30 research outputs found

    Pandangan Maqashid Al-Syariah Terhadap Ekploitasi Lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan ekploitasi lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue dalam perspektif maqashid al-syariah. Lobster merupakan sumber daya alam hewani yang bermanfaat bagi manusia baik sebagai sumber protein maupun sebagai sumber pendapatan (ekonomi). Lobster merupakan salah satu komoditas yang banyak diminati, di kancah bisnis lobster, menyasar pangsa pasar lokal dan dunia. Lobster dianggap punah jika ada penangkapan ikan terus menerus yang tidak mempertimbangkan perlindungan biota laut tersebut. Maka penelitian ini diusulkan untuk mengetahui praktik eksploitasi lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue dengan pendekatan maqashid al-syariah. Menempatkan maqashid al-syariah sebagai pisau analisis dinilai mampu mengungkap tujuan hukum Islam universal, termasuk perlindungan alam (hifz al-bi'ah) dalam hal ini perlindungan lobster. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, praktik pemanfaatan lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue dimulai dengan penangkapan lobster di laut lepas oleh nelayan kemudian memperdagangkannya kepada konsumen atau agen pengumpul dengan harga jual rata-rata Rp. 370.000,00.-/Kg. Kedua, Penangkapan Lobster yang dilakukan oleh nelayan dinilai tidak memperhatikan kelestarian Lobster karena nelayan juga menangkap Lobster di bawah standar (kurang dari 1 ons) dan masih tergolong baby Lobster. selain itu nelayan juga menangkap Lobster yang mengandung telur sehingga keberadaan Lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue semakin langka. Ketiga, dalam perspektif maqashid al-syariah Islam memiliki orientasi untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dari kerusakan (dar'ul mafasid wa jalbul mashalih) termasuk melestarikan lobster (hifz al bi'ah)


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     ABSTRACT The essential oil composition of the Toona sureni (Blume) Merr leaf was analyzed by GC-MS. More than 68 peaks, representing 99.99% of total oil, forty three components were identified, this represents 80.65% of the total oil component. The major components were α-terpinene (9.58%), α-copaene (8.39%), bicyclogermacrene (7.61%), δ-cadinene (6.65%), β-elemene (4.88%), germacrene-D (4.65%), δ-selinene (3.58%), caralene (3.10%), β-caryophyllene (2.88%), α-cubebene (2.82%), δ-gurjunene (2.20%), and (-)-isoledene (2.05%). The antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Toona sureni (Blume) Merr leaf was evaluated using disk diffusion method. The oil was effective on the inactivation of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. Keywords: Toona sureni (Blume) Merr, antibacterial activity, GC-MS, essential oi


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    Lahan mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem wilayah pesisir dan lautan yang sangat potensial bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat baik dari segi ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan hidup.Saat ini kita bisa melihat peran ekosistem lahan mangrove terhadap masyarakat yang diuntungkan oleh keanekaragaman hayati yang ada di sekitarnya, contohnya keanekaragaman fauna yang melimpah yang dapat menambah pendapatan masyarakat di sekitar lahan mangrove seperti ikan, udang, kepiting kerang.  Untuk menjaga ekosistem lahan mangrove perlu adanya strategi pelestarian lahan mangrove yang digunakan adalah pelestarian dengan melibatkan masyarakat.Pelestarian lahan mangrove adalah merupakan suatu usaha yang sangat kompleks untuk dilaksanakan, karena kegiatan tersebut sangat membutuhkan suatu sifat akomodatif terhadap segenap elemen yang berada di sekitar kawasan maupun di luar kawasan. Salah satu strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam konteks pengelolaan ekosistem lahan mangrove adalah pengelolaan berbasis masyarakat (Community Based Management). Tujuan mendasar dari pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove adalah untuk meningkatkan konservasi, rehabilitasi dan pemanfaatan berkelanjutan ekosistem mangrove. Masyarakat gampong Lam Ujong memiliki kebiasaan upacara adat seperti makan bersama ketika kegiatan penanaman bibit mangrove secara bersama-sama oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat gampong, namun dalam perjalanannya kearifan lokal ini berangsur pudar, dan penyebabnya belum diketahui.Mangrove dalam kebiasaan masyarakat desa dinamakan Bak Bangka atau Bak Jampee

    Clients’ perception of antenatal care services in a tertiary hospital in North Eastern Nigeria

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    Background: The study determined and documented the level of satisfaction and quality of care of patients attending the antenatal clinic of University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. It was a cross sectional study.Methods: Using an interviewer administered questionnaire whose contents were synthesized from validated Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire III (PSQ III), information on clients’ satisfaction was obtained from 274 women attending antenatal care clinic. Data were entered in to the IBM SPSS software, and analysed. Some variables were reduced to binomial scale with two categories in order to ease the process of logistic regression. P value <0.05 at 95% confidence interval was considered significant.Results: The study showed an excellent level of satisfaction of clients with services obtained from our facility. Majority of respondents, 99 (36.1%) were aged of 20-24 years, with most of them having education above primary school level- 99 (36.1%). Although most of the clients, 158 (57.7%) were unskilled, majority of the clients’ husbands, 136 (49.6%) were middle level workers. However, logistic regression of all the significant determinants of patients’ overall satisfaction of quality of ANC services- clients’ occupation, educational status, enjoying full medical services, having enough time with doctors and access to hospital, good registration process and effective ANC laboratory, showed that none of the factors was a predictor of clients’ satisfaction.Conclusions: Periodic patient satisfaction survey should be institutionalized to provide feedback for continuous quality improvement

    Focused antenatal care acceptance in northeastern region of Nigeria: clients' perspective.

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    Antenatal care is the medical care of the woman during pregnancy to ensure healthy outcomes for both mother and the baby. World Health Organization (WHO) recommended adoption of a new model of ANC known as Focused Ante-Natal Care (FANC), with four clinic visits during pregnancy for all the women in low risk category. Pregnant women who are at low risk of complication form about 75% of all pregnant women Objectives: The objective of the study was to determine acceptance of Focused Antenatal Care among antenatal clinic attendees in health institutions in northeastern Nigeria. Materials And Method: Focused group discussion was used as a qualitative method of data collection in 6 different health facilities. Results: Majority of the clients preferred the FANC to the old method of ANC. Some clients had already started cutting the number of ANC visits in their own way by late presentation during pregnancy. Such practices may contribute negatively to early detection and prevention of diseases during pregnancies. Conclusion: It is therefore highly recommended to fast track governments efforts towards commencement of FANC as recommended by the WHO in all the health facilities in the region in particular and the whole Nigerian nation in general


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    An antioxidant compound has been isolated from the leaves of Toona sureni (Blume) Merr. The structure was determined to be methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate (methyl gallate), based on UV-vis, FTIR, NMR and MS spectra. The isolated compound exhibited potent antioxidant activity in the α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging test, with IC50 value 1.02 μg/mL.   Keywords: antioxidant activity, methyl gallate, Toona suren

    Gynaecological malignancies in Azare, North-East Nigeria: an assessment of types, stage at presentation and treatment affordability

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    Background: In many parts of the world, presentations for most gynecological cancers are late; this makes treatment difficult due to the cost of chemotherapy or radiotherapy which form the bedrock for cure or palliation. Objective of this study was to determine the types, stage at diagnosis, affordability of care and outcome of treatment of gynaecological cancers in Federal Medical Centre Azare, Bauchi State, Nigeria.Methods: All cases of gynaecological cancers seen over a ten-year period, from 1st January, 2003 to 31st December, 2012 were reviewed retrospectively. The number of all gynaecological cases seen during the period was also extracted.Results: Gynaecological cancer cases accounted for 11.84 % of 8,642 gynaecological cases seen during the period of study.  The mean age and parity of the women were 42±5 SD years and 5±1 SD respectively. Cervical cancer accounted for 55 %, ovarian cancer 30%, endometrial cancer 6%, choriocarcinoma 5%, secondaries/ cancers of undetermined origin were 4%.  Ninety-two percent presented with advanced stage of diseases. Only 25.3% could afford the cost of full treatment, and 8.4% attained cure of their disease. The modalities of treatment available were surgery and chemotherapy.Conclusions: Cervical and Ovarian Cancers remain the leading types of gynaecological cancers in our environment and late presentations are frequent occurrence. Late presentation and unaffordability of treatments are major challenges associated with the management of these patients. Early presentation and funding mechanisms for gynaecological cancers are keys to improved cure rate and reduced mortality

    Performance and cost-benefits of weaner rabbits fed graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

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    Moringa has been acclaimed to be beneficial especially in livestock production. Its leaves and green fresh pods are said to be rich in carotene and ascorbic acid with a good profile of amino acids while its twigs are reported to be very palatable to ruminants and have appreciable crude protein levels. However, Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) has been observed to contain higher pepsin and total soluble protein than other parts of the plant which makes it more suitable to monogastric animals. MOLM has been widely used in poultry production but with limited use in rabbits� diets; hence this study was conducted to determine the performance of weaner rabbits fed graded levels of MOLM. A total of 48 unsexed weaner rabbits of mean initial weight of 744.56�29.25 g were assigned to 4 experimental diets, namely T1, T2, T3 and T4 containing 0%, 15%, 30% and 45% MOLM, respectively, having 3 replicates and 4 animals per replicate. The results showed that the dry matter intake of T1-T4 ranged 53.17 - 55.31g/day. Though not significant, highest crude protein digestibility coefficient was recorded for experimental animals on diet T4 (71.36%) followed by diets T1 (69.67%), T2 (69.17%), T3 (68.25%), respectively. The keel length for T1, T2, T3, and T4 rabbits were 225.39, 201.64, 246.66 and 217.26cm, respectively Rabbits fed 30% MOLM were found to be most profitable numerically (N1320.10) while the least profit was obtained with 0% MOLM with N1305.40. Hence, it can be concluded that Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) can replace soya bean meal up to 45% in the nutrition of weaner rabbits

    The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) and the power of Twitter networking exemplified through #INPST hashtag analysis

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    Background: The development of digital technologies and the evolution of open innovation approaches have enabled the creation of diverse virtual organizations and enterprises coordinating their activities primarily online. The open innovation platform titled "International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce" (INPST) was established in 2018, to bring together in collaborative environment individuals and organizations interested in natural product scientific research, and to empower their interactions by using digital communication tools. Methods: In this work, we present a general overview of INPST activities and showcase the specific use of Twitter as a powerful networking tool that was used to host a one-week "2021 INPST Twitter Networking Event" (spanning from 31st May 2021 to 6th June 2021) based on the application of the Twitter hashtag #INPST. Results and Conclusion: The use of this hashtag during the networking event period was analyzed with Symplur Signals (https://www.symplur.com/), revealing a total of 6,036 tweets, shared by 686 users, which generated a total of 65,004,773 impressions (views of the respective tweets). This networking event's achieved high visibility and participation rate showcases a convincing example of how this social media platform can be used as a highly effective tool to host virtual Twitter-based international biomedical research events

    Teknik laboratorium kimia organik

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    Buku ini menyajikan kegiatan yang rutin di Laboratorium Kimia Organik seperti ekstraksi, isolasi, sintesis, pemurnian, pengeringan dan identifikasi baik secara kualitatif, kuantitatif hingga pelacakan atau elusidasi struktur senyawa organik. Selain itu, buku inipun menjelaskan teknik-teknik pengeringan, pengusiran pelarut dan gas dalam suatu bahan organik, penggunaan desikator, oven vakum, deoksigenasi, reaksi dalam kondisi nitrogen, pengetahuan akan fungsi gelas, keterampilan menggunakannya, penanganan bahan dan limbah., management laboratorium serta P3K.Buku ini disertai soal-soal latihan yang dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman