining the best quality of nurse-patient interactions. Nurses should be aware of these factors during interactions with patient

    Framing Effect in Tax Auditor Judgment (A Phenomenology Study)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine meaning of experience by tax auditors on the framing effect in audit judgment and to find out environment and situations that support this meaning. With purposive sampling, the study used three main informants and one supporting informant. The research data analysis technique uses Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Three framing perspectives are founded in this research, namely: framing of actions, framing of contingencies, and framing of outcomes. Five experiences of tax auditors that most often arise in those three perspectives are: implementation of fieldwork standard, adequacy of tax laws and regulations, adequacy of competent evidence, tax revenue targets, and audit completion targets. Each tax auditors have specific emphasis on their own experiences. Negative framing effect can lead auditors to inappropriate audit judgment and reduces the audit quality. Tax auditors should have more knowledge sharing activities to mitigate the risk of negative framing. Keywords: Tax Audit; Audit Judgment; Framing Effect DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/13-16-06 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of Santi Sarma's activities namely Monday and Friday Learning Together which is an effort by teachers and principals to face an independent curriculum by utilizing the independent teaching platform (PMM) at SDN 1 Melinggih Kelod, Payangan sub-district, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province and its problems. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study method. The research subjects were nine teachers at the elementary school who were implementing the independent curriculum. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study used an interactive model, namely data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the teachers at Melinggih Kelod 1 Elementary School have utilized various menus at PMM in Santi sarma activities. This activity is very effective in efforts to increase teacher productivity, especially in terms of learning tools and teacher innovation to develop learning that ends in real action with students in their respective classes. The obstacles found in the implementation of PMM in this santi sarma activity are the ability of teachers who are approaching retirement to access and apply the PMM menu and the busyness of teachers due to obligations in traditional activities. The commitment of the teachers and the full support of the principal who facilitated this activity brought new colors and enthusiasm to the culture of quality and the learning culture of teachers which led to improving the abilities and character of students


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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of Santi Sarma's activities namely Monday and Friday Learning Together which is an effort by teachers and principals to face an independent curriculum by utilizing the independent teaching platform (PMM) at SDN 1 Melinggih Kelod, Payangan sub-district, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province and its problems. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study method. The research subjects were nine teachers at the elementary school who were implementing the independent curriculum. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study used an interactive model, namely data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the teachers at Melinggih Kelod 1 Elementary School have utilized various menus at PMM in Santi sarma activities. This activity is very effective in efforts to increase teacher productivity, especially in terms of learning tools and teacher innovation to develop learning that ends in real action with students in their respective classes. The obstacles found in the implementation of PMM in this santi sarma activity are the ability of teachers who are approaching retirement to access and apply the PMM menu and the busyness of teachers due to obligations in traditional activities. The commitment of the teachers and the full support of the principal who facilitated this activity brought new colors and enthusiasm to the culture of quality and the learning culture of teachers which led to improving the abilities and character of students