5,740 research outputs found

    Thermal evolution and lifetime of intrinsic magnetic fields of Super Earths in habitable zones

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    We have numerically studied the thermal evolution of various-mass terrestrial planets in habitable zones, focusing on duration of dynamo activity to generate their intrinsic magnetic fields, which may be one of key factors in habitability on the planets. In particular, we are concerned with super-Earths, observations of which are rapidly developing. We calculated evolution of temperature distributions in planetary interior, using Vinet equations of state, Arrhenius-type formula for mantle viscosity, and the astrophysical mixing length theory for convective heat transfer modified for mantle convection. After calibrating the model with terrestrial planets in the Solar system, we apply it for 0.1--10M10M_{\oplus} rocky planets with surface temperature of 300~\mbox{K} (in habitable zones) and the Earth-like compositions. With the criterion for heat flux at the CMB (core-mantle boundary), the lifetime of the magnetic fields is evaluated from the calculated thermal evolution. We found that the lifetime slowly increases with the planetary mass (MpM_p) independent of initial temperature gap at the core-mantle boundary (ΔTCMB\Delta T_{\rm CMB}) but beyond a critical value Mc,pM_{c,p} (O(1)M\sim O(1)M_{\oplus}) it abruptly declines by the mantle viscosity enhancement due to the pressure effect. We derived Mc,pM_{c,p} as a function of ΔTCMB\Delta T_{\rm CMB} and a rheological parameter (activation volume, VV^*). Thus, the magnetic field lifetime of super-Earths with Mp>Mp,cM_p > M_{p,c} sensitively depends on ΔTCMB\Delta T_{\rm CMB}, which reflects planetary accretion, and VV^*, which has uncertainty at very high pressure. More advanced high-pressure experiments and first-principle simulation as well as planetary accretion simulation are needed to discuss habitability of super-Earths.Comment: 19pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Quantum Creation of the Randall-Sundrum Bubble

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    We investigate the semiclassical instability of the Randall-Sundrum brane world. We carefully analyze the bubble solution with the Randall-Sundrum background, which expresses the decay of the brane world. We evaluate the decay probability following the Euclidean path integral approach to quantum gravity. Since a bubble rapidly expands after the nucleation, the entire spacetime will be occupied by such bubbles.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, To appear in Prog. Theor. Phy

    Intensi Kewirausahaan pada Mahasiswa-mahasiswa di Indonesia

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    Tingginya tingkat pengangguran intelektual, khususnya di kalangan para lulusan perguruan tinggi menjadipermasalahan yang berat. Jika hal ini tidak dicegah maka jumlah pengangguran intelektual akan semakinbertambah seiring banyaknya jumlah lulusan perguruan tinggi yang akan memasuki dunia kerja. Permasalahanini menjadi tanggung jawab bersama baik bagi pemerintah maupun masyarakat itu sendiri. Kontribusi yangdiberikan dunia pendidikan juga menjadi sangat penting untuk memberikan informasi yang komprehensifmengenai masalah pengangguran tersebut. Peran dunia pendidikan menjadi sangat vital, karena prosespembentukan sikap dan kompetensi calon angkatan kerja, terakhir berada di dunia pendidikan khususnyaperguruan tinggi. Pendidikan kewirausahaan memegang peranan penting dalam mencegah bahkan mengatasitingginya jumlah pengangguran intelektual. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan adalah meningkatkan intensikewirausahaan calon lulusan perguruan tinggi atau mahasiswa. Karena setelah lulus diharapkan mereka memilikipekerjaan sendiri tanpa bergantung pada lowongan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan Perusahaan, yang manajumlahnya tidak sebanding dengan jumlah angkatan kerja. Selain itu diharapkan jika membuka USAha sendiri,dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan bagi orang lain. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menguji beberapa faktoryang dapat mempengaruhi intensi kewirausahaan, antara lain personality traits, portfolio choice of risk andambiguity aversion dan gender. Metode yang digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel Independen terhadapvariabel dependen menggunakan uji regresi. Sedangkan untuk menguji pengaruh moderasi gender menggunakanchow test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh personality traits (antagonis, emotional stability danopenness to experience) dan portfolio choice of risk aversion terhadap intensi kewirausahaan. Selain itu, terdapatpengaruh portfolio choice of risk and ambiguity aversion terhadap intensi kewirausahaan berdasarkan gender

    3D MHD Simulations of Planet Migration in Turbulent Stratified Disks

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    We performed 3D MHD simulations of planet migration in stratified disks using the Godunov code PLUTO, where the disk is turbulent due to the magnetorotational instability. We study the migration for planets with different planet-star mass ratios q=Mp/Msq=M_{p}/M_{s}. In agreement with previous studies, for the low-mass planet cases (q=5×106q=5\times10^{-6} and 10510^{-5}), migration is dominated by random fluctuations in the torque. For a Jupiter-mass planet (q=Mp/Ms=103(q=M_{p}/M_{s}=10^{-3} for Ms=1M)M_{s}=1M_{\odot}), we find a reduction of the magnetic stress inside the orbit of the planet and around the gap region. After an initial stage where the torque on the planet is positive, it reverses and we recover migration rates similar to those found in disks where the turbulent viscosity is modelled by an α\alpha viscosity. For the intermediate-mass planets (q=5×105,104q=5\times10^{-5}, 10^{-4} and 2×1042\times10^{-4}) we find a new and so far unexpected behavior. In some cases they experience sustained and systematic outwards migration for the entire duration of the simulation. For this case, the horseshoe region is resolved and torques coming from the corotation region can remain unsaturated due to the stresses in the disk. These stresses are generated directly by the magnetic field. The magnitude of the horseshoe drag can overcome the negative Lindblad contribution when the local surface density profile is flat or increasing outwards, which we see in certain locations in our simulations due to the presence of a zonal flow. The intermediate-mass planet is migrating radially outwards in locations where there is a positive gradient of a pressure bump (zonal flow).Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Reinventing spacetime on a dynamical hypersurface

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    In braneworld models, Space-Time-Matter and other Kaluza-Klein theories, our spacetime is devised as a four-dimensional hypersurface {\it orthogonal} to the extra dimension in a five-dimensional bulk. We show that the FRW line element can be "reinvented" on a dynamical four-dimensional hypersurface, which is {\it not} orthogonal to the extra dimension, without any internal contradiction. This hypersurface is selected by the requirement of continuity of the metric and depends explicitly on the evolution of the extra dimension. The main difference between the "conventional" FRW, on an orthogonal hypersurface, and the new one is that the later contains higher-dimensional modifications to the regular matter density and pressure in 4D. We compare the evolution of the spacetime in these two interpretations. We find that a wealth of "new" physics can be derived from a five-dimensional metric if it is interpreted on a dynamical (non-orthogonal) 4D hypersurface. In particular, in the context of a well-known cosmological metric in 5D5D, we construct a FRW model which is consistent with the late accelerated expansion of the universe, while fitting simultaneously the observational data for the deceleration parameter. The model predicts an effective equation of state for the universe, which is consistent with observations.Comment: References added to the Introduction, and Abstract modified. Accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    A coding problem for pairs of subsets

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    Let XX be an nn--element finite set, 0<kn/20<k\leq n/2 an integer. Suppose that {A1,A2}\{A_1,A_2\} and {B1,B2}\{B_1,B_2\} are pairs of disjoint kk-element subsets of XX (that is, A1=A2=B1=B2=k|A_1|=|A_2|=|B_1|=|B_2|=k, A1A2=A_1\cap A_2=\emptyset, B1B2=B_1\cap B_2=\emptyset). Define the distance of these pairs by d({A1,A2},{B1,B2})=min{A1B1+A2B2,A1B2+A2B1}d(\{A_1,A_2\} ,\{B_1,B_2\})=\min \{|A_1-B_1|+|A_2-B_2|, |A_1-B_2|+|A_2-B_1|\} . This is the minimum number of elements of A1A2A_1\cup A_2 one has to move to obtain the other pair {B1,B2}\{B_1,B_2\}. Let C(n,k,d)C(n,k,d) be the maximum size of a family of pairs of disjoint subsets, such that the distance of any two pairs is at least dd. Here we establish a conjecture of Brightwell and Katona concerning an asymptotic formula for C(n,k,d)C(n,k,d) for k,dk,d are fixed and nn\to \infty. Also, we find the exact value of C(n,k,d)C(n,k,d) in an infinite number of cases, by using special difference sets of integers. Finally, the questions discussed above are put into a more general context and a number of coding theory type problems are proposed.Comment: 11 pages (minor changes, and new citations added