119 research outputs found

    Model Predictive Control for Linear Complementarity and Extended Linear Complementarity Systems

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     In this paper, we propose model predictive control method for linear complementarity and extended linear complementarity systems by formulating optimization along prediction horizon as mixed integer quadratic program. Such systems contain interaction between continuous dynamics and discrete event systems, and therefore, can be categorized as hybrid systems. As linear complementarity and extended linear complementarity systems finds applications in different research areas, such as impact mechanical systems, traffic control and process control, this work will contribute to the development of control design method for those areas as well, as shown by three given examples

    Industrial Potentials of Bambara Nut

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    Nigeria is a major producer of bambara nut in Africa.  The plant has outstanding traits such as drought tolerance, nitrogen fixation potentials and the ability to grow in marginal soils.  It is a crop for high attainment of food security and poverty alleviation in Africa as it is highly nutritious.  It is composed of 65% carbohydrate and 18% protein.  The nut can be used in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.  The oil contain fatty acids which are mostly made up of Capric acid (17%), Lauric acid (9.0%), Palmitic acid (10%), Palmitoleic acid (21%) and Oleic acid (18%).  The predominant availability of unsaturated fatty acids and high iodine value index indicate that oil from bambara nut from Nigeria is the unsaturated type.  The high blend of protein and carbohydrate in bambara groundnut make it possible for the nut to be used as an emulsifier.  It can also be used in weaning food formulation.  The flour can also be used as partial replacement of wheat in cereal based confectionaries such as biscuit, cake and bread while the oil can be used in soap making. Keywords: Food, Security, Nutritional Composition, Fatty Acid, Typsin, Bambar

    Model Predictive Control for Linear Complementarity and Extended Linear Complementarity Systems

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    In this paper, we propose model predictive control method for linear complementarity and extended linear complementarity systems by formulating optimization along prediction horizon as mixed integer quadratic program. Such systems contain interaction between continuous dynamics and discrete event systems, and therefore, can be categorized as hybrid systems. As linear complementarity and extended linear complementarity systems finds applications in different research areas, such as impact mechanical systems, traffic control and process control, this work will contribute to the development of control design method for those areas as well, as shown by three given examples

    Human Security dalam Politik Mitigasi Covid-19 di Kota Pangkalpinang

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    Since Covid-19 pandemic expands, and made world in a great global political dynamics. Global political dynamics focussed on treatment and prevention of Covid-19. The changes of regulations that happen periodically in order to find the more suits, efficients and effectives in finding problem solves for Covid-19 pandemic that’s happened currently. Countries are delivered efforts to survive and addapt in the ambience of pandemic Covid-19 era and not that ease. Thus ambience are mainly talk about human security. Furthermore, Covid-19 pandemic being the causes of structural order changes such as society, economic, and politic. Which, the aim of politic mitigation is to ensure the security setability and its human prosperity

    GIS-Based Road Transport Infrastructure Management System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study focus on the GIS-Based Road Transport infrastructure Management System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study covered Adamawa central which comprises of seven local government areas namely; Yola North (Jimeta), Yola South, Fufore, Gerei, Song, Gombi and Hong. Satellite images, road transport map, road transport documents, bridges pictures, road pictures as well as the bridges and the roundabout coordinate were all used to obtain the final results for the study. The satellite images were Spot image of 2012 and Geogle Earth image of 2013. The satellite images and road map were used in updating the road transport map, the road transport documents as well the road, bridge and roundabout picture were used as an inventory in building the geodatabase for the GIS-Based road transport infrastructure management system and some of the roads, bridge and roundabout coordinates were used for hyperlinking the pictures to the spatial reference.ArcGIS 10.1, Microsoft 2013 and AO scanner was used for the entire thesis work, the thesis critically observed the process involved in GIS-Based road transport infrastructure Management system for the selected road transport Infrastructures for Adamawa central, analysis were performed for proper decision-making on how to manage the  road transport infrastructures. The result reveals that Geographic Information System as a very important system can be used in data collection, entry, development, management and analysis. The research also show that the process of converting the traditional database system to a Geographical Information System (GIS) required in the planning will and commitment. It is recommended that government should establish GIS unit in the federal and state ministry of transports board and also encourage the local government areas to do the same for proper planning and development of road transport infrastructure and management system for easy management and control of its facilities. Keywords: ArcGIS 10.1, GIS, bridges pictures, road pictures, Road Transport Inventory, Road Transport Map, Road Transport Documents, Geodatabase. Sport Image, Google Earth Imag

    Development of GIS-Based Road Transport Information Management System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted on the Development of Gis-Baesd Road Transport Information Mamagenmet System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study covered Adamawa central which comprises of seven local government areas nanell; Yola North (Jimeta), Yola South, Fufore, Gerei, Song, Gombi and Hong. Satellite images, road transport map, road transport documents, as well as the bridges and the roundabout coordinate were all used to obtain the final results for the study. The satellite images were Spot image of 2012 and Geogle Earth image of 2013. The satellite images and road map were used in updating the road transport map, the road transport documents as well the road, bridge and roundabout picture were used as an inventory in building the geodatabase for the development of the GIS-Based road transport iformation management system and some of the roads, bridge and roundabout coordinates were used for hyperlinking the pictures to the spatial reference.ArcGIS 10.1, Microsoft 2013 and AO scanner was used for the entire thesis work, the thesis critically observed the process involved in Developing a GIS-Based road transport information Management system for the various road transport Infrastructures for Adamawa central, analysis were performed for proper decision-making on how to manage the  road transport infrastructures. The result reveals that Geographic Information System as a very important system can be used in data collection, entry, development, management and analysis. The research also show that the process of converting the traditional database system to a Geographical Information System (GIS) does not require the hi-tech knowledge and equipment common in science fictions and movies, but what is required in the planning will and commitment. It is recommended that government should establish GIS unit in the federal and state ministry of transports board and also encourage the local government areas to do the same for proper planning and development of road transport infrastructure and management for easy management and control of its facilities. Keywords: ArcGIS 10.1, GIS, Road Transport, Road Transport Inventory, Road Transport Map, Road Transport Documents, Geodatabase. Sport Image, Google Earth Imag

    Millennial Generation (Gen-Y) Preferences Towards Landed House Ownership in Yogyakarta Urban Agglomeration Using Logistic Regression

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    The city of Yogyakarta has become a magnet for the millennial generation (Gen-Y), leading to increased urbanization as residents flock to the city. This surge has resulted in a growing demand for land to accommodate public facilities, social amenities, and housing for workers. Despite soaring land prices, driven by high demand, land stocks have not diminished. Over the last 16 years, land prices have escalated by 30 times. However, the wages of Gen-Y formal workers in the DIY region stand at IDR 2,361,434, with an annual increase of only 8.51%. This rapid growth in property prices has not kept pace with the income growth of the millennial generation, raising concerns about their ability to access landed house ownership. This study aims to identify the preferences of the millennial generation regarding landed house ownership in the Yogyakarta Urban Agglomeration. The analytical method employed is Logistic Regression, involving 125 respondents of Gen-Y workers aged 27 to 41 years in the Yogyakarta Urban Agglomeration. Seven variables, encompassing 25 categorical predictors, were considered. The significant indicators influencing Gen-Y preferences in landed house ownership include the cost of building a house, building materials, and the nominal installment of the house. The findings of this research can be instrumental for relevant stakeholders in formulating policies in the housing sector, particularly in the regulation of subsidized housing for the Gen-Y. The contribution of this study lies in providing essential information for informed decision-making and effective policy implementation to tackle the housing challenges faced by the millennial generation in the Yogyakarta Urban Agglomeration

    Modelo de gestión para resultado en el gasto en una Municipalidad provincial de la región Lambayeque

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto Proponer un Modelo de Gestión para Resultado en el Gasto de una Municipalidad Provincial de la Región Lambayeque; debido a que actualmente la ejecución del gasto demuestra la eficiencia de las instituciones públicas para brindar servicios de calidad a la población. Por ello que se desarrolló una investigación de tipo cuantitativa, descriptivo, propositivo, así como documental, aplicando el muestreo por conveniencia, seleccionando a los responsables de los sistemas administrativos estratégicos, aplicándoles el instrumento de recolección de datos denominado Sistema de Evaluación PRODEV (SEP) para gobiernos subnacionales desarrollado por el BID. En donde se obtuvieron resultados por cada pilar de estudio, siendo lo más resaltante que la planificación orientada a resultados ha obtenido uno de los más altos índices debido a la implementación de la normatividad señalada por CEPLAN en los gobiernos locales; los pilares que se deben mejorar son el de gestión financiera, gestión de programas y proyectos y seguimiento y evaluación, los cuales están supeditado a factores internos y externos de la instituciones que influyen directamente en su gestión; es por ello recomendable implementar el Modelo de Gestión para Resultado en el Gasto, a fin de lograr la eficiencia de la entidad

    İnanç Esasları Eğitiminin Davranış ve Ahlaka Tesiri (Kurʼan Ayetleri Çerçevesinde Bir Araştırma)

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    Bu araştırma, Allahʼa imanı, Oʼnun sıfat ve fiillerini konu edinen ayetleri elealmakta ve bu imanın, insanın davranışlarına etkilerini incelemektedir.Müslümanın sahip olduğu inanç esaslarının onun psiklojisinde çok güzelnitelikler meydana getirdiğini ve onu, hem fiilî hem de ahlakî yozlaşmalardankoruduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu inanç esasları, Müslüman ferdi, herşeyiişiten, herşeyi bilen, daima diri ve muktedir olan bir ilaha inanan hakiki imansahibi bir kişi yapmaktadır. Onun Allahʼa imanı, sadece zihinsel bir lüks haliveya mücerred bir felsefe değildir. Bilakis, bütün hakikatlerin aslı olan imanhakikatidir. Bu inanç, onun psikolojisine sebat ve güven vermekte, tümbenliğini çabaya ve ciddi gayretlere sevk etmektedir. Ahirete imanın daMüslümanın psikolojisi, aklı ve anlayışı üzerinde çok güçlü tesirleribulunmaktadır

    Modelo para la jerarquización y selección de proyectos de Iniciativas Municipales de Desarrollo Local (IMDL).

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de investigación constituye un resultado del proyecto institucional “Apoyo a la implementación de los programas de desarrollo integral” como parte de la labor de asesoría que realiza el Centro de Estudio de Dirección y Desarrollo Local de la Universidad de Granma en colaboración con los departamentos de desarrollo local de cada municipio.El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en proponer un modelo para la selección y jerarquización de los proyectos deIniciativas Municipales de Desarrollo Local con el fin de definir la cartera apropiada de proyectos a aprobar que garanticen la integralidad y el carácter multidimensional de sus impactos en la transformación socioeconómica de los municipios.Para ello se siguió la metodología del Proceso Analítico Jerárquico sobre la base de un modelo teórico propuesto de la estructura jerárquica de los criterios y subcriterios de decisión. La aplicación de la propuesta permitió evaluar integralmente 16 proyectos IMDL de la provincia Granma durante el año 2016, con apoyo de un software diseñado para tal propósito, lográndose la aprobación en el Consejo de la Administración Provincial de aquellos con mayor impacto multidimensional y permitiendo la identificación de las dificultades principales asociadas a la generación de iniciativas de desarrollo local. &nbsp