566 research outputs found

    Dues noves còpies de l'arxiepiscopologi de Blanch

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    Haïti-en-Québec : Notes pour une histoire

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    On a souvent tendance à idéaliser les immigrations passées et à ne voir que les conflits des immigrations présentes. L’histoire de l’installation des immigrants haïtiens au Québec n’est pas récente et pourtant elle a connu un destin inverse de cette règle générale. Ce texte brosse un aperçu de cette histoire singulière depuis les premiers contacts entre ces deux anciennes possessions françaises d’Amérique jusqu’à l’établissement d’une communauté en terre québécoise, en passant par les premiers migrants haïtiens en Nouvelle France et la découverte réciproque de ces deux peuples dans la première moitié du siècle dernier. Il examine l’évolution des conditions d’intégration de ces immigrants haïtiens à la société québécoise et les défis que leurs descendants ont aujourd’hui à relever.There is always the inclination to idealise past migrations and only focus upon the conflicts of present migrations. The history of Haitian immigrants settling in Québec is not a recent one, but nevertheless it has known a destiny inverse to this general trend. In broad strokes this essay sketches a survey of this singular history from the first contact between these two former French possessions in America up to the establishment of a Haitian community on Québec soil, via the first Haitian immigrants to New France and the two peoples rediscovering each other in the first half of the last century. It examines the evolution of integration strategies for these Haitian immigrants to Québec society and the challenges taken up by their descendents

    Testing Market Integration for Fresh Pineapples in Kenya

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    This paper is based on a survey of thirty-one market actors from producing and consumption markets in Kenya. The data was collected through personal interviews. In analyzing integration of p ineapple markets we use Ravallion-type model. Results show that pineapple market in Kenya is oligopsonistic in nature with aspects of collusion amongst the urban middlemen and local market traders thus barring further entry by oth er potential actors. There was little market integration between urban markets and producing markets, and no integration between the rural producing markets. However, model results show that information flow between production and consumption markets significantly influence market integration, an indicator for efficiency in resource allocation and price transmission which is likely to result in lower transaction costs or higher profits to market actors. The paper recommends for policy intervention to promote information flow in the pineapple market chains as a strategy for improving rural incomes and encourage more market actors to enter and participate for efficiency in the marketing system.marketing Channel, Marketing efficiency, market integration, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing,

    De Salses a Guardamar i de Fraga a Maó, passant per Reus

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    Desde la publicación de Economía y Sociedad de Max Weber, así como de las otras obras clásicas de Durkheim, Marx, etc., en la fase fundacional de la sociología, el estudio sociológico de la economía ha ido siendo ocupado crecientemente por laciencia económica. A lo largo del siglo xx las ciencias sociales han vivido un intenso proceso de especialización y de expansión y demarcación de las disciplinas. En la sociología, las cuestiones económicas se relegaban a una posición marginal, y si se integraban, era como un elemento más en la teorización de la sociedad moderna, como puede ser el modelo de modernización funcionalista AGIL de Parsons. En los intersticios de la sociología y algunos márgenes de la economía se ha mantenido un interés por el análisis de las dimensiones sociales o sociológicas de la economía. Con el tiempo, estas dinámicas periféricas han ido constituyendo una pujante sociología económica, junto a renovadas economías políticas y economías institucionales y evolutiva

    L'esperit empresarial des de la perspectiva del gènere

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    Aquest article sintetitza els discursos produïts per dones empresàries sobre la influència de la variable gènere en la creació i la gestió d'empreses. Influència que actua en dues direccions: d'una banda, en l'assumpció del rol de «superdona», per part de dones que mantenen una intensa proximitat afectiva amb la família i que assumeixen una compatibilitat total entre l'àmbit reproductiu i l'àmbit productiu (en aquest cas, l'empresa, com a instrument d'autonomia per satisfer aquesta compatibilitat); de l'altra, en l'assumpció del rol de «superhome», és a dir, en la imitació del gènere socialment assignat als homes, que es tradueix en la supeditació de tot allò relacionat amb l'àmbit domèstic respecte a l'objectiu d'èxit professional.This paper synthesises the discourse produced by female employers regarding the influence of gender in the creation and management of business; that is, the influence of the gender variable in two dimensions. First, it has an effect on the assumption of the "superwoman" role by women who have intense, close and affectionate relationships with their families and who assume full compatibility between the reproductive sphere and the productive sphere. In this case, the enterprise is an instrument of autonomy which satisfies this compatibility. Second, the gender variable also influences their assumption of the "superman" role whereby they imitate the social role assigned to men, and which implies the subordination of domestic issues to the goal of professional success

    Una carta curiosa

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    Gordos (2009): Obesity in Films and Its Use in Education

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    Podeu consultar la versió en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/33453This paper analyses the characteristics of the six obese characters in Gordos (2009) by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo. This is an ensemble film that revolves around a therapy group, in which the most important theme is the need for participants to understand the feelings and emotions they hide behind their obesity. First, we discuss the prevalence of this chronic, complex and multifactorial disease, which the WHO has declared an epidemic of the 21st century. Next, the most important features of the main characters are analysed as well as their evolution throughout the film. We then summarise the decisive factors and the characters' clinical and medical treatments, and describe some aspects of the filming. Finally, the potential use of Gordos in education is discussed

    Triage (2009): la ética en tiempos de guerra

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    A través de la película Triage (2009) de Danis Tanovic, este trabajo repasa las características del triaje y sus implicaciones éticas en el contexto bélico donde dos fotorreporteros intentan documentar la crueldad de la guerra. Las características del singular triaje que realiza el Dr Talzani plantea la conveniencia de la eutanasia en situaciones extremas. También se analiza el trastorno por estrés post traumático que padecerá uno de los protagonistas como consecuencia del impacto que las experiencias vividas causan en quienes sobreviven al horror de la guerra