68 research outputs found

    Effects of Cluster Thinnings on Yield and Quality Characteristics in Shiraz Grape Cultivar

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    Özet: Bu çalışmada, Denizlinin Güney ilçesinde yetiştirilen Shiraz üzüm çeşidine tane tutumundan hemen sonra uygulanan 4 farklı salkım seyreltmesinin (8, 16, 24 ve 32 salkım/asma) verim ve kalite özellikleri ile tanenin biyokimyasal özellikleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, tanelerin antioksidan aktiviteleri DPPH, TEAC ve FRAP yöntemlerine göre belirlenerek karşılaştırılmıştır. En yüksek üzüm verimi (5576.70 g/asma) 32 salkım/asma uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Uygulamalar arasında istatistiki olarak salkım ağırlığı, salkım boyu ve salkım eni değerleri bakımından bir fark oluşmazken, tane ağırlığı, tane eni ve tane boyu değerleri bakımından fark oluşmuştur. En yüksek tane ağırlığı 16 salkım/asma uygulamasında (1.62 g), en düşük tane ağırlığı ise 32 salkım/asma uygulamasında (1.51 g) belirlenmiştir. En yüksek toplam fenol (285.20 mg GAE/100 g), toplam flavonoid (100.68 mg CTE/100 g) ve toplam monomerik antosiyanin (3.29 mg/g) madde miktarları 8 salkım/asma uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Uygulamalar arasında DPPH ve TEAC yöntemleri ile yapılan antioksidan aktivitesi ölçümlerinde bir fark oluşmazken, FRAP yöntemi ile yapılan ölçümlerde önemli bir farkın oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir.Abstract: In this study, effects on biochemical characteristics of berry with yield and quality characteristics of 4 different cluster thinnings (8, 16, 24 and 32 cluster/vine) applied after berry set in Shiraz grape cultivar grown in Güney town of Denizli provience were investigated. Antioxidant activities of grape berries were determined according to DPPH, TEAC and FRAP methods and compared. Highest grape yield were obtained in the application of 32 cluster per vine (5576.70 g vine-1). While there were statistically any differences among applications with regard to cluster weight, cluster length and cluster width, there were statistically different among applications with regard to berry weight, berry width and berry length. While the highest berry weight was determined in application of 16 cluster per vine (1.62 g), the lowest berry weight was determined in application of 32 cluster per vine (1.51 g). The highest total phenol (285.20 mg GAE 100 g-1), total flavonoids (100.68 mg CTE 100 g-1) and total monomeric anthocyanin (3.29 mg g-1) were obtained in the application of 8 cluster per vine. It was determined that among applications, there were no significant differences in antioxidant activities measured with DPPH and TEAC methods but there were significant differences in antioxidant activities measured with FRAP

    Investigation of relationship between IL-6 gene variants and hypertension in Turkish population

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    Hypertension (HT) is a common and life threating health problem worldwide leading to stroke, heart attack and renal failure. It is characterized by elevated blood pressure forced heart load. Human interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C- reactive protein (CRP) are known to be involved in inflammatory processes. IL-6 gene is a polymorphic gene which -174 G/C is a common and -572 G/C is a rare polymorphisms identified in promoter region. Publications on IL-6 gene polymorphisms raised the question whether this gene polymorphisms lead to susceptibility to HT or not. To investigate the effects of IL-6 gene -174 G/C (rs 1800795) and -572 G/C (rs1800796) polymorphisms on plasma IL-6 and CRP levels and their associations with hypertension disease in Turkish population we analyzed -174 G/C and -572 G/C polymorphisms and plasma IL-6 and CRP levels in 111 healthy controls and 108 hypertension patients from Adyaman, Turkey. We determined the genotypes using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and analyzed plasma levels of IL-6 by ELISA and CRP by automated standard biochemical methods. We have found no statistically significant differences between IL-6 gene -174 G/C and -572 G/C genotypes and allelic frequencies and IL-6 and CRP plasma levels and HT (p > 0.05). No CC genotype was found in control subjects for -572 G/C polymorphism. In conclusion, we found relation to -174 G/C and -572 G/C gene variants between neither IL-6 and CRP levels nor hypertension. The -572 G allele and GG genotype are predominant in Turkish population in Adyaman, Turkey whereas the CC genotype is very rare.This study was supported by a grant of the Research Foundation of Adiyaman University (FEFYL/2012-0002), Turkey

    Germinating in Box: An Effective and Practical Method for Grape Seed Germination

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    Asma ıslahında en önemli engellerden biri, iki üzüm çeşidinin melezlenmesi sonucu elde edilen melezçekirdeklerin çimlenme oranının düşük olmasıdır. Çimlenmeyi etkileyen en önemli faktörler arasında;ortam ve tohum nemi gelir. Ayrıca büyümeyi düzenleyici maddeler (BDM)de, çimlenmeyi olumluetkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, melez üzüm çekirdeklerine BDM uygulamak ve kapalı ortamlarda kararlı birnem düzeyinde çimlendirilmek suretiyle çimlenme oranını arttırmak amaçlanmıştır. Alphonse Lavalle ×Regent melezlemesinden elde edilen F? melez çekirdekleri, nemlendirilmiş perlitte 4 ay süreyle, +5?’dakatlamayı takiben; torf: perlit (1:1) harç ortamı içeren 5 cm çapındaki torf saksılara ekilmiştir. Çimlenmeyiteşvik etmek için, çekirdekler ekimden önce 24 saat gibberellik asit (GA?, 1000 ppm, benzil aminopurin(BAP, 1000 ppm), GA?+BAP (1000 ppm+1000 ppm), hidrojen peroksit (H?O?, 1 M) çözeltisinde ve suda(kontrol) tutulmuştur. Saksılar, bağıl nem miktarı sürekli %99 düzeyinde olan kapaklı plastik kutularakonulmuş ve bu kutular sıcaklığı 27? olan çimlendirme odalarına alınmıştır. Çimlenen çekirdekler yineplastik kutulara konularak sıcaklığı 25? olan ve kutuların hemen üstü LED lambalar ile aydınlatılmış(PAR=135–317 ?mol m?² s?¹) bitki gelişme odalarına yerleştirilmiştir. Kutuların kapakları her iki odada dakapalı tutulmuştur. Bitkicikler 3–5 gerçek yaprak oluşunca, plastik torbalara alınmış ve daha sonra ısıtmalıseraya alınmıştır. Uygulamalar sonucunda çimlenen çekirdek ve elde edilen bitki yüzdesi kontrolde %60.39iken, 1000 ppm GA? uygulanmış çekirdeklerde %78.32’ye kadar yükselmiştir. Üzüm çekirdeklerinin 24saat GA? çözeltisine batırılmasından sonra plastik kutularda çimlendirilmesi ve bunu takiben yine plastikkutularda geliştirilmesi, asma ıslahı çalışmalarında başarıyı arttıracak etkin bir yöntemdir.One of the main problems of grape breeding is low germination rate of hybrid seeds obtained by crossing of grape varieties. Humidity in grape seeds and germination media have extremely important for germination. In addition, some plant growth regulators (PGR) have positive effects on germination. Hybrid seeds obtained by Alphonse Lavallee and Regent grape cultivars were straficated at 5? for 4 months in damp perlite. Seeds were immersed in PGR solutions such as Gibberellic Acid (GA?, 1000 ppm), Benzyl aminopurine (BAP, 1000 ppm), Hydrogen peroxide (H?O?, 1 M), GA? + BAP (1000 ppm + 1000 ppm) and water as a control. Then, they were sown in torf pots with 5cm diameter containing perlite: torf (v/v, 1:1) mixture. Pots were put in plastic boxes with lid containing humidity 99%. All boxes were placed to germination room with temperature 27? and in dark condition. Germinated seeds were transferred another plastic box and put in growth room illuminated by LED lamps (PAR=135–317 ?mol m?² s?¹) and heated to 25?. Lids of boxes were closed position in both rooms. Seedlings with 3–5 true leaves were transferred to plastic seedling bags containing perlite: torf (v/v, 1:1) and then they were moved to greenhouse. Germination rate and obtained seedling rate were increased up to 78.32%at 1000 ppm GA? application when compared to control (60.39%). Germinating grape seeds after immersing in GA? for 24 hours and thereinafter growing seedlings in plastic boxes are an effective method for hybrid seed germination in grape breeding

    Energy Production from Waste: Biomass Energy

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    In the world, fossil fuels such as coal and oil are clustered in certain regions and existing resources are rapidly depleting. However, the negative effects of fossil fuels on the environment and animal health make renewable energy sources more important. Renewable energy sources have advantages such as sustainability, less negative environmental impacts than fossil fuels, and their availability in almost every region. Biomass, which appears to be an environmental burden but has great potential, is also one of the renewable energy sources. Biomass; It forms the basis for many secondary energy sources such as biogas, biochar, biohydrogen, and biodiesel. Biomass energy is a source that can provide continuous energy, not intermittently like wind and sun. The easy storage of biomass energy provides an advantage over other renewable energy sources. As a result of storing the endless energy of the sun in plants, biomass energy based on agriculture is offered for use with various technologies. In this study, first of all, the definition of biomass energy, its sources and secondary energy sources produced from biomass energy are mentioned. Afterward, production methods for secondary energy sources and processes such as product purification are mentioned. Finally, some suggestions have been expressed in the context of the energy production approach from biomass. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Comparison of Short Range Wireless Technology for Applications in Monitoring Muscular Exertion Rate of Bikers

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    Muscular exertion rate of the bike riders is an indicator of their fatigue. Monitoring this phenomena and letting it know to the bikers or other concerned, bike designers will help in modifying the design of bike that causes low muscular exertion of the biker and hence low fatigue. To send such data to a remote monitoring state where they can be analyzed. This can be done with the help of a network of short range wireless sensor nodes with suitable transmission technology. This thesis focused mainly on the comparative study of ZigBee, ANT and BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy). The Idea is to collect the muscular exertion data with relevant sensor, send it to the mobile and then using an appropriate short range wireless transmission technique send it to the concerned remote monitoring centre. The criterion to find the solution is based on transmission rate and powerconsumption by that technology.The comparative study show that the BLE is the most suitable technology contemporarily available on which we can build our solution for bike rider’s fatigue monitoring problem. This is verified by the results from experiments with BLE development kits from CSR, Texas Instruments and Nordic Semiconductors

    Renewable Energy and Environment in the Context of Sustainability

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    The demand for energy in the world is increasing every year. For this reason, future energy demands should be planned within the framework of efficiency and trust principles. In addition to the environment and natural resources, sustainability of development and justice in economic prosperity are also necessary for all societies. The priority in sustainable development is undoubtedly the issue of energy production and consumption. It is not possible to meet the increasing energy demand with economic growth and population growth with traditional energy production systems that have destroyed the environment so far. For this reason, renewable energy systems, which are the most important alternative, should be considered from the perspective of sustainable development. In this study, the development processes of the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development and the basic foundations of today were put forward and the current situation in energy production was analyzed. Finally, the relationship and interaction between renewable energy sources and sustainable development were discussed. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Riva deresi su kalitesinin belirlenmesi ve istatistiksel analizi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada 15 Ocak 2010 ile 20 Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasında Riva Deresi'nde tespit edilen 4 farklı noktadan 33 su numunesi alınmış (Toplam 132 numune), pH, Sıcaklık, Çözünmüş Oksijen, Elektriksel İletkenlik, Tuzluluk, Askıda Katı Madde, UAKM, Biyolojik Oksijen İhtiyacı, Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı, Toplam Fosfor, Nitrat, Amonyum ve Toplam Kjeldahl Azotu gibi 13 parametre ölçülmüştür (1716 sonuç). Alınan sonuçlar Kıtaiçi Su Kalite Sınıflandırılmasına göre incelenmiş, suyun III. ve IV. Kalite sınıfında olduğu tespit edilmiştir.İstatistiksel Analizlerde; Korelasyon Analizi, Zamansal ve Noktasal Betimleme Analizi, Varyans Analizi (ANOVA), Zamansal ve Noktasal Homojen Grup Analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu analizler ile parametrelerin birbiri ile ilişkileri, zamana göre değişimleri ve noktalara göre ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Zamana göre 12 parametrenin (TKN Hariç) ortalamaları değişmekte, noktalara göre ise sadece 4 parametrenin ortalamaları istatistiki olarak değişmektedir.Yağışlar Sonrası, kurak ve yağışlı dönem olmak üzere 3 kere Toplam Koliform, Fekal Koliform ve Fekal Streptokok ölçümü yapılmış, son örneklemede Toplam Heterotofik Bakteri ölçümüde eklenmiştir. Mikroorganizma ölçümleri suyun özellikle 1. Nokta öncesinde bulunan arıtma tesisinden olumsuz etkilendiğini ve acil önlemler alınması gerektiğini göstermiştir.Çalışmada kimyasal parametreler göz önüne alındığında belirlenen 3. ve 4. Örnekleme noktası bölgelerine uygun arıtma sistemlerinin kurulmasının zaruri olduğu ortaya konmuştur.In this study 13 parameters which are pH, temperature, dissoluted oxygen (DO) electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, suspended solid, volatile suspended solid biological oxygen deprivation (BOD), chemical oxygen deprivation (COD), total phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) and total kjeldahl nitrogen were measured (1716 results) through 33 water samplings which were taken from 4 designated place where are different in Riva River between the dates of 15th January 2010 and 20th June 2011.Along statistical analysis, Correlation Analysis, Spatial and Temporal Description Analysis, Variation Analysis (ANOVA), Spatial and Temporal Homogeneous Group Analysis were constructed. The relationships between those analysis and parameters, their alternations according to time and association between the different places were investigated. Due to time mean of 12 parameters change (Except TKN) and solely 4 parameters? mean show changes in respect of statistical accounting.Including after raining, rainless and rainy; total coliform, fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus measurments were carried out at 3 times. Besides Total heterotofic Bacterium measurement was accompanied in the last sampling.The microorganism measurements shows what the first point of the water is influenced negatively by the waste treatment facilities where is located space in front and immediate precaution must be taken.According as the chemical parameters, to built the proper sewage treatment plant is absolutely necessary at the sampling places which ware stated precisel

    Supporting Assisted Living by Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks have to be very flexible and self-organizing, providing an ease way to be deployed. This feature is required due to a wide variety of possible applications and deployment scenarios in which they can be used. They can support different kinds of tools and applications in distinct areas, such as in agriculture, military, health care, home or factory automation, among other. An assisted living system supported by a WSN is presented in this work. The main feature of this system is to locate and track inhabitant’s behaviour. The system has been implemented using Mica2 Motes, which were placed in different rooms in a house. In order to make the use of the WSN easier, this project investigated and used a middleware called TinyDB, which represents a key technology to improve the usability of WSN

    Hardness Removal by Membrane Capacitive Deionization Process

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    Kalsiyum ve Magnezyum elementlerinin (+2) değerlikli iyon halleri sularda sertlik oluşturmaktadır. İnsan sağlığı açısından ciddi riskler oluşturmasa da sert sular sanayide üretim kalitesinin düşmesi, boruların ömrünün azalması, sıcak su üreten ya da tüketen cihazların ömrünün azalması gibi olumsuzluklara sebep olur. Sular CaCO3 eşdeğeri olarak (0 – 75 mg/L) yumuşak, (75 – 150 mg/L) orta sert, (150 – 300 mg/L) sert, ( >300 mg/L) çok sert su şeklinde sınıflandırılmaktadır. Membran Kapasitif deiyonizasyon (MCDI), sertlik türlerinin giderilmesinde etkili bir prosestir. Bu çalışmada sertlik gideriminde arıtılmış suyun kullanım alanı da göz önünde bulundurularak çok sert su sınıfına giren farklı oranlarda Ca2+ ve Mg2+ içeren sular MCDI ile arıtılarak proses suyu ve içme suyu elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmalar neticesinde 300 mg CaCO3/L sertlik içeren sular proses suyu üretiminde %90 - %97 aralığında; içme suyu eldesinde ise %71 - %82 oranlarında arıtılmıştır. Enerji için Maliyet analizi yapıldığında proses suyu için maliyetler 0,01 – 0,02 /m3aralıg˘ındadeg˘is\cirkenic\cmesuyueldesiic\cinbumaliyet0,0090,016/m3 aralığında değişirken içme suyu eldesi için bu maliyet 0,009 – 0,016 /m3 aralığında değişmektedir.Calcium and Magnesium elements (+2) valued ion states form hardness in waters. Although it does not pose serious risks for human health, hard water causes negative effects such as decreasing production quality in the industry, shorten the life of the pipes and the life of the devices that produce or consume hot water. Water is classified as CaCO3 equivalent (0 - 75 mg / L) soft, (75 - 150 mg / L) medium hard, (150 - 300 mg / L) hard, ( >300 mg / L) as hard water. Membrane Capacitive deionization (MCDI) is an effective process for removing hardness types. In this study, taking the usage area of treated water in hardness removal, into account, water with different proportions of Ca2+ and Mg2+, which are classified as hard water, have been treated with MCDI to produce process water and drinking water. As a result of the studies, water containing 300 mg CaCO3 / L hardness in the process water production in the range of 90% - 97%; in drinking water treatment, it was treated with% 71 -% 82. When cost analysis is performed, costs for process water vary between 0.01 - 0.02 /m3,whilethiscostfordrinkingwatervariesbetween0.0090.016 / m3 , while this cost for drinking water varies between 0.009 - 0.016 / m3

    Effects of GA3 applications on seedlesness and fruit quality in black myrtle (Myrtus communis L.)

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    Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) is one of the medical and aromatic plants naturally grown in Mediterranean basin. Myrtle fruits are mostly consumed as fresh or dried while essential oils obtained from the leaves are widely used in pharmacy, perfumery, cosmetic and even as pesticide. Myrtle fruits have white and black color. Nowadays, there is a big demand for myrtle fruits because of its high antioxidant capacity. But it contains high amount of seeds which reduce marketing and production. Main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of GA3 on seedlesness and quality in black myrtle fruits. At different flowering stages, GA3 dose of 100 ppm were applied to whole of the plants. Some applications significantly reduced seed number in fruits. Two applications of GA3 at great ballon and full bloom stages consecutively decreased seed number from 10.69 (control) to 1.98 seed fruit-1 . In addition, with three consecutive application of GA3, seed rate decreased to 4.98% while 15.08% in control. Some GA3 applications resulted in fully seedless fruits up to 10.67%. Conversely, GA3 applications did not change fruit weight and some biochemical parameters of fruits