4,163 research outputs found

    An x-band RFIC active phase shifter

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    Abstract— An active RFIC X-band phase shifter is implemented using IHP SiGe HBT 0.25 μm SGB25V technology with an improved vector sum method. The chip is formed by a three way Wilkinson power divider, three phase delays for 0-120-240 degrees, three similar RFIC LNAs and a final three way Wilkinson power combiner on the same chip and occupies an area of 4x1.8 mm2. The circuit provides both phase and amplitude control without the need of any additional digital circuitry. Phase shifting is simply based on the weighted vector sum of three vectors which are separated by 120º from each other. All 0-360 degree phase can be scanned simply by this method with the addition of amplitude control. The RFIC LNA circuit is fabricated and measurement results show that LNA has a gain of 10 - 13 dB with in the band of 6-9 GHz and 2-3 dB NF within the same band. The simulation results show that the phase can be scanned from 0-360 degrees with average 7 degree resolution for a 2 dB amplifier gain change. The gain of the overall active phase shifter circuit is 12-13 dB with output gain flatness is 1 dB and the circuit consumes 15.36 mW power. The circuit combines the amplifier with phase shifter and can be used for X-band applications

    Printed dipole array fed with parallel strip line for Ku-band applications

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    This paper presents the design procedure of a printed dipole antenna and 1D array configurations of the single dipole element in the Ku-Band with its metallic reflector plane parallel to the array plane. The proposed antenna has a natural beam tilt which is useful for some specific applications. Several array configurations in 1D are simulated and tested. The effect of mutual coupling among each array elements is also investigated. Required modifications on the individual array element and the feed structures due to the effect of mutual coupling are examined. The single dipole and array of dipole has measured VSWR values smaller than 2 in the Ku-Band with simulated gains of 5.7 dBi and 12 dBi, respectively. All the simulations are performed with ADS-2006A software and measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber

    A tunable X-band SiGe HBT single stage cascode LNA

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    This paper presents an X-band silicon-germanium (SiGe) single stage cascode tunable low-noise amplifier (LNA) for active phased array transmit/receive modules. LNA is implemented by using IHP SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) 0.25-μm SGB25V technology. Cadence is used in collaboration with ADS during schematic and layout design and the results depict that designed LNA dissipates 15.36 mW from an 2.4 V DC power supply and the maximum gain around 18 dB in X-band while not exceeding the 2.4 dB noise figure (NF). Reverse gain of the LNA is very low (<-40 dB). Input terminal is matched so that S11 is below -10 dB in X-band

    Penerimaan Pelaksanaan Penilaian Prestasi Sistem Saraan Baru

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    Penilaian Prestasi Sistem Saraan Baru mengikut Pekeliling Perkhidm atan Bil. 4 Tahun 1992 telah dilaksanakan dalam sektor perkhidmatan awam mulai 1 Januari 1993 dengan pengubahsuaian laporan penilaian prestasi semasa Laporan Jawatankuasa Kabinet. Memandangkan letakadar prestasi sebagai satu pendekatan ke arah perancangan dan pengurusan sumber tenaga manusia, maka kajian ini diusahakan untuk melihat adakah sistem penilaian prestasi baru ini diurus dan dilaksanakan dengan sempurna, adil dan berkesan. Responden dalam kajian ini terdiri dari Pegawai Tadbir Gred N3 di Universiti Putra Malaysia yang merupakan pentadbir sepenuh masa di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam, yang terlibat sarna menjamin pelaksanaan program penilaian dengan lebih mantap. Secara khusus objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian aspek penetapan sasaran kerja tahunan sebagai kuantitinya dan kriteria penilaian sebagai kualitinya; dan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana kaedah pengukuran dan pengikhtirafan yang digunakan dalam penilaian pretsai ini tepat dan berkesan; serta untuk mengetahui sejauh mana responden bersedia menerimanya sebagai sistem penilaian yang terbaik. Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan kebanyakan responden bersetuju bahawa pelaksanaan Penilaian Prestasi baru perlu diperbaiki, diurus dan dilaksanakan secara adil dan berkesan, manakala kemajuan dalam perancangan sasaran kerja tahunan perlu dinilai secara terbuka. Dari segi kesesuaian kriteria pengukuran, responden tidak pasti siapa yang sepatutnya menyediakan sasaran kerja tahunan dan mereka mendakwa tidak diberi penjelasan lengkap mengenai arah haluan dan matlamat jabatan. Oleh itu terdapat kesukaran menyediakan sasaran kerja tahu nan yang baik. Responden juga tidak diberi penerangan mengenai arah haluan dan matlamat Jabatan masingxmasing pada setiap tahun. Di samping itu, kebanyakan pegawai penilai dikatakan tidak pernah membuat semakan Sasaran Kerja Tahunan pada setiap pertengahan tahun dan pegawai yang dinilai tidak pernah diberi teguran, apatah lagi diberitahu pencapaian minimum prestasi kerja dan piawaian mutu kerja yang perlu dicapai


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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of date-of-birth on consumption behaviors of young people. A face-to-face interview survey is conducted to collect data. SPSS 18.0 for Windows was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies, ANOVA tests and Chi-square tests were calculated. The findings pointed out that the young consumers on fire group (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) take more instant and impulsive purchase actions. It is a new study about the effect of astrology on young customer behaviors. It presents valuable information that can assist marketers to understand young customers’ consumption behaviors.Astrology, Marketing, Young Consumers, Consumer Behaviors, Buying Behaviors

    Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

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    We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi�ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries.Global imbalances, Current accounts, Exchange rate adjustments

    Certain Subclass of Univalent Functions Involving Fractional Q-Calculus Operator

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    The main object of the present paper is to introduce certain subclass of univalent function associated with the concept of differential subordination. We studied some geometric properties like coefficient inequality and nieghbourhood property, the Hadamard product properties and integral operator mean inequality

    FlexStream: SDN-Based Framework for Programmable and Flexible Adaptive Video Streaming

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    With the tremendous increase in video traffic fueled by smartphones, tablets, 4G LTE networks, and other mobile devices and technologies, providing satisfactory services to end users in terms of playback quality and a fair share of network resources become challenging. As a result, an HTTP video streaming protocol was invented and widely adopted by most video providers today with the goal of maximizing the user’s quality of experience. However, despite the intensive efforts of major video providers such as YouTube and Netflix to improve their players, several studies as well as our measurements indicate that the players still suffer from several performance issues including instability and sub-optimality in the video bitrate, stalls in the playback, unfairness in sharing the available bandwidth, and inefficiency with regard to network utilization, considerably degrading the user’s QoE. These issues are frequently experienced when several players start competing over a common bottleneck. Interestingly, the root cause of these issues is the intermittent traffic pattern of the HTTP adaptive protocol that causes the players to over-estimate the available bandwidth and stream unsustainable video bitrates. In addition, the wireless network standards today do not allow the network to have a fine-grain control over individual devices which is necessary for providing resource usage coordination and global policy enforcement. We show that enabling such a network-side control would drive each device to fairly and efficiently utilize the network resources based on its current context, which would result in maximizing the overall viewing experience in the network and optimizing the bandwidth utilization. In this dissertation, we propose FlexStream, a flexible and programmable Software-Defined Network (SDN) based framework that solves all the adaptive streaming problems mentioned above. We develop FlexStream on top of the SDN-based framework that extends SDN functionality to mobile end devices, allowing for a fine-grained control and management of bandwidth based on real time context-awareness and specified policy. We demonstrate that FlexStream can be used to manage video delivery for a set of end devices over WiFi and cellular links and can effectively alleviate common problems such as player instability, playback stalls, large startup delay, and inappropriate bandwidth allocation. FlexStream offloads several tasks such as monitoring and policy enforcement to end-devices, while a network element (i.e., Global Controller), which has a global view of a network condition, is primarily employed to manage the resource allocation. This also alleviates the need for intrusive, large and costly traffic management solutions within the network, or modifications to servers that are not feasible in practice. We define an optimization method within the global controller for resource allocation to maximize video QoE considering context information, such as screen size and user priority. All features of FlexStream are implemented and validated on real mobile devices over real Wi-Fi and cellular networks. To the best of our knowledge, FlexStream is the first implementation of SDN-based control in a live cellular network that does not require any internal network support for SDN functionality

    Effect of the Use of Black Seed Powder, Cinnamon, Yeast and their Mixtures on the Productive Performance of the Ross Broiler Chicken

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; يهدف البحث الى تأثير إستعمال مسحوق الحبة السوداء والقرفة والخميرة ومخاليطها على الأداء الإنتاجي لفروج اللحم سلالة روز أذ وزعت 240 فرخة لحم ( سلالة روزRoss) بعمر يوم واحد عشوائيا على ثماني معاملات وبواقع مكررين /معاملة (15فرخة/مكرر) وبمعدل وزن حي 40غم ، وغذيت المعاملات على عليقة قياسية موحدة وأضيفت 0.05% خميرة Saccharomycecs cerevisiae للمعاملة الثانية و0.4 % لكل من مسحوقي القرفة وحبة السوداء للمعاملتين الثالثة والرابعة على التوالي وخليط مسحوق القرفة (0.2%) والخميرة (0.025%) للمعاملة الخامسة وخليط مسحوقي القرفة والحبة السوداء 0.2% لكل منهما للمعاملة السادسة وخليط الخميرة (0.025%) ومسحوق الحبة السوداء0.2% للمعاملة السابعة والخليط الثلاثي (0.2% لكل من مسحوقي القرفة والحبة السوداء و0.025% خميرة) للمعاملة الثامنة وتركت المعاملة الأولى بدون إضافة للمقارنة. تم حساب معدل الأوزان الأسبوعية ، والزيادة الوزنية الأسبوعية والكلية وحساب معدل إستهلاك العلف الأسبوعي والكلي وكذلك كفاءة التحويل الغذائي الأسبوعية والكلية للمعاملات . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; وأظهرت النتائج وجود فروقات معنوية في معدلات الأوزان الأسبوعية والزيادة الوزنية الأسبوعية والكلية لصالح المعاملات (T3 ، T4 ، T6 ،T7 ،T8) مقارنته مع معاملة السيطرة (T1) ولم تكن معنوية مع المعاملتين الثانية والخامسة (T2 ، T5) والمعاملتين الأخيريتين لم تكن ذات فروق معنوية مع معاملة السيطرة في هاتين الصفتين ، وقد أظهرت النتائج &nbsp;عدم وجود فروق معنوية في معدل إستهلاك العلف مابين معاملات الأضافة والسيطرة عدا المعاملة الثالثة التي تحتوي على 0.4% مسحوق القرفة فكانت ذات فروق معنوية قياسا بمعاملة السيطرة في معدل إستهلاك العلف ولم تكن معنوية مع بقية معاملات الأضافة ،وكذلك أظهرت النتائج وجود إنخفاض معنوي في كفاءة التحويل الغذائي لجميع معاملات الأضافة مقارنتا بمعاملة السيطرة (T1) وكانت أفضلية النتائج لصالح المعاملة الرابعة (إضافة مسحوق الحبة السوداء0.2%) أذ كانت معنوية مع معاملة الأولى (السيطرة) والثانية (إضافة الخميرة) . ولم تكن معنوية مع باقي معاملات الأضافة.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research investigated the effect of the use of black seed powder, cinnamon, yeast and their mixtures on the productive performance of the Rose meat breeds, where they distributed 240of one day old 40gm/chick body weight (Ross strain) randomly on 8 treatments , each treatment included two replicate (15chicks/replicate) and fed on&nbsp; standard diet with addition 0.05% yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to second treatment , 0.4%cinnamon powder to third treatment, 0.4% black seed powder to fourth treatment 0.2% Cinnamon powder mixture with 0.025% yeast for the fifth treatment, 0.2% for each cinnamon black seed powder mixture, for the sixth treatment, 0.025% yeast mixture with 0.2%black seed powder for the seventh treatment, the triple mixture of 0.025% yeast and0.2% for each cinnamon black seed powder for the eighth treatment, and the first treatment was left on the ordinary diet without addition as control. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Weekly weights with weekly and total weight gain, weekly and the total feed consumption rate,&nbsp; weekly and the total dietary conversion efficiency were calculated. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results showed significant differences in weekly weight rate weekly and total weights gain toward the treatments (T3, T4, T6, T7, T8) compared with the control treatment (T1) and were not significant with the second and fifth treatments (T2, T5) and the last two treatments were not related Significant differences with control treatment in these two characters, As well as the results showed no significant differences in feed consumption between the additional treatment and control factors, except for the third treatment containing 0.4% cinnamon powder. The cinnamon powder had significant differences compared to the control treatment in feed consumption rate and was not significant with the rest of the additive treatments. as well as the results showed that there was a significant decrease in the conversion efficiency of all additive treatments compared to control treatment (T1) and the best of the results toward the fourth treatment (adding black seed powder) was signed with the first treatment (control) and the second(yeast addition). and was not significant with the rest of the additive treatments

    State feedback based fractional order control scheme for linear servo cart system

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    Fractional order control schemes are being actively investigated for various systems. Fractional order concept is incorporated in integral (I), proportional integral (PI), proportional derivative (PD) or proportional integral derivative (PID) controller to investigate the performance of different state variables of the system. These techniques are often used for the purpose of technology transfer but very scanty research has so far been conducted using state space approach. The current investigation is initiated to observe the effect of fractional order controller using state space approach for the system's performance while tracking the position and regulating the speed of a linear servo cart system. Integer order controller based on proportional derivative (PD) approach is also shown for comparison. Simulation responses are presented and analyzed, in this investigation. The superiority of state space approach based fractional order controller is shown in the results. The paper contains a literature review on several control techniques used to control position and speed of a servo-cart system. An over view of mathematical modeling of servo cart system and a description of a proposed fractional controller is presented in this paper. A brief description of integer order control scheme is also presented. Simulated results are compared and discussed for both fractional order controller and integer order controller at the end of this paper