26 research outputs found

    Modeling rubber prices as a GBM process

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    This paper shows that the prices of rubber type SMR and type centrifuged latex can be modeled as a geometric Brownian motion process. A numerical simulation of the prices of the rubbers is given to illustrate the approach

    Pricing down-and-out power options with exponentially curved barrier

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    Power barrier options are options where the payoff depends on an underlying asset raised to a constant number. The barrier determines whether the option is knocked in or knocked out of existence when the underlying asset hits the prescribed barrier level, or not. This paper derives the analytical solution of the power options with an exponentially curved barrier by utilizing the reflection principle and the change of measure. Numerical results show that prices of power options with exponentially curved barrier are cheaper than those of power barrier options and power options

    Pricing Extendible Options Using the Fast Fourier Transform

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    This paper applies the fast Fourier transform (FFT) approach, within the Black-Scholes framework, to the valuation of options whose time to maturity can be extended to a future date (extendible options). We determine the valuation of the extendible options as sums of expectations of indicator functions, leading to a semianalytic expression for the value of the options over a range of strikes. Compared to Monte Carlo simulation, numerical examples demonstrate that the FFT is both computationally more efficient and higher in accuracy.</jats:p

    A review on Black-Scholes model in pricing warrants in Bursa Malaysia

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    This paper studies the accuracy of the Black-Scholes (BS) model and the dilution-adjusted Black-Scholes (DABS) model to pricing some warrants traded in the Malaysian market. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) are used to compare the two models. Results show that the DABS model is more accurate than the BS model for the selected data

    Pricing arithmetic Asian put option with early exercise boundary under jump-diffusion process

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    Arithmetic Asian options is a financial derivatives whose payoff depends on the average of underlying asset which can either be European-style or American-style. The aim of this study is to provide a pricing formulae for arithmetic Asian option with early exercise boundary under jump-diffusion process by implementing probabilistic approach and conditional expected values. We provide numerical examples for approximation formulae of arithmetic Asian option using quadrature methods and compare the results with Monte Carlo simulation which demonstrate the efficiency of the numerical integration technique

    Fourier-based approach for power options valuation

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    In this study, we price options whose underlying asset is raised to a constant using the Fourier-Cosine (COS) method. The valuation is made within the Black-Scholes environment, where numerical experiments show that the COS method is more efficient than other known option pricing techniques

    Weighted block Runge-Kutta method for solving stiff ordinary differential equations

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    In this paper, weighted block Runge-Kutta (WBRK) method is derived for solving stiff ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Implementation of weights on the method and its stability region are shown. Numerical results of the WBRK method are presented and compared with the existing methods to prove the ability of the proposed method to solve stiff ODEs. The results show that the WBRK method has better accuracy than the comparing methods

    Geometric Fractional Brownian Motion Model for Commodity Market Simulation

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    The geometric Brownian motion (GBM) model is a mathematical model that has been used to model asset price paths. By incorporating Hurst parameter to GBM to characterize longmemory phenomenon, the geometric fractional Brownian motion (GFBM) model was introduced, which allows its disjoint increments to be correlated. This paper investigates the accuracy of GBM and GFBM in modelling Malaysia’s crude palm oil price simulation, and to see display of persistent or anti-persistent behaviour across different periods. Results show that the GFBM model is more accurate than the GBM model in simulating future price path for the given data se

    Geometric fractional Brownian motion model for commodity market simulation

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    The geometric Brownian motion (GBM) model is a mathematical model that has been used to model asset price paths. By incorporating Hurst parameter to GBM to characterize long-memory phenomenon, the geometric fractional Brownian motion (GFBM) model was introduced, which allows its disjoint increments to be correlated. This paper investigates the accuracy of GBM and GFBM in modelling Malaysia’s crude palm oil price simulation, and to see display of persistent or anti-persistent behaviour across different periods. Results show that the GFBM model is more accurate than the GBM model in simulating future price path for the given data set

    Multi-step spectral gradient methods with modified weak secant relation for large scale unconstrained optimization

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    In this paper, we aim to propose some spectral gradient methods via variational technique under log-determinant norm. The spectral parameters satisfy the modified weak secant relations that inspired by the multistep approximation for solving large scale unconstrained optimization. An executable code is developed to test the efficiency of the proposed method with spectral gradient method using standard weak secant relation as constraint. Numerical results are presented which suggest a better performance has been achieved