788 research outputs found

    Moses Kushite Connection

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    My Capstone is a multimedia exhibition scheme, which strives to portray historical themes in an art gallery showcasing set in museum standards. The information presented may be seen as a source of information and concepts for those studying the diverse areas of the social studies and, particularly, history and theology and those studying Biblical and/or Islamic history. The content may be of special relevance to those interested in understanding the cultural setting of the modern Northern Sudan

    i-choose u: Development of Decision Support System Using Skyline Technique (Preference Query Technique): The Case of Choosing Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions

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    This study focuses on Malaysian public universities marketing strategies which mainly used to attract international students who have the intention to enroll in higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The main objective of this study is to develop decision support system prototype (DSS) using preferences queries technique (skyline technique), in order to solve the issue of facing challenges that can be consequences of wrong selection of universities or colleges that had been made by students and may influence in their performance. This system aim to help international students to choose suitable college based on their criteria as well as to help them to make the right decision when they want to select one of the public universities in Malaysia. In this research; we used rapid application development (RAD) method. The DSS prototype (i-choose u) in this study constructed by using Java Server Pages (JSP) and MYSQL for database development, which are open sources software. The DSS prototype (i-choose u) suggests maximum five universities to international students that are most suitable to students based on student’s criteria

    Implication of public speaking anxiety on the employability of Omani graduates

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    The paper examines the implication of public speaking anxiety on the employability of Omani graduates. The study adopted a sequential, mixed research strategy, starting with in-depth interviews of teachers and managers in industry, followed by a structured questionnaire involving 200 students selected randomly from two colleges in Muscat. The statistical approach included exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and parametric tests. The study found that public speaking anxiety is widespread among students in higher education institutions in Oman, with a prevalence rate amounting to 55 percent, much higher compared to the rates reported globally. The main factors involving public speaking anxiety in these education institutes in Oman were attributed to self-confidence, foreign language anxiety, being unprepared or fear of talking in a foreign language, lack of experience, or forgetfulness/loss of memory. The implication of public speaking anxiety on employability of graduates in Oman is identified and some suggestions made based on the findings

    Hydro Energy Potential for Electricity Generating on Selected Regions in Turkey

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    The aim of this chapter is to provide that hydroelectric energy production in Sakarya and Eastern Black Sea Basins which are selected as pilot region in Turkey. Hydroelectric energy has an important place in energy sector is generated from 26 main Basins in Turkey. Sakarya and Eastern Black Sea Basins are very important water resource in Turkey. In this study, hydro energy potential for electricity generating has been investigated in Turkey and hydro energy potential determined for the selected small streams in the Sakarya and Eastern Black Sea Basins by using hydro energy calculating methods


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    In an experiment laid out in completely randomized block design, eight experimental treatments representing all-possible combinations between indole-3-butyric acid potassium salt at 300 ppm (IBA), phloroglucinol at 300 ppm (PG) and seaweed extract (SWE) at 2 ml/l were evaluated for their effects on rooting of Dracaena marginata Lam. air layers. The research was conducted under shade house conditions of the Nursery of Ornamental Plants, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Egypt during 2018 and 2019 successive growing seasons. All treated air layers with IBA, PG and SWE each alone or in combinations recorded significant increases in rooting percentage comparing to untreated control air layers. The highest rooting percentages were found in air layers received 10 ml/air layer from PG alone or the IBA + SWE or IBA + PG + SWE without significant differences between them. Air-layers exposed to IBA alone or in combination with PG and/or SWE attained the most favorable root traits in terms of high number of roots with appropriate length and a balanced mass and volume. High carbohydrate concentrations positively correlated with rooting percentage and roots weight and volume. Studying correlations between rooting characteristics and the internal contents of root zone tissues of total carbohydrates and total phenolics exhibited that rooting percentage correlated positively with total carbohydrates percentage and negatively with total phenolics in root zone tissues. While, the relationships between the other root traits of succeeded layers and total carbohydrates and total phenolics contents in rooting zones did not attain any significant relations

    Prediction the Groundwater Depth using Kriging Method and Bayesian Kalman Filter Approach in Erbil Governorate

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    The aim of this research is using the kriging method as one of geostatistics interpolation methods on the measured value of the specific part and Bayesian Kalman filter to identifying the depth of Groundwater in Erbil. Geostatistics is a tool which is developed for statistical analysis of any continuous data that can be measured at any location in the space. The Kalman filter is the Bayesian optimum solution to the problem of estimating the unknown state of a dynamic system from noisy data and is more efficient than computing the estimate directly from the entire past observed data. The main goal of this work is to predict anew value at the unmeasured location by kriging method and Bayesian Kalman filter and compare these two methods. The dataset is the observed values of the (295) wells that had been taken from a known specific place which called Shaqlawa – in Erbil Governorate. The comparison was done by calculating mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) for the value of the depth of groundwater in the eara of the study. The values of (MAE and RMSE) of each models are compared and the smaller values of them are the better interpolation as it shown in analyzing to evaluate the precision of the prediction

    Patterns and clinical presentation of Foreign Bodies in ENT among Sudanese Children in Khartoum state hospitals.

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    Abstract: -Background: Foreign bodies (FBs) in ENT are a common problem in Sudanese children and are associated with life threatening complications.Objectives: To study the patterns and presenting symptoms of children who are presented with foreign bodies Inhalation, Ingestion and insertion in the Nose and Ears.Methodology: This is a prospective hospital based descriptive study, conducted at Khartoum ENT Hospitals  from March 2013 to January 2015.Result: 150 patients with foreign bodies were studied in Khartoum ENT Hospitals. The commonest age group between 3–6 years in 64% of patients. Male to Female ratio is1.3:1.F.Bs  nose constituted higher percentage in (28%) of cases, F.Bs  inhalations were presented in(24.7%), F.Bs  ear were presented in (24.7%) and F.Bs  ingestion were presented in (22.7%).Regarding the type of inhalations, peanut was presented in (56.8%) of cases and the commonest presenting symptoms was cough in (94%) of patients.                                                                                                                                                                   Conclusion: Certain food items especially peanuts if given to children below the age of 2 years have to be given with caution and under close supervision. Bronchoscopy should always be considered in optimum conditions. Public health education is essential in order to prevent these avoidable problems.Key words:    F.Bs , ENT ,Khartoum.  

    Preliminary investigation of the potential for small scale production of quality solar dried produce, KwaZulu-Natal.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.This study undertook to carry out a survey of dried fruits and vegetables that could be dried using a solar drier system and determine the efficiency of solar drying in terms of a) the effect of temperature and humidity on the solar drier; b) effect of this drying system on three fruits and three vegetables in terms of quality which was measured by ascertaining the colour, texture, and flavour and moisture levels; and c) the effectiveness of pre-treatment systems on the above parameters. A small markets survey was conducted to investigate what dried fruit and vegetable products were available in four selected supermarkets in Pietermaritzburg. The findings of this survey were compared with small scale production in the region and the prevailing climate. Experimental dried products were produced and the efficiency of the solar drier to produce quality products on a small-scale farmers level was evaluated through three tests. First, the quality of the dried fruits and vegetables were rated by sensory evaluation of terms of colour, flavour, texture, and moisture content by members of a rural community solar project. The fruits (apple and banana) were treated by three methods, namely soaking in 35% sugar syrup and lemon juice (preserved with sulphur dioxide), 25% lemon juice (preserved with sulphur dioxide), 25% lemon juice (preserved with sodium metabisulphite). Half the vegetables (carrot, tomatoes, and pumpkin) acted as controls while the second half of the samples were pre-treated with steam blanching. Forty-seven panellists used a five-point hedonic scale to evaluate the dried products. Second, the moisture content of dried products was measured using the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Official Method 934.06 and compared to available standards for dried fruit and vegetable products. Third, a data logger was used to measure the difference between temperature and humidity levels inside and outside the solar drier. The results of the supermarket survey showed that, drying methods used, treatments, packaging, raw material, and processing practical are all appropriate and affordable to small-scale farmers. In addition, the climatic conditions of the study area indicated that the drying process especially solar drying could be applied almost all year round. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that the quality characteristics such as colour, flavour, and texture of the sample dried fruits are better when treated with sugar syrup and lemon juice preserved with sulphur dioxide than those pre-treated only with lemon juice preserved with sulphur dioxide and lemon juice preserved with sodium metabisulphite. Dried vegetables had better texture, colour and flavour when treated with steam blanching. The ability of the solar drier to maintain the desired level of temperature and humidity inside the drier also indicated its efficiency. Therefore, small scale farmers by using solar drier and appropriate pre-treatments and packaging could produce good quality of dried products


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    This is a case report of a 55- year old male patient who presented with features of intestinal obstruction. The obstruction which was relieved surgically by removal of fibrous adhesions was found to be the result of Pseudomyxoma peritonei however, at operation the primary focus of the tumor was not found because of extensive local metastasis. The patient received parental chemotherapy inform of intravenous 5-fluorouracil (6oomg/day 5 times/ week) for 6 month and was discharged from hospital in good condition

    Evaluation of Electronic Scholarly Journals of Al-Neelain University in Sudan According to the Scopus Database Criteria

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    The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the online electronic scholarly journals of Al-Neelain University in Sudan according to the Scopus database criteria, with a view to investigating to what extent these journals meet the Scopus database criteria.  The study adopted the descriptive approach and case study method. The study population consisted of nine online scholarly journals all of which constituted the study sample. Data were collected by reviewing all online scholarly journals of the University. Data were then statistically analyzed using simple statistical tools and presented in tables. The findings indicated that all of Al-Neelain University online scholarly journals are compatible with Scopus criteria by 56.2%, and confirmed that the missing criteria included absence of publication ethics statement and lack of diversity in geographical distribution of editors in all journals. The study also revealed that 75% of the studied journals lack diversity in geographical distribution of authors and delays in the publication schedule, and that these journals are not available through quality websites. The study recommended the use of Scopus criteria for the development and improvement of Al-Neelain University online scholarly journals
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